Patricia Del Gavio: 5 Things You Can Do To Help Your Living Space Spark More Joy

An Interview With Candice Georgiadis

Candice Georgiadis
Authority Magazine
11 min readOct 29, 2021


Create a work space that you can call your own. This is especially important since working from home has become a part of the new normal. It doesn’t even need to be a space you spend tens of thousands to create. It should be a designated space and should NOT be a space you have to move dishes or laundry to work!!! It needs to be a space you can leave intact at the end of each day. It could be as simple as a bridge in front of a window alcove, a bookcase that has a deeper shelf to sit at, a repurposed niche or closet, or a section of the living room or guest room you never use!! Remove yourself from the everyday activities and take time alone!

As part of my series on the “5 Things You Can Do To Help Your Living Space Spark More Joy”, I had the pleasure of interviewing Patricia Del Gavio.

Pat Del Gavio is a design firm principal with more than 20 years of experience in Interior design, project coordination + oversight and furnishings + fixtures in the greater Bay Area and Colorado.

She’s passionate about supporting busy, dynamic homeowners and executives to design, plan + furnish their dream project(s) from inception through installation and delivering a customized, intentionally-designed home and office environments.

Pat works closely with clients, realtors and building owners designing and furnishing office spaces, consciously tracking current trends and enjoys hiking, travel in Europe and flyfishing.

Thank you so much for joining us in this series! Before we dive in, our readers would love to learn a bit more about you. Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?

Yes, I’ll tell you the story that brought me to this career. It was desire for freedom to create my own path. I’d moved cross country to California from New Jersey. I was trying to find an opportunity, having studied business and worked for a clothing manufacturer, I was wide open! I tried the employment agency route and scanning the job pages. Then all of a sudden one day, here it was, this ad caught my eye, it read,

“Be Your own boss, make your own hours, great income”. well… what’s not to love there!

So here I go… I called to make an appointment for an interview.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you started this career?

Turns out it was a gentleman who wanted to create an office furniture dealership! I knew nothing about this but have total confidence I can do anything and we could accomplish this.

I did get the job. I was initially responsible for researching and meeting with manufacturers and developing the lines of products we would sell our corporate customers. I eventually hired the team to sell them too! This all came about because I didn’t have any fear of stepping outside of my comfort zone to lead and to take ownership.

It did give me everything the ad promised and more, and eventually my career, which has continued for years to bring me joy and satisfaction.

Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

One of the not so funniest blips we made was designing this huge custom reception station for the Gap Corporate office. It didn’t fit into the elevator to get to the second floor! Oops!! We delivered it back to the manufacturer who felt some responsibility for not offering any advice at the time of fabrication. They were able to make several pieces which could be assembled in the field. Saved by the saw!! I use the measure twice and three times ever since.

What are some of the most interesting or exciting projects you are working on now? How do you think that might help people?

I have successfully ventured from commercial office furniture and design projects, to mid to higher end home design, construction coordination and furnishing We’re currently working in the Bay Area and Colorado, on the design of custom homes with all kinds of interesting features. To name a few, we have one home with a glass elevator inside a spiral glass staircase, they also have an interior climbing wall. We designed a custom 3 story tall light fixture last year interior atriums open to the sky or sky lighted to the outside. I absolutely love working on diverse projects and creating the most comfortable exciting environments that bring joy to my clients. We’re working in mid-century, contemporary and currently an English country style home design. We’re often spending time creating home and office environments to manage the Pandemic considerations that really need to be taken to enable folks to feel safe. We encourage our clients to enjoy these times safely and find their own comfort level with family inside and out of their home.

This has really served us well in changing times, meaning if office business was slower, residential boomed. And this is the case of the last 2 COVID years…. Our corporate business is on the rise again, there is a growing comfort level in the Bay Area but we’ll proceed slowly with caution.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

One of my favorite Life Lesson Quotes is “What can be conceived, can be created” I learned this from a past employer who sadly isn’t with us any longer, way too young! It was adapted from Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich. He would say it all the time when we needed strength to do step outside the box.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?

I came from a small town, I had to have my own initiative and incentive, I wasn’t really pushed to achieve a goal. My parents told me I could do anything I set my mind to, and because of this I had no fear. This businessman was the one who gave me the opportunity I mentioned, helped me find my career path. He was the first person who believed in me enough to allow me to branch out, stretch my abilities and very quickly succeed. It was dedication and consistency, to power on and be inquisitive. It’s important to ask questions, obtain answers and truly make happiness happen! I wish for you to find the inspiration from within.

Thank you for that. Here is the main question of our discussion. What are your “5 Things You Can Do To Help Your Living Space Spark More Joy” and why. Please share a story or example for each.

This is an interesting topic. First, we realize ion order to have true joy in your living space it comes from within and the family and friends you surround yourself with.

We can enhance an environment and build out spaces by including the effect of lighting, play of color, furnishing and textures to help you enjoy the space, also to feel happy and healthy, it requires an additional regiment which includes rest, exercise and diet.

Thank you, these are 5 Things you can do to help your living space spark more joy!

Tip Number 1:

Plan to take on a home enhancement project. We spend more time there; we can make it shine! Here is a handy guideline to follow and guarantee your success.

1. Understand what it is you’re trying to accomplish. This may include the room location + scope + tasks.

2. Consider and create your aesthetic. What makes you feel good, relaxed, excited, or energized. Do you like contemporary, traditional, mid-century or a bohemian vibe? Let’s create a mood board or idea book. I think boards are a really good way to hone in on the choices. There are so many options, it’s incredible.

3. Spend time space planning to ensure you purchase the right scale fit, not just what looks pretty, and comfort is key.

4. Timeline, have a goal of when you would like to start and finish, ensure you source items available in the time you want them.

