Leading with Heart: Danielle White of Myriad Advisor Solutions On The Power of Authentic Women’s Leadership

An Interview With Pirie Jones Grossman

Pirie Jones Grossman
Authority Magazine
18 min readJan 19, 2024


Encouraging Continuous Learning: Learning is a life-long process. It keeps the mind sharp and engaged. It powers the engines of creativity. Effective leaders embrace a mindset of continuous learning and growth. By demonstrating a commitment to your own development as an authentic leader, you inspire others to invest in their professional growth as well. I share my experiences of attending leadership workshops and seeking mentorship, encouraging team members to actively pursue opportunities for learning and development.

In today’s dynamic world, the concept of leadership is continuously evolving. While traditional leadership models have often been male-dominated, there is a growing recognition of the unique strengths and perspectives that women bring to these roles. This series aims to explore how women can become more effective leaders by authentically embracing their femininity and innate strengths, rather than conforming to traditional male leadership styles. In this series, we are talking to successful women leaders, coaches, authors, and experts who can provide insights and personal stories on how embracing their inherent feminine qualities has enhanced their leadership abilities. As part of this series, we had the pleasure of interviewing Danielle White.

Danielle White, CEO of Myriad Advisor Solutions, has been with the firm since 2009. She uses her experience in the financial services industry and business arena to lead a team of approximately 50 as they seek to provide a broad array of all-encompassing, premier solutions for small business owners who, like Myriad, are always seeking to become more efficient, effective, and profitable.

White’s passion is educating and empowering small business owners across the nation, helping them to achieve their goals by alleviating the operational demands and challenges that new and growing businesses invariably face. While the company’s focus has been primarily on supporting breakaway brokers as they move toward independence and independent financial advisors as they seek to scale and grow, Myriad also works with a short list of other types of businesses on an individual needs-and-interests basis.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series. Before we dive into our discussion about authentic, feminine leadership, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you share with us the backstory about what brought you to your specific career path?

My career began rather serendipitously and over the years has gradually transformed into a true passion. I am enthusiastically committed to making a profound impact on small businesses and entrepreneurs.

Early on, when I had my first interactions with new clients, a recurring observation seemed to stand out. So many of them had embarked on their entrepreneurial journey without a comprehensive business or marketing plan. It became evident that they were navigating the complexities of business ownership without a clear understanding of their company’s identity, unique value proposition, or brand message.

Recognizing that entrepreneurs are the bedrock of our society and economy, I felt a compelling urge to offer guidance and support to simplify their entrepreneurial endeavors. My professional roots trace back to marketing and advertising, a foundation cultivated through years of education and internships.

The pivotal moment for me materialized when a financial advisor sought assistance in launching their own firm. I formulated a plan to shape their branding and website, carving out a strategic approach in defining and communicating their identity. This was a powerful lesson for me in recognizing the critical need for entrepreneurs to establish a solid foundation before embarking on their business journey.

That one experience laid the cornerstone for the establishment of Myriad Advisor Solutions. Our firm is driven by its mission to assist small business owners and independent financial advisors in navigating the realms of technology and marketing, particularly in the absence of a comprehensive business plan. To do this, we married my strengths in marketing and advertising with my business partner’s expertise in technology. Over time, our service offerings organically expanded to address each of our clients’ specific needs in the ever-evolving business arena.

Entrepreneurs risk so much in order to launch a new business that I feel an enthusiastic commitment to help them succeed in that endeavor. That kind of courage and desire for growth should be empowered, and I am thrilled to be a part of that.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you started your career?

The biggest thrill of my career thus far actually just occurred last year when I was invited to speak at NASDAQ about the entrepreneurial journey. To add to the surreal aspect of the experience, my message and photo appeared on the iconic Times Square Jumbotron on the NASDAQ building. This speaking opportunity allowed me to share my passion on a significant stage and deliver a message I believe is crucial: making the leap into entrepreneurship should be an accessible and empowering journey for everyone willing to take that step. The sheer magnitude of being featured in such a prominent venue underscored the importance of advocating for and facilitating the entrepreneurial spirit on a broader scale.

What do you think makes your company stand out? Can you share a story?

