Nido Qubein, President of High Point University, Blessed with Faithful Courage

Marla Horn Lazarus
Authority Magazine
Published in
7 min readDec 4, 2018

“I’m focused on planting seeds of greatness in the minds, hearts, and souls of all those I’m blessed to encounter.”

Sometime in your life you will meet a person that makes a lasting impression and for me that person is Nido Qubein. It warms my heart to speak to someone that truly is thankful for everything in his life and is always on a mission to give back. I had the distinct pleasure of spending time with Dr. Nido Qubein, President of High Point University. A Life of success and significance is what you might say to describe him. With sparkling blue eyes and a warm smile, one feels drawn to Nido (as he is known to everyone) when he enters a room. His life story is one filled with both adversity and abundance and he serves a message of inspiration and hope to students who are preparing to enter an ever-changing world. Dr. Qubein has served as president of High Point University since 2005. An accomplished business leader and dedicated philanthropist, he has led the university through an extraordinary transformation, such as:

· Significant and measurable academic growth

· 210% increase in traditional undergraduate enrollment

· 203% increase in faculty

· 383% increase in campus acreage

President Qubein has partnered with faculty and staff to forge new opportunities for HPU. Focusing on experiential education and holistic, values-based learning, graduates are prepared to live a life of both success and significance. He has served as past president of the Big South Conference and teaches a class to all freshmen titled, “The President’s Seminar on Life Skills.” In the course, he shares with students the habits, skills, values, and the practical intelligence that one must apply to succeed in an ever-changing world.

Prior to accepting the role as president of High Point University, Dr. Qubein served as chairman of an international consulting firm. He became a professional speaker known for engaging audiences with topics covering change, leadership and branding, and he has written a dozen books and recorded scores of audio and video learning programs translated into many languages.

Thank you so much, Nido, for joining us!

What is your “backstory”?

In a phrase: Adversity to Abundance.

I came to the United States with few resources. When arrived in the United States as a teenager, I had $50, limited comprehension of the English language, and no connections.After graduating from college, I had the opportunity to run summer camps for the YMCA. Soon after I began my own mail order business selling youth leadership resources. That endeavor quickly led into speaking opportunities, which allowed me to build a consulting business and I was able to grow from consulting to build business partnerships in banking, real estate, publishing, and retail businesses.

Is your career path a life long dream?

I could have never dreamed my career would have been as diverse and successful as it has been. What can I say; I’ve been blessed with faithful courage. I came to the United States believing in the American Dream. I’ve always worked hard and been self-directed in that work. I was willing to take calculated risk and sacrifice comfort in exchange for opportunities. Whether it was starting a consulting business, starting a bank, speaking professionally, or even becoming a college president, I’ve been blessed and have always worked hard to make the most of my blessings.

Where do you get your inspiration?

God and people. I’m inspired to serve and help others. I tell our faculty and staff at High Point University that our work is more than anything, about stewardship.

What is your greatest accomplishment professionally and personally?

Earlier in my career I occasionally measured my accomplishments through the awards and recognitions I’d receive. I’m grateful for many recognitions in my life, including induction in the Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans, The National Speakers Hall of Fame Cavett Award, and Philanthropist of the Year in my hometown of High Point, NC.

But today, I can tell you that what I find most rewarding is the opportunity to positively influence and impact the lives of others. Particularly the students of High Point University and their families.

Is there a person that made a profound impact on your life? Can you share a story?

My mother. She had only a fourth-grade education. But she had an advanced degree in common sense. She not only influenced my life, she’s influenced thousands of lives as I’ve shared her wisdom with audiences throughout my career.

She taught me valuable lessons like, who you spend time with is who you become. What you choose is what you get. She gave me the gift of awareness. It has served me well throughout my life and I thank God for having blessed me with such a wonderful mother, every day.

How have you used your success to bring goodness to the world? Are you working on any meaningful or exciting non-profit projects?

In my hometown of High Point, North Carolina, we’ve been blessed to lead a $100 million investment for downtown revitalization. In addition to securing naming rights funding for a new baseball stadium, purchasing a minor league baseball team, securing funding to build a childrens museum (under construction), and securing funding to build an events center, along the way I’ve also been able to partner with friends who plan to invest in private apartment and hotel construction. This is a massive catalyst project that will propel the city of High Point into the future.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are?

Many people have been wonderful to me along the way. A doctor who anonymously paid the difference for my much-needed college tuition. A friend who co-signed my first car loan. So many…

You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

We are responsible for our own happiness. Joy is a wonderful thing. Every day is a gift.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”?

It’s a biblical quote:

To whom much is given; much is required. Luke 12:48

When we focus on opportunities instead of obstacles, our whole world changes.

Some of the biggest names in Business, VC funding, Sports, and Entertainment read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why?

Warren Buffet. Perfect balance between fiscal genius and common sense.

What do you think makes your company stand out? Can you share a story?

High Point University is the premier Life Skills University. What good is it to be an expert in your discipline of study if you can’t communicate that knowledge to someone who knows nothing about it? What good is a diploma if you’re not able to connect with other people lead a team and be a great teammate? HPU is focused on holistic education, preparing students for the world as it is going to be.

Which tips would you recommend to your colleagues in your industry to help them to thrive and not “burn out”?

Live life in balance. There is time for everything. Focus on energy management, not time management.

Are you working on any exciting projects now?

High Point University has $240 million in active construction on our campus at this moment. An Arena, Conference Center, and hotel. An Undergraduate Science Building. A Conservatory. We just started the Webb School of Engineering. HPU is in a constant state of transformation so every day is exciting.

Do you have a favorite book that made a deep impact on your life?

“Mindset” — a book by Carol Dweck. And the works of management guru Peter Drucker.

As the sky’s the limit, what does the future hold for you?

I’m focused on ensuring that High Point University is prepared to serve students and their families for generations to come. I’m focused on ensuring the City of High Point is positioned to thrive as a vibrant and energetic city. I’m focused on planting seeds of greatness in the minds, hearts, and souls of all those I’m blessed to encounter.