5. Budget, allocate most of your budget to essential items that really impact the way you feel and live in the space

We have been in not so well thought out spaces with huge light fixtures or tiny chairs for large people. It can often save to hire an interior designer. By being excited to start your mission and preparing in advance, it is the way to make it yours.

We find if we read all of the details in the description of the items it will help to make the right choice.

Tip Number 2:

Create a work space that you can call your own. This is especially important since working from home has become a part of the new normal. It doesn’t even need to be a space you spend tens of thousands to create. It should be a designated space and should NOT be a space you have to move dishes or laundry to work!!! It needs to be a space you can leave intact at the end of each day. It could be as simple as a bridge in front of a window alcove, a bookcase that has a deeper shelf to sit at, a repurposed niche or closet, or a section of the living room or guest room you never use!! Remove yourself from the everyday activities and take time alone!

For many of us, remember, it’s the place that you spend many of your waking hours, you want to love YOUR space, it’s been gratifying to be able to bring the elements of commercial, productive work spaces into the personal aspect of someone’s home –including adjustability and comfort above all

Tip Number 3:

Add a fresh coat of paint! Have you walked into a room, looked at your walls and seen that they can use a fresh coat, the corners may be scratched from the vacuum or they are just dull!
I’d head straight to the paint store or call a professional.

Decide the color scheme that can work for you and your overall color theme. are you most comfortable in spring, summer, fall, or winter colors? Summer colors are bright cool, and winter muted cool tones, spring tones are bright warm colors and autumn is muted warm. Confused? Do a little google search into the season of color.

You can choose a clean white versus color. Now the joy and fun begins, once its painted.

find fun art work that speaks to you. I’d suggest you sort through the albums of photos. Is it a family photo wall, or enlarged photos of the last vacation you’d like to remember? Maybe the next trip photos to inspire you to plan and look forward will spark your interest?

It looks well planned to add a common color or same sized picture frames to make them all cohesive and warm your heart!

What makes you smile when you see it is the perfect choice. Surround yourself with the memories and people you love to share it all with!

Tip Number 4:

Are you spending more time at home in the living room?

Rearrange the furniture, it’s free. Or replace that old sofa and chairs! Carve out a space for a game table or larger coffee table for your next project, puzzle or game. You can make it more convenient to spend time with your loved ones to play chess, dominos or cards. good old-fashioned fun never goes out of style. I like to think that interactions over these planned gatherings bring closeness to your relationships and build traditions.

If you aren’t in the mode to break the budget, simply add pillows, find textures, patterns and colors that you haven’t used before and in combinations that are fun!! Add a lamp or arcing light fixture, floor style that will add a warm ambiance to the room. You can benefit by selecting light color temperatures that will be soothing like a 2700 to 300K warm light. You will immediately notice the difference and feel the joy.

I receive more and more new furniture and bedding catalogs. There are several style and price ranges available. Have you noticed when you scan through them, you might think it all looks so special lovely and fresh? Do you want to tag many of the pages? I want this and that and this looks cool! Well surprise, look closely, the basic colors are neutral. It’s all in the accents and accessories!

Make it your own and select items that tie in and flow through out your living spaces. It will feel larger and well connected.

Tip Number 5:

I would highly suggest you create an intimate cozy nest in your bedroom, why not re-dress your bed! Splurge, it’s where you spend possibly 1/3 of your life. Select bed sheets with the higher thread counts. You might try 400 or more thread count, it is wonderful. You will feel how smooth they seem and they also last forever so the little extra cost is worth it. Next add a new blanket or comforter and bed pillows. Pillows don’t last forever after all, it’s best to replace them every few years. You can add comfort to your nights rest when you tuck that spare pillow under your arm or knees. So, while you add a few layers to your pillows for fun, top it all with some accent throw pillows and a throw blanket. You can freshen up and create a haven.

While you’re the bedroom, trim down the closet contents, dust off the nightstands and add a bookshelf or a lamp. These items can be had inexpensively if you like or search for a special one too

We have researched and enjoyed for years, a special linen shop in NY and also one in Italy, which sits at the foot of the Spanish Steps in Rome. During our travels, we wandered in we have purchased glorious bedding.

I can dream of it now, just slipping in between the sheets, it’s heavenly. We can enjoy in addition to the comfort of cotton, the memories of selecting the perfect color and interacting with the clerk who helped, and carrying them or shipping back. It was a lovely adventure that brings joy still. And then again you can find them in your local shop and love them just as much if travel isn’t your thing. The point is that we create our own destiny and spark, and “What can be conceived, can be created”

You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

Thank you for asking, if I could find a way to start a movement, It would be to stop resource waste and find more ways to truly and actually recycle household and office furniture items. We should find a way to supply the excess we have to those in need.

We demo and remodel often and the amount of waste is beyond belief. Our landfills are full. The agencies that in the past recycled household goods aren’t willing to take most of the products any longer. The Habitat like firms are closing and if it’s not perfect it isn’t recycled. We try and find a home for products and it is nearly impossible to find that home!!

My personal desire is that we all care for the rivers, streams and great outdoors to keep them safe for the next generation

We are very blessed that some of the biggest names in Business, VC funding, Sports, and Entertainment read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might see this, especially if we tag them :-)

Well, it’s a bit late but I would have loved meeting with Frank Lloyd Wright. His form and function were so inspiring. I love that he worked the outside environment into his projects and used materials that were found in nature nearby.

How can our readers follow you on social media?




Thank you so much for joining us. This was very inspirational!



Candice Georgiadis
Authority Magazine

Candice Georgiadis is an active mother of three as well as a designer, founder, social media expert, and philanthropist.