Authority Magazine

In-depth Interviews with Authorities in Business, Pop Culture, Wellness, Social Impact, and Tech…

Music Stars Making a Social Impact: Why & How Orville “OH YEAH” Wright Is Helping To Change Our World


I wish that someone told me that I could have created my own success earlier. I worked hard, trying to follow a standard but I then taught myself to be a rule breaker and earth shaker. Create your own lane!

As a part of our series about stars who are making an important social impact, I had the pleasure of interviewing Orville “OH YEAH”Wright.

OH YEAH is a musician and creative artist with over 20 years of experience, bringing representation to others in the community. OH YEAH was one of the first artists to convert an entire biography book into an entire Theme Song. He creates Theme Songs to impact the surrounding communities with awareness, education, and call to actions.

Thank you so much for joining us on this interview series. Can you share with us the backstory that led you to this career path?

I am grateful to be here with you! I grew up in a multicultural community in Colorado Springs, Colorado. There I learned to play the piano and sing in the church choirs. In my teenage years is when I picked up the full-time hobby as a songwriter and artist. I wrote hundreds of songs in a library of composition notebooks. It was when I finally got tired of the simple, one-time interactions with previous music producers who provided beats and instrumentals. Then, I decided a serious change was needed. Soon after, I taught myself music production and created entire songs, from beginning to end.

I decided to be the music producer who gave much more to each customer. I marketed myself to others by providing background music or instrumentals. Here is where I learned how to stand out from any other artist of the time. I recognized that people need their own anthems. After all, every hero needs a Theme Song. Theme Songs became a major way for me to stand out from all the other music producers or songwriters and singers. I am able to do all parts for greater representation in music that I make.

It has been said that our mistakes can be our greatest teachers. Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

One funny mistake when I first started was thinking that I could easily earn a placement in Television/ Film as I did when I first received a placement on the Television Show “House Hunters”.

It’s still a wonder of how I earned the placement but I recognize all of the factors that led me to that blessing. In fact, such an accomplishment is very difficult for even the most successful songwriters. The song was amazing throughout the whole composition. The music was fitting as well for the scene that my song aired, internationally.

Since my first placement on House Hunters, I have strived to earn other placements in other shows and films. I work extremely hard for another one. I didn’t accomplish this again but I shifted by discovering my own way to continually stand out by creating personal Theme Songs. They help me by providing music directly to individuals involved with film and community projects. Even the song I made for Club Shay Shay still got a few decent streams and plays on YouTube (It is a music video shot in my music studio), despite not receiving the attention directly from the management of the podcast. Currently they still use “Grinding all my Life” from the late Nipsey Hussle. Most of the individuals receiving theme songs often share my music similar to how a film would but to a greater extent. I now have my music played across the globe without needing to have music in another Television Show. I also receive a good amount of royalties.

From this experience, I learned that good things can happen by mistake but greater things take place with intent.

What would you advise a young person who wants to emulate your success?

I am constantly telling each young person to find their own lane. Following someone else’s success is how you will forever remain in the shadows. When you find your own way to stand out and do what no other peer in your field is doing, then you also find a brighter spotlight to shine in. Learn about who you are without the thought of others in your identity. After you do that, you can understand where you can fit in with others for ultimate success, continually.

Is there a person that made a profound impact on your life? Can you share a story?

My dear friend and sister, Tara Levine, impacted my life significantly. She passed away this year but I feel it is a good time to say how amazing she is.

When she first heard the Theme Song “Star Today” that I made for her the first time, she showed me her entire heart from that moment until the very end. She was always thrilled about the latest song release or post on social media. I not only received a direct message but would also get a text message full of her cheering for me. She reminded me of how beautiful a person can be simply in their genuine support. She wasn’t like this just for me either. I observed her cheerleading for everyone in her circle. I took note and celebrated her victories, like when she received the management she deserved for her career. She already was doing so much in her personal life. I can only pray that she felt the same from all of us.

Tara taught me how to love hard with my brothers and sisters. She would always tell me to protect my peace and create healthy boundaries with others who were not as respectful or equal in reciprocity. What she really did was show me how to make a presence not just known, but felt.

How are you using your success to bring goodness to the world? Can you share with us the meaningful or exciting causes you’re working on right now?

Bringing goodness to the world is everything, with or without success. While successful, I am sharing my song “Got A Go”, that urges everyone to pay it forward (even with strangers). There is also my song “Anti Social Media”, which challenges everyone on social media to engage more with real intention and care. The song is also a statement of resistance to the increased cyber bullying of this era.

Anti Social Media also has a music video and short film releasing early next year. This is message music with a call-to-action for everyone, although many documentaries have as well.

Can you share with us a story behind why you chose to take up this particular cause?

Call to actions are a great way to spread awareness but also engage directly with the community, while charging accountability. Music is a great tool to use for getting millions of points across.

