Mollie Birney: “I Survived An Eating Disorder And So Can You”

Kristin Marquet
Authority Magazine
Published in
13 min readJun 16, 2020


Don’t share your opinion on what they should eat, just model what a peaceful relationship with food looks like.

As a part of my interview series with public figures who struggled with and coped with an eating disorder, I had the pleasure to interview Mollie Birney. Mollie is a Clinical Coach in private practice in Los Angeles providing life coaching with an eye towards mental health to high functioning professionals. She has a wide array of clinical experience as a Therapist in inpatient, residential and outpatient treatment programs, as a Consultant and Interventionist for families in crisis, and as a Private Coach for high-performing individuals seeking efficient, authentic transitions and behavioral change. She holds a master's in Clinical Psychology from Antioch University with a specialization in Addiction Studies, and based on her own recovery has a personal soft spot for working with disordered eating, chronic dieting, and other self- destructive patterns around food.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Can you tell our readers a little bit about yourself and what you do professionally?

I’m a Clinical Life Coach. My background is as a therapist with years of experience working in eating disorder and…



Kristin Marquet
Authority Magazine

Publicist and author based in New York City. Founder and Creative Director of and