Kevin Link Of 1000Flips On Five Things You Need To Know To Succeed In The Real Estate Industry

An Interview With Jason Hartman

Jason Hartman
Authority Magazine
25 min readNov 13, 2023


Everyone Will Misevaluate Deals

You’ll come across some deals every so often that are amazing deals, like home run deals that are easy to evaluate ahead of time. But only some sales will fall into that sort of fantastic home run, grand slam-type bucket because it’s so competitive. You’ll invariably find yourself bidding or trying to get properties in a competitive situation, which means the price will be tight. And when you’re dealing in a competitive environment around pricing or competing with others around pricing, you will find yourself in a situation where you are trying to balance those two things.

As a part of my series about the ‘Five Things You Need To Know To Succeed In The Real Estate Industry’, I had the pleasure of interviewing (Kevin Link.)

Kevin Link is the mastermind behind 1000Flips, a game-changing real estate investment company making waves. His adventure started in 2017 when he co-founded 4 Brothers Buy Houses. Based in the heart of DC, this real estate investment firm has grown into a powerhouse, raking in over $5 million in revenue each year with a fantastic team of 25 go-getters.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Can you tell us the “backstory” about what brought you to the Real Estate industry?

In essence, financial freedom, entrepreneurship, not having a boss.

Who likes office politics? Who likes laughing at their boss’s jokes? That’s punishment. I was practicing law doing trial work, and I liked it, but I wanted to avoid having a boss. Within a firm or a corporation, you’re obligated to appreciate the structure hierarchy. You have to follow lots of silly rules, and you’ve got to get along with everybody, and it’s exhausting. Somebody gives you a performance evaluation, and they tell you what they think you need to improve. They decide what you should make or what your bonus should be.

I would rather bet on myself and make what I can make myself. I wanted to make more money, not have somebody tell me how much money I could make, and have the opportunity to do something entrepreneurial.

Unapologetically, I don’t care about real estate. It’s not a passion of mine. My friend Jon Carcone was involved in real estate. I didn’t have any experience. I’ve known Jon since college, since 2000, and I trust him. He’s a smart guy. It was the time to take a risk and do something entrepreneurial, to try and make more money and not have a loss. It ended up being real estate because that’s what Jon had been pursuing for a few years, and we decided to do it together. Today, he is my business partner.

Can you share with our readers the most interesting or amusing story that occurred to you in your career so far? Can you share the lesson or takeaway you took out of that story?

Working in the real estate investment side of things, I come across a widely situated diverse group of many backgrounds. It’s like the Wild, Wild West. You wouldn’t believe the kind of random requests that I get from people in this business.

In one deal, we bought a four-unit building for a pretty good price. The reason for the low price was that I had to help some non-compliant tenants living there to move out, pay them, and assist them in getting placed into new housing. It’s common in DC to deal with these situations because the tenant laws are very pro-tenant. One of the final requests from a tenant? She wanted a new recliner, and I got her one.

It’s surprisingly common to ask for unrelated things as part of the deal. I bought a Denny’s meal for a seller. I had someone insist I go to a barbeque with them. Another seller demanded that I go to their family reunion. I drove a lady to the airport in her pajamas. She didn’t take me up on my Uber offer; she insisted I be her driver. I had somebody who wanted me to go paddle boating with them. I refused. I did not do that. (Kevin laughs.)

Sometimes, people want me to have their possessions. One guy gave me a bunch of shells. Other people send me cards. When you are in real estate investing, you will likely be the reluctant recipient of “interesting” requests or gifts. These requests can happen before the deal gets made or after the closing.

Do you have a favorite “life lesson quote”? Can you share a story or example of how that was relevant to you in your life?

Stephen Covey said, “The biggest communication problem is we do not listen to understand. We listen to reply.”

When most people are conversing, they often unconsciously default to that mode of listening, focusing on moving the conversation toward their goals. It takes work to correct. It takes a lot of cognitive awareness to see that you’re not listening, not really, and start to fix it.