That’s a good question. If I had to boil it down, I would say that our firm’s greatest strength is my team’s unparalleled expertise and agility in navigating the unique operational challenges that entrepreneurs face on a daily basis. Myriad has helped to launch over 10,000 new businesses. Due to this wealth of experience, we’ve encountered and overcome nearly every obstacle associated with launching and running a business.

Every member of our team is committed to guiding our clients efficiently through crucial decision points, offering specific, yet comprehensive solutions. We pride ourselves on addressing any issue head-on, safeguarding our clients in order to secure their future.

One example of our dedication that springs to mind is when one of our clients opened an office in New Jersey during Hurricane Sandy. Despite the devastating hurricane wiping out their newly established headquarters, we seamlessly continued their business operations and successfully restored them to full functionality within a week. I am particularly proud of that success story as it underscores our firm’s unwavering commitment to our clients’ success, even in the face of unexpected challenges.

You are a successful business leader. Which three character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success? Can you please share a story or example for each?

1 . Visionary Thinking: Thoughtful foresight has been one of the cornerstones of my success as a business leader. I believe that to be successful, leaders must always focus on the long game.

As one of the founding members of our firm, I saw how important it was to foster a culture where our firm could not only handle the issues of the moment, but could also anticipate future trends. This proactive approach led us to invest in emerging technologies and staff training. As a result we adopted a digital platform which later became an industry standard.

This visionary mindset not only positioned Myriad as innovators in the financial services and business sectors, but also showcased the importance we placed on understanding market dynamics and foreseeing clients’ needs years in advance. This ability to think ahead of the curve and anticipate future pain points has been integral to our firm’s continued growth and success. Adaptability and growth are two of the most powerful tools any firm can possess.

2 . Resilience: I think without resilience, long-term success as a leader is impossible. There was a challenging period when economic uncertainties impacted our client base. During that period, the resilience to weather such storms became very personal, not to mention crucial. We pushed forward, implemented strategic cost-saving measures, realigned our service offerings, and provided additional support to clients facing hardships due to the COVID crisis. This resilience has not only helped our firm navigate tough times, but also earned the trust and loyalty of our clients, as they saw us standing strong and committed during challenging conditions.

3 . Decisiveness: A leader has to be clear in their decisions in order to move a company forward. A few years back, our firm faced a battle on two fronts. My mother and business partner was very sick at the same time that the country was at the height of the COVID epidemic. I was faced with a critical decision: choosing between two strategic paths for Myriad, each with its own set of risks and rewards. The ability to make timely and decisive choices became paramount. In fact, in that situation, it was imperative.

So, as the Chief Operating Officer at that time, I gathered relevant information, consulted key stakeholders, and, after careful consideration, made a firm decision. This decisive action not only provided clarity for the team but also demonstrated a commitment to moving forward together as a company. The positive outcome that came as a result illustrated to our entire team the value of clear and well thought-out decision making.

These three character traits serve as the cornerstones of my philosophy as a leader. They have not only shaped my leadership style but have also been pivotal in steering my company through various challenges, which ultimately led to our overall success as a firm.

Leadership often entails making difficult decisions or hard choices between two apparently good paths. Can you share a story with us about a hard decision or choice you had to make as a leader? I’m curious to understand how these challenges have shaped your leadership.

The best example of a difficult choice is the same crisis point that I mentioned a bit earlier in the interview. A few years back, our company faced a pivotal moment marked by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, altering the business landscape. At the same time, our CEO, (my mother and business partner), confronted a challenging health crisis with a cancer diagnosis, leading to an extended recovery period.

In response to the uncertainties arising from the evolving business environment and the absence of our CEO, I took on those responsibilities to ensure leadership continuity. Beyond financial considerations, we grappled with the imperative to adapt our operations to the “new normal” imposed by the pandemic, emphasizing the importance of preparing for the unexpected in order to ensure sustained business viability.

During this “perfect storm” if you will, our firm’s primary focus shifted to navigating the uncertainties of COVID-19 and strategically positioning the company for growth while at the same time, managing the challenges of maintaining business operations amidst significant changes.

