Landon Ashworth: 5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me When I First Became A Filmmaker

Yitzi Weiner
Authority Magazine
Published in
11 min readAug 23, 2022

… If you succeed you have one responsibility. Lower the latter down and help someone who is stuck at the bottom with no way up. I was on set directing a commercial for a golf brand and Michael Strahan was there. I asked him if he was friends with Lin Manuel and he said yes. I told him about my musical I wrote about Apollo 11 and the 400,000 Americans that helped get a man on the moon and asked him to share it with Lin. He simply said “I love the hustle but I can’t do it.” That type of shit makes me furious. The correct answer to that is “Let me listen to it when I have time- if I dig it- I’ll send it on.” I was on set with Dana Carvey once and told him about wanting to be on SNL. I told him I had made an audition video years ago and he said “email it to me I’ll make sure Lorne Michaels sees it!” The director overheard this and rushed up to save Dana from this young actor- but Dana said back– “Dude. I’m 45. Do you think by helping this kid I’m sacrificing anything?” You have nothing to lose from helping people. I’ve never told someone no when they’ve asked for my help. Never.

As a part of our series called “5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me When I First Became A Filmmaker”, I had the distinct pleasure of interviewing Landon Ashworth.

Landon is an award winning film and commercial director, writer, producer, and photographer. His advertising clients include Mastercard, TopGolf, Titleist, SQRDUP, Ballistic Golf, Nike, GolfSmith, and many many others. Landon’s photography has been featured in Vanity Fair, Nat Geo, W, Golf Magazine, and in publications around the world.

He’s worked with Annika Sorenstam, Tiger Woods, Adam Scott, Slash, Marcia Gay Harden, Tom Hanks, and many other amazing actors and sports stars.

His content moves needles.

Thank you so much for doing this interview with us! Before we dive in, our readers would love to get to know you a bit. Can you share your “backstory” that brought you to this career?

I’m on the spectrum, and I never fit in with anyone my age. I only had one friend from ages 4–16; another kid on the spectrum. Growing up my parents got me a Christian therapist (I was raised Baptist) who encouraged me to mimic the behaviors of everyone else to help me fit in. I then got into community theater to help learn how to interact and replicate the behaviors of others. Acting ended up being my saving grace. It really saved my life because even though I didn’t understand why others felt sadness, anger, love, passion, and most other emotions I was able to logically decipher when and where those emotions fit in. I became really really good at acting like a neurotypical human by college. I never wanted to be an actor; I always wanted to be an astronaut but NASA kept changing their hiring requirements. I got my BS in Aeronautical Science and became a test pilot for NOAA, then flew jets. NASA decided they only wanted military test pilots so those degrees became useless. The next mission was going to be Mars and they decided to send someone from the arts field on that mission so I got my MFA in film making to make me a more well rounded candidate. Then NASA scrapped the Mars mission. I then went back for an astrophysics degree just in time for Obama to cut NASA’s funding and scrap manned missions hiring new astronauts. When that final death blow was dealt I packed up my stuff and moved to LA to be a filmmaker and actor.

Can you share the funniest or most interesting story that occurred to you in the course of your filmmaking career?

There are too many to name. The highlights would be Tom Hanks personally got me my SAG card on the set of John Adams mini-series. On camera I’ve played every single sport professionally (NBA, NHL, NFL, PGA Tour, and MLB). I’ve gotten into a shouting match with John Malcovitch in Space Force. I’ve acted opposite Dana Carvey in Becoming Bond. I’ve gone for drinks with Rebel Wilson after wrapping Super Fun Night. I spent hours talking with Will Forte about SNL audition tactics on the set of MacGruber. John Travolta got my phone number and told me he wanted to fly with me; and then never called. Michael Phelps got my phone number and said he wanted to go golfing with me; and then never called. A BIG casting director told me I was her new favorite actor and was going to find a project for me; and then never called. I was told I “really brought the noise to my scene” via twitter by Oscar winner Marcia Gay Harden when acting opposite her on Code Black. David Caruso kicked me out of a transportation van for sitting in the front seat (his seat) on CSI Miami. I could go on but you’ll have to talk to me in person if you want more stories.

