Aneil Lala and Neal Wadhwa Of Legacy Capital On The Labor Shortage & The 5 Things We Must Do To Attract & Retain Great Talent

An Interview With Ben Ari

Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Authority Magazine


Focus on humanity: Compensation is important, but there is so much more than take home pay that drives retention. It’s the “feet on the ground” managers that get to know their teams at a personal level to help them with their unique needs. COVID should have brought out the humanity in workplace relationships, and for those environments where it did not, most likely dealt with a severe shortage of staffing.

The pandemic has allowed people to reevaluate what they want from work. This “Great Reevaluation” has led to the “Great Resignation” which has left the US with a great big labor shortage and a supply chain crisis. What can we do to reverse this trend? What can be done to attract great talent to companies looking to hire? What must companies do to retain their great talent? If not just a paycheck, what else are employees looking for? In this interview series called “The Labor Shortage & The 5 Things