We made strategic decisions to align our services with the emerging needs of clients amid the pandemic, fostering a sense of resilience and innovation within the team. Transparent communication was vital during this period; keeping the team informed about changes, ongoing uncertainties, and our collective vision for navigating this very trying period.

This experience highlighted the importance of adaptive leadership, strategic agility, and effective communication. The first difficult decision for me was assuming the role of CEO during a time of industry transformation and global uncertainty. That difficult decision led to many others.

I think that at one time or another we are all faced with difficult decisions, and the quality of our lives rests on our commitment to do what is right rather than what is easy.

Ok, thank you for that. Let’s now jump to the primary focus of our interview. Can you share a personal experience where embracing your unique leadership style, which might not align with traditional expectations, led to a significant positive impact in your organization or team?

One experience that stands out is when I introduced a more collaborative and inclusive decision-making process within our organization, challenging traditional hierarchical norms. I strongly believe that good leadership is not solely about top-down directives, but also about creating an environment where every team member feels heard and empowered to contribute.

Recognizing the wealth of knowledge and diverse perspectives within our own firm, I initiated regular brainstorming sessions where team members from various levels and departments could contribute ideas and insights. This inclusive approach aimed to tap into the collective intelligence of the entire team, fostering a culture of open communication and innovation.

The positive impact was evident when, during one of these sessions, a team member proposed a creative solution to a long-standing operational challenge that our traditional decision-making processes had not been able to solve. In the past, this individual might not have had a platform to share their insights directly with upper management.

Implementing this unconventional approach not only led to the successful resolution of that one operational challenge, but also empowered team members at all levels to feel more engaged and valued. It created a sense of ownership and collective responsibility for the success of all future projects, boosting morale and overall team cohesion.

As a result, this more inclusive leadership style has become a cornerstone of our organizational culture, consistently yielding positive impacts on creativity, problem-solving, and team dynamics.

In your journey as a leader, how have you balanced demonstrating resilience, often seen as a masculine trait, with showing vulnerability, which is equally powerful, but typically feminine? Can you give an example where this balance created a meaningful difference?

Throughout my journey as a leader, striking a balance between resilience and vulnerability has been instrumental in navigating challenges while fostering a cohesive team culture. The old axiom “if you are not changing and growing, you are probably dying” reflects the power of a resilient mindset. Adaptability and continuous evolution are vital for the success of any leader, corporate or otherwise. Yet, vulnerability plays its own important part in leadership as well. Showing a bit of vulnerability softens the edges of a leader and fosters a sense of trust. In addition, it help to create a feeling of unity and a desire for collaboration within a firm.

During a period of organizational change, I had to steer our team through many uncertainties while demonstrating resilience in adapting to market shifts. I also realized the necessity of open communication of those challenges and uncertainties that we would have to face together. Team members connected on a more human level, fostering a sense of trust and collaboration. As a result, we worked together to collectively develop strategies that would help us overcome the obstacles we were facing.

This blend of resilience and vulnerability not only fortified our team’s resolve, but also created a more empathetic and supportive work environment. It showcased the strength of working hand-in-hand to navigate complicated and challenging situations together and helped our firm to build a resilient, adaptable, and closely-knit team.

As a woman in leadership, how have you navigated and challenged gender stereotypes, especially in situations where traditional male-dominated approaches are the norm? What strategies have you employed to remain authentic to your style?

As a woman in leadership, navigating gender stereotypes, particularly in situations dominated by traditional male approaches, has been an ongoing journey for me. One of my key tactics is to concentrate on my own competence and prioritize consistent results for my clients. I find in doing that, my leadership skills and accomplishments speak louder than someone’s preconceived gender expectations. Embracing a confident and assertive communication style has also been crucial, ensuring that my voice is heard, and my ideas are given the attention they deserve.

Another of my strategies is to actively foster a workplace culture that values diversity and inclusion, emphasizing the importance of diverse perspectives in driving success and innovation forward. By championing the contributions of all team members, regardless of gender or culture, I’ve been able to break down stereotypes and promote a more inclusive environment.

Mentors are a vital resource when navigating the biases sometimes associated with gender. Connecting with other women leaders, networking and learning from their experiences has provided me with valuable insights and support. Not only does it help me to navigate challenges, it also reminds me that breaking gender stereotypes is a collective effort.

