Q&A with Celebrity Beauty Maven & Entrepreneur, Christina Crawford

Kristin Marquet
Authority Magazine
Published in
5 min readApr 19, 2018
Christina Crawford

Christina Crawford’s desire to become an entrepreneur started at a young age; and in 2017 she made that dream come true by launching the emerging beauty brand, Bubble Pop Beauty. Bubble Pop Beauty, LLC, is an Atlanta-based, e-commerce hair and skincare brand designed for young female consumers. Before launching Bubble Pop Beauty, Christina held senior-level positions in marketing, branding, and promotions at various corporations for more than 14

years. She also holds a BA in Communications from New York University and an MBA from Florida Institute of Technology.

What is your background and how did you start Bubble Pop Beauty?

I am from Washington D.C., from a multi-cultural family and held several corporate positions in marketing and branding before I launched Bubble Pop Beauty. Bubble Pop started with a simple conversation with my daughter who had the idea to sell something. I took her dream and made it a reality by finding creative ways to fund it, from saving to investing to bartering. I recall many sleepless nights running from multiple jobs and taking on freelance marketing gigs. It was tough in the beginning and I wanted to give up, but I didn’t.

I am proud because Bubble Pop’s single purpose as a beauty brand is bettering the lives of women. We believe that women should define their own paths and as cliche as it sounds “pop the bubble” to be themselves and live the lives they deserve. My purpose and my company’s purpose is to inspire and help women be the best versions of themselves.

How has your professional experience shaped the leader you’ve become today?

Simply put, I’ve learned that listening and communication are essential skills that help you fully understand the needs of your boss, co-workers and the business. Communication skills will help you add value and establish your worth. Team is equally important because as a business owner you can’t do everything yourself. Learn to work with others, trust them, and delegate responsibility.

These main lessons have shaped me into a leader that embraces opinions, innovation, ideas, partnerships and the expertise of others on my team. I embrace conversation and brainstorming sessions. I create opportunities for us all to be successful so that we all can thrive and grow in our professional lives. My leadership is defined by the lessons / experiences I have had over the years. Experience defines us.

What are the most important qualities today’s female leaders need to have today?

I love this question and I have picked my 5 top quotes of qualities every female leader should have.

Quote: “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” — John Quincy Adams

Takeaway: A leader is selfless. You must always assist others in growing and developing. Become a giver of wisdom to help others grow and succeed.

Quote: “A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent.” — Douglas MacArthur

Takeaway: Be honest. Be humble. Above all else, have the courage to have integrity even if you must stand alone. Your strength will guide you to always do what is right for your people and for your business.

Quote: “The quality of a leader is reflected in the standards they set for themselves.” — Ray Kroc

Takeaway: Always strive to be greater than you were the prior day. How can you push others when you don’t push yourself to be great?

Quote “Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.” — Warren G. Bennis

Takeaway: Be able to execute.

What is the most important lesson you’ve learned being an entrepreneur?

Being an entrepreneur can be a lonely ride as you climb to the top. It is just you and your dreams. The hardest part of the journey is coming to terms with being uncomfortable because you have stepped out of your comfort zone. You will experience a little anxiety, some stress, a little pain, and heartbreak.

You have to push past the failures and you have to enjoy the wins. It is essential that you become fearless and I promise you, you will grow more confident as each day passes.

Your life turns into a focused world of discipline where you literally give your last breath each day to keep moving forward because you want to win more than you want to lose.

An entrepreneur becomes a self-disciplined individual that inspires and leads. They become better versions of themselves because what made them cringe at one point becomes tasks they tackle in their sleep.

They become deliberate and decisive. They become doers and breathers of their dream that becomes a reality because they understand the importance of not looking back but look forward because of they conquered challenges.

What’s the best piece of advice you can offer to today’s females who want to start a beauty brand?

Don’t walk towards your dream of starting your own brand but instead run, sprint, and fly. Don’t be fearful. Attack the goals you have set for yourself one goal at a time. Create a complete vision and map out a strategy, set achievable goals and then set outlandish goals. Put yourself on a timeline and hold yourself accountable because you will always be your biggest fan. When it seems like you can’t go any further — mediate, plan, strategize and gather information.

What are your hobbies?

At times, I experience high levels of stress, but going to the gym is a hobby I learned to love to relieve the stress. I also love traveling and I am a lifelong learner of all things that make you better. I can’t forget my need to eat and try new foods and restaurants.

What female leaders do you admire and why?

I have so many female leaders that I admire but here are my top ones.

Oprah — for changing the way people view and see the world; the power to persuade the masses.

Hillary Clinton — for having the guts to run for President

Melinda Gates — for teaching people how to give back.

Sheryl Sandberg — for showing women that they too can obtain positions of power in Corporate America.

Michelle Obama — for always having class style and grace.

Licia Ronzulli — for having the guts to be a mother and a leader.

Misty Copeland — for dancing into the lives of millions of little girls

Ellen Degeneres — for humble nature and for being authentically her.



Kristin Marquet
Authority Magazine

Publicist and author based in New York City. Founder and Creative Director of FemFounder.co and Marquet-Media.com.