Neil Mandt: How AI Is Disrupting Our Industry, and What We Can Do About It

An Interview With Cynthia Corsetti

Cynthia Corsetti
Authority Magazine
6 min readApr 7, 2024


Acknowledge that is here and the disruption is real. Too many people are debating this and they will be the ones that are disrupted the most. Ignoring this or wishing it away is futile.

Artificial Intelligence is no longer the future; it is the present. It’s reshaping landscapes, altering industries, and transforming the way we live and work. With its rapid advancement, AI is causing disruption — for better or worse — in every field imaginable. While it promises efficiency and growth, it also brings challenges and uncertainties that professionals and businesses must navigate. What can one do to pivot if AI is disrupting their industry? As part of this series, we had the pleasure of interviewing Neil Mandt.

Neil Mandt is a five-time EMMY Award-winning Producer, Director and Tech Entrepreneur. For the past three decades, Neil has overseen the production of more than 3,000 television episodes, 2,000 pieces of 360 video and has created content for some of the world’s biggest brands. Since 2015 Neil has been a pioneer of content creation in augmented and virtual reality arenas through his company MANDT VR, creating over 20 original serialized series for 360° video and winning a Clio Award. More recently, Neil has taken his experience as a journalist, producer and immersive content executive to create the breakthrough mobile app, CrimeDoor, which will be a gamer changer for the True Crime community, and a pioneer in AR technology.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series! Before we dive into our discussion, can you share with us the backstory about what brought you to your specific career path?

Ever since my earliest memories I knew I wanted to work in the content business. I began my career at the age of 10 when I walked onto the set of a TV movie that was being shot at my local church. That launched into a successful run as a professional child actor, which transitioned into a producer of movies, television and advanced technologies, like AR, VR & AI.

What do you think makes you/your company stand out?

I am 54 and I have 44 years of experience in the business. I’ve been an entrepreneur the entire time, generating nearly $200 million dollars in revenue for my company, winning 5 Emmy awards and producing content for every major sports league, as well as every major conglomerate in Hollywood.

You are a successful business leader. Which three character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success? Can you please share a story or example for each?

Relentless. You can be smarter than me. You can be more talented than me. But you cannot out work me.

I have said yes to things that others would not. Whether it involved me taking financial or creative risks, fortune favors the bold.

I’ve made a significant effort to learn about the world and cultures by traveling to 126 countries. This puts me in a group of very few people.

Let’s now move to the main point of our discussion about AI. Can you explain how AI is disrupting your industry? Is this disruption hurting or helping your bottom line?

We saw a democratization of content creation with the release of the smartphone, YouTube and social media platforms like Facebook. Prior to this, much of the global content was produced in the United States by professionals and in partnerships with studios and networks. The shift to the public’s ability to make and distribute content forever changed the dynamics and revenue of content.

As a result of new AI tools, we are about to experience a democratization of long form content. The existing user generated online platforms will begin to favor full TV episodes and movies made by amateurs, futher disrupting Hollywood and the professional content community so much, that it’s entirely probably that we will see more mergers of studios and significant disruption to the workforce in filming communities, like LA, New York and Canada.

Which specific AI technology has had the most significant impact on your industry?

We are currently in a “text to — content” phase of AI media creation. We will transition away from this later in 2024 into what is called conversational AI. This new process will be easier for the average person to create content, by just verbalizing their thoughts. A movie or TV show will be able to be created in minutes at some point.

Can you share a pivotal moment when you recognized the profound impact AI would have on your sector?

I have been following AI for decades. I suppose the moment when I realized AI was extremely powerful was when I understood how apps and websites began tracking users in the early days of the internet and app creation. The conversion rates on sales exploded and consumers we commoditized in more efficient ways. The world is made up of buyers and sellers and AI became critical to the new system of commerce.

How are you preparing your workforce for the integration of AI, and what skills do you believe will be most valuable in an AI-enhanced future?

Since I work in the content creation space my focus with colleagues is using the tools to make content.

What ethical considerations does AI introduce into your industry, and how are you tackling these concerns?

Deep fakes are scary to me. Since the invention of the printing press, information has been able to be spread to the masses. The internet has extended that reach to every corner of the globe. The public has chosen to silo itself into news and media sources that feed their own interests, making it easier for someone to want to believe a deep fake is real.

What are your “Five Things You Need To Do, If AI Is Disrupting Your Industry”?

1 . Acknowledge that is here and the disruption is real. Too many people are debating this and they will be the ones that are disrupted the most. Ignoring this or wishing it away is futile.

2 . Start using simple programs like ChatGPT and Midjourney as an example. Practice makes perfect and these are necessary precursors to conversational AI.

3 . Look for collaboration opportunities with others using AI tools. Not only will you learn from the collective efforts, but the process will enhance the workflow of the group and the overall organization.

4 . Encourage company leadership to embrace AI tools and set a precedent for their staff.

5 . Use AI to find ways to create cost efficiencies to the company’s bottom line.

What are the most common misconceptions about AI within your industry, and how do you address them?

People think this is a passing fad or it isn’t something they need to address in the near term. The only way to address this is for people to be disrupted.

I feel the biggest misconception relates to ownership of intellectual property, as it relates to training “Large Language Models.” LLM’s as they are called make up the underlying information that is used to educate an AI program. Recently comedian Sara Silverman sued OpenAI and this lawsuit is a good example to look at in terms of how these ownership questions will be looked at from a legal standpoint.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Do you have a story about how that was relevant in your life?

Never give up, keep pushing your boulder uphill.

Off-topic, but I’m curious. As someone steering the ship, what thoughts or concerns often keep you awake at night? How do those thoughts influence your daily decision-making process?

I sleep soundly. I am well aware of the changes that will be coming by the end of the decade and that’s a long time from now.

How can our readers further follow you online?

My social handles are @neilmandt on all platforms and I have a comprehensive website that can be found at

Thank you for the time you spent sharing these fantastic insights. We wish you only continued success in your great work!

About the Interviewer: Cynthia Corsetti is an esteemed executive coach with over two decades in corporate leadership and 11 years in executive coaching. Author of the upcoming book, “Dark Drivers,” she guides high-performing professionals and Fortune 500 firms to recognize and manage underlying influences affecting their leadership. Beyond individual coaching, Cynthia offers a 6-month executive transition program and partners with organizations to nurture the next wave of leadership excellence.