Ultimately, my strategy revolves around demonstrating competence, fostering inclusivity, embracing authenticity, and actively seeking support from mentors and peers. By consistently embodying these principles, I aim to challenge gender norms and contribute to a more equitable and diverse leadership landscape.

How do you utilize emotional intelligence and active listening to create an inclusive environment in your team or organization? Could you share a specific instance where these qualities particularly enhanced team dynamics or performance?”

In order for people to feel included, they must feel free to express their ideas and opinions. Otherwise, they are not personally invested in a company’s success. In order to create an environment that feels inclusive, I am committed open communication and collaboration. Empathy and emotional intelligence are important tools for senior management so that each team member feels heard and valued.

During a challenging transitional period, I noticed increased stress levels among team members. Instead of focusing solely on the tasks at hand, I took the time to engage in one-on-one conversations, actively listening to their concerns and understanding their perspectives and fears. This allowed me to empathize with their challenges and emotions, demonstrating a genuine commitment to their well-being. The power of this type of active listening cannot be overstated.

As a result, I adapted my leadership approach so that I could address the individual needs of each person as best I could. For some team members, it involved providing additional support and resources, while for others, it meant adjusting deadlines to alleviate pressure. By recognizing and responding to the emotional cues within the team, we not only improved morale but also fostered a sense of unity and shared responsibility for the company’s success.

By validating team members’ experiences, I created a space where they felt valued and understood. This not only contributed to a more inclusive work environment but also enhanced overall team dynamics. The increased trust and open communication resulted in improved collaboration and a shared commitment to overcoming challenges, ultimately leading to the successful completion of the project.

When each member of a team feels truly listened to, they feel valued and powerful. As a they feel a vested interest in the success of the collective. This sense of inclusion results in a collective excitement and commitment

What role has mentorship played in developing your authentic leadership style, and how do you communicate authentically to inspire and empower both your mentors and mentees?

Having mentors to guide your development as a leader is incredibly powerful, especially as a woman in the business world. Learning from other women who have gone before me has played a pivotal role in shaping my authentic leadership style. Their insights and guidance have been vital to my growth as a woman and as a leader. My mentors have served as sounding boards, offering constructive feedback and helping me navigate challenges. From them, I’ve learned the importance of authenticity in leadership — staying true to my values, embracing vulnerability, and cultivating genuine connections. And now, as a female CEO, I can mentor others along their career journeys as well.

In communicating authentically with both mentors and mentees, transparency is key. I openly share my experiences, including successes and setbacks, to provide a realistic perspective on leadership. This willingness to be vulnerable and transparent catapults the relationship, encouraging open dialogue and creating an environment where authentic connections can flourish.

I approach mentorship as a reciprocal relationship. While mentors offer wisdom and guidance, I also seek their input on my leadership decisions, fostering a collaborative exchange. This mutual respect reinforces authenticity in our interactions.

With mentees, I emphasize the value of embracing one’s unique strengths and perspectives. I encourage them to be authentic in their leadership journey, fostering an environment where they feel empowered to bring their whole selves to the workplace. By sharing my own experiences, including moments of vulnerability and personal growth, I aim to inspire and demonstrate that authenticity is a strength, not a weakness.

Whether acting as mentor or mentee, I strive for continuous & reciprocal education and growth. This involves actively seeking feedback so that we can create a dynamic dialogue that contributes to my ongoing development as a leader. By demonstrating a commitment to growth and authenticity, I hope to inspire others to do the same.

In essence, mentorship has been instrumental in helping me find an authentic leadership style that is uniquely my own.

Ok super. Here is the main question of our interview. Based on your experience and research, can you please share “5 Ways Leading Authentically As A Woman Will Affect Your Leadership”? If you can, please share a story or an example for each.

I’ve been looking forward to this question because I feel that women inherently possess several very powerful character traits that help them to become dynamic and powerful leaders.

1 . Building Trust and Credibility: Authenticity builds trust. By sharing personal experiences, whether challenges or triumphs, you can become more approachable and relatable as a leader. I recall a situation a while ago, when opening up about my own career setbacks not only humanized my leadership but also inspired the team to persevere through challenges and stay focused on their long-term career growth.