Most of the time, the result of people not listening well is that when other people are talking, they often need to communicate better, too. Usually, the seller isn’t saying, “What I want from you is A, B, C, D.” They don’t lay it out like that. You have to hear what is coming from their mouth and figure out what matters to them. It’s not hard to do, but you must intensely hear everything they say.

That’s people’s biggest challenge with sales and communication, whether you’re an attorney, a salesperson, or in real estate; to be successful while interfacing with people, you must be excellent at listening, understanding, and replying.

Are you working on any exciting new projects now? How do you think that will help people?

We have a sales system course designed to get you to be a better listener so that you can have more meaningful interactions with the people you’re in front of instead of robotic, scripted listening where you’re just waiting to talk. It’s called the Link Sales System.

This sales system is the project that I’m in the process of putting together now. It’s getting filmed, written, and packaged so we can sell it online in January 2024. I’m excited about it. It incorporates aspects from my legal training and my experience as an investor. I have closed over a thousand transactions and packaged those experiences and communication techniques from real estate and law into this sales system designed to make you more present in meetings, allowing you to connect and hear what the person needs.

Our sales system is a principles-based course. There are 15 different sales principles, and it also has pieces of scripting that are appropriate for real estate. But the purpose is that if you learn these principles and learn the little details of scripting that you will need in a meeting, backward and forward, you don’t have to think about it. When you master them, you spend all your time focused on what the person is saying and deploy the appropriate principle or scripting at the proper time.

It is a unique offering in the real estate space because it draws on legal and trial techniques. And it’s been refined, tried, and tested in the real estate space for many years. That’s a fantastic combo.

It’s for those who need it the most: Real Estate Investors. They are the most apparent audience–anybody who is engaged in real estate investing where they are having interactions with a seller, where they are negotiating to purchase property from a seller directly, whether it’s on how to be more effective at negotiating or closing deals as a real estate professional.

This sales system is what we created in 2018, and now we’re one of the two most prominent companies in the DC, Virginia, and Maryland area. There are a million people out there trying to do real estate or who are doing real estate investing. Our sales system has been the difference for our organization, allowing us to be at the top. So, anybody who is trying to get into real estate or who is in real estate and wants to be better at it would benefit a lot.

What do you think makes your company stand out? Can you share a story?

We have two companies, 1000Flips and 4 Brothers Buy Houses.

For this conversation, I’m going to concentrate on 1000Flips. What makes us unique is there are a lot of real estate coaches out there who don’t practice in real estate anymore, and some of them never did. It’s a clown show. (Kevin smirks.)

Today, I just returned from an appointment; I just went to a house, met with a seller, and signed a contract. I’m doing it every day. The significant difference is that we’re doing coaching while actively running our real estate business. That’s a vast difference between us and most coaches.

Most real estate coaches need to practice what they teach. The reality is many used to do real estate and were average, and then they got into coaching. Or they do coaching, and they have yet to do real estate deals. The vast majority of the people out there who are offering real estate coaching are not actually in the trenches going out and finding deals and closing them.

When we started, we were trying to get five deals a month, and then we got ten. And we just kept growing and growing. As of early 2022, we crossed a thousand. It wasn’t the original goal for us; it was a milestone.

That’s when I said that the real difference is our sales system. There’s lead generation and marketing, but those are things that anybody can figure out. They’re easy. You have to pay money to get leads, and it is something that anybody can do. Our sales system is teachable for your team and can be replicated, and that is consistent with every interaction you have with the seller. We’ve blown away so many people in the last few years in terms of volume that it proves this designed sales system is the differentiating factor that makes our organization remarkable.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?

I attended the Catholic University Law School of America in DC. I had a professor, Professor Margaret McGuire, who was formerly the Deputy to the Head of Enforcement at the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Professor McGuire taught a trial advocacy course; she was the real deal, a longtime litigator, and super experienced. One of the things that she told me early on was, “You’re not very good at this. You have some natural ability in some areas. However, you’re not good at this. Nobody is naturally good at being a trial attorney; it takes a lot of practice.” She said, “Great lawyers are not born. They’re made.”

