Music Star MAJOR On The Five Things You Need To Shine In The Music Industry

An Interview With Guernslye Honoré

Guernslye Honore
Authority Magazine
8 min readJan 6, 2024


People change. Don’t take it personally. Stay authentic. Your audience will find you.

As a part of our interview series with leaders, stars, and rising stars in the music industry, we had the distinct pleasure of interviewing MAJOR.

MAJOR and his impact the same. With over HALF A BILLION digital streams, 4 independent solo projects, national tours, song cuts by Ariana Grande, JoJo and Nathan Sykes, appearances on The Kelly Clarkson Show, Sherri, The Jennifer Hudson Show, Extra and Today, guest roles in hit TV shows/films like Fox’s “STAR,” National Geographic’s “Genius: Aretha,” “Legend” (starring Tom Hardy), and more, MAJOR. is making MAJOR waves in the entertainment industry.

Between 2020 and 2022, MAJOR. married his “Mrs. Why I Love You” (covered by People Magazine), launched the MAJOR.HOPE Foundation, released his EP “The Hope of My Soul” and a powerful, spoken meditative album series titled “MAJOR.HOPE Motivations & Pep Talks,” which champions the charge for culture to prioritize mental and physical well being.

His powerful reimagining of the classic “Whole World in His Hands” and Platinum-hit love anthem “Why I Love You,” which Stevie Wonder proclaimed “would be the wedding/love song for years to come,” are proof — the GRAMMY, 2x Soul Train and 8x Image Award-nominated entertainer promises so much more to come…and it can only be as mighty as the name his mama gave him: MAJOR.!

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series! Before we dive in, our readers would love to learn a bit about your “origin story.” Can you tell us the story of how you grew up?

I’m a Texas boy who loves to sing & entertain. Grew up in a blended household of 10 siblings. I have 13 siblings total! Got my soul and inspiration to connect with people from the church. Went to art schools all my life. Graduated from the Berklee College of Music and moved to Los Angeles to pursue my dream.

What inspired you to pursue a career in music, and how did your journey begin?

Sang my first solo in the church choir at the age of 3 and saw how moved the people were. Tears, shouting, and joy! Told my mama I wanted to be an international SUPERSTAR and a pastor when I grew up. She put me in music lessons right away and the dream has been in me ever since! My first paid solo gig was at the age of 8 for Slumber J Oil Christmas Party — I figured making money doing what I love was the MAJOR. way to go!

Can you tell us the most interesting story that happened to you since you began your career?

Stevie Wonder discovering my song “Why I Love You” was the day everything changed… he randomly called me and because I didn’t recognize the number, I didn’t pick up. He left a voicemail saying he apologizes for bothering me ,but loves my song. I called him back and said: “First of all, you’re Stevie Wonder — you can bother me any time!” He said the world will come to know & love my song — and, sure enough, he saw right! Everyday people to legends have embraced it. The good people made it go Platinum and viral every other month!

It has been said that sometimes our mistakes can be our greatest teachers. Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

I remember not getting my clothes ready for church the night before, per my mama’s request. Woke up late and couldn’t find anything to wear so I grabbed my big brother’s too-long-hand-me-down suit pants, a wrinkled dress shirt and my stepdad’s too-big-belt. Snuck in the back of the van & ran into church before my mom could see me. She spots me on the front pew standing up clapping and singing. I noticed folks staring at me, only to get snatched up right on out of the church house by my mom. After a good “reprimand,” she said (with tears in her eyes) “Never embarrass me or yourself like this. There’s never an excuse to look unpresentable.” I don’t know if it was the “reprimand” or her tears, but I never came out the house looking crazy again! I guess I owe my stylishness to my mama & the day she snatched me up!

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?

I am the product of the village believing & pouring into me. I couldn’t possibly only credit one person, but beyond my Mama, I’d say Harmony Samuels [my brother from another mother & producer]. He invested in me and our collaborations have resulted in powerful songs that have blessed a whole lotta folks around the world. Believe it or not, he heard a viral clip of me singing about a chicken Salad sandwich and said “flip it into a love song” and “Why I Love You” was the outcome!

What are some of the most interesting or exciting projects you are working on now?

The most recent song & video release of “JOY IN THE BATTLE” from my EP “The Hope Of My Soul” is a hope anthem I’m pretty excited about! I feel like the song is gonna sweep the world soon enough. It’s my expression of AMERICANA SOUL!

