Lasma Kuhtarska of Noda On How To Successfully Juggle Motherhood and Work

An Interview With Vanessa Morcom

Vanessa Morcom
Authority Magazine
13 min readMay 9, 2024


Quality Downtime: On your days off, truly disconnect from work. This means resisting the urge to check work emails or chats. Setting clear boundaries between work and personal life is crucial for being fully present with your family during your time together.

In today’s fast-paced business world, women in executive roles face the unique challenge of balancing high-powered careers with the demands of motherhood. Despite progress in workplace equality, female executives often carry a disproportionate share of domestic responsibilities. How do these successful women manage both spheres of their lives so effectively? In this interview series, we would like to explore this intricate balance and we are talking to women executives from various industries who are also mothers, to share their insights and strategies for successfully juggling their professional and personal lives. As a part of this series, we had the pleasure of interviewing Lasma Kuhtarska, Co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer at Noda.

Lasma Kuhtarska is a distinguished professional with a rich background in financial management, business development, and consulting. In 2018, she conceptualized and pioneered the creation of Noda, serving as the driving force behind the innovative platform. As the Co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer, Lasma plays a key role in shaping and implementing groundbreaking strategies that leverage Noda’s growth. Beyond her professional achievements, Lasma also embraces the vital role of being a young mother to her wonderful daughter, exemplifying her ability to balance high-level strategic business management and personal life. Her educational journey includes a degree from the prestigious Stockholm School of Economics in Riga and a certificate in Data Science for Business from Harvard Business School. Prior to co-founding Noda, she managed financial analysis at the Bank of Latvia and contributed her expertise to SEB — the second-largest bank in the country. Her diverse experience also extends to her role as a project and business development manager in a real estate investment company, Pillar. This blend of professional acumen and personal dedication highlights her dynamic capability to lead in the business world while nurturing her family.

Thank you so much for joining us! Can you tell us the “backstory” behind what brought you to this point in your career?

Thank you for the opportunity to share my journey. My career path has been driven by a passion for innovation and a deep understanding of the financial and technological landscapes. My academic background, with a degree from the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga and a certificate in Data Science for Business from Harvard Business School, provided a solid foundation in both the theoretical and practical aspects of business and finance.

Prior to co-founding Noda, I gained significant experience in financial analysis at the Bank of Latvia and later at SEB, the second-largest bank in the country. These roles were instrumental in shaping my understanding of financial systems and the regulatory environment. My stint as a project and business development manager in a real estate investment company, Pillar, further honed my skills in managing large-scale projects and navigating complex business challenges.

The decision to launch Noda came from a desire to address gaps in the market and to leverage technology to enhance financial processes. Seeing the potential of open banking to revolutionize financial transactions, I was motivated to create a platform that not only simplifies but also secures the interaction between banks and businesses. This vision, coupled with my experience and collaboration with like-minded professionals, brought Noda to life and has continued to drive its growth and innovation.

The journey has been one of constant learning and adapting, driven by a commitment to excellence and a focus on creating value for our customers. It’s a path that requires balancing professional demands with personal life, especially as a mother, which has taught me invaluable lessons in time management and resilience.

Can you share with us how many children you have?

I am blessed with one truly remarkable daughter. Her arrival transformed my understanding of life’s priorities, showing me that while career accomplishments are important, they form just one part of my journey. Her presence has enriched my world, teaching me daily about love, patience, and the joy found in life’s simple moments. My daughter has been a profound reminder that personal fulfillment and success are not solely defined by professional achievements, but also by the relationships and bonds we nurture along the way.

Where were you in your career when your child was born/became part of your family?

At the time my daughter was born, I had already established myself as the co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer at Noda. Deciding to have a child was a deliberate choice, made at a point in my life when I felt a strong sense of accomplishment in my career. I recognized that I had reached significant milestones professionally and was ready to embrace the new challenges and joys of parenthood. My role at Noda had provided me with a solid foundation, and becoming a mother felt like a natural next step in my personal growth journey, adding another layer of fulfillment to my life.

Did you always want to be a mother? Can you explain?

Yes, I always knew I wanted to become a mother someday. It was something I deeply desired. I am grateful that this part of my life began at a point where I had already achieved certain heights in my career, which allowed me the flexibility to delegate responsibilities at work and dedicate ample time to my child. This timing gave me the balance needed to fully embrace motherhood while continuing to fulfill my professional ambitions.

Did motherhood happen when you thought it would or did it take longer? If it took longer, what advice would you have for another woman in your shoes?

Motherhood, unfortunately, isn’t something you can just schedule like a shopping trip for a new handbag. In my case, it happened just as I had hoped, but planning for it is often not straightforward. Motherhood can be unpredictable, and its timing can be different for everyone, depending on various personal and professional circumstances. My advice to other women would be to follow your heart and set your own priorities between career and family life. Listen to your inner guidance and align your plans with what feels right for you, keeping in mind that flexibility and patience are crucial.

