Non-Fungible Tokens: Sarina Charugundla of TreeTrunk On The 5 Things You Need To Know To Create a Highly Successful Career In The NFT Industry

Authority Magazine
Authority Magazine
Published in
12 min readSep 4, 2022

The Industry is Always Changing — Web3 is one of the most exciting spaces to be in right now. That being said, with a relatively new industry, a lot of change is expected. This is not only the introduction of new projects; it is also technological development and societal acceptance. Many people did not hear about NFTs before their popularity in the past few years. But they were still there! Some of the earliest NFT developers probably had no idea how the industry would explode in the coming years. Viewing change as exciting is a great way to embrace new opportunities and be a part of new projects.

Many have observed that we are at the cusp of an NFT boom. The thing is, it’s so cutting edge, that many people don’t know what it is. What exactly is an NFT and how can one create a lucrative career out of selling them? To address this, as a part of our interview series called “5 Things You Need To Know To Create a Highly Successful Career In The NFT Industry”, we had the pleasure of interviewing ​​Sarina Charugundla.

​​Sarina Charugundla is the co-founder of, a ConsenSys Mesh portfolio company. TreeTrunk is the first and only platform pioneering generational NFTs with built-in economic, legal, and financial power.

Sarina is a creative thinker with a background in mechanical engineering, marketing, telecom, and business. Prior to joining TreeTrunk, she worked as VP of business development, analyzing businesses for VC deployment at Eagle. Sarina thrives in the intersections of art and technology. Fostering relationships is at her core; she has worked to uplift communities in NFT, art, and STEM via student entrepreneurship opportunities, art events, and grants for technological advancement.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Before we dig in, our readers would like to get to know you a bit. Can you tell us a bit about your backstory and how you grew up?

Absolutely! I’ve loved art from a young age. I grew up in New York City, so being surrounded by so many incredibly talented artists gave me a ton of exposure early on. In fact, I had the opportunity to spend at least 10 hours a week at the Metropolitan Museum of Art through my school programming. Technology and business were also always an interest of mine and came naturally to me. I’m not surprised to have built a passionate career that combines it all!

Is there a particular book, film, or podcast that made a significant impact on you? Can you share a story or explain why it resonated with you so much?

For me, it was The Lean Startup by Eric Ries. I read it around the time I started my own company, which really pushed me into the entrepreneurial space. It offered a valuable perspective and several lessons on running a lean business. Starting a business can be an overwhelming endeavor, and everything can feel really important. This book helped me cut out the excess and prioritize effectively.

Is there a particular story that inspired you to pursue a career in this new industry? We’d love to hear it.

My connection to the industry runs quite deep! I attended the first ever Bitcoin conference in 2011 with a spark of interest; the rest is history. It was exhilarating to learn something new and watch the digital space erupt with such possibility. I knew then that I wanted to be a part of where it was going.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you began this fascinating career?

Co-founding TreeTrunk has been one of my most inspiring career milestones yet. Not only has it brought me back to my art-loving roots — I’ve been able to connect with so many incredible artists — but the launch of our new draft standard, EIP 4910, has been especially exciting. It’s the first to enable the collection and distribution of royalties on-chain. Being a part of bringing this to life has been amazing. I really resonate with the ethos behind it, and the technology is fascinating. I joined TreeTrunk as a co-founder because I wanted to build something new in the space, and we’re doing just that.

Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

When I attended the first Bitcoin conference in 2022, there were many opportunities to win and buy Bitcoin, but no one would give me any because I was under 18! I was so angry about this that I didn’t invest for a long time…the price of Bitcoin at the time was just $33.00 USD! The lesson? If you believe in something, invest in it. Your time, your money, your energy.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?

There are so many individuals who have played a role in my career path, and it would be unfair to single any one person out. What I will say is that the nature of the Web 3 space is very collaborative and uplifting, and I am grateful to have been involved from the early stages. I’m also thankful to have grown up and gone to school in an environment that supported its students in their endeavors, even if they were outside the box and not so cookie-cutter.

Are you working on any exciting new projects now? How do you think that will help people?

