Michelle Keefe of MomUp: 5 Ways To Identify & Retain Fantastic Talent

Kage Spatz
Authority Magazine
Published in
11 min readNov 18, 2020


Michelle Keefe

It can be hard to force yourself off the sideline. Life is more comfortable there.

As a part of my HR Strategy Series, I’m talking to top experts in the field to teach prospects what hiring managers are actually looking for, while also supporting business leaders in their hiring and retention strategies. Today I had the pleasure of talking with Michelle Keefe.

Michelle Keefe, the CEO of MomUp. Michelle leads MomUp on its quest to connect organizations with the amazing resource of mothers. Prior to MomUp, Michelle successfully ran and sold her first business, Misha K. She holds degrees from the University of Notre Dame and Harvard University. When she can, she tries to sneak in teaching a yoga class and she recently spent 6 weeks in New Zealand living in a camper van with her husband and 3 kids.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! First, please tell us what brought you to this specific career path?

Like many people, my career path was definitely not a linear one. I stepped in and out and then dipped my toes back in here and there as I started and sold a business in my twenties, and then chose to primarily stay home with my kids when they were small. After a few years at home with kids and…



Kage Spatz
Authority Magazine

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