Kerri Daniels Of Ardmore Roderick On How to Lead a Successful Marketing Management Team

An Interview With Rachel Kline

Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Authority Magazine
11 min readOct 25, 2023


Clear Vision and Strategy: Having a well-defined vision and strategy is paramount! Your team should understand the overall goals, target audience (internally and externally), and positioning of the company’s services. This clarity will guide their efforts and ensure everyone is aligned toward a common goal.

Marketing Management helps you understand the way customers think and react when they buy a product or service. Good marketing management drives a company’s success. What are 5 ways to lead a successful Marketing Management team? To address this, we are talking to marketing leaders who can share stories and insights from their experiences. As a part of this series, we had the pleasure of interviewing Kerri Daniels.

Kerri Daniels is a distinguished professional with an extensive track record of over 25 years in Marketing, Design, and Communication. Her journey encompasses a wide array of roles across architecture & engineering, corporate retail, real estate, and product design. Currently, she holds the position of Vice President of Marketing and Communications at Ardmore Roderick, where her extensive expertise continues to drive impactful outcomes.

With over 25+ years of Marketing, Design, and Communication experience, Kerri has performed in roles in architecture & engineering, corporate retail, real estate, product design, and fundraising & development. Kerri manages Ardmore Roderick’s Marketing and Communications team. Her work has contributed to Ardmore Roderick’s increased brand awareness with the implementation of the firm’s first-ever marketing plan, Client Relationship Management (CRM) software, the production of AR’s firm videos, and the rollout of a robust public relations campaign that has garnered local and national media coverage.

Her time in fundraising and development in the nonprofit sector allowed Kerri to work with various boards of directors and develop a deep passion for volunteering and giving back. This has translated to her role at Ardmore Roderick, where she leads sponsorship and company partnerships. Kerri was born and raised on Chicago’s Northside and attended Chicago Public Schools. Her undergraduate studies included time at Michigan State University and International Academy of Design & Technology, where she earned her bachelor’s in Advertising & Design. Kerri has a master’s degree in Arts and Media Management from Columbia College Chicago.

A loving mom to four children, Kerri is a certified yoga instructor, an avid biker, and dog owner!

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Before we dive in, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you share your personal backstory with us?

At a very young age, I cultivated an affinity for art, which led me to immerse myself in my high school’s Art Major class, fueling an interest in advertising and design. This interest transpired even before Graphic Design secured its distinct academic prominence. I owe a debt of inspiration to April Greiman, the accomplished California designer whose work profoundly influenced my creative trajectory during that formative phase.

My career started in marketing for architecture and engineering. I explored diverse roles in product design, retail marketing, and fundraising along the way. Eventually, I returned to my passion for engineering and infrastructure. This journey has equipped me with a versatile skill set and a broader industry perspective.

I currently serve as the Vice President of Marketing & Communications at Ardmore Roderick, a firm poised for a significant growth phase.

Can you share with us three strengths, skills, or characteristics that helped you to reach this place in your career? How can others actively build these areas within themselves?

There are three key strengths, skills, or characteristics that have been instrumental in my journey:

Resilience and Adaptability: My resilience and adaptability have helped me navigate through changing circumstances, learn from setbacks, and turn them into opportunities for growth. This has been vital in leading me through uncertainties and emerging stronger on the other side.

Strategic Thinking: Developing and maintaining a strategic mindset has been pivotal in shaping my career. A skill that transcends specific job roles, this mindset has allowed me to approach my professional journey with purpose and intention. Strategically thinking has helped me make informed decisions, set meaningful goals, and adapt to changing circumstances. Ultimately, cultivating a strategic mindset has influenced my career path and enriched my overall approach to problem-solving and decision-making in various aspects of life.

Relationships: Relationships have been fundamental for my personal and professional growth, serving as a valuable network that opens doors to opportunities, whether it’s career advancement, knowledge sharing, or personal support. Professionally, relationships have led to career advancement, while on a personal level, my relationships have provided emotional support during difficult times. Don’t ever underestimate the value of your relationships!

These strengths, skills, and characteristics have propelled my career forward and enabled me to make a meaningful impact on the various organizations and colleagues I’ve had the privilege to work with.

Fantastic. Let’s now shift to the main part of our interview. What are some strategies you use to identify and attract top talent to your marketing team, and how do you ensure they are a good fit for your organization?

