Pavel Yurovitskiy Of KIT Global On How To Create More Inclusive Workplaces

An Interview With Rachel Kline

Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Authority Magazine
15 min readDec 11, 2023


Professionalism Over Geography

In the pursuit of talent, the company adopts a principle of valuing professionalism over geographical location. Rather than limiting recruitment to specific regions, the focus is on identifying and hiring skilled individuals regardless of their location. This approach reflects a belief that talent is widespread, extending beyond major cities, and contributes to a more diverse and capable team, ultimately enhancing overall productivity.

Creating inclusive workplaces is crucial for any organization that wants to get the most out of its talent. This means creating an environment where everyone feels like they belong, has equal opportunities, is empowered to do their best work, and feels comfortable making requests and contributing ideas. In this series, we asked prominent HR and business leaders about the steps they take to create more inclusive workplaces. As a part of this series, we had the pleasure of interviewing Pavel Yurovitskiy.

Pavel Yurovitskiy, a distinguished entrepreneur and seasoned expert in the realm of performance marketing, boasts a rich background of over two decades in the dynamic field of marketing. Serving as the CEO of KIT Global since its establishment in 2022, Pavel has steered the company to a position of dominance, particularly excelling in diversity and inclusivity initiatives. Strategically siting offices across Europe, Asia, and North America, Pavel’s adept leadership has propelled KIT Global’s rapid expansion — a testament to his profound understanding of the global marketing landscape.

Pavel’s entrepreneurial acumen has garnered him acclaim, earning him the prestigious title of Best Young Entrepreneur in the Small Business IT Industry. Beyond mere accolades, Pavel’s interests traverse diverse industries, with a notable focus on e-commerce and retail. His strategic investments in telemetry underscore a forward-thinking approach, positioning KIT Global at the forefront of marketing technology.

In addition to his role at KIT Global, Pavel is privileged to be affiliated with esteemed communities such as YPO, the world’s largest CEO leadership network and Harvard’s Business School Online Community. This network of affiliations reflects Pavel’s commitment to continuous learning and engagement with diverse perspectives.

While at the helm of KIT Global, Pavel remains committed to both personal and professional growth. Currently pursuing an MBA, he exemplifies a dedication to staying at the forefront of evolving marketing trends. This ongoing pursuit of excellence solidifies Pavel’s unwavering commitment to making a significant impact in the dynamic world of global marketing.

Thank you so much for your time! I know that you are a very busy person. Before we drive in, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you tell us a bit about your ‘backstory’ and how you got started?

My professional journey began with a deep dive into the world of digital marketing, where I discovered the transformative power of leveraging data and technology to create impactful campaigns. Recognizing the challenges that many marketers face in navigating the rapidly evolving digital landscape, I founded KIT Global with the vision of providing accessible, innovative solutions to empower businesses of all sizes.

As the CEO of KIT Global, my mission is to help businesses not just survive but thrive in the ever-evolving digital landscape. This can be achieved by providing cutting-edge tools and strategies that not only keep up with industry trends but also set new standards for excellence.

At KIT Global, we’ve also assembled a dynamic team of talented marketers and technologists who share my vision and enthusiasm for pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the marketing world. We believe in the power of collaboration and harnessing the latest technologies to craft strategies that not only meet but exceed our client’s expectations.

We’re not just about generating leads; we’re about delivering results that speak for themselves. Our approach is rooted in smart, data-driven solutions that ensure our clients achieve their business goals. It’s not just a job for us; it’s a passion to see businesses grow and succeed in the new digital age.

In essence, my journey and the journey of KIT Global are intertwined with the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing. We’re not just keeping up with the changes; we’re driving them, ensuring our clients stay ahead of the curve and achieve unparalleled success. I’m excited about the future of KIT Global and the continued opportunities to make a lasting impact in the marketing sphere globally.

It has been said that our mistakes can be our greatest teachers. Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

Early in my entrepreneurial journey, I encountered numerous challenges, and one particularly memorable lesson involved my attempt to personally manage every aspect of the business. Like many new entrepreneurs, I took on the responsibility of communicating directly with clients, even going as far as sharing my personal mobile number. Initially, this hands-on approach seemed feasible, but as the business expanded, so did the demands on my time.

The continuous ringing of my phone became a daily occurrence, disrupting my schedule in unexpected ways. Clients sought communication at various hours, with some reaching out late at night or early in the morning. It didn’t take long for me to realize that this approach was unsustainable and hindered the scalability of my venture.

