Beyond Talent: Manuel Mair Of One to One Fitness On The Mindset and Disciplines of Professional Athletes

Purposeful Fitness Training: This is a passion of mine. I advocate for a structured approach to fitness; it’s disheartening to see people at the gym looking lost. I’m driven to provide guidance that can help others train effectively.

In the world of sports, talent is abundant but individual greatness is defined by a unique mindset and steadfast discipline. In this series, we go one-on-one with athletes who raise the bar not just in skill, but in mental preparation and routine discipline. We’ll explore their thought processes and uncover the reasoning behind the specific habits that give them an edge. Prepare for a deep dive that could reshape how you approach discipline and mental resilience. This isn’t just about the game; it’s a blueprint for achieving peak performance in life. I had the honor of interviewing Manuel “Manny” Mair.

Manuel “Manny” Mair, owner and esteemed fitness coach, has sculpted a legacy through both his athletic prowess and his skill in personal training. With multiple Ultimate Athlete Competition victories to his name and a respected presence on the competitive fitness scene, Manny has transformed physical potential into excellence, earning the prestigious Gene Massey Award for his embodiment of remarkable achievements in bodybuilding and fitness. His advanced education, certified by the NSCA and ACSM, underscores his commitment to excellence, enabling him to elevate professional athletes to new heights of performance, including stars like Arthur Kaliyev of the LA Kings and NHL icon Roberto Luongo. Manny’s influence extends beyond the gym, where his charismatic mentorship and spiritual fortitude inspire both clients and colleagues on their journeys to health, strength, and peak performance.

Thanks for being part of this series. Let’s jump in and focus on your early years. Can you share who was your biggest influence when you were young and provide specific examples of what you learned from them that helped shape who you’ve become and how you live your life today?

My older brothers were essentially my first mentors, and despite the mixed signals they sometimes sent, they instilled in me a sense of discipline and discernment. The clearest guidance came from my eldest brother, who was a decade my senior. He stepped into a paternal role early on, which sometimes meant that my mother’s voice was secondary in our household. He didn’t just guide me; he sculpted my daily life with a regimen that began when I was only seven — push-ups, pull-ups, and runs were my introduction to discipline and self-control. Tears were reserved for real pain, nothing less. His intention was to forge me into someone tough, respectful, and responsible, leaving no room for doubt about right and wrong. This framework of living was solidified when I enlisted in the Marines. My brother’s parting words were a reminder of my core values and the drive to excel. I carried that with me, and it fueled my determination to stand out among 600 Marines during boot camp by winning the Iron Man competition.

Staying on the topic of influence, who has been your biggest catalyst more recently and what can you share that you’ve learned from them that led you to making changes in your life?

More recently, my sister Suzanne has been a pivotal force in my life. She’s the kind of person who brings cohesion to chaos, always there to guide me when I’m uncertain about my next steps, whether in my personal life or business endeavors. Her insight was instrumental in establishing the new location for my business. She’s been a bedrock of advice and support, providing the kind of reassurance and practical help that only someone who truly knows you can offer. Her influence has been a compass for me, leading to positive changes and growth both professionally and personally.

Resilience is a hallmark of high performers, especially in the world of athletics. Could you share the hardest thing you experienced as an athlete, how you dealt with it, what you learned, and the overall impact it’s had in your life?

The toughest trial I faced was a grueling 54-hour challenge, which was designed to mirror the intensity of Navy SEAL training. During this event, we were pushed to our absolute limits. Tragically, the event was marred by the death of a fellow competitor, an incident that shook me to the core. It was a stark reminder of the fragility of life and the need to thoroughly vet the safety and preparedness of any extreme challenge I consider.

The aftermath of this event sent me into a reflective state, accompanied by a deep sadness. It was a poignant lesson in mortality and vulnerability — not just for others, but for myself as well. I had to come to terms with the fact that the drive to push my limits had nearly cost me everything.

Losing nearly 15 pounds in the process, I realized I had to pause and reassess my priorities. While my competitive spirit usually propels me forward, this was a moment that called for introspection and a recalibration of my goals. It’s an experience that has profoundly influenced my approach to my personal and professional life, instilling in me a more mindful and considered perspective on the challenges I choose to undertake.