2 . Empowering Others: Authentic leaders should always empower those around them, helping them find their strengths, work around their weaknesses and ultimately embrace their authentic selves. As CEO, I try to embrace the passions and strengths of each of the members of our team. Once they discover the areas in which they excel, not only are the more passionate about their careers, the effectiveness of our firm increases exponentially.

3 . Encouraging Continuous Learning: Learning is a life-long process. It keeps the mind sharp and engaged. It powers the engines of creativity. Effective leaders embrace a mindset of continuous learning and growth. By demonstrating a commitment to your own development as an authentic leader, you inspire others to invest in their professional growth as well. I share my experiences of attending leadership workshops and seeking mentorship, encouraging team members to actively pursue opportunities for learning and development.

4 . Cultivating a Positive Company Culture: By emphasizing your core values as an authentic leader and ensuring alignment with organizational culture, you create a workplace where employees feel valued and engaged. At our firm, I once led an initiative to revisit and refine our company values, involving team members in the process. This resulted in a shared sense of purpose and a more positive and cohesive work environment.

5 . Balancing Empathy and Assertiveness: Authentic leaders should always endeavor to strike a balance between empathy and assertiveness. Those two talents work hand in hand to empower any team. Authentic leaders can and should be able to practice both simultaneously. By combining empathy and assertiveness in challenging situations, you create a leadership style that resonates with diverse personalities and raises the bar for those around you. During one particular conflict within our firm, I called both parties to a meeting. We sat down together while I actively listened to each person’s perspective, showing empathy and compassion for both viewpoints. Only after that did I assert my authority, making clear our firm’s position on the matter. This approach not only resolved the conflict but strengthened the relationships within the team.

Are there potential pitfalls or challenges associated with being an empathetic leader? How can these be addressed?

There are dangers when leading from a place of empathy. That’s why it must always be tempered with clear boundaries and professionalism. The key is walking that knife’s edge that pairs empathy with tough decision-making. My focus is always on what is best for the team. However, I never forget that those decisions must be tempered with empathy for all sides in any situation. Burnout is a real concern, and I tackle it by taking care of myself and seeking support from others.

Blind empathy is simply not effective for any person’s growth. It must always be tempered with accountability and delicate feedback. As a leader, I strive for a positive approach when sharing constructive criticism. Clear expectations and accountability are key, and communication channels should be wide open in both directions.

There is a fantastic graphic that features two people seeing the number ‘6’ and a ‘9’ from their different perspectives. Simple yet profound, that graphic is a favorite of mine because it powerfully illustrates the problems that arise when you are only capable of seeing things from your own point of view. Each person might be right from their own perspective, but a good leader should empower their people to see the overall picture as well.

It is always helpful for a leader to factor in diverse viewpoints on an issue. This gives insight from all perspectives which ultimately results in seeing the overall situation for what it is so that it can be treated holistically,

You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

If I could initiate a movement for maximum positive impact, it would focus on fostering global digital literacy with a unique emphasis on bringing people, families, and friends together in person. The goal is to counter the detrimental effects of online bullying, misinformation, and isolation that are, unfortunately, tearing our communities and families apart.

By prioritizing face-to-face connections and promoting unplugging from constant online engagement, the movement aims to address the root causes of social issues like depression linked to our always-connected lifestyle. Simultaneously, the digital literacy component would empower individuals to navigate the online world responsibly, recognizing the signs of misinformation, ensuring online safety, and fostering a healthy online environment.

This combined approach seeks to bridge the gap between our increasingly digital lives and the need for genuine, human connections. The movement envisions a world where individuals are not only proficient in the digital realm but also actively choose to unplug, fostering stronger interpersonal relationships and creating communities resilient to the negative impacts of excessive online engagement.

How can our readers further follow you online?

Website: www.myriadas.com


Twitter: @white_danielle

Thank you for the time you spent sharing these fantastic insights. We wish you only continued success in your great work!



Pirie Jones Grossman
Authority Magazine

TedX Speaker, Influencer, Bestselling Author and former TV host for E! Entertainment Television, Fox Television, NBC, CBS and ABC.