Nurse Injector Ellen Schneider On Five Things You Need To Create A Highly Successful Career With Botox and Aesthetic Nursing

Yitzi Weiner
Authority Magazine
Published in
18 min readJan 8, 2024

…Loving yourself is crucial because without it, genuinely loving others becomes challenging. It doesn’t matter what else you love if you lack self-love. This concept applies to everything, whether it’s wanting Botox, getting your hair done, or going running. It’s about being honest and not feeling the need to hide our aging or our desires to look attractive. Botox might be a quick fix, but it’s more about caring for yourself. Loving yourself is the foundation of everything. I grew up thinking self-love was sinful and bad. It’s still hard for me to talk about self-care without feeling guilty. But if God loves and values us, he doesn’t want us to feel shame and guilt. He wants us to feel love. Knowing what you need and want is crucial because if you rely on others for that, you’ll end up feeling empty. Also, if you don’t love yourself and you’re depressed, you can’t be a healthy, thriving person who helps others. Taking care of yourself is a prerequisite for helping others. The third point is that you can’t rely on others to make you happy. Happiness must come from within yourself…

I had the pleasure of interviewing Ellen Schneider. Ellen is a dedicated and versatile nurse with a rich personal and professional background. Growing up as one of six children, Ellen enjoyed the freedom and independence characteristic of a middle child in a close-knit family. Her decision to pursue nursing was influenced partly by her older sister, a nurse, with whom she shared a close bond during her formative years. Ellen’s journey in nursing has been marked by resilience and adaptability, particularly highlighted by her transition into becoming a single mother of four daughters.

Her career took a significant turn when she decided to go into business for herself and become a certified nurse injector, a decision driven largely by financial necessities and the desire to maintain a comfortable lifestyle for her family. Ellen’s entry into this field was somewhat serendipitous, inspired by a chance encounter with a woman at a dog park who suggested she consider Botox injections as a lucrative career path. Despite initial hesitations about Botox, both personally and professionally, Ellen grew to appreciate its role in self-care and its potential to empower women.

Ellen credits much of her success to the support of key individuals in her life, including her oldest daughter, who has been a source of encouragement and perspective. Her career path also benefited from the guidance and opportunities provided by Kendall, the owner of the salon where she practices. Ellen’s approach to her work is grounded in the belief that beauty treatments like Botox and fillers are not just about aesthetic improvements but also about promoting self-care and mental well-being.

Despite her success, Ellen remains aware of the challenges and risks inherent in the beauty industry. She advocates for more stringent regulations and clearer guidelines to ensure safe and ethical practices. Ellen’s philosophy extends beyond her professional life, emphasizing the importance of doing things that make one feel good, genuinely caring for others, and appreciating one’s own unique beauty.

Yitzi: Thank you so much for joining us, Ellen. Before we dive in, our readers would love to learn about your personal origin story. Can you share the story of your childhood and how you grew up?

Ellen: I grew up as one of six kids, and I’m the middle child. We had a great childhood. My parents were together, and it was very innocent and sheltered. Being a middle child, I had the freedom to run off, and nobody really cared where I was, which I liked.

Yitzi: So, what in particular brought you to this career as a nurse?

Ellen: My older sister was a nurse. She’s seven years older than me, and we used to be really close, especially when I had my permit and used to drive her everywhere, including on road trips. We remained close until she got married. Her being a nurse influenced me, but it wasn’t just that. I always thought nursing was a good job, particularly from a financial perspective. I wasn’t always sure I wanted to be a nurse, but once I decided, I was certain about it. I believe anyone can be a nurse if they put in the effort. It’s not an easy job, but it’s definitely rewarding.

Yitzi: So, what was the story behind your decision to become a certified nurse injector?