And she instilled in me that no matter where you are, there’s no reason you can’t do better. The difference between you being more prominent than anybody else is your ability to practice independently and improve.

For whatever reason, she stuck with me, and I appreciated that. Some people are more intelligent than me. Some people are naturally better speakers than me. There may be people who have both those skills and other specific native abilities. We went to a national competition at the end of the course, and I made it to the finals, not because I’m some legal savant or because I have some special abilities. I just outworked my classmates.

I practiced so much leading up to the competition regarding approaching the argument. It was the appellate court where you stand at a podium, and you’re in front of a panel of judges, like 5, 6, 7 judges. You give an argument for 15 minutes, and they interrupt you and ask you questions. The hard part was answering the questions, returning to your argument, and keeping it going.

The skill is knowing what you want to say so well that you can focus on the questions, hear them, and answer them. That’s the same thing about listening. You have to be a hundred percent present for the questions. That’s where you score points in that exercise, answering the questions well and returning to your argument.

Practicing was hard, but I practiced relentlessly. I practiced by talking out loud constantly so I knew my arguments, positions, cases, etc. I repeated those key facts so often that I could have said them in my sleep. Then, I focused on what questions they might ask me.

Everybody wants to gravitate toward their best arguments in the legal world. For example, you should rule this way because this case is very similar, and you should follow this case and, therefore, win. Right? No matter what side you’re on, if it is in appellate advocacy, everybody on both sides has good arguments. And so, the inclination is to focus on the strength of your argument. And the judge, a good judge, will immediately take you to the weakness of your arguments.

That’s where you separate yourself as an advocate–by anticipating the worst parts of your argument and addressing them eloquently and credibly. I learned my positions inside and out and then focused on the worst questions I could receive and how to respond to them. I was in the moment at the podium with people watching and judges staring at me, and I was as ready as I could be for tough questions. I did a lot of sweating during that, too. (Kevin chuckles.)

In learning how to anticipate the worst question or the most prominent objections came one of my 15 principles. Answer the question. “Yes, no, maybe” is the name of the principal. So most of the time, when somebody asks you a question, you can answer it by saying yes, no, or maybe, and then explain it. People are inclined to answer through an explanation and meander their way to an answer through that explanation. But when people ask you tough questions, they generally know they’re asking a tricky question of you. And the most effective way to handle and respond to those questions is not through this meandering long explanation that seems like you’re half avoiding it. Everybody’s waiting for the punchline. It is to take it head on and acknowledge what is not good about your position. Then, transition to an explanation as to why, even despite this not-so-great thing, this is still the best path because of your subsequent reasoning.

And so one of the things I teach is, if somebody asks you a question, answer it. Don’t hide from it. Don’t try to explain it away by telling your story by saying, “And this happened, and then, blah, blah, blah.” Instead, give your audience the unvarnished truth, “yes, no, maybe,” and then polish it with your explanation. This principle has transferred to our real estate investment deals and is a significant part of our sales system.

Outworking others is what I learned from that experience. It helped me immensely when I started in real estate because I started from ground zero. I didn’t know much about real estate, so I developed our sales system through trial and error and continued to refine it, work on it, think about it, practice it, and implement it. I adopted the attitude that Professor McGuire instilled in me, “You can do what you want, but you must outwork everybody.” And outworking everybody is where and how you will find success. It’s easy to say and hard to do, but if you want to be the best, you can outwork everybody.

Ok. Thank you for all that. Let’s now jump to the main core of our interview. Can you share 3 things that most excite you about the Real Estate industry? If you can please share a story or example.

1. Good Outcomes for All

Many people have a negative impression of real estate investors, that they are vultures or predators taking advantage of people. You know, people who are just trying to make money. And indeed, it is extraordinarily prevalent as there are plenty of those people out there.

Most people don’t get into real estate for altruistic reasons, myself included. But here’s what happened. I have met with thousands and thousands of folks. I would’ve never met them in any other situation, and they are very different from me, with diverse backgrounds and life experiences.