Can you tell us a bit about what your day-to-day schedule looks like?

My daily schedule is structured to balance my responsibilities as a mother and my commitments as a professional. I start my day early at 6:30 AM, taking some time in the morning to feed and play with my daughter. Once the nanny arrives, I transition to my work mode. I prioritize completing urgent tasks and conducting meetings in the first half of the day. This approach allows me to free up the afternoon so I can relieve the nanny and return to my role as a mother. Our family enjoys an evening walk together before bedtime which helps us unwind and reconnect. Once my daughter is asleep, I use this quiet time to check emails and plan my schedule for the next day, preparing myself for the challenges ahead. This routine helps me maintain a healthy work-life balance, ensuring that I am present both at home and in my professional role.

Has being a parent changed your career path? Can you explain?

Becoming a parent hasn’t fundamentally altered the trajectory of my career path, as I had already achieved significant milestones before motherhood. What has changed, however, is my approach to time management. Previously, it was not uncommon for me to work late into the night, but now, with the responsibilities of parenthood, my priorities have shifted. This shift has made me much more focused and efficient. I now strive to complete tasks more quickly and avoid procrastination, ensuring that my work doesn’t encroach on precious family time. This change in prioritizing and managing my time has allowed me to maintain my career goals while also fulfilling my duties as a parent.

Has being a mother made you better at your job? How so?

Yes, becoming a mother has indeed made me better at my job. As I mentioned earlier, parenthood has honed my ability to focus and increased my efficiency; I no longer stretch out tasks unnecessarily. Understanding that everyone has their own lives, I now recognize that employees should not be working around the clock. Overall, I believe that the more roles and responsibilities a person manages, the greater their capacity to handle challenges. This perspective helps me ensure that our work environment respects personal boundaries and promotes a healthy work-life balance, which in turn enhances overall productivity and satisfaction in our team.

What are the biggest challenges you face being a working mom?

One of the biggest challenges I’ve faced as a working mom has been learning how to effectively delegate tasks, both at work and at home. It’s simply not possible to control everything or to be everywhere at once. Therefore, distributing responsibilities and having trustworthy assistants have been crucial. Trusting my team at work to handle tasks without my constant oversight allows me to focus on high-priority projects, and relying on help at home lets me balance my personal and professional life without sacrificing the quality of either. This approach has not only helped me manage my time better but also ensured that all aspects of my life receive the attention they deserve.

Are there any stories you remember from the early days of parenthood that you want to share?

In the early days of parenthood, I vividly remember trying to stay connected and in control of everything at work, despite the exhaustion from lack of sleep. One incident that stands out happened during a team meeting where my team was presenting their strategy. I was determined to stay on top of things and participate, but the sheer fatigue was overwhelming. I ended up unintentionally falling asleep during the meeting. My team initially thought my screen had frozen! This moment was a humorous yet eye-opening experience for me, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging my limits and the need for rest. It was a clear sign that I had to start prioritizing self-care and trusting my team more, rather than trying to do it all.

Are there any meaningful activities or traditions you’ve made up or implemented that have enhanced your time with your family? Can you share a story or example?

One meaningful tradition we’ve established to enhance our family time is our nightly walks. Every evening, regardless of how busy the day has been, we take time to go for a walk together before bedtime. This simple activity not only allows us to spend quality time together but also serves as a wonderful way to unwind and refresh after a day’s work. It’s during these walks that we share stories, discuss our days, and enjoy the calm of the evening. This has not only brought us closer but also gives me a much-needed break, allowing me to return home rejuvenated and ready to tackle any remaining tasks for the day, like checking emails one last time.

Another significant change we’ve made is reducing the number of working weekends. We now prioritize spending more weekends as family time rather than catching up on work. This shift has tremendously improved our family dynamics and overall well-being. By consciously dedicating more time to be together without the distraction of work, we’ve created a stronger, more connected family unit. These changes, though small, have had a profound impact on our lives, making our time together more meaningful and enjoyable.

We all live in a world with many deadlines and incessant demands for our time and attention. That inevitably makes us feel rushed and we may feel that we can’t spare the time to be “fully present” with our children. Can you share with our readers 5 strategies about how we can create more space in our lives in order to give our children more quality attention?