Ellen: It all started when I became a single mom after having my fourth daughter, Marla. When she was just five weeks old, I split up from my ex. I was on maternity leave, broke, and living in an apartment. I knew I could ask my parents for help, but I told myself, I could not. They used to watch my kids for me to go to work all the other times my ex was not in the picture. I didn’t want to be an enormous burden to them anymore, and I knew they weren’t eager to help out again, I also had another baby to top it off. Financially, I was in a tight spot. I needed to find someone to look after four kids, including a newborn, which had to be worth my while. Eventually, I found a good babysitter and returned to work right when COVID started. COVID brought some job security and opportunities to make good money, which I did through two 16-week contracts at the hospital. When those contracts ended, I moved to another hospital for better pay.

Once COVID and the contracts dwindled, I returned to St. Joe’s, where I’d spent most of my nursing career. However, I was spending more than I was earning. I didn’t want to change my lifestyle. I’ve been poor before, and now my girls play club soccer, we take vacations, and I can afford what they need for school or birthday presents for their friends’ parties. To maintain this, I started working overtime, but the extra childcare costs and taxes meant I wasn’t making much more.

The idea of becoming a botox injector came from a woman I met at the dog park. She recognized me as a nurse and a mother of four and suggested I should do botox. She mentioned how lucrative it was for a short amount of time. She couldn’t do it herself since she wasn’t a nurse, but she thought it would be perfect for me. Initially, I didn’t think much of it. But one night, working at the hospital, I impulsively researched botox courses. I got a response at 2 AM, talked to the guy who called, and that led me to the training I did. The main reason I started botox was for more money. At that time, I never had a desire to do it and didn’t think much of it.

Yitzi: Before you started, what was your perspective on using Botox?

Ellen: Initially, I was quite hesitant about using Botox myself. I remember asking the trainer if it would be a problem if I didn’t use Botox, wondering if it was necessary for me to use it. He mentioned that it wasn’t required, but suggested it might be beneficial. At that point, I was concerned about how potential clients might perceive me if I had more wrinkles, thinking they might not want to come to me. However, my perspective changed during the in-person training where we had opportunities to inject each other. I decided to try it since it was free, and I wanted to understand the experience I’d be offering to others. After seeing it done throughout the training, I found myself eager to have my own Botox treatment.

Yitzi: Is there a particular person that you’re grateful towards who helped you achieve this success that you currently enjoy? Can you tell a story about that person?

Ellen: I’m grateful to many different people, but if I had to choose, it’s probably four key individuals. One of them is the girl I met at the dog park. She later became a client of mine. However, it was a challenging experience. She was upset about my charges, despite knowing the usual costs for these services. Typically, I don’t discuss prices upfront unless it’s with first-time clients who are curious and unfamiliar with what to expect. Even though she was a difficult client, I still found her presence valuable at that time. She’s considering another appointment, which is a bit stressful for me, but I think I’ll give it one more try and see how it goes.

My oldest daughter has also been a huge support. She always says little encouraging things. She thinks it’s cool that I’m starting a business and wants to achieve more in her life, not just stay in one place. For instance, I was offering a vitamin shot and worried I was overcharging because it’s more profitable than my other services. When I mentioned this to Addalyn, she reassured me, saying, “No, you’re not, Mom. It’s a business. You have a family to support.” Another time, I was stressed with the initial red tape of starting a business and felt it wasn’t worth it. Addalyn reminded me, “Starting a business is not easy. Nobody ever said it would be easy.” Her words have been really uplifting.

Even my six-year-old, Eve, has been understanding. There was this time when I was supposed to go on a field trip with her, but I forgot to note down the date, so I ended up booking clients instead. When I told Eve that I couldn’t make it because of my work commitments, she was very supportive. They all are, really. Juliette, my 11 year old, helped secure one of my highest-paying clients so far. She went to her friends grandmother’s house and told her that I started a business doing Botox and filler. They understand that the business contributes to our family’s prosperity.

Kendall, the owner of my salon, has been a key figure. I found her through a Facebook group post where I mentioned needing space for my botox and filler services. Someone tagged her, and she messaged me. We arranged to meet, but I was in Pennsylvania and ended up being late. Kendall had another client, so we rescheduled. The next time, I overslept and missed our meeting. It was stressful because I felt so unprofessional, but my cousin, Olivia encouraged me to just be honest with Kendall about juggling my responsibilities and kids. Surprisingly, Kendall gave me a third chance. It’s been a fantastic decision. The salon is near my home, which is more convenient than having my own space. Kendall has been incredibly supportive, helping me set up and encouraging me to pick a start date. It forced me to take the leap, and I’m grateful for it.

