Morgan Gist MacDonald Of Paper Raven Books On How To Write A Book That Sparks A Movement

An Interview With Jake Frankel

Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Authority Magazine


Writing a book is an effective way to spark a movement, but it is insufficient to fully fan the flames of the movement. Remember, you need people in a movement. It’s on you to find your people and get your book into their hands. If that sounds daunting, my question to you is, “How badly do you want it?”

As part of my series about “How to write a book that sparks a movement” I had the pleasure of interviewing Morgan Gist MacDonald.

Morgan Gist MacDonald is an author, speaker, and the founder of Paper Raven Books, an innovative publishing company designed to help first-time and experienced authors alike through the writing, publishing, and marketing process so they can get their books published and build a loyal readership and a long-term career as an author.

Morgan believes that even an unknown debut author with no connections, platform, or following truly can sell tens of thousands of copies of a book, gather thousands of reviews, and attract fans of their work that will

