Liz Logan of BeSOUL On Becoming Free From The Fear Of Failure

An Interview With Savio P. Clemente

Savio P. Clemente
Authority Magazine
12 min readJun 19, 2022


First, acknowledge fear of failing as fear of failing. Be aware of your fear. Recognize what you are feeling as fear of failure.

The Fear of Failure is one of the most common restraints that holds people back from pursuing great ideas. Imagine if we could become totally free from the fear of failure. Imagine what we could then manifest and create. In this interview series, we are talking to leaders who can share stories and insights from their experience about “Becoming Free From the Fear of Failure.” As a part of this series, I had the distinct pleasure of interviewing Liz Logan.

Liz Logan is a wellness expert, entrepreneur, and the founder of BeSOUL. She has been an active leader in the world of personal development for over 20 years. Through BeSoul, Liz offers transformative online courses and in-person retreats designed to empower her clients to harness their inner power and live their light.

Thank you so much for joining us! Our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you tell us a bit about your ‘backstory’?

I am very lucky to be able to channel my passion into transforming the lives of others and help them achieve their personal, professional, and financial potential.

I’ve always been involved in the wellness industry in some way. I have degrees in Kinesiology and Business Development, so creating BeSOUL, my online lifestyle brand, seemed like a natural step.

I started out as a plant-based nutrition coach and Master Pilates instructor, and then opened my wellness center in Vail, Colorado in 2008. I saw the wellness center as an opportunity to combine my passion for Eastern philosophy and my knowledge of Western science to offer my clients an all-encompassing healing experience. Shortly after, I started leading retreats all over the world for high achievers as a deeper experience of living a meaningful life.

I quickly realized that people would come to Colorado on vacation — they dive into the healthy lifestyle and then go home and didn’t have the same support for their wellness journey. So, around 2016, I began to transition into online coaching, which gave me the opportunity to work with people around the globe.

In 2019, I founded BeSOUL and designed it to guide people towards their most empowered selves and master their most meaningful life by discovering who they are designed to be. BeSOUL’s courses truly build on my own lived experience, drawing from everything I’ve learned professionally and personally — combining Eastern philosophy, Ayurveda, human conditioning, kinesiology, business development, nutrition and more.

Through BeSOUL, I’ve found my purpose and have been able to work with and support others who want to take control of their lives, to awaken and align with their soul’s path.

Can you share with us the most interesting story from your career? Can you tell us what lessons or ‘take aways’ you learned from that?

I owned a small Pilates Studio years ago but was quickly running out of space and needed to find somewhere bigger. I loved creating experiential spaces for people to really be able to expand their growth and deepen their experience, so I was on the hunt for something pretty special.

A few weeks went by, and after thinking I was going to rent a space, I got the idea to actually try to buy a space, which was a HUGE financial stretch for me at the time. I found a perfect space with incredible natural light, a view of the river and really good energy, but it was too big for what I needed.

That night, I dreamt I had opened a wellness center in that same space I saw earlier. I woke up, took out my journal and drew the space from my dream. I brought it to my architect to see if we could make it work and it was literally the exact space that became my wellness center — to the inch!

I had no idea how to open or own a wellness center, but I quickly went to work, and it became an amazing place for healing for my community for 12 years.

From that experience, I learned to trust my intuition, that nothing is impossible, and it’s good to stretch into your dreams — especially when they become bigger and better than you could have ever imagined!

You are a successful leader. Which three character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success? Can you please share a story or example for each?

Ambition: I have always had a strong ambition and knew I wanted to create my own destiny, not work for someone else. My ambition helped me build a successful wellness center in 2008, right after the financial crisis when the world was devastated. My ambition has always taught me I can be, do or have whatever I dream. It has led me to where I am now — doing what I love and living between Vail and Mexico.

Inner Confidence: This is the most critical trait I have — a deep sense of knowing myself and a loving relationship to my Self. My inner confidence has given me hope and a belief in myself in the darkest moments of my life. When I lost everything in a divorce. When I needed to figure out how to keep my wellness center going in tough financial times. When I lost everything in a house fire. When the person I loved was hurting me. When my business partnership changed course. When everyone told me my ideas were crazy and to go get a “real job”. My inner confidence was my calm, my center, my North Star.