Identifying and attracting top talent is crucial to our team’s success. Strategies we employ in finding talent include:

  • Preparing a clear job description that emphasizes our company culture.
  • Using multiple platforms (social media, Job boards, etc.) to cast a wide net and reach diverse talent.
  • Industry networking.
  • Employee referrals.
  • Targeted outreach.
  • Employing a streamlined interview process with a collaborative hiring decision that includes key stakeholders.

These strategies not only assist in attracting top talent but also ensure the candidates are a good fit for our marketing team and our organization.

What specific backgrounds, qualities, or credentials do you look for when hiring for management and senior positions?

When hiring, we typically look for candidates with a strong combination of relevant industry expertise, a track record of successful team management, excellent communication skills, strategic thinking, problem-solving abilities, adaptability, and a results-driven mindset. Credentials such as advanced degrees, certifications, and a proven history of driving organizational growth and innovation also play a significant role in the selection process. Directors and Managers should come with a deep understanding of marketing strategies, effective communication strategies, and the ability to lead and inspire a team.

When it comes to managing large teams, WFH, and different time zones, how do you prioritize communication and collaboration to ensure a cohesive marketing strategy?

Effective communication and collaboration within a remote marketing team are crucial for maintaining a cohesive marketing strategy. The approach below has proven successful for our team:

  • Communication … Communication … Communication! Clear communication channels that the team can rely on are critical. Utilizing tools like Teams (for messaging and virtual meetings) and project management platforms like creates seamless communication regardless of physical location.
  • Regular Virtual Meetings: A schedule with regular virtual meetings to accommodate different time zones allows one to discuss ongoing projects, share updates, and address any challenges.
  • Documented Strategy and Guidelines: We’ve created a centralized repository for marketing strategies, guidelines, and resources. This ensures that team members have access to consistent information, reducing the risk of misalignment.
  • Project Management Tools: Leveraging the resources project management tools provide to track tasks, assign responsibilities, and monitor progress offers transparency and accountability, allowing everyone to stay informed about project status.
  • Cross-Functional Collaboration: Encouraging cross-functional collaboration among team members fosters a sense of unity and diversity of perspectives, leading to more creative and comprehensive marketing strategies.
  • Regular Check-ins: One-on-one check-ins with team members to discuss their progress, challenges, and goals is a personalized approach to help build stronger relationships and ensure that individual needs are addressed.
  • Feedback and Recognition: Providing regular feedback and recognition for accomplishments allows positive reinforcement, which boosts motivation and helps remote team members feel valued and connected.
  • Flexibility and Empowerment: Offering flexibility in work hours empowers team members to manage their schedules effectively while still meeting deadlines and contributing to the team’s goals.

These strategies have ensured our marketing team’s cohesiveness.

How do you stay on top of the latest trends, technologies, and AI to ensure your team is implementing the most effective marketing strategies?

Staying current with the latest trends, technologies, and AI is essential to ensure our team implements the most effective marketing strategies. Below is our approach:

  • Continuous Learning: We emphasize the importance of continuous learning within our team. Allocating time for team members to attend industry conferences, webinars, and workshops enables us to stay updated on the latest advancements and insights.
  • Networking: Building relationships with other professionals in our industry is crucial. Encouraging our team to participate in networking events and engage with thought leaders helps us gain insights into emerging trends and best practices.
  • Data Analysis: Leveraging data analytics allows us to track the performance of our campaigns and strategies. By analyzing the data, we can identify patterns, opportunities, and areas for improvement.
  • Pilot Projects: We occasionally run pilot projects to test new technologies and strategies on a smaller scale. This helps us assess their potential impact and feasibility before scaling them across the department.
  • Training and Skill Development: We invest in training programs to upskill team members in areas related to emerging technologies. This ensures that our team members are equipped to handle the evolving landscape.
  • Thought Leadership: Encouraging our team to contribute to industry discussions, write articles, and share insights establishes our expertise and provides opportunities to learn from others in the field.

These strategies ensure that our team remains at the forefront of industry trends.

In an industry that is often focused on data and metrics, how do you balance the importance of quantitative data with the qualitative insights and instincts needed for success?

Balancing the significance of quantitative data and qualitative insights is a crucial aspect of effective marketing and communications. I understand the importance of both aspects in driving success.