While the early morning calls on Sundays were far from amusing, this experience proved invaluable. It served as a stark reminder that effective scalability requires strategic delegation and streamlined processes. This lesson prompted me to reassess my business practices and implement changes that ultimately contributed to the growth and efficiency of my entrepreneurial endeavors.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful for who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story?

I genuinely enjoy my work in the business realm, particularly the extensive communication required with entrepreneurs. Analyzing their businesses, understanding their mistakes, as well as recognizing their strengths and opportunities, add a dynamic layer to my professional engagement. Every client becomes a source of learning, offering insights into the intricacies of diverse business landscapes. It’s not merely a requirement for our work to delve into the intricacies of a client’s business, but it also imparts invaluable knowledge on navigating challenges and seizing opportunities, shaping my entrepreneurial approach.

My admiration for my grandfather, Solomon Yurovitskiy, deepens this connection to wisdom. Celebrating his remarkable 95th anniversary this year, he embodies a wealth of life experiences, generously shared with me. One of the pivotal qualities I strive to embody is wisdom, particularly in learning not only from your own mistakes but from the mistakes of others. I am inspired to enhance this virtue by approaching situations with reasonableness, seeking improvement and understanding in every circumstance. This principle guides me in all situations, fostering a thoughtful and rational approach to the challenges that arise. It’s a personal and professional philosophy that stems from both the enriching interactions with entrepreneurs and the enduring wisdom passed down through generations in my family.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

Embracing the essence of a Japanese saying has been a guiding principle in my life: “Those who want to, look for opportunities; those who don’t, look for reasons.” This philosophy has become a cornerstone of my approach, as I consistently seek opportunities in every endeavor. Throughout my life, I’ve made a conscious effort to instill this mindset in my team, encouraging them to adopt a similar perspective.

It’s easy to find reasons why a task may go undone or why it may not be executed flawlessly, but our focus remains steadfastly on identifying opportunities. Whether in our personal lives or within the fabric of our business, we believe that cultivating an opportunity-centric mindset is paramount. This deliberate choice to shift our attention towards possibilities not only fuels innovation but also propels us forward, fostering a culture of growth, resilience, and continuous improvement. In a world filled with challenges, we find strength in the pursuit of opportunities, acknowledging that therein lies the key to progress and success.

Thinking back on your own career, what would you tell your younger self?

If I could impart wisdom to my younger self venturing into entrepreneurship, I’d emphasize the critical importance of surrounding oneself with the right people. Be it your team or clients, the success trajectory in the IT business is undeniably intertwined with the individuals you choose to associate with. Looking back, the pitfalls on my journey often stemmed from misjudging these connections, while the most triumphant moments were inextricably linked to making astute choices in people. Hence the path to success is significantly shaped by the quality of those you collaborate with. Choose your team and clients wisely; they will play a defining role in your entrepreneurial odyssey.

Let’s now move to the central part of our interview. What systems do you have to ensure your workplace is as inclusive as possible?

At our company, fostering an inclusive workplace is a core value that we prioritize across all our global teams. One of the key strategies we employ to ensure inclusivity is by having teams located around the world. This not only allows us to tap into diverse talent but also provides us with a unique opportunity to immerse ourselves in local cultures, truly understanding the nuances of each region.

We’ve recently celebrated successful events in India and Indonesia, and a significant part of our success in these regions can be attributed to our employees in those offices. Their cultural expertise played a pivotal role in ensuring that our events were not only successful but also culturally sensitive and relevant.

By leveraging the cultural diversity within our teams, we ensure that our workplace is a microcosm of the global landscape. This approach not only enriches our working environment but also translates into a more inclusive and understanding corporate culture. We actively encourage an exchange of ideas, perspectives, and experiences, fostering an environment where everyone feels heard, valued, and respected.

How we ensure that our employees are truly united as one despite the differences in location, culture, religion and ethnicity, we launched a program entitled Intercultural KIT where all employees attend several fixed programs that touch on the following aspects:

  • KIT Global’s concerns about intercultural misunderstanding.
  • Basic ideas on how intercultural theories & practices can help employees in their daily work with foreign colleagues.
  • Feedback as seen in different cultures.
  • Exercises to practice different styles of feedback.

At the heart of our values, our dedication to inclusivity surpasses mere policies but reaches into the very essence of our global operations and company DNA. We are firm in our belief that by wholeheartedly embracing and celebrating the diverse cultures within our organization, we not only boost our innovation but also cultivate a workplace where diversity is not merely acknowledged but actively embraced.

Based on your experience and success, what are your top five tips for creating more inclusive workplaces?

