Megan Flynn Of Tandem Theory On 5 Ways To Create a Wow! Customer Experience

Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Authority Magazine
Published in
12 min readJul 11, 2024

Building a community around your brand can turn satisfied customers into vocal advocates. This can be done through online forums, social media groups, or customer events. Providing a platform for customers to share their stories and connect with others who love your brand creates a sense of belonging and loyalty.

As a part of our series about the five things a business should do to create a Wow! customer experience, I had the pleasure of interviewing Megan Flynn.

Megan Flynn is the Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) at Tandem Theory, a privately held firm specializing in distilling valuable customer insights and creating data-driven solutions for brands such as Purina, Rent-A-Center, and Daikin. As the Chief Strategy Officer at Tandem Theory, Flynn is driven by a passion for innovation and a commitment to delivering impactful solutions that drive business growth. With a background as a marketing and business leader, she specializes in leveraging unique insights to create transformative strategies that propel clients forward.

Thank you so much for joining us! Our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you tell us a bit about your ‘backstory’ and how you got started?

I wish I had a great story to tell, but it’s pretty straight forward. I’ve always been intrigued by the science behind marketing. I’ve worked on both the agency and client side. Understanding people (what motivates them, what influences them, what intrigues them) is something that I get excited about. I love a challenge — and I thoroughly enjoy working with smart people. They inspire me to be inquisitive. To think about things differently. To dig deep to find a point of differentiation. These are all aspects of my job — since Day One. Understanding how to solve problems and achieve goals just clicked for me.

Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lessons or ‘take aways’ you learned from that?

Attention to detail is so important in building trust, and I learned early on that even the smallest typo or inaccuracy can really distract your audience and undercut your credibility. To keep myself and my team on our toes, I became known for including a “gotcha” mistake in every deliverable I created for internal review. It became a game, a way of bringing a little more levity to something that could feel like mundane box checking and people became more and more invested in being the first to be able to say “Gotcha!” when they found it. Not only did this increase our team’s engagement and overall quality of work, but it made the rest of the team feel comfortable about making their own mistakes along the way, too. It also had the unintended (or was it?) result of reinforcing my own reputation — if I ever do really misspell something everyone just thinks it is another “gotcha!”

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story?

There are literally SO MANY people who have helped me along the way. I cherish both the positive and not-so-positive encounters, as I feel there is always something to be gleaned from any situation.

When it comes to citing a person or two who I am most grateful towards — I honestly would have to say my parents. They both had significant influence over my commitment because they drilled home to NEVER quit. This influence also extended to my work ethic because they taught me to never be satisfied with just checking a box. And lastly they influenced my level of dedication because they helped me know what I want, how to set goals, and prioritize taking positive steps forward to realize those goals. EVERY. DAY. They also fueled my passion for continuous learning and reading from a young age. I love being exposed to new ideas and different points of view, so I can expand my thinking. I was so fortunate to have two role models that I could mirror when I was young and continue to learn from throughout the years since.

Thank you for that. Let’s now pivot to the main focus of our interview. This might be intuitive, but I think it’s helpful to specifically articulate it. In your words, can you share a few reasons why great customer service and a great customer experience is essential for success in business?

A great customer experience isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s the lifeblood of any thriving business. Customer service, or issue resolution, is part of this, but customer experience goes further to include proactive issue anticipation and prevention. I’ve seen firsthand how exceptional customer experiences can turn a casual shopper into a lifelong advocate for your brand. When you go the extra mile to make customers feel valued and understood, they remember it. This emotional connection is a powerful driver of loyalty and keeps them coming back, even when competitors are vying for their attention.

In a crowded marketplace, the products and services might be similar, but the experience you provide can set you apart. Imagine a customer who is greeted warmly either by a person offline or through identification online, finds personalized recommendations, and receives prompt, knowledgeable support. This creates a lasting impression and makes them more likely to return and even spread the word to friends and family. Good customer experiences build trust and loyalty, driving revenue growth, and turning customers into brand advocates. On the flip side, neglecting customer service can be costly, leading to lost sales and even a negative reputation. Investing in great customer experience isn’t just good business — it’s essential for long-term success.

We have all had times either in a store, or online, when we’ve had a very poor experience as a customer or user. If the importance of a good customer experience is so intuitive, and apparent, where is the disconnect? How is it that so many companies do not make this a priority?

