Model and Actress Anna Alimani: “Words are power. Your mind is a very powerful tool. Repeat to yourself what you want, what you want to be, where you want to be and you will have it.”

Candice Georgiadis
Authority Magazine
Published in
10 min readMay 3, 2019


Repetition. Repeat to yourself what you want, what you want to be, where you want to be and you will have it. Words are power. Your mind is a very powerful tool. Every day I tell myself what I want to be where I am and that I am a winner. If you say it every day and you believe it, you start to attract those qualities to yourself.

I had the pleasure of interviewing Anna Alimani. Anna is a young vivacious entrepreneur, model, actress and aspiring real estate agent. At the age of 21, Anna earned a Bachelor’s of Business Degree from Purdue University, and is also a published & signed model, actress and social media star. For the future; Anna aspires to have her own real estate brokerage firm and empower other like- minded, strong women as herself.

Thank you so much for joining us Anna! Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?

That’s a great question! I was born in San Francisco California. I grew up in Spokane Washington, then I moved to Beverly Hills and now I’m in New York City. I’ve always been very lonely and a little bit impatient. I knew from an early age that working for someone else and building someone else’s dream and dream life will not be something I will be particularly good at. I like to do things on my own time and in my own way, so for me taking orders and listening to someone else’s way of doing things would not be the best fit.

I discovered the world of real estate when I watched the show with the Altman Brothers; Million Dollar Listing. From there I figured it’s a great way to make money, interact with people, and also let yourself have the life that you wanted to have and live on your own terms. My career in sales and self-sufficiency started when I began working for McLaren of Beverly Hills, assisting in the sale and office activities of the operation, I was given a chance to see how the world of sales really works. Ultimately at the end of the day, we are all salespeople, we all do it everyday, it's just a matter of how well you embrace and leverage it to your own advantage.

Can you share your story of Grit and Success? First can you tell us a story about the hard times that you faced when you first started your journey?

Absolutely! I know firsthand that the price of success is very expensive - it is definitely not free! You should not expect success if you’re not ready! Success comes at a hefty price. Success WILL cost you a lot of emotional drain, physical and mental you have to to have the tenacity, willpower and determination to reach the goal you wanted.

I moved from Spokane to California. At first I lived in Sacramento, I had no idea what I was doing. I worked odd end customer service jobs while studying, and ultimately I ended up going back home because I could not make anything happen for myself. I was extremely depressed and disgraced because everybody knew I had left for California to do bigger and better things, then I had to come back to Spokane and rethink my strategy, I felt like a total failure!

I had started a great job in an insurance company which allowed me to gain expertise and save money so I was finally ready to pursue California with a fervent fever. As a result I DID end up going back to California and living in Beverly Hills. My journey skyrocketed from that point. However it was definitely difficult moving to another state where you didn’t know anybody or anything; the whole experience makes you grow up fast.

Where did you get the drive to continue even though things were so hard?

Honestly I don’t really know. I believe it’s something you are really born with. Some people live their whole life in the path of complacency and lack motivation. All of my family is all very motivated, my grandfather was a criminal defense attorney until his death at the age of 85 and at the same time was a national swimming champion in his native country of Bulgaria. On the other hand, my grandmother had her own radio factory which was passed down to her from her father as well. My own parents fled to democracy while their native country of Bulgaria was still under Soviet rule. I guess I come from a family of very driven motivated people who always pushed me to be the best that I can be. Not only that, but I really aspire to bigger things in life! Life is so beautiful and there’s so much to see and I want to have the freedom and ability to experience the best life that I can; you only get one life, one shot, one chance to do it all.

So, how are things going today? How did Grit lead to your eventual success?

I will be the first to admit things can still be difficult at times but I have learned that with a clear mind set, a level head, and a proper network of people who want to see you excel and do well in life Anything is Possible. I definitely have a long way to go, I can’t lie and let my pride get the best of me, but it led me from Spokane to Beverly Hills to New York. So I would say I have done a decent job up until this point and it’s only a matter of time, tenacity and patience and a little bit more work and I will be where I want to be.

Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

Haha! Probably my own inexperience and also how gullible I was due to my tender age. I basically believed anything that seemed too good to be true which was a big mistake!

I had looked up jobs on Craigslist and there was a job advertising these stickers you can put on your car where they would pay you $1,000 a week to have the sticker on the car. So what did I do? I fell for it! It seemed legitimate at the time and they basically asked for my address and my name they mailed me a check, the check was for $4,000! Ff course I was 20 at the time and that seemed amazing to me! So being a silly as I was I went to my bank deposit the check, the next day the check returned, it did not clear and I got my bank account shut down. I felt like a total idiot but I definitely learned my lesson if it’s too good to be true it probably is.