Who are some of the most interesting people you have interacted with? What was that like? Do you have any stories?

This seems like an excuse to name drop. Honestly my second cousin Charlie is the most interesting person I’ve ever met. He is an “all but dissertation” physicist who knows something about everything. I have my PhD in astrophysics so he and I can spend DAYS without sleeping talking about EVERYTHING. We are respectful enough to be able to talk about religion, politics, gun rights, abortion, evolution, creationism, and anything else without ever once talking over each other or arguing. That’s my real answer. My “famous person” answer is January Jones. She’s the first celebrity I ever went on a date with. It ended stupendously bad because I’m autistic and suck the most at anything romantic but I learned a ton about what it’s like to be famous. What it’s like to be around someone that everyone wants a piece of. And what it’s like to totally be enamored by someone who is on the fence about you. Meet me in person. I’ll tell you the full story. It will take about 4 hours. It’s my favorite story to tell.

Which people in history inspire you the most? Why?

My great uncle Truman was a 4 star general in the Army Air Corps during WWII. He lead the B17’s into Pearl Harbor as it was being bombed. He’s the reason I’m a jet pilot. In acting? Lin Miranda. He’s the reason I wrote my musical. Try listening to Hamilton and not being inspired. I dare you.

Let’s now shift to the main focus of our interview, how are you using your success to bring goodness to the world? Can you share with us the meaningful or exciting social impact causes you are working on right now?

I wrote, directed, and starred in a film following an Autistic detective who takes on the cases that the police turn down. The film was a journey into my autistic mind. The film ended up winning some really big film festivals which qualified it for Oscar voting. My brain isn’t typical. It doesn’t work like neurotypical brains. Trying to help people understand autism through the eyes of autistic characters that also makes a ton at the boxoffice is my driving force in life.

I have several TV pilots that I wrote that I’m beyond excited to bring to the world. One about a millennial who finds a Magic Genie who ruins his life. Another period piece about the women who glued the Apollo space suits, and many others. I love writing screenplays and tv pilots about characters you have to grow to understand that you really get invested in. Several of them are autistic but I don’t want that to be a gimmick. I don’t like to be known as the “famous autistic writer in Hollywood”. But being known as the “best writer in Hollywood who happens to be autistic” would be fine, but I understand you have to have a hook to sell magazines so I won’t be offended if it’s the former, not the latter.

Many of us have ideas, dreams, and passions, but never manifest it. But you did. Was there an “Aha Moment” that made you decide that you were actually going to step up and take action for this cause? What was that final trigger?

I don’t believe in manifest destiny. I believe in doing things you want and the results be damned. Sometimes you’ll succeed and sometimes you’ll suck. I believe in following through with your word. Trying really hard. Failing, learning from that failure, then growing from it. The lame truthful answer is my parents taught me to have an insanely strong work ethic. Doing a day’s worth of work for a half day’s pay. Why have I ended up being successful when others failed? I didn’t give up. I didn’t take no for an answer. I burned some bridges along the way for being too relentless but that’s my nature.

Can you tell us a story about a particular individual who was impacted or helped by your cause?

I’ve had countless parents with autistic children approach me and tell me how much my films have meant to them. I’ve had students reach out to me and tell me their teachers show my film in class to help them understand being on the spectrum. I wish I was more emotionally grounded for this to really mean something to me but honestly I just make the films I want to see. If my investors make a profit, then I did my job. If my investors made a profit and people are moved by my films, then that’s icing on the cake. Never make art hoping for a certain reaction. Just make the art you want to make and if you did well then your investors will let you make more.

Are there three things that individuals, society or the government can do to support you in this effort?

Give me money. I wish there was a better answer but movies, musicals, and tv shows take money to make. I accept cash or card. No personal checks.