Yitzi: Can you think about your career, either as a nurse or as a nurse injector, and share the most interesting story that’s happened since you began? It could be the most humorous, fascinating, or memorable. Tell us an interesting story that gives us insight into what your career is like.

Ellen: I book all my Botox appointments for half an hour, even though the procedure takes only five minutes. This extra time allows me to get to know my clients better. For example, just yesterday, one of my clients spent an hour and a half at the salon. We had the chance to sit and talk for a long while. I always enjoy these moments to connect with people, as long as we both have the time.

I also have a quite unsettling story from my years in nursing. I remember dealing with two patients in restraints. One of them, who also had a sitter, took off his dressing and started digging into his wounds. This might sound extreme, but it’s not entirely unusual in my line of work, especially during night shifts. Patients who are coherent during the day can change at night, a phenomenon known as sundowning. They become confused and unusually strong, which can be quite challenging to manage.

Yitzi: So, can you explain how your work helps people? How does it bring a positive impact to society?

Ellen: After splitting up from my ex, I spent a lot of time healing and in therapy, learning about self-care. My counselors emphasized self-care, and initially, I was puzzled by what that meant. It seemed like a generic term, and I wondered if people truly understood it. For example, Botox is a form of self-care. It’s one way to practice it.

Interestingly, when I was learning about Botox, I found a study suggesting it could improve depression. There’s a correlation between happiness and getting Botox. For women, especially, taking the effort to invest in themselves in this way can be empowering. It’s not just about the treatment itself, but the act of spending money on their well-being.

Also, there’s a natural desire for women to want to feel attractive. It’s important to recognize this without falling into a competitive trap. We shouldn’t feel pressured to look pretty while pretending we didn’t make an effort.

Yitzi: Can you explain how Botox works?

Ellen: Botox involves using these little insulin syringes, really tiny ones. It’s actually a neurotoxin that, when injected into the muscle, paralyzes it. I know “paralyzed” and “toxin” might sound a bit negative, but in reality, it’s about relaxing the muscles. For instance, when muscles tense up, Botox helps them relax by keeping them paralyzed, meaning it keeps them in a relaxed state.

Yitzi: So it gets rid of wrinkles? Why is that?

Ellen: Wrinkles form when we move our faces, and as we age, they tend to stay longer even after we stop making those expressions. Botox works by paralyzing the muscles, so you’re not creating those wrinkles, and they don’t get deeper. Essentially, it prevents the facial muscles from moving. There are also other benefits, like treating the masseters for TMJ issues. Over time, these muscles can get bulky from being overactive, so relaxing them with Botox is beneficial.

Yitzi: We spoke about the benefits of Botox. Considering the law of unintended consequences, which suggests that actions often lead to unforeseen results, can you think of any potential drawbacks from Botox and fillers that people or the industry should consider?

Ellen: With Botox, a known issue is that over time, people can build up a tolerance. That’s why we don’t treat individuals more frequently than every three months. This allows the Botox to clear from your system, which helps prevent tolerance buildup. However, over many years, tolerance can still develop. As for fillers, they can migrate in some people. Sometimes, it’s necessary to dissolve the filler, especially if someone doesn’t like the results. With Botox, if you don’t like the results, you’re stuck with them until they wear off, but with filler, you have the option to dissolve it. However, it’s hard to quantify how common these issues are. Many injectors have had to dissolve fillers, for example, if someone continually gets their lips done and wants to start fresh, or for more urgent situations. Though rare, there are cases where dissolving filler is necessary. Dissolving filler isn’t very rare; people do opt for it.

Yitzi: You also do fillers. Can you explain what filler is for our readers?