What do you think makes your work stand out? Can you share a story?

Let me revise this question; I have yet to start my company, I will be honest, but I can revise question and put it towards myself. What makes me different is that I have always been my best friend, I have always held myself box, and I always believed in never giving up, I give 110% to things I’m very passionate about and I think long-term with every decision of my life. I work smarter not harder and I believe anything is achievable just every goal and target has Taps to it.

What makes me different is that I’m an old soul and I see beyond certain situations in life. I try not to dwell on something too long if it probably won’t matter in 5 minutes or 5 days. I’m a type of person that believes nothing is impossible its only a matter of faith that makes them possible and that you have unlimited power in yourself and unlimited potential and you can make anything in your life that you want to happen a reality.

Which tips would you recommend to your colleagues in your industry to help them to thrive and not “burn out”?

Your network is your net worth. I cannot emphasize this enough you need to be around strong productive determined people that will help you and keep you up when you have times where you feel really down.

I would also definitely recommend watching self-help videos or tuning into Tony Robbins or Grant Cardone for encouragement and a little bit of push when you need it. We all know it’s hard doing things on your own and making your own path, but with the right people in positive mindset anything can happen.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story?

That is absolutely true! Although I know he would prefer to not be named, he did help me out exponentially and he was a great friend in my life who I will always respect and cherish deeply.

With his help, I was really able to decide where I wanted to go. With his guidance, resources and advice, I was able to move to New York and also push forward and never give up. He would always tell me “you are a star” and I will never forget that as long as I live.

How have you used your success to bring goodness to the world?

Absolutely. I think giving back is a social and moral responsibility. I pay monthly to Exotic Life Animal Charities which help preserve endangered species and continue their existence. I also help friends who are worthy, and who want to help themselves and just need some advice along the way.

Based on your experience, can you share 5 pieces of advice about how one can develop Grit? (Please share a story or example for each)

  1. Go exercise. I know it might sound a little bit off but working out repeatedly and making tha a part of your life does develop strength willpower and determination to push through everything. Working out your heart and your body is like working out your will power. You have to push to do things you don’t want to do and sweat and go through pain to achieve what you want. I worked out everyday because it really exercises my willpower even when I don’t want to get out of bed or I don’t want to move I go and do it and I apply the same logic to my goals and aspirations.
  2. Remember why you started. Always know your goal and your ultimate end point is bigger than what you’re going through right now. Look at that instead of the situation your in. Learn to detach yourself and just look forward and let go of the small things in life.
  3. Surround yourself with a great group. Having the right company can either make you or break you or can help be great backup in times of doubt or when you’re really feeling stressed out by life. I know when I was first starting out I didn’t know anybody. I found people who are always positive and uplifting.
  4. Don’t stop. Even when you feel like the world is against you just don’t stop. I know it may sound cheesy but literally do not stop and keep going. I know I’ve been in a point in my life where I felt really down and I don’t want to go anymore but I just literally keep going and I don’t stop. It’s almost like I’m on autopilot.
  5. Repetition. Repeat to yourself what you want, what you want to be, where you want to be and you will have it. Words are power. Your mind is a very powerful tool. Every day I tell myself what I want to be where I am and that I am a winner. If you say it every day and you believe it, you start to attract those qualities to yourself.

You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

Great question! I’m not exactly sure yet. I can be many different things, whether its regarding fashion, the entertainment world, or health and Fitness, I have a lot of different angles about myself.

I definitely think I could be very influential in empowering young Millennials of my age. Alot of my peers have no guidance and no determination, no faith in themselves and lack the ambition and structure needed to move forward in their life. I think I can definitely be very encouraging and motivational, I’ve been told that multiple times. A lot of people look up to me and they’re motivated when they speak to me, so I think I could be a great platform for empowerment and helping support young Millennials in forming their a future for themselves regardless of where they started from, and in creating a movement of prosperity and success for the Generation to come.

How can our readers follow you on social media?

I’m Anna Alimani everywhere.

IG @anna_alimani

FB: Anna Alimani

Twitter: Anna Alimani

IMDB: Anna Alimani

Model Mayhem: Anna Alimani

This was very inspiring. Thank you so much for joining us!



Candice Georgiadis
Authority Magazine

Candice Georgiadis is an active mother of three as well as a designer, founder, social media expert, and philanthropist.