From my time working with various brands, I’ve seen that the issue often starts with a lack of actionable, connected data. Many companies are sitting on mountains of customer information but don’t know how to use it effectively. Without integrated systems to gather real-time insights and feedback, they miss the boat on delivering timely and personalized communications. Think about it — when a customer’s provided preferences or prior behavior isn’t used to anticipate their needs or offer tailored experiences, it’s a huge missed opportunity. The smartest companies I’ve worked with leverage their data to understand their customers deeply and create proactive, personalized interactions that feel seamless and natural​.

On top of that, there’s often a disconnect within the organization itself. Different teams, like marketing and customer service, might have conflicting priorities — one chasing new leads while the other tries to keep existing customers happy. Without a unified, customer-centric strategy that aligns everyone towards enhancing the customer journey, efforts can become fragmented and ineffective. Successful brands I’ve seen are those that foster a culture where every employee understands and values their role in improving the customer experience. They use data to connect the dots and ensure every touchpoint delivers on their promise, creating a smooth and satisfying experience that keeps customers coming back for more​​.

Do you think that more competition helps force companies to improve the customer experience they offer? Are there other external pressures that can force a company to improve the customer experience?

Absolutely, competition is a major driver in pushing companies to elevate their customer experience. When businesses vie for the same customers, the need to stand out becomes critical. We see this now more than ever, as consumers who are feeling the impact of inflation and decreased savings are less brand loyal. It’s like an unspoken rule: if you don’t keep your customers happy, someone else will​​.

Beyond competition, there are other external pressures that can force companies to improve their customer experience. Social media, for instance, has dramatically changed the landscape. Customers now have powerful platforms to voice their opinions, both good and bad. A single negative review or viral complaint can damage a company’s reputation almost instantly. Successful businesses turn social media into a strength by staying responsive and proactive online and leveraging their customers as advocates to maintain their brand image and build customer trust.

Regulations and industry standards also play a role. For example, ADA compliance comes up a lot with my clients. I advise brands to proactively meet these standards not only for a better, more accessible digital experience for everyone, but to also avoid hefty fines and legal risk. Providing a better customer experience makes sense on multiple levels for companies.

Can you share with us a story from your experience about a customer who was “Wowed” by the experience you provided?

At Tandem Theory, we help clients grow their business by providing better, data-driven experiences to their customers. We also put a great deal of focus on the experience we deliver to our clients. We call this “Better Client Experience,” or “BCE” for short since we refer back to it so much, and it’s the highest standard we pursue every day. Our agency was relaunched a few years back to do things differently, by removing a lot of the agency hang-ups to prioritize delivering proactive results through teamwork, transparency, and trust. We hold ourselves accountable to this standard and ask our clients to do the same. This past year, we are proud to have achieved a high Net Promoter Score (NPS) score of 70, improving 25% and outperforming the agency industry average.

During the pandemic, many of our clients ran into short-term financial limitations. Tandem Theory prioritized doing the right thing by increasing our contract flexibility and finding ways to continue supporting our clients in any way possible, regardless of their financial situation. One of these clients is still a client today, and we’re proud of how we were able to not only sustain their business during that challenging time but to also support immense growth since then through data-led CRM and robust business analytics.

Did that Wow! experience have any long-term ripple effects? Can you share the story?

In the case of the client team that I previously mentioned, two of our partners went on to new companies to lead teams of their own. One of their first calls was to us, because they knew we could help them achieve wins early on in their new role as well as support their long-term success. So many of our clients today are also people who we’ve worked with throughout our career. As they’ve moved into new roles at different companies, they’ve continued to come back to Tandem Theory as a trusted partner, which is truly the highest compliment we can receive!

Based on your experience and success, what are the five most important things a business leader should know in order to create a Wow! Customer Experience.

Based on my experience, here are the five most important things a business leader should focus on to create a Wow! Customer Experience:

1. Understand and Anticipate Customer Needs

To create a truly exceptional experience, you must know your customers inside and out. This means going beyond just basic demographics and diving into their behaviors, preferences, and pain points. Use data analytics to gather insights and predict what your customers might need even before they know it themselves.

For one of our clients, we analyzed target consumers, market trends, and prior media performance to create a highly targeted paid media solution. The campaign exceeded expectations, delivering 166% more conversions than forecasted to secure our client’s place over competitors.