We are very interested in diversity in the entertainment industry. Can you share three reasons with our readers about why you think it’s important to have diversity represented in music, film, and television? How can that potentially affect our culture?

1.) We can do a lot alone. But, we can do a whole lot more together.

2.) Diversity means there’s more than one perspective to consider. And, when you create with that in mind, you discover & reach parts of the world you never knew existed.

3.) Humanity is not a monolith. We deserve to have all of our stories shared, embraced, & told.

As a successful music star, you’ve likely faced challenges along the way. How do you stay motivated? How do you overcome obstacles in your career?

Many call me the “hope dealer” because I legit believe hope ain’t ever cancelled. Fact of the matter is, life is gonna life and a reality of life is that it’s full of trial & triumph. How you see a situation makes the difference. For example, I know rejection well and hearing the word NO used to break me. Now I’ve flipped it… N.O. is an acronym for Next One. Cause if it ain’t this one, I’m gon’ get the next one!

What are your “5 things I wish someone told me when I first started” and why?

1. Regardless of how amazing you are, “NO” will be said way more than “YES.” But, when you get your “YES,” be ready because it’s GO time!

2. It’s not always about how talented you are. Your character, reputation, and relationships will make the difference.

3. A star shines. No need to speak.

4. People change. Don’t take it personally. Stay authentic. Your audience will find you.

5. Don’t overthink it. Sometimes it ain’t that big of a deal. And, if it is, at least you’ll have a clearer mind to reapproach it.

Can you share some insights into your creative process? How do you approach songwriting? How do you approach musical collaborations?

I write in response to the need & cry of the earth. If I feel something needs to be said in order to help someone — I’ll put it in a song.

I see imagery and I describe what I see in a way that assures the listener sees it, too. One of my gifts is understanding the complex things and explaining them simply. It often starts with a simple line & melody I’ll sing into my phone … then the rest just flows in.

Your music has resonated with so many fans worldwide. What do you believe sets your music apart?

Relatability is my win. As an empath, I genuinely connect with others & their feelings. My music will often be exactly what many have needed to hear or say but lacked the language to convey it.

How do you connect with your audience?

Laughter, stories, and listening. My compassion is infectious. I’ve learned whatever comes from heart reaches heart.

With your busy schedule and demanding performances, how do you prioritize self-care and maintain a balance between your personal life and career in the music industry?

Burnout ain’t never been a friend. I don’t want it and I ain’t tryna know it ever again. That self-care is essential & powerful. As much as I love to give, I’ve come to realize the giving can’t skip over me. I, too, deserve to be poured into. If I don’t take care of me… nobody else will. That ain’t selfish. It’s actually wisdom.

You are a person of enormous influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

I have a foundation called MAJOR.HOPE, Inc. that is committed to the amplification of hope in people & communities near & far. I challenge people every day to join us in the mission to deal hope wherever, whenever, and however. HOPE is my legacy.

Is there a person in the world, or in the US whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might just see this, especially if we tag them. :-)

I’ve been blessed to meet quite a few folks on my journey joinery, but…Oprah Winfrey once called me at random during the pandemic thanking me for letting her TV network use my song for a project. She promised we’d work together in the future — I’m waiting on that next call & opportunity! And, I’m gonna be ready to deliver well!

Other than that, I would love to collaborate with Carrie Underwood — we share a birthday (March 10) and she can sang like nobody’s business! Imagine that: MAJOR. <> Carrie Underwood!

How can our readers continue to follow your work online?

NowThatsMAJOR is my handle on almost all social media including my website ( If you Google me, make sure you capitalize every letter and add a period at the end — you’ll find me much quicker! MAJOR.

This was very meaningful, thank you so much! We wish you continued success!

About the interviewer: Guernslye Honoré, affectionately known as “Gee-Gee”, is an amalgamation of creativity, vision, and endless enthusiasm. She has elegantly twined the worlds of writing, acting, and digital marketing into an inspiring tapestry of achievement. As the creative genius at the heart of Esma Marketing & Publishing, she leads her team to unprecedented heights with her comprehensive understanding of the industry and her innate flair for innovation. Her boundless passion and sense of purpose radiate from every endeavor she undertakes, turning ideas into reality and creating a realm of infinite possibilities. A true dynamo, Gee-Gee’s name has become synonymous with inspirational leadership and the art of creating success.



Guernslye Honore
Authority Magazine

Guernslye Honoré, affectionately known as "Gee-Gee", is an amalgamation of creativity, vision, and endless enthusiasm.