Something that I’ve learned from real estate is it has made me more empathetic. I’ve seen and met many people I would never have met as a securities lawyer, correct? As a lawyer, I was primarily dealing with other lawyers.

Now, I see a lot of humanity and people in all situations. It has caused me to be more understanding of people and has driven me to make our business operate the right way, be profitable, provide excellent service to our clients, and make it a win-win.

Not just a win-win, but instead a real, take care of them, do the right thing for them, help them, and make a good outcome for everybody. And you know, to me, that has been a symptom of meeting so many individuals who have been through different things and need help in this area, and it has caused me to shape our business such that every transaction is about making it a good outcome for all parties.

2. High Quality, Real Estate Education is Rare, Mentorship Wins

Real estate is notorious for having a low barrier to entry. One of the paths is to get a real estate license and become an agent. You could be a rhesus monkey and get that license; it is not hard. It’s why there are so many people in real estate.

To be a real estate investor, you don’t even need licensure, so it attracts all sorts of people. It’s different from becoming a doctor, where you must pass the MCAT, get accepted into medical school, pass the first two parts of the US Medical Licensing Examination, and then choose your specialty and begin your residency program.

In real estate, you don’t have to do any of those things. Many people are running around out there trying to do real estate, but it also takes a lot of work to learn how to do real estate well.

To be successful, you need a high-quality education, like hiring or finding a mentor. It’s a double-edged sword in that regard. That’s a unique thing about real estate, at least compared to other fields. Part of the reason there’s such a space for high-quality education is because there is only a little high-quality education for real estate, number one. And number two, if you want to become successful as an investor, you have a lot to learn. And there are only a few apparent paths to really knowing.

3. Opportunities Irrespective of the Market Climate

With real estate investing, there are always opportunities regardless of the market climate, interest rates, and the economy–that’s unique compared to other industries more beholden to market trends.

Some industries are, for example, seasonal. There are only certain months out of the year that you can go crab fishing in Alaska. And that’s it. Some people have restaurants in beach towns during the high season and off-season. During COVID, many dry cleaners went out of business. In the late 1990s-early 2000s, when the no-carb diets were in vogue, many fast food restaurants declined in revenue for several years until they started creating low-carb options or the no-carb diets fell out of favor. There are a lot of companies that are susceptible to market trends and seasonal trends that are beyond their control.

Real estate certainly has trends, including interest rates, housing markets, the economy, and many factors that affect the real estate market’s health. But as an investor, there are paths to still doing deals regardless of what’s happening economically. Deals make money in just about any environment, which differs from many industries. I could even sign a contract on Christmas.

In many industries, there are probably many things outside your control. But with real estate, if you are creative, regardless of what the economy is doing, you can find good deals and make money. There’s pay to be made.

Can you share 3 things that most concern you about the industry? If you had the ability to implement 3 ways to reform or improve the industry, what would you suggest? Please share stories or examples if possible.

1. Good Real Estate Legislation Investors, Sellers and Buyers

One thing occurring in some states, including Maryland, in 2023–2024 is an effort from the real estate agent and realtor lobby to put additional rules and legislation in place to make it harder to be a real estate investor. Some of that is grounded in good; things could be better.

However, much of it is designed to eliminate competition. It’s something that is happening right now in several jurisdictions. These proposed pieces of legislation would limit how and what investors can and can’t do in the real estate realm, which would have a huge benefit for real estate agents but would, of course, be harmful to investors and, in my view, be dangerous for sellers and homeowners.

Effectively, they’re trying to make it harder for somebody who owns a home to sell it to an investor, which is one of only two options people have when they go to sell their house. They can sell to somebody like me or hire a traditional real estate agent. Both are fine options, but if you were to limit one, you are inevitably removing choice from the marketplace, which will have a negative consequence for the seller.

It comes from a self-serving place under the guise of being somehow beneficial for sellers. I’m involved in that process, as I’ve spoken to some of the delegates in the Maryland legislature about this, and I’m working on coming up with a solution that makes sense, protecting the industry but also protecting the consumer.