Yes! I am thrilled to be part of the founding team for TreeTrunk, a new NFT platform that will change the nature of the industry. TreeTrunk is pioneering the Generational NFT. In doing so, TreeTrunk transforms how artists and collectors participate in the NFT economy. With a game-changing NFT standard, artists can, for the first time, create a family of NFTs from a single original work. Creators can HODL their original pieces, define custom rules for reprints, and empower collectors to buy and issue further generations of their art. TreeTrunk’s technology ensures that all owners, including the original artist, earn perpetual royalties on-chain. Committed to making NFTs a more beneficial tool for artists, it is also the first platform in the Ethereum ecosystem that enables owners to embed their NFTs across the web and collect lifetime royalties, no matter where they are sold.

Ok super. Thank you for all that. Let’s now shift to the main focus of our interview. I’m sure you get this question all the time. But for the benefit of our readers, can you explain in your own words what an NFT is, and why people are spending so much money on them?

NFTs are a way to maintain digital ownership of an item, whether an event ticket, piece of digital art, or proof of donation. NFTs are popular because they combine the traditional collector mindset with exciting web3 technology. People can access new art, opportunities, and communities by purchasing NFTs. They’re breaking down barriers to previously inaccessible worlds.

The NFT industry seems so exciting right now. What are the 3 things in particular that most excite you about the industry? If you can, please share a story or example for each.

More Artists Entering the Space

I am excited about the NFT industry continuing to grow! While most people think NFTs today are being implemented with just digital prints, artists are bringing exciting new creative content to the industry. For example, CryptoJeweler is creating digital renders of fine jewelry for tokenization. I hope more artists explore how they can find a place in the NFT world and continue to fuel this incredible wave of creativity, innovation, and utility.

New NFT Standards

TreeTrunk’s new EIP 4910 draft standard is pioneering generational NFTs that will transform the experience for collectors and creatives. ​​It empowers collectors to generate families of editions for their NFTs, sell reprints, and earn royalties without having to sell their NFTs. This will allow more artists to make a living from their NFT collections and redefine how NFT values are determined.

Emphasis on Fans and Collectors

I am equally excited about new initiatives that empower fans and communities to play a more active role in NFTs. A big part of a collection’s success is the community supporting it and spreading the word. Leveraging their enthusiasm and participation is a valuable tool for NFT creators.

What are the 3 things that concern you about the industry? Can you explain? What can be done to address those concerns?

Unfair practices: Most NFT standards only offer artists proceeds from their initial sale. This means an artist can sell a piece of their work for a relatively low price, do an amazing job promoting their collection and having secondary sales with higher prices, and never see any monetary benefits. There needs to be a system that rewards artists for building their community and executing successful drops.

Massive marketplaces: While NFTs were designed to thrive in a field focused heavily on decentralization, massive marketplaces have emerged that do little to protect artists and their works. Fake accounts and impersonation are common. OpenSea, for example, has been in the headlines recently for a data breach that exposed users’ private details. Smaller marketplaces that put artists in control of their sales will help to protect both collectors and creatives.

Current conditions: It is impossible to work in web3 and not notice the market trends, including sinking prices and layoffs. While fluctuations are a normal part of any economic cycle, I find it essential to view this downturn as an opportunity to focus on building “behind the scenes.” There were a lot of overhyped projects going on in the NFT space when the market was at its peak. Now is the time for developers to hunker down and focus on building sustainable growth approaches that will reach the masses when the market achieves better conditions.

What are the “myths” that you would like to dispel about NFTs? Can you explain what you mean?

NFTs are more than a fad. I think there were a lot of mainstream projects that received significant attention from celebrities and the media that did not capture the true spirit of the industry. NFTs will support creators in having their work accessible to wider audiences and provide a new way to prove digital ownership. People also tend to overlook the incredible power of community in the NFT space. NFTs bring people together that share common interests, and oftentimes these communities participate in fundraisers, host thought-provoking discussions, and collaborate to build a vibrant and thriving environment.

What are the most common mistakes you have seen people make when they enter the NFT industry? What can be done to avoid that?