Quantitative data provides us with measurable metrics that help us understand the performance of our marketing initiatives. Metrics like conversion rates, click-through rates, and return on investment offer clear insights into what’s working and what’s not. These metrics guide our decision-making process, enabling us to allocate resources efficiently and make data-driven optimizations.

On the other hand, qualitative insights and instincts play a vital role in understanding the human aspect of our audience. These insights help us decipher emotions, preferences, and behaviors that data might not fully capture. Qualitative understanding allows us to craft resonant messaging and experiences that connect with our target audience.

Finding the right balance between these two components is key.

What tips do you have to motivate and inspire your team to consistently meet and exceed their goals?

Motivating and inspiring a team to consistently meet and exceed their goals requires a combination of effective leadership, clear communication, and a positive work environment. This can be met by setting clear goals, leading by example, providing autonomy, acknowledging your team’s accomplishments, providing open communication, challenging your team by carefully pushing them out of their comfort zone, performing regular check-ins, offering professional development, and planning quarterly team bonding events.

Motivating a team is an ongoing process that requires dedication and adaptability. A supportive, inspiring environment helps your team achieve their goals.

How do you handle underperforming team members?

Handling underperforming team members is a delicate but necessary part of effective team management. My approach includes a combination of empathy, communication, and a focus on improvement. Open communication is an essential first step to initiating open and honest conversation. Providing clear feedback about their performance and areas for improvement allows a collaborative approach and foundation for constructive dialogue.

Work towards identifying the team members’ challenges to understand the underlying reasons for underperformance. This is a crucial step in assisting the team member to overcome obstacles by providing the necessary resources or training needed.

Work together to create an action plan for improvement. This plan should outline clear goals, actionable steps, and timelines. Collaboratively setting these objectives helps ensure alignment and commitment to the improvement process.

Provide the necessary resources and support and plan regular follow-up meetings to track progress. This allows an opportunity to discuss any roadblocks, celebrate small wins, and make necessary adjustments to the action plan.

Acknowledging the incremental improvements is essential to boost morale and motivate the team member to strive for better results.

What would you say is the most valuable marketing software in your tech stack?

Identifying a singular “most valuable” marketing software within our tech stack is a challenge due to each tool’s distinct purpose, all of which play a role in our team’s achievements. However, I can highlight a software solution that has consistently showcased significant value and impacted our team’s workflow., our project management platform, takes the spotlight as one of the most valuable assets in our tech arsenal. This software efficiently enables us to streamline our workflow.

Can you please share your “Five Things You Need To Lead a Successful Marketing Management Team.”

Leading a successful marketing management team requires a blend of strategic thinking, effective communication, and strong leadership skills. Here are five important aspects to consider:

  • Clear Vision and Strategy: Having a well-defined vision and strategy is paramount! Your team should understand the overall goals, target audience (internally and externally), and positioning of the company’s services. This clarity will guide their efforts and ensure everyone is aligned toward a common goal.
  • Effective Communication: Open and transparent communication is crucial for fostering collaboration within your team. Regular updates, feedback sessions, and active listening create an environment where ideas flow freely, issues are addressed promptly, and solutions are collectively developed.
  • Talent Development and Empowerment: Investing in your team’s growth is essential. Identify their strengths and areas for improvement and provide training accordingly. Empower team members by delegating responsibilities, granting autonomy, and trusting them to make informed decisions. Empowerment goes a LONG way!
  • Adaptability and Innovation: The marketing landscape evolves rapidly. A successful leader encourages their team to stay adaptable and embrace change. Foster a culture of innovation by encouraging experimentation, exploring new trends, and being open to new and creative ideas.

Leadership is a continuous journey of growth and improvement. Focusing on these critical areas has been instrumental in achieving success.

You are a person of great influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good for the greatest number of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger.

In a world where influence can spark transformation, I would champion a movement dedicated to creating a more inclusive society. This movement would strive to bridge divides, foster empathy, and celebrate the rich tapestry of human diversity. By encouraging open dialogue, raising awareness through various channels, and collaborating with communities and organizations, we can pave the way for a world where every individual feels valued and empowered regardless of background.

Through education, grassroots efforts, and policy advocacy, this movement aims to dismantle systemic barriers perpetuating inequality. By embracing inclusivity, we can build stronger connections among people from different walks of life, nurture a sense of belonging, and collectively work towards a brighter, more harmonious future for all.

How can our readers best continue to follow your work online? and

Thank you for these fantastic insights. We greatly appreciate the time you spent on this.