  1. Delegate Tasks: Both at work and at home, assess which tasks can be delegated. This could involve assigning responsibilities to colleagues or hiring help for household tasks. The goal is to free up your schedule from routine duties that others can handle, allowing you to focus more on family time.
  2. Quality Downtime: On your days off, truly disconnect from work. This means resisting the urge to check work emails or chats. Setting clear boundaries between work and personal life is crucial for being fully present with your family during your time together.
  3. Establish Family Routines: Create consistent routines that involve family activities, such as evening walks, weekend breakfasts, or specific family game nights. Having these predictable times scheduled ensures that everyone knows when they will spend time together, fostering stronger family bonds.
  4. Use Technology Wisely: Leverage technology to manage your tasks more efficiently, but also be mindful of its intrusive nature. Allocate specific times when devices are put away, ensuring that your attention during family activities is undivided.
  5. Prioritize Activities: Discuss with your family about what everyone would like to do together. Prioritizing these activities ensures that the time you spend together is enjoyable and valued by all members. This could mean choosing activities that particularly interest your children, making the time spent together more memorable and engaging.

How do you inspire your child to “dream big”? Can you give an example or story?

My daughter is still very young, but I hope to inspire her to dream big by setting an example through my own actions. I strive to show her that it’s possible to achieve anything in life with hard work and perseverance. For instance, I often share stories of my daily challenges and successes at work, explaining how dedication and a positive attitude can help overcome obstacles. I believe that by seeing me balance my career and personal life while pursuing my passions, she will learn the importance of setting goals and the value of persistence. This way, I hope to encourage her to pursue her dreams with confidence, no matter how ambitious they may be.

How do you define success in both your career and your family life, and how has this definition evolved over time?

In my career, I let others define success, whether through company awards or achieving specific performance metrics. But in my family life, success has a different, more profound meaning. The true measure of success at home is the happiness and health of my family and myself. It’s about those precious moments we spend together, which are invaluable and irreplaceable.

This definition of success has evolved significantly over time. Earlier in my career, I might have focused more on professional achievements and accolades. However, becoming a mother and experiencing life’s various phases has shifted my perspective. Now, while I still take pride in my professional accomplishments, I place a higher value on the well-being and joy of my family. The balance between these two aspects of my life helps me maintain a fulfilling and harmonious existence.

What are your favorite books, podcasts, or resources that inspire you to be a better parent? Can you explain why you like them?

One of my favorite resources for parenting inspiration is “The Danish Way of Parenting” book. The Danish approach to parenting resonates with me deeply because it’s centered around fostering a happy and secure environment for children, which aligns with my ultimate goal as a parent — to give my child the happiest possible upbringing. The Danish philosophy emphasizes understanding and empathy, which are qualities that I strive to embody in my own parenting style. This approach is reflected in the overall happiness of the Danish people, often cited as some of the happiest in the world. The principles laid out in the book, such as prioritizing emotional honesty and creating a supportive family structure, have inspired me to focus on nurturing a joyful and healthy home life. This resource has been instrumental in shaping my efforts to provide a loving and supportive environment for my daughter.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote” that you share or plan to share with your kids?

Here’s a favorite quote about happiness that I often reflect on and plan to share with my children:

“Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.” — Dalai Lama.

This quote is meaningful to me because it emphasizes the active role we play in creating our own happiness. It teaches that happiness doesn’t just happen to us; it’s something we must cultivate through our actions, decisions, and attitudes. I believe this is an important lesson for my children to learn, encouraging them to take responsibility for their joy and to understand that their choices impact their overall well-being.

If you could sit down with every new parent and offer life hacks, must-have products or simple advice, what would be on your list?

If I could sit down with every new parent, here are some life hacks, must-have products, and pieces of advice I would share:

  1. Establish a Routine Early: Setting a predictable schedule for feeding, naps, and bedtime can help both the baby and you adjust to the new changes more smoothly. A routine helps in reducing the baby’s fussiness and makes planning your day easier.
  2. Read to Your Child Every Day: Even at a very young age, reading to your child can boost language acquisition, instill a love of books, and provide a great bonding experience.
  3. Prepare Meals in Advance: Cooking in bulk and freezing meals can significantly ease your daily schedule. It reduces the stress of preparing meals every day and ensures that you have healthy home-cooked meals ready, even on your busiest days. Or you can delegate it.
  4. Join Parenting Groups: Whether online or in your community, connecting with other parents can provide support, advice, and friendship. Parenting groups offer a platform to share experiences and solutions to common parenting challenges.
  5. Keep Self-Care in Mind: It’s easy to forget about your own needs during the early stages of parenthood. Remember to take time for yourself, even if it’s just a short walk, a hot bath, or an hour with a good book. Your well-being is essential in maintaining your ability to care for your baby effectively. These tips and products not only aim to make the challenging early days a bit easier but also help foster a nurturing environment for your child to grow and thrive.

Thank you so much for these insights! We really appreciate your time.

About The Interviewer: Vanessa Morcom is a millennial mom of three and founder of Morcom Media, a performance PR shop for thought leaders. She earned her degree in journalism and worked for Canada’s largest social enterprise. She can be reached at



Vanessa Morcom
Authority Magazine

Vanessa is a strategy executive who specializes in modern parenting brands. Vanessa is also a widely read columnist, public speaker, and advisor.