Liz Medford Of UNperfectionism On How To Get Past Your Perfectionism And ‘Just Do It’

An Interview With Jake Frankel

Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Authority Magazine


Change “should” to “could”: Notice the energy of the “should” in your body. Does it feel light or heavy? What sensations do you notice when your brain tells you everything you “should” be doing? Then try an experiment, replacing “should” with “could.” What changes? What becomes possible? “Could” implies choice, and we are always at choice. We don’t have to listen to our inner critics. “Could” allows us to tune into what our heart really wants. I use this tool all the time in my business and life, and it’s helped me stop doing all the things that weigh me down and start allowing myself to have a lot more fun.

Many successful people are perfectionists. At the same time, they have the ability to say “Done is Better Than Perfect” and just complete and wrap up a project. What is the best way to overcome the stalling and