1 . Initiating Leadership Diversity

To ensure effective task management, it is paramount to commence with a leadership team that reflects diversity. This involves focusing on the composition of the C-Level executives and the board of directors. The goal is to cultivate a team that brings together individuals from different nationalities, religions, and genders. This diversity is seen as a strategic asset, fostering a more comprehensive perspective that is crucial for making informed decisions and generating innovative ideas.

2 . Equal Opportunities for Employee Growth

Another crucial aspect revolves around providing equal opportunities for employees throughout the organization. Regardless of gender, nationality, or age, the company aims to create an environment where all employees have the potential for career growth. This commitment to equal opportunities not only contributes to a more inclusive workplace but also enhances the overall effectiveness of C-level managers, who benefit from a diverse and skilled workforce.

3 . Diversity in Client-Facing Roles

Recognizing the importance of understanding the target audience, the company emphasizes the need for diversity in client-facing roles. Working groups in these areas are carefully crafted to include individuals with varied backgrounds and expertise. Additionally, the inclusion of women in these groups is highlighted, acknowledging the valuable perspective they bring to better connect with the IT team’s audience.

4 . Effectiveness of Diversified IT Teams

Drawing from past experiences, the company underscores the effectiveness of having diversified IT teams. The shift to remote work in 2020 revealed that talent is not confined to major cities, prompting a reevaluation of traditional hiring practices. By embracing diversity in IT teams, the company has found that this approach not only enriches the team dynamics but also results in more effective and innovative problem-solving.

5 . Professionalism Over Geography

In the pursuit of talent, the company adopts a principle of valuing professionalism over geographical location. Rather than limiting recruitment to specific regions, the focus is on identifying and hiring skilled individuals regardless of their location. This approach reflects a belief that talent is widespread, extending beyond major cities, and contributes to a more diverse and capable team, ultimately enhancing overall productivity.

Can you share 3 or 4 of the most common mistakes you have seen businesses make while trying to become more inclusive? What should one keep in mind to avoid that?

Neglecting Cultural Competence Training

A prevalent oversight is the absence of adequate training to empower employees in comprehending and navigating diverse cultural intricacies. Companies must institute comprehensive cultural competence programs, offering thorough training to enhance their workforce’s skills and knowledge in effective cross-cultural communication. This strategic initiative ensures that all members within the organization not only respect but also possess the requisite knowledge of their colleagues’ diverse backgrounds. Consequently, this fosters a workplace environment characterized by increased inclusivity and mutual understanding.

Overlooking Intersectionality in Business Practices

Businesses commonly err by neglecting the nuanced interplay of individuals’ identities, encompassing factors like race, gender, and socioeconomic background. Adopting a one-size-fits-all approach assumes a uniformity that falls short in addressing the intricacies of human experiences. To rectify this, organizations should proactively acknowledge and embrace the complexity inherent in individual identities. In crafting inclusion initiatives, a tailored approach is essential to accommodate a diverse range of perspectives and experiences. This involves a thoughtful consideration of the unique challenges faced by individuals with intersecting identities, ensuring a more comprehensive and effective strategy for fostering inclusivity.

Insufficient Leadership Engagement

A significant lapse is entrusting diversity and inclusion initiatives solely to HR, lacking active involvement and endorsement from top leadership. It is crucial for leaders to visibly champion diversity efforts by actively participating in related programs, establishing explicit expectations for inclusion, and holding all organizational levels accountable for nurturing an inclusive culture. A genuine commitment from leadership resonates as a powerful message throughout the organization, underscoring the paramount importance of diversity across all tiers.

How do you measure the effectiveness of your DEI efforts?

There are many important measurements to build an effective DEI culture. The following strategies collectively provide a comprehensive approach to how we measure the effectiveness of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion efforts.

Employee Surveys and Feedback

Regularly engaging with employees through surveys is a direct line to understanding the nuanced experiences within our workforce. These surveys provide a qualitative depth, allowing us to tap into the sentiments and perceptions of our diverse team. By actively seeking feedback, we create a dynamic feedback loop, enabling us to adapt and tailor our strategies to address specific needs and challenges identified by our employees. To achieve this goal, we implement a structured approach during our staff probation period. Throughout this period, we conduct monthly meetings involving the employee, HR, and their immediate supervisor. These sessions serve as a dedicated forum to discuss both challenges and successes. The aim is to provide continuous support, enabling staff to navigate their initial experiences, and ensuring a smooth assimilation into the organization.

Retention and Promotion

Examining our employee retention and assessing promotion rates across demographics is pivotal. We ensure that everyone, regardless of their background, has equal opportunities for career advancement. This commitment contributes to a workplace culture that not only values diversity but actively recognizes and cultivates the diverse talents that enrich our organization at every level.