Can you share the single most significant sports moment or achievement from your career and provide some context around why it’s your most significant highlight?

Securing a Spartan Trophy at the age of 47 stands out as my crowning sports achievement. It represents not just a single moment of triumph, but the culmination of years of relentless pursuit and passion. Obstacle course racing is unpredictable; it’s a sport where the lead can change in an instant, and you’re often faced with challenges that you’ve never encountered before. I’ve experienced this first-hand, being in the lead only to be confronted with a new obstacle that tested me in ways I hadn’t anticipated.

Being a larger athlete in a field typically dominated by smaller, leaner competitors, I’ve constantly had to adapt and leverage my strengths. This victory was sweet affirmation that perseverance and resilience pay off, regardless of your build or the nature of the competition. It’s symbolic of my tenacity and a testament to my love for competition, especially in disciplines that combine fitness and marksmanship. As I look ahead, I’m excited to continue competing, with the Patriot Games being my next target. This isn’t just a sport to me; it’s a lifelong adventure that pushes and defines my limits.

You’re clearly driven by a specific set of disciplines that guide you. Can you share your top five that you personally prioritize and how they influence your daily routine?

Certainly, here are Manuel Mair’s disciplined priorities, refined for clarity:

  1. Nutrition: Fueling the body appropriately is critical. My diet focuses on lean proteins, an array of vegetables, nourishing fruits and berries, along with complex carbohydrates to sustain energy for success.
  2. Hydration: Adequate water intake is a game changer — it impacts energy levels and is essential for optimal body function. I make sure to stay well-hydrated throughout the day for peak performance.
  3. Purposeful Fitness Training: This is a passion of mine. I advocate for a structured approach to fitness; it’s disheartening to see people at the gym looking lost. I’m driven to provide guidance that can help others train effectively.
  4. Rest: Balancing sufficient rest with a demanding work schedule is an ongoing struggle. The importance of rest is undeniable, and even though it often takes a backseat to my duties and drive, it’s something I’m working to improve.
  5. Mental Wellness: While competition and active involvement in events contribute significantly to my mental well-being, I recognize the need for dedicated time to mental recovery. Meditation and retreats are on my horizon to ensure that my mental health is given the attention it deserves.

Nobody’s perfect. Share an instance where taking on too much served as a critical lesson that you learned from. What happened and how did you respond?

Currently, I’m in the midst of a perfect storm — I’m renovating my wellness facility, orchestrating the Soldier Rush, managing event planning, and operating an Airbnb, all while striving to grow my business. It’s a monumental load, and while I’m steering through it with my sights set on a successful outcome, the pressure takes its toll. I’ve experienced bouts of fatigue and vertigo, which serve as stark reminders that my health can be compromised by overextension. Each challenging episode is a lesson in the importance of balance and the need to sometimes step back and reassess my commitments. It’s a delicate dance, preserving health while pursuing professional goals, and I’m continuously learning to navigate this.

Discipline can be a solo endeavor, but successful people tend to “borrow” other people’s disciplines. Can you share some specific examples of some of your disciplines that your teammates have picked up and the difference it made for them?

One key discipline that I’ve always championed is perseverance — the unwavering commitment to push through challenges with the belief that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. This isn’t just a personal mantra; it’s contagious. My teammates have embraced this ethos, learning to keep their eyes fixed on their goals, no matter the setbacks. This shared discipline has empowered them to stay the course, and as a result, they’ve seen their resilience fortified and their achievements multiplied. They’ve learned that every effort counts and that the journey, with its ups and downs, is as important as the destination. This mindset has made a tangible difference in their lives, both personally and professionally.

Measuring discipline can be tricky. How do you track or assess how your discipline impacts your results? Do you track or keep a scorecard of any of your daily habits or disciplines?

My approach to tracking discipline is rooted in a straightforward principle: input equals output, especially when it comes to nutrition. I’m mindful of the fact that what I consume is directly linked to the results I’m aiming for. This rule of thumb guides my dietary choices, ensuring that my goals shape my consumption. As for fitness, I recognize it as a form of stress on the body — beneficial stress, but stress nonetheless. So, I tailor the intensity and type of my workouts according to the specific objectives I have in mind. It’s not about a rigid scorecard; it’s about aligning my daily habits with my overarching aspirations and making adjustments based on the feedback my body and performance provide. This self-awareness and responsiveness are how I measure the efficacy of my discipline.

