Lisa Steele of Fresh Eggs Daily On How To Grow Your Business or Brand By Writing A Book

An Interview With Theresa Albert

Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Authority Magazine


Have the conversation with your publisher early on to determine what they will be offering as far as the promotion so you can make your plan revolve around that. That way, you won’t have unreasonable expectations about what they will be doing to help. Depending on the publisher, they might do nothing, and some might simply offer you some free copies for giveaways. Others might be willing to send review copies to other authors, influencers, etc., for reviews.

As a part of our series about “How You Can Grow Your Business or Brand By Writing A Book”, I had the pleasure of interviewing Lisa Steele.

Lisa Steele is the founder of Fresh Eggs Daily, the popular backyard chicken keeping brand, and author of several books on raising backyard poultry and the creative force behind a line of all-natural poultry feed supplements. She has nearly a million followers worldwide across her social media