2. Create Seamless and Convenient Interactions

Customers today expect smooth, hassle-free interactions across all channels — whether online, in-store, or through customer service. Ensuring that these interactions are effortless and integrated is crucial for a great customer experience.

I worked with an insurance services brand that struggled with disjointed customer touchpoints. By conducting a strategic brand redesign that included a collaborative positioning workshop and engaging signage, we created a new brand approach that resonated with customers and integrated both their digital and physical experiences. This seamless experience not only reduced customer confusion but also boosted their overall satisfaction and loyalty.

3. Empower Your Team to Deliver Exceptional Service

Your employees are the face of your company. Equipping them with the right tools, training, and authority to resolve issues quickly can make all the difference in customer satisfaction. When your team feels empowered, they are more likely to go above and beyond for your customers.

As an agency, we focus on empowering our own employees, whom we call “Theorists.” Our clients know they can reach out to each specialist on their team directly for efficient, effective communications without a gatekeeper. We also enable our Theorists to advocate on behalf of the agency to help us reach new potential hires and clients. We provide agency-wide training as well as financial incentives. This contributes to a highly engaged team and very low turnover — just 10%, compared to the agency industry average closer to 30%.

4. Foster an Emotional Connection

Creating an emotional bond with your customers can turn routine transactions into memorable experiences. This connection often comes from showing genuine care, empathy, and appreciation for your customers.

This one is near to my heart since it goes back to our core purpose at Tandem Theory. We believe that putting people first is the best way to do business. We see that in our clients’ success, generated by using data to understand what is important to a customer and then thoughtfully addressing it through personalized experiences. We also see it in our own success as an agency, seeing a Better Client Experience drive results for our clients and create loyal, long-term relationships.

5. Solicit and Act on Customer Feedback

Listening to your customers and acting on their feedback is critical. It shows that you value their opinions and are committed to improving their experience. Use surveys, social media, and direct feedback channels to gather insights and make meaningful changes based on what you learn.

We helped a consumer services company implement a robust survey panel program that allowed customers to easily share their thoughts on the brand, experience, and services. This connection also allowed the client team to validate new ideas to drive product and experience innovation. They not only collected this feedback but also actively communicated how they were using it to make improvements. Customers appreciated seeing their suggestions put into action, which enhanced their trust and loyalty to the brand.

In short, each step is about putting the customer first and making sure every touchpoint is an opportunity to exceed their expectations.

Are there a few things that can be done so that when a customer or client has a Wow! experience, they inspire others to reach out to you as well?

Definitely. Brands who take an end-to-end strategic approach should also be thinking about how to turn happy customers into brand advocates.

1. Create an Easy and Rewarding Referral Program.

One of the most straightforward ways to encourage referrals is to set up a referral program that rewards customers for bringing in new business. This can be as simple as offering discounts, loyalty points, or exclusive access to new products and services. Make the process easy and appealing so that customers are motivated to share their positive experiences with others.

2. Leverage User-Generated Content (UGC).

Encouraging customers to share their experiences and content related to your brand can amplify your reach. This could be through social media posts, reviews, or testimonials. Highlighting this content on your platforms not only boosts your credibility but also shows appreciation for your customers’ voices.

3. Cultivate a Strong Community.

Building a community around your brand can turn satisfied customers into vocal advocates. This can be done through online forums, social media groups, or customer events. Providing a platform for customers to share their stories and connect with others who love your brand creates a sense of belonging and loyalty.

4. Ask for Reviews and Testimonials.

Actively seeking out reviews and testimonials can provide powerful social proof. Reach out to customers after they’ve had a positive experience and encourage them to share their thoughts. Whether it’s a Google review, a video testimonial, or a quote on your website, these endorsements can greatly influence potential customers.

5. Personalize Follow-Ups and Show Appreciation.

After a great experience, don’t let the relationship end there. Follow up with personalized thank you notes, special offers, or invitations to exclusive events. Showing 1:1 appreciation for their business and engagement can deepen their loyalty and make them more likely to spread the word about your brand.

You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

I would encourage people to empower others and to work collaboratively. We are all busy — and we all have a lot of demands on our time. If we work together towards a common goal and help each other achieve what needs to be done — on time, on budget, etc. — we all win.

How can our readers follow you on social media?

We share new data-driven marketing insights and client success stories on Tandem Theory’s LinkedIn page at and blog You can also connect with me personally on my LinkedIn at

This was very inspiring. Thank you so much for joining us!