That is a concern of mine that I am deeply involved in to make sure that legislation that gets put into place around real estate investing is good for the industry as a whole, is helpful to the seller, and provides protection rather than just stripping them of having the choice of how to sell their house.

2. Required Disclosure to Ensure Sellers Make an Informed Decision

The reason these types of initiatives by the various real estate lobbies get some traction is that there are some bad actors in the real estate investing space. There are bad actors everywhere. Of course, invariably, there will be stories about situations where some senior citizen was taken advantage of by a real estate investor or agent. That is a major concern. It doesn’t help the industry.

A possible answer is that it gets reformed through some regulatory scheme. Right now, there’s only a little regulation in place. Of course, you’re subject to federal and local laws–you can’t commit fraud or things like that. But if you wanted to help eliminate some of the more nefarious actors, you’d have to develop more regulations from state to state.

Typically, that’s going to involve some disclosures. Most effective regulatory schemes are disclosure-based. So if you are going to buy somebody’s house, you have to, by law, make certain disclosures, provide them with specific documentation, have them sign it, and ensure they understand. These things help avoid somebody making misrepresentations to a seller.

Nothing’s perfect when it comes to regulation, that’s for sure. But that would be an excellent start to having the required disclosure to the sellers to ensure they make an informed decision.

Ultimately, that’s the outcome: you want the seller to decide how to sell their house, whether for cash or through a real estate agent. A disclosure-based form of regulation helps foster an environment where the seller can make an informed decision. It will help weed out some not-so-great actors. Like anything, the pendulum can swing too far–if you try and make it so it eliminates an option for a seller, that will be a bad outcome.

I’ve done over a thousand deals–there is a place for the service that we offer, and it’s essential that sellers can make the choice that is best for them. The better outcome is to ensure a system is in place to help people make the proper decision.

3. Universal Class and Certification

The Securities and Exchange Commission regulates anything involving the stock market, and their style of regulatory model is entirely disclosure-based. Suppose you are going to be a publicly traded company. In that case, you must put out a prospectus with all the relevant information about your company so that if somebody wants to buy stock in your company, they can make an informed decision. The entirety of the securities laws are designed to provide the courts with what they need. The companies that are publicly traded provide accurate disclosure about the pros and cons, what challenges they have, and their financials so that whoever’s considering investing in that company can do so with eyes wide open.

Exxon, for example, could commit fraud or legally manipulate its stock price as long as its people disclose it. If they put out the prospectus with something like “Hey, we’re going to try and manipulate the price of this stock,” for whatever reason, as long as it’s disclosed, it is not illegal.

If more disclosures become mandatory in real estate investing (and even if not), everybody involved in investing should learn certain disclosures and provide those to the seller so that the sellers make an informed decision about what path they will take. If we universally enforce that everybody has to take a class to get certified as a real estate investor, that would ensure that sellers are informed and put us on the right path.

What advice would you give to other real estate leaders to help their teams to thrive and to create a really fantastic work culture?

It is a profession that lives and dies by your organization’s ability as a sales organization — having a sales system that is very teachable to team members. Everybody on our team employs the same sales system; as a team, everyone knows the process, and it feels like everybody’s reading from the same page, which is helpful.

On the customer’s side, we also like to do the right thing. We have excellent reviews. We always want to make sure that we take care of people. Even if we mess up something, we try to fix it.

Those are the two things that matter the most to me:

One, we have a very ethical, potent, and effective sales process that our entire team has bought into.

Two, on the other side, real estate transactions are messy. They can be complicated; things go wrong, items get delayed, and sometimes we mess up. A lot of times, it’s things that are outside of our control. Still, we always try to ensure the parties involved in the transaction are taken care of because nobody wants to work for a company that’s not caring for its customers.

Ok, here is the main question of our interview. You are a “Real Estate Insider”. If you had to advise someone about 5 non-intuitive things one should know to succeed in the Real Estate industry, what would you say? Can you please give a story or an example for each?

