Publicist Rockstars: Laura Perkes of PR with Perkes On The Five Things You Need To Have A Highly Successful Career in The PR Industry

Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Authority Magazine
Published in
11 min readMay 2, 2021


Keep evolving: The great thing about being a publicist is that once you’ve mastered the basics you can then keep on building, growing and evolving. The PR process rarely changes, yet the world around us does. When I landed my first PR role in 2004 we only had three options when it came to securing coverage for our clients; TV, Radio and print magazines. Fast-forward to 2021 and the digital age has practically blown up the industry and now presents so many more opportunities for our clients to be more visible and seen by their ideal clients.

As a part of my series about the things you need to know to excel in the modern PR industry, I had the pleasure of interviewing Laura Perkes.

Laura Perkes is a publicist, the founder of UK based boutique PR agency PR with Perkes and a self-confessed pitch b*tch.