As we look around, we can see others easily distracted and swayed in one particular direction with the decisions that they make. I want to continue taking a stand for the people to use their own critical thinking about problems at hand within the community and the solutions, too.

My wife does a great job holding me accountable so I want to continue the progress outside of the house with everyone around me.

Can you share with us a story about a person who was impacted by your cause?

I have a small circle of others who share similar views on community matters that include the alienation that takes place repetitively. We have so many conversations and everyone agrees that this is a great move to positively impact the world. We all love it!

Are there three things or are there things that individuals, society, or the government can do to support you in this effort?

I would love for society, the government, and individuals everywhere to step up and stream my music more. I do, however, know that when you go against the grain, there will be others who will not join in the resistance with you.

For those that do stand up, I ask that you all pay-it-forward by just sharing my music and my household name to your close friends. That alone will help me in my efforts for a greater call to action. If you purchase my instrumental album “Thoughts Provoked In A Wonder”, I still donate half of all proceeds to IDRA. Just look out for an album with a pink bear on it. I would greatly appreciate following on social media @ohyeahbeats on Instagram and YouTube. The last thing to do in support of my causes is to follow on SoundCloud. For those wanting to simply make an impact themselves, work on being more considerate to others around. You can still win greatly when you display selflessness.

Why do you think music in particular has the power to create social change and create a positive impact on humanity?

Music has a beautiful way of reaching us all, internally; to the root of our spirit and soul. The vibrations alone in music of all frequencies can move a person to certain emotions, whether they are consciously aware or not. When there are lyrics added to a composition, there becomes a personal attachment to the resonance and relatability.

As we subconsciously store the songs in our hearts and minds (for a term or a lifetime), we become empowered to share the impact that the music had on us with others. Particularly in positive light, we have a greater reach of the domino effect. To be moved so much by music then makes you want to move others, so that they can have a less stressful journey.

So many people can remember a song or two that helped them on their recovery or victory. I want to also remind you that when you smile or have the urge to smile, you will notice the vibration and attraction of others. It is a gravitational pull, almost instantaneously.

What are your “5 things I wish someone told me when I first started”?

I wish that someone told me that I could have created my own success earlier. I worked hard, trying to follow a standard but I then taught myself to be a rule breaker and earth shaker. Create your own lane!

I wish that someone told me that my circle of clients would be my greatest supporters. We should always expect to see the biggest investment deposits to come from people we have never known, personally. I am grateful for all of the clients I have had so far and look forward to the others in the future.

I wish I was told that reality will always exceed our expectations. In a positive light, I reflect on all the beautiful connections and amazing milestones reached when I created history making music. The ripple effect is greater than the rock, first dropped into the water.

I wish someone would also tell me to give myself permission. I tried not to step on toes so much that I missed a lot of opportunities. Even having incredible chances presented to me, I shied away from saying yes. I now say yes to myself for greater success.

Lastly, I would’ve wanted someone to tell me that I was going to be an award-winning artist. After changing lives with my music, I was told by many that I should have a Grammy. I now give myself that perspective when beginning every song.

You’re a person of enormous influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger.

Paying-it-forward goes a long way and I want that to happen more with education for people. I would love for some sort of book program to take place and for more angel investors to look at young kids who apply themselves but have room to grow with advanced education. Kids have a lot of aspirations but often not as much support as what we may think. If people can have more conversations with them about the people they want to become through education, kids will have a brighter future.

Can you please give us your favorite life lesson quote? And can you explain how that was relevant in your life?

My absolute favorite life lesson quote is “You Reap what you Sow”. It is what amazing teachers like my middle school English teacher told me often. It is also a quote from the Bible. Galatians 6:7 states “…for whatsoever a man Soweth, that shall he also reap.” Essentially, you have to put in the work to see the results that you expect. Another interpretation is if you don’t put in any effort, you will not see a positive outcome, ie, poor grades. I now only apply myself with 1000 percent.

We are blessed that some very prominent names in Business, VC funding, Sports, and Entertainment read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US with whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch, and why? He or she might just see this if we tag them.

I would love to meet the lovely philanthropist, show host, and comedian Miss Sheryl Underwood. She is an incredibly humble woman, despite her intimidating track record of milestones. I would love to sit down with her and see if I can make her laugh and also see what bright things are in the future for her and the community next.

Thank you so much for these amazing insights. This was so inspiring, and we wish you continued success!

Thank you as well! Let’s keep making history as we impact those around us!



Authority Magazine
Authority Magazine

Published in Authority Magazine

In-depth Interviews with Authorities in Business, Pop Culture, Wellness, Social Impact, and Tech. We use interviews to draw out stories that are both empowering and actionable.

Yitzi Weiner
Yitzi Weiner

Written by Yitzi Weiner

A “Positive” Influencer, Founder & Editor of Authority Magazine, CEO of Thought Leader Incubator

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