1. Not Marketing, Rather It’s Sales Conversion

The industry, and many people in the industry, have a belief that the number one thing that you need to be good at is figuring out how to generate lead flow through marketing. There are many different ways you can do that. We send direct mail to houses. We have a TV commercial, pay-per-click online, Google SEO, and cold calling. There are lots of ways that you can do marketing. None of them are a secret. People think there’s some magic marketing channel or magical way to generate better leads, higher quality leads, or something like that–it’s just not the case.

To generate leads, you have to spend money. If you’re spending money on marketing, then you’re going to get leads. What do you do with the leads once you get them? People need to understand that is what is different. “What are 4 Brothers Buy Houses doing differently? How are they getting so many deals?”

It is because we’re converting the leads at a much higher rate. It is the differentiating factor in our businesses. Every time we go out on an appointment and see a property, those sellers are getting quotes and meeting with other people who are competitors of ours. But we get the deals frequently because we have a better sales process. You can and should focus on lead generation through marketing, but if you want to become successful, you must also focus on your sales process.

2. Hire or Get a Mentor

In the last five to 10 years, many people have gotten involved in real estate to try and make money. Most people who dabble in real estate wash out. It is more challenging than ever; it’s more demanding and hyper-competitive, especially in the investor niche.

Let me set the stage: in the legal profession, a lot of your success is driven by what school you attended, your grades, and the law firms that you work at.

In real estate, it is almost precisely the opposite. I didn’t appreciate that until I got into it. But you know, it doesn’t matter where you went to school, what you majored in, none of that matters. The only successful people are those who make their way and figure it out.

Maintaining consistency and getting lots of monthly sales takes work. Many people try to get into it, but most fail. And a big part of it is there’s such a big learning curve at the beginning that without really understanding the industry or having a mentor or working for somebody else first, it’s almost impossible to be successful.

A mentor can teach a newbie how to do deals, how the business works, how to evaluate values, how to find deals, how to close deals, and how to avoid the many mistakes people make in real estate. It helps you learn faster and sidestep some of the many pitfalls that you would have that you would inevitably be prone to if you were meandering at it on your own.

With a mentor, you will get results faster. If you like working for somebody, you can see how they run their business. There’s no substitute for experience in most things, but certainly in real estate. So, if you want to get involved in real estate, find or hire a mentor, or even better, go to work for them. Learn the business before you start.

3. Be Patient, It Takes Years to Build

It’s a multi-year process to build a giant real estate-type business. Best case scenario. It just is.

Making a good amount of money will take at least two years. It may be longer than that. Yeah, it takes time. It’s the consistency that is hard.

Ordinarily, people mosey their way into a deal here or there. Maybe one of them is a good deal, and they make a bunch of money on that sale. But then, putting together sales month after month becomes problematic. And that’s why people get excited because they do a deal or two deals, get a chunk of money, and then have long, dry spells.

To get consistent, get that ironed out, and make sure that every single month, you’re doing a bunch of deals.

4. Hiring Trustworthy People is Harder Than You Think

Hiring is tough and requires a lot of work. That’s not unique to real estate. It’s a common challenge across many industries. It matters with small businesses, especially. In real estate, on the sales side, you live and die by your ability to convert. Hiring and training successful salespeople is immensely critical.

Fortunately, I have a lot of experience assessing credibility from my attorney days and taking hundreds of depositions, and, what have you, I can sniff out BS. (Kevin smiles.)

It’s a combination of radar and a gut feeling. I’ve hired many people who could be better candidates on paper, and I have passed on many people who had more experience and were better candidates in a resume sense. Take Miranda Boljat, our Executive Assistant. She had no real estate experience, but I had a good gut feeling. (Kevin smiles.)

I do reasonably robust front-end training for a few weeks, especially for the sales team. This training program has specific milestones. Our new people have hurdles where they have to come to me and demonstrate their understanding of these processes and walk me through them. They know the scripting and understand these concepts.