Ever found yourself at a crossroads, where your commitment to discipline clashed with other realities in your life, like team dynamics or short-term goals? How did you handle it and what was the outcome?

Navigating the intersection where discipline meets real-life challenges is a daily reality for me. The pursuit of maintaining peak health and fitness often finds itself at odds with the demands of my work. Both are disciplines I hold in high regard, yet they frequently compete for my time and energy, creating an internal conflict that requires careful management.

To handle this, I’ve learned the art of prioritization and compromise. It’s about striking a balance — ensuring that while one discipline may take the lead at times, the other is not neglected. It’s an ongoing process of adjustment and recalibration, where I continuously assess and realign my actions with my values and goals.

The outcome isn’t a perfect equilibrium but rather a dynamic harmony where both my health and my work inform and enhance each other. This balance has become a discipline in itself, one that keeps me moving forward, albeit sometimes in a more zigzagged path than a straight line.

Reflecting on your athletic journey, what’s one thing you would go back and do differently if given the chance?

If I had the luxury of a do-over in my athletic journey, I’d entertain the whimsical notion of being born into wealth — not for the sake of luxury, but so I could devote myself entirely to fitness, offering my expertise to others without financial barriers. But on a more serious note, I’d consider simplifying my path. Perhaps I would temper the pursuit of my professional ambitions to create more space for personal passions. This isn’t to say I have regrets, but rather that, with hindsight, I recognize the value in a more focused pursuit of what ignites my personal zeal.

When it comes to pursuing the highest level in your sport, what valuable advice could you give someone that you wish someone would have told you?

In the relentless pursuit of excellence in sport, the best piece of advice I could offer — and one I wish had been impressed upon me early on — is to foster balance. It’s crucial to ensure that you’re not just investing in nutrition and fitness, but also prioritizing recovery with equal importance. This trinity of essentials forms the foundation of athletic success. I’ve long understood and advocated for this balanced approach, yet it’s a discipline I’ve personally grappled with. So, I’d tell someone to not just know and preach the importance of recovery but to truly practice it. Make it as integral to your routine as your training sessions, because it is in those moments of rest that your body repairs, strengthens, and truly becomes capable of reaching new heights.

If we were sitting together two years from now, looking back at the past 24 months, what specifically has to happen for you personally and professionally, for you to be happy with your results?

Reflecting on a two-year journey from now, for me to look back with satisfaction, there are clear milestones I’d need to achieve. Personally, and most crucially, I’d want to have found a reliable individual to oversee the day-to-day operations of my health and wellness center. Having a competent manager at the helm would free me to focus on my strengths and core passions, furthering the mission of the center while also granting me the space to maintain my own work-life-fitness balance. This shift would not only impact my personal well-being but also ensure that professionally, my business is thriving, evolving, and impacting lives as I’ve always intended it to. Success, for me, would be encapsulated in the seamless integration of personal fulfillment and professional growth.

Finally, where can fans and fellow athletes follow your journey of talent and discipline?

Fans and fellow athletes who are eager to keep up with my journey of grit and discipline can connect with me on Instagram at @Manuelfmairfitness. Additionally, they can delve into the services and insights we offer at One to One Health and Wellness and keep up with our exciting events at Soldier Rush.

Thank you for your time and thoughtful answers. I know many people will gain so much from hearing this.

About The Interviewer: Stephanie Greer, PhD is the Co-founder and CEO of Akin Mental Health — a company dedicated to guiding families on their journey supporting a loved one with mental health challenges like bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and severe depression. Stephanie is passionate about this topic from her own personal experience growing up with a mother who struggled with bipolar 1 disorder and found a path forward to overcome the obstacles and live well. Stephanie’s professional experience includes a doctorate in neuroscience as well as design research roles at Hopelab and Apple. Stephanie brings this personal passion together with her world-class science and technology background to support families across the US in their personal journeys supporting loved ones with mental illness. To learn more about Akin Mental Health and join our community, visit us at



Stephanie Greer, CEO of Akin Mental Health
Authority Magazine

Stephanie earned her PhD in neuroscience from UC Berkeley and uses her knowledge of the brain to translate insights from science into actionable tech products