Mindset: I learned the hard way that the stories we tell ourselves are just that…stories. My mind has become so clear over the years through meditation, conscious awareness, and mind training that I now rely on it for everything. Every morning before I start the day, I get my mind right first. I don’t even allow a second for my monkey mind to start. I now teach the same tools and techniques I use throughout my day to stay in the flow of my life. It really is magical.

Ok, thank you for all that. Now let’s shift to the main focus of this interview. We would like to explore and flesh out the concept of becoming free from failure. Let’s zoom in a bit. From your experience, why exactly are people so afraid of failure? Why is failure so frightening to us?

It’s actually pretty simple. We operate from two lens. Fear and Love. Everything funnels into one of these two.

Everything around fear limits us. It’s all the negative feelings like sadness, lack, depression, anger, and failure. It is the monkey mind I was talking about a minute ago. The inner voices inside your head that aren’t supporting who you really are. You weren’t born to live in this state of mind.

We fear we are going to fail because it’s easier to set ourselves up that way. It’s conditional thinking. And it’s the default setting — our mind and our society has taught us to be fearful around everything.

Failure is an outcome of fear. It’s what we expect to happen and it’s part of our belief system. It’s super scary because the stories we tell ourselves about the belief around failure can take us down a very dark rabbit hole and become very debilitating. Failure is just content that we feed the mind and then the mind takes it and runs with it. I love the quote, “What if I fail? Oh, my darling but what if you fly?” Which part of your mind will win?

What are the downsides of being afraid of failure? How can it limit people?

Failure is a limiting belief. It keeps you limited and small. It limits people through what they can achieve, what they can manifest (or not) and how they move through the day.

Imagine wearing a pair of purple lens glasses all day every day. Everything you see and experience would be purple, right? Failure is similar. When you live through the lens of your fear of failure, your whole experience of the world is funneled through that perspective. Everything is tinted from that fear and what you actually receive is more of that fear of failure because that is what you are really aligning with. Even if you like the color purple, you would eventually get tired of it.

In contrast, can you help articulate a few ways how becoming free from the free of failure can help improve our lives?

The purpose of life is the same for everyone — connect with the generosity of spirit and let it provide everything you need. So how do we do that? We harmonize our outside world, the world around us, with our inside world, our mind.

When we do that, we align with abundance, the positive flow for our life. Our whole life perspective and experience will change because you are now in alignment with a very positive state of mind and things will flow much better here. Everything you truly want exists in a powerful state of mind and that is what happens when you free yourself from failure. You actually become successful. You say goodbye to fear and step into flow! You learn how to fly!

We would love to hear your story about your experience dealing with failure. Would you be able to share a story about that with us?

Oh my gosh, I “fail” all the time.

But one of my most profound stories of failure was when I was working for a health company a few years ago and had a tremendous business I had built alongside my wellness offerings. I loved it and it provided an outlet to lead a team of women that I absolutely loved. I gave so much of myself to that part of my business. Then, out of the blue, I got fired! Yep, cold hard fired. I was shocked, heartbroken and pretty confused.

A few weeks later, my husband and I decided to divorce.

It was an incredibly dark time in my life. I didn’t understand what I did wrong or how I got here. I had everything I ever wanted and then literally overnight I lost everything.

How did you rebound and recover after that? What did you learn from this whole episode? What advice would you give to others based on that story?

It took me a long time and some deep inner work to look at that failure as one of my greatest teachers, but I can honestly say is it. What I learned above all else is, you can’t stop believing in and loving yourself.

Because life is going to throw you curve balls, it’s part of our human experience. But when it does, you have to go ALL in. You have to be your biggest support, advocate and cheerleader. You have to learn how to love yourself deeper than you ever have. You have to quiet the noise in your monkey mind so it doesn’t destroy you.

Now failure is my measurement tool to tell me if I’m on the right path, to check in with my intuition and calm my mind into a powerful state.

I actually don’t look at my life in failures anymore, because every time I appear to fail, I find my wings and really do learn how to fly.

The best part about that “failure story” is that I know myself better than I ever have. And it led me to my dream job in Mexico where I get to creatively use so many of my talents and gifts working alongside an incredible team on a development that will better the world for years to come!