What are your “5 things I wish someone told me when I first started” and why. Please share a story or example for each.

  1. Start at the bottom and work your way up- don’t start your own studio- I was told to start making my own content my first few weeks in Hollywood by a casting director. Instead of getting hired as a PA at an amazing production house and working my way up to director I wrote, shot, edited, and delivered my own sketches. I helped SO SO SO many actors build their comedy reels, but it didn’t help my career at all. I would have been better suited making connections from the bottom up than trying to start at the top and working my way down.
  2. Be patient- Sometimes I’d have a comedy sketch I wanted to shoot that day and an actor would back out and rather than waiting for the right actor to be available I’d shoot the sketch with who I had. Always wait for the right team. Sunday Boiling of Mormon Boling casting told me “It’s better to shoot 1 good comedy sketch every 6 months than 10 bad ones in a week.” She was right.
  3. Don’t chase notes- I’m a writer first and foremost. I’ve gotten notes from people who I thought wanted to make my stuff. I implemented those notes, sent the rewrite back and was told “Great job! You implemented the notes perfectly!” I’d then ask when we’ll sign a deal and the replay 10 times out of 10 is- “Oh. No. Never. The project isn’t right for me.” Then I’ll send the new script to another producer who has TOTAL OPPOSITE notes than the first person who ALSO has no intention of helping you get your project made. Don’t implement any notes from anyone who isn’t willing to help you get your art made (unless you really agree with them).
  4. Everyone is full of shit unless they aren’t- Never trust anyone in Hollywood until they show you that they aren’t full of it. And I don’t mean “show you other things they’ve done” I mean- show you proof they are willing to dedicate their personal and business connections to help you personally.
  5. Never ever ever blame traffic- Show up on time. Take traffic into account. Never be late for anything. Ever.

If you could tell other young people one thing about why they should consider making a positive impact on our environment or society, like you, what would you tell them?

If you succeed you have one responsibility. Lower the latter down and help someone who is stuck at the bottom with no way up. I was on set directing a commercial for a golf brand and Michael Strahan was there. I asked him if he was friends with Lin Manuel and he said yes. I told him about my musical I wrote about Apollo 11 and the 400,000 Americans that helped get a man on the moon and asked him to share it with Lin. He simply said “I love the hustle but I can’t do it.” That type of shit makes me furious. The correct answer to that is “Let me listen to it when I have time- if I dig it- I’ll send it on.” I was on set with Dana Carvey once and told him about wanting to be on SNL. I told him I had made an audition video years ago and he said “email it to me I’ll make sure Lorne Michaels sees it!” The director overheard this and rushed up to save Dana from this young actor- but Dana said back– “Dude. I’m 45. Do you think by helping this kid I’m sacrificing anything?” You have nothing to lose from helping people. I’ve never told someone no when they’ve asked for my help. Never.

We are very blessed that many other Social Impact Heroes read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US, whom you would like to collaborate with, and why? He or she might see this. :-)

Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, or Lin Manuel Miranda. We need to get my space race musical off the ground. We need to challenge the next generation of explorers and politicians to dedicate their lives to making our species a multi-planet species and beyond. My musical is deeply rooted in space history and the amazing lessons we learn from exploring the cosmos.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

“Love many. Trust few. Always paddle your own canoe.” I have no clue why I love this quote but I do. I’m not a hippie. I’m not big on “free love” and “love makes the world go round”. I’m not new age. I don’t believe in “manifesting success”. I believe in blind luck and knowing the right people. So I guess, this quote to me means; love those who take care of you. Don’t trust too many people because not very many people will take care of you, and always realize you’re the only you you got.

How can our readers follow you online?

I just started an instagram page!! IG handle: goodgolfbadgolf

My IMDB is :

This was great, thank you so much for sharing your story and doing this with us. We wish you continued success!

You betcha. You owe me $1.



Yitzi Weiner
Authority Magazine

A “Positive” Influencer, Founder & Editor of Authority Magazine, CEO of Thought Leader Incubator