Modern Fashion: Julie Yarmoliuk of J’amemme On The 5 Things You Need To Lead a Successful Fashion Brand Today

An Interview With Dina Aletras

Dina Aletras
Authority Magazine
8 min read1 hour ago


Hard work, always: Success in fashion, as in any field, requires relentless dedication and effort. From sketch to collection, we pour our hearts into every detail and it shapes not only our daily operations but also the long-term vision of the brand.

Many in the fashion industry have been making huge pivots in their business models. Many have turned away from the fast fashion trend. Many have been focusing on fashion that also makes a social impact. Many have turned to sustainable and ethical sourcing. Many have turned to hi-tech manufacturing. Many have turned to subscription models. What are the other trends that we will see in the fashion industry? What does it take to lead a successful fashion brand today? In our series called, “5 Things You Need To Lead a Successful Fashion Brand Today” we are talking to successful leaders of fashion brands who can talk about the Future of Fashion and the 5 things it takes to lead a successful fashion brand in our “new normal.”

As a part of this series, I had the distinct pleasure of interviewing Julie Yarmoliuk.

J’amemme is a wearable couture brand, known best for its architectural silhouettes and signature pleats. Born in 2018 out of a passion for art and design, the brand redefines couture through its approach to color and form. Unique fabrics, contours and textures have a contemporary take on femininity. The brand’s production is fully couture, with signature pleats handcrafted by skilled artisans. Julie Yarmoliuk, the designer behind the brand, explores the strength of simplistic shapes that speak to discretion and are based on uncompromising quality.

The brand showcases their collection at New York Fashion Week. The brand has been featured in the top media resources: Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, Marie Claire, Elle, Cosmopolitan, L’Officiel all around the world.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Before we dig in, our readers would like to get to know you a bit more. Can you tell us a bit about your childhood “backstory”?

I grew up in the charming city of Kyiv, nestled in the heart of Ukraine, in the family of amilitary officer. Every weekend, my father and I would escape the bustle of the city to the serene forest or peaceful lake. These outings became a cherished tradition. I would spend hours collecting pine cones, wildflowers, and leaves, carefully preserving them in my herbarium. These moments sparked my fascination with natural textures and forms, an inspiration that continues to influence my designs today. The intricate patterns and organic shapes I encountered during those years are deeply embedded in my creative process, guiding my work even today.

Can you tell us the story about what led you to this particular career path?

When I started J’amemme, my motivation stemmed from a desire to champion high-quality Ukrainian craftsmanship. My background as a fashion buyer provided me with a profound insight into the intricate mechanics of the fashion industry and the processes involved in crafting collections of other brands. This experience inspired me to create something of my own, on par with renowned international labels. My goal has always been to showcase Ukrainian design on a global stage, so our brands are recognized worldwide. This desire arose even before the war in our country, but now it has become even more important. I want the world to see Ukraine not solely through the lens of war, but also through the lens of our remarkable people.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you began your career?

Absolutely! One of the most fascinating stories from the early days of my career is about the very foundation of J’amemme. I started with just $500, taking a leap of faith filled with both excitement and uncertainty. Over the course of five years, without seeking additional investment, we managed to grow the brand organically. Each piece that reached a new customer, every positive feedback, and every small milestone added to this incredible journey. Reflecting on it now, it’s amazing to see how far we’ve come — from a $500 investment to a recognized brand. The experience has been nothing short of extraordinary.

You are a successful business leader. Which three character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success? Can you please share a story or example for each?

In reflecting on the pivotal character traits that have shaped my journey, I find that persistence, confidence, and hard teamwork stand out prominently. Each trait has been indispensable in navigating the dynamic landscape of fashion design. They continue to define not only my professional journey but also the ethos of our brand. These traits serve as guiding principles, anchoring us in the pursuit of excellence and innovation within the ever-evolving world of fashion.

What do you think makes your company stand out? Can you share a story?

J’amemme combines meticulous manual work with modern technology. We redefine couture by embracing modern silhouettes and vibrant palettes in lieu of traditional elements like embroidery and gemstones. Central to our identity is a pleated texture, which forms the very DNA of the brand, imparting each garment with a distinctive, almost fingerprint-like pattern. This ensures every client receives a piece that is truly unique and expressive. Our aim is to show couture as accessible and modern, without compromising on its exclusivity and quality.

Do you have a favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share a story of how that was relevant to you in your life?

The timeless wisdom of ‘when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.’ It underscores the transformative power of adversity: rather than seeing setbacks as barriers, it encourages us to view them as catalysts for personal and creative growth. It reminds me that every curveball life throws our way is an opportunity to create something beautiful and meaningful.