I think there is a tendency for people to jump on board and purchase an NFT without understanding its value beyond a digital image. Collectors should also spend time learning about the community and artist behind their new image to understand its value and potential for the future.

This is totally fine to do, by the way, there is nothing wrong with getting started by purchasing something you think looks cool! What’s important is that people who want to be a part of the NFT community have the opportunity to do so and don’t feel shut out or unwelcome. I’m excited to see more of the community trending towards education and bridging the gap between web2 and web3.

How do you think NFTs have the potential to help society in the future?

I think NFTs will help redefine the relationship between creatives and their fan bases. An NFT is a way to support an artist, musician, or other creative without having to make a physical purchase. This opens doors for people located in countries that do not frequently host concerts or have extensive museum collections. NFT artists, in particular, rely on online communities to support their livelihoods, which I see as an incredible way to advance the art world. I think NFT communities will also rally behind causes they care about and help people get connected to new ways to donate and show support.

Ok, fantastic. Here is the main question of our interview. What are your “5 Things You Need To Know To Create a Highly Successful Career In The NFT Industry?” (Please share a story or example for each.)

The Industry is Always Changing

Web3 is one of the most exciting spaces to be in right now. That being said, with a relatively new industry, a lot of change is expected. This is not only the introduction of new projects; it is also technological development and societal acceptance. Many people did not hear about NFTs before their popularity in the past few years. But they were still there! Some of the earliest NFT developers probably had no idea how the industry would explode in the coming years. Viewing change as exciting is a great way to embrace new opportunities and be a part of new projects.

An Open Mind is Key

With great change comes great responsibility. While this may sound like a cliche, I firmly believe that change needs to be supported to succeed. Regularly learning about new projects and exploring new standards should be an integral part of a career in NFTs. While not everything will be to your taste or your realm of expertise, exposure to different ways of doing things is always beneficial.

Get to Know the Community

The NFT boom has been so successful because a passionate and diverse community backs it. No single profile describes an NFT supporter because everyone’s background, interests, and paths to the space are vastly different. The space has something for everyone, from monkey profile pictures to 3D digital depictions of jewelry. Getting to know the breadth of the community is an important reminder of the longevity of NFTs and their potential for the future. Ask those around you how they got into web 3– you may just be surprised by the answer!

Work with Like-Minded Individuals

One of the best parts of working in the NFT community is the incredible people active in the space. I co-founded TreeTrunk with several other individuals with backgrounds ranging from art to law to software development. We shared a common vision for a better NFT standard that will transform the role of artists and collectors in the NFT world. This led to many collaborative working sessions, fruitful conversations, and milestones that left me feeling inspired instead of overwhelmed. Having the support of a team that believes in the same things as you is vital for shaping a career that does not lead to burnout or exhaustion.

Be Proud of Who You Are

The crypto space still has a reputation as a boy’s club. Being a woman in a man-dominated space is not new to me, but during my time in the NFT space, I have been reminded that there is nothing wrong with challenging the norms and carving out a name and reputation for yourself. I am proud to be a woman in web3 and encourage other women and people from underrepresented backgrounds to enter the space. Together, we can build an NFT industry with everyone’s best interests at heart.

You are a person of great influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

I would love to inspire more people to join the web3, entrepreneurship, and STEM communities, especially those from underrepresented backgrounds. Some of the companies in web3 even offer grants for those who want to get involved. In my opinion, opportunities to learn more and enter these career fields cannot start too young. Incorporating aspects of these areas in school curricula of all ages can make a big difference in getting people inspired!

We are very blessed that very prominent leaders read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US with whom you would like to have a private breakfast or lunch, and why? He or she might just see this if we tag them :-)

Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft. He took over a company that already had a long and successful history. The fact that he’s been able to transition in a way that’s continued the growth of such a reputable and high-worth company is incredibly inspiring. It takes a certain level of understanding, patience, and expertise to be able to accomplish such a feat. I have many questions!

Thank you so much for these excellent stories and insights. We wish you continued success on your great work!



Authority Magazine
Authority Magazine

In-depth interviews with authorities in Business, Pop Culture, Wellness, Social Impact, and Tech