Ellen: Sure. Filler is essentially a substance used for cosmetic enhancements, and there are different types of fillers. The only type I use is hyaluronic acid, which is a substance naturally found in our bodies. One of its advantages is that it’s reversible. For instance, if there’s an issue like a vascular occlusion, we can dissolve the filler. Fillers are commonly used to enhance features like lips, making them appear larger. They’re also used in cheeks. As we age, we lose fat in our faces, so filler can restore some of that volume, giving a younger appearance. Interestingly, it can even make a person’s face look thinner, which might seem counterintuitive. A little filler in the cheeks can give someone a more defined, thinner facial appearance.

Yitzi: Can you share with our readers three things that excite you most about the modern beauty industry? What excites you most about this industry as it is today?

Ellen: Well, one thing is how women are empowering each other in this space. They’re actively searching and supporting one another, seeking places to enhance their beauty. It’s all about wanting to feel good and helping others feel the same.

Another aspect that excites me is the financial potential. Initially, my motivation was driven by the lucrative aspect of the industry. Hearing about the substantial amount of money people spend in this sector was intriguing. It’s also gained popularity among celebrities, which adds to its appeal.

Lastly, the transition from a med-surg nurse to specializing in Botox represented a shift to a different level of class for me. It feels more refined and classy, and that’s quite exciting.

Yitzi: Are there a few things that concern you about the industry? And if you had the ability to implement reform, what would you suggest?

Ellen: Yes, there are definitely concerns. For instance, treatments like Botox and fillers, which I currently specialize in, are constantly evolving with new products and techniques. One issue is that some people overdo these treatments, moving from one provider to another, which can lead to unsatisfactory results and a build-up of tolerance. Botox, while well-established and useful for various medical conditions like cerebral palsy and bladder issues, still carries risks. If administered incorrectly, it can cause undesirable results, though not life-threatening. Fillers pose a higher risk. I also heard about an incident involving a vampire facial gone wrong due to the use of incorrect blood, which highlights the risks inherent in our industry. Even the business aspect has its gray areas, which can be concerning.

Yitzi: So back to your concerns, if you were in a position of authority like the head of the FDA, what changes would you suggest?

Ellen: More regulations and clearer guidelines are needed. While I navigate the gray areas cautiously and trust my judgment, defined rules and oversight would benefit the industry. Another concern is the competitive nature of the field. For example, I know of cases where professionals report each other over minor infractions, driven by the fear of losing clients. This competition can create an environment where it’s challenging to collaborate with peers, even though there’s a desire for connection and learning.

Yitzi: Okay, so you’re an expert in the beauty industry. Can you share a few ideas that anyone can use to feel beautiful?

Ellen: To be beautiful is to appreciate the things you love. Do things that make you feel good. For example, if you feel pretty in a certain dress, buy it and wear it. Enjoy it for yourself, and that’s beautiful. I personally like to wear things that make me feel pretty. All summer, I wear dresses because I feel pretty in them, though not in the winter because it’s cold.

Also, genuinely caring about people makes you look beautiful. It’s attractive because people want to be seen and cared about.

Yitzi: You mentioned self-care. Can you share with our readers some of the things you do for self-care routines to help your body, mind, and heart thrive?

Ellen: Oh my gosh, my self-care routines… Well, it includes taking time to go on dates or hang out with my friends and spend time with my cousin. I prioritize these things over having a perfectly tidy house and sometimes even over business. I might have the opportunity to book more clients, but I choose to take time to enjoy life. I’ve found that allowing myself time for rest is important. If it’s scheduled, I can enjoy it without feeling guilty.

As for specific routines, I do get Botox because it makes me feel good. To support my mind and heart, I go to therapy. I’ve always found talking to someone beneficial and didn’t realize it still carried a stigma. Attending church, listening to audiobooks, and spending quality time with my kids and friends are also crucial. I focus on being present in the moment.

Yitzi: Okay, this is a signature question we ask in all of our interviews. Based on your experience and success, can you share four or five things you need to know to succeed as a certified nurse injector?

Ellen: Sure. The first thing I learned, even before starting in my training, is the importance of not being afraid of failure and hearing ‘no’. It’s crucial to understand that it’s part of the process, and it gets easier over time.

Secondly, for botox and filler, confidence in your skills is essential. You need to trust your eye and believe that you’ll grow and improve.