Ok, thank you for that. Let’s now jump to the primary focus of our interview. Do you see any fascinating developments emerging over the next few years in the fashion industry that you are excited about? Can you tell us about that?

I find the advancements in AI technology particularly intriguing. Looking forward, I believe these innovations hold the potential to streamline production processes and greatly reduce environmental impact. The integration of AI could effectively mitigate the environmental footprint of fast fashion, promoting more mindful consumption habits. It could optimize supply chains, reduce waste, and foster sustainable practices industry-wide. This interception of innovation and sustainability, I believe, will reshape the future of fashion, offering unprecedented opportunities to blend creativity with conscientious practices.

Can you share how your brand is helping to bring goodness to the world?

Through our designs, we aim to empower women with a profound sense of confidence, joy, and individuality. It is incredibly rewarding to receive heartfelt feedback from our clients, expressing how they feel unparalleled in our designs and receive countless compliments. There is truly nothing more gratifying than knowing our work contributes to creating these moments. Isn’t it the best feeling to see your clients radiate happiness and confidence in what they wear?

Can you share with our readers about the ethical standards you use when you choose where to source materials?

At J’amemme, we hold ourselves to high ethical standards in every aspect of our creative process, particularly in our choice of materials. For our newest Resort ’25 vol.2 collection, we have utilized organic linen, a decision rooted in our commitment to minimizing environmental impact. We repurpose leftover pleated fabrics from the production of our signature dresses into pocket handkerchiefs adorning jackets. Upholding ethical responsibility is paramount to us and by prioritizing organic materials and repurposing deadstock fabrics, we not only uphold it but also contribute to a more sustainable future.

Fast fashion has an advantage, that it is affordable for most people, but it also has the drawback that it does not last very long and is therefore not very sustainable. What are your thoughts about this? How does your company address this question?

Fast fashion undoubtedly offers accessibility, yet its transient nature raises valid sustainability concerns. We approach this challenge with a focus on transforming trends into enduring, sustainable designs. Our creations are crafted not for everyday wear but rather for the memorable moments in every woman’s life. We believe that our dresses will remain timeless staples, designed to enjoy a long and meaningful life cycle.

Thank you for all that. Here is the main question of our interview. What are your “5 Things You Need To Lead a Successful Fashion Brand”. Please share a story or example for each.

1. Your own DNA: Every brand must resonate with a unique identity, like a fingerprint in the fashion world. It is about staying true to ourselves while evolving with the times. For us, it’s all about pleats, which became the cornerstone of our aesthetic.

2. Exclusive designs: Creating designs that are exclusive not only in their aesthetics but also in their narrative is crucial. Each piece should tell a story or emotion, connecting deeply on a personal level.

3. Desire to constantly learn: The fashion landscape is ever-changing, demanding continuous evolution and innovation. Embracing new techniques, materials, and inspirations fuels our creative growth.

4. Love your job: Building and nurturing my brand feels akin to raising a child — it translates into meticulous attention to detail, ensuring each collection is created with dedication.

5. Hard work, always: Success in fashion, as in any field, requires relentless dedication and effort. From sketch to collection, we pour our hearts into every detail and it shapes not only our daily operations but also the long-term vision of the brand.

Every industry constantly evolves and seeks improvement. How do you think the fashion industry can improve itself? Can you give an example?

In my view, the fashion industry is undergoing rapid growth, followed by a staggering increase in consumption rates, much like fast food. Regrettably, this trend significantly impacts our environment. strongly believe in embracing slow fashion — a philosophy that encourages cherishing existing pieces rather than perpetually chasing the new. It is about fostering an appreciation for quality and longevity, where each garment is valued beyond fleeting trends.

You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

If I could spearhead a movement that would significantly benefit the global community, it would unequivocally focus on ending all wars worldwide. The devastating impact of them touches every corner of our planet and affects countless lives.

How can our readers further follow your work online?

You can follow my work on Instagram at:, and J’amemme at:

Thank you for these fantastic insights. We greatly appreciate the time you spent on this.

About the Interviewer: Dina Aletras boasts over 20 years of expertise in the corporate media industry. She possesses an in-depth understanding of growth, strategy, and leadership, having held significant roles at some of the UK’s largest media organizations. At Reach PLC, the UK’s largest tabloid publisher, she served in various director capacities. Additionally, she held leadership roles at The Independent Magazine Group and DMGT. Her extensive knowledge spans editorial, digital, revenue, sales, and advertising.

Upon relocating to Switzerland, Dina took on the responsibility of managing and promoting the international section of Corriere del Ticino — pioneering the English page “onthespot.” She also was the Co-Editor of Southern Switzerland’s first official Italian and English bilingual magazine.