Fantastic. Here is the main question of our interview. In your opinion, what are 5 steps that everyone can take to become free from the fear of failure”? Please share a story or an example for each.

Fear can be brutal. As an entrepreneur, it’s easy to get caught up in fear. But fear is just your inner critic voice stepping forward, blocking the flow of abundance that is your birth right. As my teacher, Deepak Chopra reminds me, “nothing is more natural than abundance, what is unnatural is scarcity, lack and fear.”

So here are the 5 steps you need to overcome fear:

  1. First, acknowledge fear of failing as fear of failing. Be aware of your fear. Recognize what you are feeling as fear of failure.
  2. Second, figure out why the fear is there. Where is this fear of failure coming from? Is there a backstory or reason for it? Is it true?
  3. Thirdly, how does it make you feel? Tap into your emotional state. What words describe how you are feeling right now? Is that how you want to feel?
  4. Next, align your mind with the opposite of what you are fearing. So, if you have a fear of failure, you need to replace it with what you really want the outcome to be — “my success comes easily and freely to me”. Trump your fear voice and replace it with unshakable confidence throughout your day.
  5. Lastly, in conjunction with step 4, tap into why you want to succeed and how you want to feel. As I mentioned above, you are now focused on what you want (abundance) vs. what you don’t want (fear of failure) but why do you want it? How do you want to feel?

Goodbye Fear, Hello Flow!

The famous Greek philosopher Aristotle once said, “It is possible to fail in many ways…while to succeed is possible only in one way.” Based on your experience, have you found this quote to be true? What do you think Aristotle really meant?

I believe what he meant is that success is the gift of failing in many ways. But ultimate success is learning how to master the mind, to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

You are a person of great influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the greatest amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

What If we created a sustainable model where everyone could have their basic needs met, i.e., food, shelter, clothing. If the worries of not having these basic needs went away around the world, what then could we train our minds to focus on instead. What dreams could we see through? What ideas could make the world a better place?

So many people are so bogged down by these basic necessities they aren’t able to tap into their full potential. I believe human suffering ends when you learn how to move beyond who you think you are meant to be and discover the person you are designed to be. You can do that more readily when you don’t need to take care of immediate survival stressors. And when you do discover who you are designed to be, you step into your full potential, you live your light and leave your legacy in the world.

We are blessed that some very prominent leaders read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US, with whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch, and why? He or she might just see this, especially if we tag them :-)

Honestly, I’ve been so blessed to meet many of the people that have been inspiring to me and influenced my path, but I would love to share any moment with Oprah. She is the most influential woman of my time for so many reasons. She is the ultimate for me in living an intentional, soulful life and I’m blown away by what she has been able to do by being her extraordinary self. Plus, she’s so joyful, I think it would be fun to hang with her!

How can our readers further follow your work online?

You can find me at and daily inspiration on Instagram @besoulliving

This was very inspiring. Thank you so much for the time you spent on this. We wish you only continued success.

About The Interviewer: Savio P. Clemente coaches cancer survivors to overcome the confusion and gain the clarity needed to get busy living in mind, body, and spirit. He inspires health and wellness seekers to find meaning in the “why” and to cultivate resilience in their mindset. Savio is a Board Certified wellness coach (NBC-HWC, ACC), stage 3 cancer survivor, podcaster, writer, and founder of The Human Resolve LLC.

Savio pens a weekly newsletter at where he delves into secrets from living smarter to feeding your “three brains” — head 🧠, heart 💓, and gut 🤰 — in hopes of connecting the dots to those sticky parts in our nature that matter.

He has been featured on Fox News, and has collaborated with Authority Magazine, Thrive Global, Food Network, WW, and Bloomberg. His mission is to offer clients, listeners, and viewers alike tangible takeaways in living a truly healthy, wealthy, and wise lifestyle.

Savio lives in the suburbs of Westchester County, New York and continues to follow his boundless curiosity. He hopes to one day live out a childhood fantasy and explore outer space.



Savio P. Clemente
Authority Magazine

TEDx Speaker, Media Journalist, Board Certified Wellness Coach, Best-Selling Author & Cancer Survivor