Inclusive Policies and Practices

The integrity of our commitment to inclusivity is underscored by regular evaluations of our policies and practices. This involves a deep dive into the very mechanisms that shape the employee experience — from recruitment strategies to performance evaluations. Uncovering and addressing unintended biases within these processes is integral to creating an environment where every individual feels seen, heard, and valued.

Training Participation

As we commit to enhancing diversity and inclusion through training programs, our focus extends beyond mere participation rates to the transformative impact on our workforce. To achieve this, we host a series of Intercultural KIT Workshops. These sessions offer insights into the dynamics of various teams and cultures across our offices, shedding light on how they interact. The workshops delve into understanding differences in working styles, fostering respect for different time zones, and promoting better interpersonal treatment. This proactive approach enables us to tailor and refine our training initiatives, ensuring they align with the distinct needs of our team and actively contribute to cultivating a genuinely inclusive workplace culture.

Are there other organizations you admire for their approach to DEI? Can you please explain why?

I hold deep admiration for global and international corporations that boast diverse arrays of individuals — varying in ages, backgrounds, nationalities, and life experiences. What captivates me most is their ability to forge corporate values of such robustness that they transcend the disparities inherent in such diversity. Exemplary instances of this phenomenon can be found in industry leaders like Apple, Google, and Starbucks. These companies operate on a global scale, drawing together a myriad of individuals, yet manage to unite them under a common set of corporate values. These values, in turn, serve as the bedrock and adhesive for all internal processes.

Another noteworthy mention is the Young Presidents’ Organization (YPO), a global club of entrepreneurs with whom I collaborate. It’s truly inspiring how this organization has seamlessly operated worldwide for many years, propagating values that rise above the differences among its participants. The ability to foster a sense of unity and shared purpose amidst diverse backgrounds is a testament to the enduring strength of well-crafted values in both corporate giants and global organizations alike.

What do you do to address Proximity Bias? How do you ensure remote workers are treated the same as onsite workers and have equal access to opportunities?

We have several aspects that we track and manage to ensure equal and fair opportunities are given to our workforce:

  1. Addressing Proximity Bias

In our commitment to fostering an inclusive work environment, we actively address proximity bias, recognizing that physical distance should not hinder inclusion. Our global team is a testament to this commitment, comprising individuals in regions where offices may not be present. We also have employees comprising individuals hired in countries with established offices. This diverse group works cohesively as one, breaking down geographical barriers with the help of technology. Notably, we’ve implemented Zoho People, our HR system, where employees across the globe check in when they start work and check out when they conclude their day. This tool not only streamlines attendance tracking but is especially crucial when dealing with employees in different time zones, ensuring a fair and accurate representation of their work hours.

2. Equalizing Treatment for Remote Workers

Ensuring equal treatment for remote workers, regardless of their location, is a fundamental aspect of our approach. Zoho People, our global HR system and our Telegram channel play a pivotal role in creating a consistent and inclusive work culture. These tools facilitate seamless collaboration channels, ensuring that remote team members, whether hired in countries with offices or elsewhere, have equal access to information and opportunities. Through Zoho People as well as our Telegram channel, our commitment to transparency is reinforced, ensuring that all team members are included in critical discussions, regardless of their physical location.

3. Equal Access to Opportunities:

Our commitment to equal access to opportunities extends globally, encompassing all members of our diverse team. Our communication channels not only streamline attendance but also ensure that remote workers, irrespective of their hiring location, are considered for projects, promotions, and developmental programs on an equal basis. Transparent communication practices ensure that information about new opportunities is readily accessible to everyone, reinforcing a sense of equity within our global workforce.

4. Internal Communication and Cultural Awareness:

Recognizing the diverse backgrounds and geographical origins of our team members, we understand the importance of fostering cultural awareness within our global team. Often, the cultural and festive celebrations specific to each individual and country of origin might go unnoticed. To bridge this gap, we utilize our internal communication channels as a vital platform for disseminating information about upcoming festive celebrations, bank holidays, and other cultural events. This practice ensures that our team members are not only aware of these significant occasions but also have insights into the movements of specific teams on a global scale. By sharing information about cultural and festive celebrations, we cultivate an environment where diversity is not only acknowledged but celebrated, fostering a sense of unity among our workforce. This practice aligns seamlessly with our results-oriented culture, ensuring that every team member, regardless of their cultural background or geographic location, feels included and informed.

How can our readers further follow your work?

You can follow me on my LinkedIn and our website or get regular updates shared on our company’s LinkedIn Instagram and Facebook

Thank you so much for sharing these important insights. We wish you continued success and good health!

