“People often think that it gets lonely at the top, but it doesn’t have to be” With Rahul B. Patel of Patel Gaines
Communication is the key to thriving in a C-suite role. People often think that it gets lonely at the top, but it doesn’t have to be. And if you want to continue in such a high-level role, you have to make good communication and engagement with like-minded colleagues a priority. Share with others the challenges that you’re facing. More than likely, they’ve encountered the same situations! Not only can they relate, but they can provide insights and advise. That’s priceless. I’ve created a mini peer group of people that I met through community involvement, board positions and other capacities — people I don’t work with or for — and we meet once a month for dinner. It doesn’t need to be a large group — mine consists of just four people — but it has made a huge impact in my life…