“Know What Kinds Of Art Supplies Are And Are Not Worth Your Money” 5 Insider Tips With Artist Karin Brauns and Marco Derhy


“Time is too precious to use cheap low quality. And I think this involves many types of businesses! Quality before quantity is my key word! Even tho as an artist using a lot of paint, the quality stuff has always payed off. I have done the mistake in the past of buying colors, brushes, canvases etc that I thought was a good deal purchase them, but ended up not lasting for long or it made me redo things and take more time and waste my money. Investments are in the end worth it.”

I had the pleasure of interviewing Karin Brauns. Karin is a fine artist and actress, originally from Norrköping, a peaceful city in the province of Östergötland in eastern Sweden. Her creativity was shaped by her scandinavian upbringing. The wilderness and the beauty of nature has always been a big influence in her life. Her Art brings a subtle and sophisticated feel to her acrylic paintings through a unique balance of color, composition and texture. She utilizes a blend of realistic and dreamy expressions, but with a golden touch. Karin’s seminal series “Heartbeats Of The Wild” depicts pairs of endangered animals that share a deep emotional connection. Heartbeats showcases the pureness of true fear, true love and true innocence through their vulnerable eyes.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! What is your “backstory”?

I left Sweden almost a decade ago, and yes...I know what you are thinking. I’m still in my twenties! Not joking... I was eager to get a taste of the world. I think I’ve always had an adventurous and curious spirit. I have traveled overtly across the globe and lived in various countries like England, New Zealand. It started with the modeling even though acting always has been a passion and a thrive since growing up. Coming from a different country, it had more flexibility and work offers without English as a primary language.

It was when I moved to LA the acting came to play a more significant part. I moved to the states by myself five years ago. It was a bit overwhelming at first, and got into the Hollywood vibe pretty fast. A few years later, I found the comfort and peace to create my own art, which I always truly wanted and felt that my purpose was. While growing up, family, friends, and teachers often suggested I study arts, but I never wanted to. I didn’t believe that I could be taught. It was already in my head.

The shift from performing arts to visual arts has always come easily and naturally, though.

With the art, I can be my own boss. When I’m in front of that blank canvas, no one can tell me what to do or how to behave. I’m in my own world, following my own visions. Great for the stubborn Leo woman that I am (if you want to believe the horoscope)

Thanks to my life experience of living in different places, meeting incredible characters along the way, and being so in love with nature, I’ve gained a lot of inspiration towards my art.

Can you share the funniest or most interesting story that happened to you since you started your company?

I registered my own LLC fine art business last year... Hmm... I guess I have many more funny stories when it comes to being on movie sets, like getting my toe cut off or chasing unicorns around in Canibal forests. Those ones I’ll have to save for next time.

I spent some time in Europe last winter for the holidays and was eager to create some more pieces. Even if I’m on holiday, my creativeness never stops. It drives me crazy if I can’t let my brain loose for a little.

Some of the paintings turned out to be ‘’very special,’’ and I wanted to bring them back to the states to sell and exhibit but not worth shipping over as acrylic art can be very fragile. So I wrapped them up in bubble wrap and all kinds of paper. I took out most of my beloved belongings and filled my suitcase with my art. Luckily every single one of them made it to LA without a scratch. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices. Letting go of personal belongings such as handbags and shoes is never fun for a little lady like me.

What do you think makes your company stand out? Can you share a story?

My goal is to touch people emotionally, even if it’s in a good or bad way. I want them to walk into that room, look at that painting on the wall and make their thoughts wander away from reality for a second. Make him/her think about something, a memory, the past, something yet to come, make them feel something. ‘’Hey, let me touch your soul’’. My Animals especially. There are too many sad things happening to different species on this planet, even us! I DO whatever I can do as an artist to support and get voices heard from my art. Every single piece has its own story to tell.

It is excellent to put a touch of colorful and signature art in someone's house or office to make it look unique, but art is more than that, much more.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story?

I’ve met many interesting people along the way who have taught me a lot of things in life. Things I do want in life and things I don’t want. Good and bad lessons. I decided to ignore the things I don’t like and live by the quote’’ Find what you love and let it kill you’’ that guided me towards my goals and living. Life is short, and everyone wants to enjoy most of it. You don’t know when it will end.

One of my dearest friends became very successful at a young age, starting his company from scratch. He has a fire in him and till this day never stops working and being engaged. He taught me to “Get things done’’ and believe that nothing is possible if you constantly work hard for it.

Are you working on any exciting projects now?

I just finished up The Beverly Hills art show last weekend, which was a pleasant experience, It was my first time applying to that one, so I was delighted when I got accepted. A show I’d love to come back to next year. I’ve got new upcoming projects in Montreal, Canada, for the summer and then Chicago for the fall. There’s always something going on in ‘’Karin World’’, wait and see.

How have you used your success to bring goodness to the world?

Indeed, it Supports animals, children, and the planet. They have not it easy getting their voices heard. Provide my art to more charities and organizations.

Do you have a favorite book that made a deep impact on your life? Can you share a story?

To be brutally honest, I don’t read that many books! As a child, I loved listening to fairy tales my mom used to read for me while looking at the colorful images of the book's pages. We used to bring home bags full of books from the library. Nowadays, I love reading about things that teach me stuff or an exciting biography. Paulo Coelho, Joseph Murphy, and Napoleon hill are not too shabby writers either.

What are your “5 things I wish someone told me before I started my company,” and why? Would you please share a story or example for each?

  1. A helping hand

Probably the most important thing I ever learned from starting a small business is that everyone needs help. Even if it’s a family member, a friend, or anyone who has a lot of success and experience in their life who can guide you into the right path. At first, I thought it was easy for me to want to keep control and do everything myself, but it will frequently slow down the progress. I have been working on such large canvases too many times. My Whale painting, for example, is 9.2” x 7.2” feet. There’s no way in the world I could carry that by myself even tho I do like bigger is better. Find a good team or having someone around to help and mentor is always golden (as long as they don’t paint on my artwork, of course)

2. Know what kinds of art supplies are and are not worth your money

Time is too precious to use cheap low quality. And I think this involves many types of businesses! Quality before quantity is my keyword! Even tho as an artist using a lot of paint, the quality stuff has always paid off. I have made the past mistake of buying colors, brushes, canvases, etc., that I thought was an excellent deal to purchase them, but ended up not lasting for long, and unfortunately made me redo things which caused me a waste of time and money. “Experience and Smart Investments “ are Key to satisfaction.

3. First, priority

Financial stability and success are to live and breathe your passion. Always put it as first priority and set up goals. It will come from expertly running your business, doing what you love, working on your craft, and focusing on time marketing, selling, and strategizing.

4. Grow a thick skin

People always have things to say, and any feedback is excellent. Even though most are positive, people like to be negative naturally. There will be cruel or nonconstructive towards you and your work. Everyone has different tastes and styles what they want. I learned not to take anything personally. I think constructive criticism is one of the most useful forms of feedback. It will give you a glimpse into the minds of others and see what people like and what sells.

5. Have fun

It has never really been on my weak side, but things will come to you when you do something you enjoy naturally and not think about it. I learned to stop worrying and just go for it. Trying different things, being out there, networking, and just simply enjoying life and being who you are that’s the key to success.

This was very inspiring. Thank you so much for joining us!

How can our readers follow you on social media or perhaps a website?

Of course! Instagram is the platform I mostly use! Also please check my Website, and here



Inspiring True Stories with Marco Derhy
Authority Magazine

Entrepreneur | Author | 20 years in publication | Content Creator & Interviews w/media Impact | Writer |Film producer|Founder @ Derhy Enterprises.“God is First”