If I could do it all over again, I would have worked at a med spa, injecting and learning on the job. The skill is invaluable, and the training can be quite expensive. Getting hands-on experience is a great way to build confidence.

Finally, I’ve realized that even on days when I’m nervous or trying something new, pushing through those challenges can be incredibly rewarding. It’s all about embracing the learning process and growing from each experience.

Yitzi: You’ve developed a guerrilla marketing strategy with a small budget and achieved a lot of success. Can you share the marketing strategies and tips you’ve used to grow your business?

Ellen: Sure. I rent space from an owner who is part of Real Beauty Bosses, and I’m now a part of that group. She’s been a great help, teaching me how to keep people engaged. I primarily use Facebook for marketing, joining groups and getting active in the online community. Additionally, I donated to a Basket Bingo fundraiser this year, which was for a good cause and also helped with business exposure.

She also taught me a technique when I did my first model call. She emphasized the importance of keeping people talking. At first, I was hesitant, especially with the volume of texting involved, but it turned out to be effective. It’s about more than just keeping a conversation going; it’s about listening to clients, understanding their needs, and responding in a way that best serves them. It’s this genuine interaction and attention to their needs that has helped my business grow.

The biggest thing is believing in what I do. I don’t view myself as a salesperson trying to plan and scheme the most effective way to get money from people. Botox and filler can be pricey, but I see it as an investment providing returns for clients in confidence, being more bold, more successful, more money…

Yitzi: Do you have a favorite life lesson quote? What’s one that you resonate with most and how does it relate to you?

Ellen: The quote that resonates with me the most is, “You miss 100% of the shots you never take” I come across many quotes, but this one stands out. It’s significant to me because it’s saying never taking the risk is far worse than taking the risk and failing. It’s not your successes that foster growth, but the failures. You fail, you learn, you grow. In my business, especially during my Botox training, they emphasized that failures, whether small or large, are inevitable. This understanding makes facing challenges less daunting. The key is to keep trying, no matter what. As long as I’m alive, I’ll keep pushing forward and growing.

Yitzi: So because of your success and the platform you’ve built, you have significant influence. Your words carry a lot of weight and people listen to them carefully. If you could spread an idea or inspire a movement that would bring the most good to the most people, what would that be?

Ellen: I believe it’s important to learn to value and take care of yourself. Loving yourself is crucial because without it, genuinely loving others becomes challenging. It doesn’t matter what else you love if you lack self-love. This concept applies to everything, whether it’s wanting Botox, getting your hair done, or going running. It’s about being honest and not feeling the need to hide our aging or our desires to look attractive.

Botox might be a quick fix, but it’s more about caring for yourself. Loving yourself is the foundation of everything. I grew up thinking self-love was sinful and bad. It’s still hard for me to talk about self-care without feeling guilty. But if God loves and values us, he doesn’t want us to feel shame and guilt. He wants us to feel love. Knowing what you need and want is crucial because if you rely on others for that, you’ll end up feeling empty.

The second point is that if you don’t love yourself and you’re depressed, you can’t be a healthy, thriving person who helps others. Taking care of yourself is a prerequisite for helping others. The third point is that you can’t rely on others to make you happy. Happiness must come from within yourself.

Yitzi: How can our readers continue to follow your work, hire you, or engage with you? What’s your website? How can they follow you online, get in touch, or make an appointment with you?

Ellen: My business is Ajem Aesthetics, (from the first letters of my children’s names) and I work out of Serenity Hair Spa in Abingdon. You can book appointments through the Serenity Hair Spa website, where I’m listed. I also have a Facebook page and an Instagram page, both personal and business, but most of my activity is on my personal pages. The best way to get in touch is through the salon’s website or my personal Facebook or Instagram page. My Instagram handle is E. Schneider2, and on Facebook, you can find me as Ellen Schneider.

Thank you so much for this amazing interview. We wish you only continued success.



Yitzi Weiner
Authority Magazine

A “Positive” Influencer, Founder & Editor of Authority Magazine, CEO of Thought Leader Incubator