Meditation Teacher & Author Sarah Vie: “5 Things You Need to Know to Survive and Thrive During And After A Divorce”

An interview with Ilyssa Panitz

Ilyssa Panitz
Authority Magazine


Sarah Vie says mind-set is the key to healing!

Get some support: Experiencing this journey alone can become quite overwhelming. Reaching out for mental, emotional, and spiritual support can make uncoupling an easier process. Allow someone to carry the heavy energy for you and allow them to show you how to get to the other side with grace and ease.

You own and control one of the most powerful weapons in the world, your mind! How you train and what you tell your brain to think during the course of your divorce will determine the direction of this personal matter. While there are certain variables you have to let go of, shifting your thought process to feeling being positive and optimistic will enable you to survive and thrive, hence the title of this column. Sarah Vie is a Master Health Coach. Her work and expertise is three-fold. First, Vie teaches meditation, which helps your head relax and stay calm, especially when you are faced with stress/anxiety that often comes from going through a divorce. Second, Vie is an Energy



Ilyssa Panitz
Authority Magazine

Ilyssa is the "Only" Divorce Journalist, Content Producer at The NADP, Public Speaker & Host of “The Divorce Hour with Ilyssa Panitz” on CRN Digital Talk Radio.