So when I hire somebody for sales, it’s always on a trial period basis, pending their successful completion of this training program, that I have a lot of confidence in. That weeds out a lot in the first two to four weeks. There’s no real place to hide there. So you’re going to figure it out, learn it, or you’re not, and it will be apparent.

5. Everyone Will Misevaluate Deals

You’ll come across some deals every so often that are amazing deals, like home run deals that are easy to evaluate ahead of time. But only some sales will fall into that sort of fantastic home run, grand slam-type bucket because it’s so competitive. You’ll invariably find yourself bidding or trying to get properties in a competitive situation, which means the price will be tight. And when you’re dealing in a competitive environment around pricing or competing with others around pricing, you will find yourself in a situation where you are trying to balance those two things.

You’ll question yourself, “What am I willing to pay for the deal? I want to get the deal, but I don’t want to overpay.”

In that environment, you’re constantly playing with thinner margins. The trick is to get the deal for a price that works but beats your competitors. And it’s easy to miscalculate because you’re playing with such a thin margin, and some of those deals are easy to forget. That’s typical.

Most of your sales will be competitive, and you’ll have to figure out pricing where you can still make money on the deal, but you’re not losing the sale. That can be a strenuous exercise in general, but indeed, for people newer to the industry, it is challenging.

It’s sometimes more of a gut thing because you’re predicting the future. “At this price, it works assuming A, B, C, and D variables.” But ultimately, you’re anticipating a future event. So you’ve got to figure out what something will sell for in the future. There will always be some intuition baked into that, which is experience. You can say, “I’m out if you say 315K,” and the deal might have worked at 325K. That’s a thin margin when talking in the grand scheme of things.

It’s easy to get carried away and misevaluate what you could resell it for. You have to develop, not tolerance, but more of a good sixth sense for where that sort of cutoff is. Because you’re playing close to the ceiling, you’re going to be dealing with this scenario again and again.

Because of your position, you are a person of enormous influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the greatest amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

The movement would be to get rid of the real estate riff-raff and be part of creating a Bible for how to sell ethically and effectively. That would be a perfect outcome for the industry because it would help train people to do this business correctly without sacrificing anything.

How can our readers further follow your work online?

Thank you for your time, and your excellent insights! We wish you continued success.

About The Interviewer: Jason Hartman is the Founder and CEO of Empowered Investor. Jason has been involved in several thousand real estate transactions and has owned income properties in 11 states and 17 cities. Empowered Investor helps people achieve The American Dream of financial freedom by purchasing income property in prudent markets nationwide. Jason’s Complete Solution for Real Estate Investors™ is a comprehensive system providing real estate investors with education, research, resources and technology to deal with all areas of their income property investment needs. Through Jason’s podcasts, educational events, referrals, mentoring and software to track your investments, investors can easily locate, finance and purchase properties in these exceptional markets with confidence and peace of mind.

Starting with very little, Jason, while still in college at the age of 19, embarked on a career in real estate. While brokering properties for clients, he was investing in his own portfolio along the way. Through creativity, persistence and hard work, he earned a number of prestigious industry awards and became a young multi-millionaire. Jason purchased a California real estate brokerage firm that was later acquired by Coldwell Banker. He combined his dedication and business talents to become a successful entrepreneur, public speaker, author, and media personality. Over the years he developed his Complete Solution for Real Estate Investors™ where his innovative firm educates and assists investors in acquiring prudent investments nationwide for their portfolio. Jason’s sought after educational events, speaking engagements, and his popular “Creating Wealth Podcast” inspire and empower hundreds of thousands of people in 189 countries worldwide.

While running his successful real estate and media businesses, Jason also believes that giving back to the community plays an important role in building strong personal relationships. He established The Jason Hartman Foundation in 2005 to provide financial literacy education to young adults providing the all-important real world skills not taught in school which are the key to the financial stability and success of future generations. We’re in a global monetary crisis caused by decades of misguided policies and the cycle of financial dependence has to be broken, literacy and self-reliance are a good start. Visit for free materials and resources.

