Radiant Skin: Alexis Pfropper Of asthetik skincare On 5 Things Anyone Can Do to Have Healthy, Radiant, Flawless Skin

An Interview With Athalia Monae

Athalia Monae
Authority Magazine
8 min readApr 15, 2024


Be Consistent: If you aren’t consistent with your skincare routine, you won’t achieve your desired results. It’s like going to the gym once a month, you won’t likely see results. Once you figure out the products and routine that work for you, keep it up! Your skin will thank you!

Each day, millions strive to unlock the secrets of blemish-free, luminous skin, yet many find this goal frustratingly out of reach. In a market saturated with quick fixes and fad trends, it’s vital to cut through the noise and understand what truly works. Our skin is our largest organ and the shield between our bodies and the outside world; it deserves more than just a superficial approach. As part of this series, we had the pleasure of interviewing Alexis Pfropper.

Alexis Pfropper is a licensed esthetician and skilled permanent makeup artist based in Punta Gorda, Fla. After completing her formal training with the Beauty and Health Institute in 2019, she embarked on a mission to redefine the spa experience, launching ästhetik spa. With an extensive background in reflexology, as well as skincare and cosmetology, her spa offers a range of personalized treatments designed to uplift and inspire. Unsatisfied with existing skincare products and deceptive marketing campaigns, she launched ästhetik skincare in 2020. Meticulously crafted using the science of pure skin™, her clean, eco-friendly product line is a testament to her commitment to quality and effectiveness and incorporates cutting-edge ingredients that stay true to sustainable practices.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series. Before we dive into our discussion about networking, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you share with us the backstory about what brought you to your specific career path?

I’m very passionate about skincare and helping people both look and feel like their best selves. After completing my education, I set out to really shake up the spa and skincare industry with my endeavors. I opened asthetik spa as a place to refine the craft of skincare. When working with clients, I really saw how much better skincare products should be, so I created my own products that I now offer under asthetik skincare. I’m looking forward to watching this line continue to grow!

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you started your career?

The beginning of my career is really the most interesting, as I opened asthetik spa in March 2020 — just before the COVID shutdown began. I remember crying in the parking lot of the spa building wondering what I had just done and what was going to happen. I feel fortunate to have the best landlord who helped until the spa could reopened being able to use social platforms and Zoom sessions to continue educating people about skincare and sharing information about my services. I’m so lucky to have such an amazing community and clients who supported me throughout that time.

You are a successful business leader. Which three character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success? Can you please share a story or example for each?

Based on my own experiences, I would say these are the three most instrumental qualities for success:

  1. Resilience — the timing for my business was not ideal, but my resilience helped me get through the difficult times and get my businesses to where they are today.
  2. Work ethic — owning your own business, or businesses, is not easy and requires a great deal of work. You have to be willing to put in the work to be successful.
  3. Passion — I am very passionate about what I do, and I think it’s important for every business owner or leader to strongly believe in their company, its mission and its products.

What are your “ 5 Things Anyone Can Do to Have Healthy, Radiant, Flawless Skin”?

1 . Understand your skin: before you start testing out products and routines, you need an understanding of your skin type and concerns. Do you have dry or oily skin? Is it sensitive to certain ingredients? What things are you trying to improve about your skin? Assess your skin’s needs and your goals before diving in.

2 . Start with the basics: an effective skincare routine starts with just three steps — cleanse, moisturize, sun protection. Cleansing is the root, as it helps remove dirt, makeup and other impurities. Moisturizing keeps your skin hydrated and nourished (and yes, you should still moisturize if you have oily skin). Sun protection is one of the most important things you can do for your skin, as UV rays can cause damage and increase the signs of aging.

3 . Tailor your routine: after you have your cleanser, moisturizer and sun protectant locked in, you can move onto things like serums and tonics/toners, depending on what your skin needs. For example, if you struggle with acne, now is the time to incorporate products that help you combat breakouts. If you have any kind of scarring of hyperpigmentation, look into a Vitamin C serum. If you want to reduce any fine lines or signs of aging, figure out which retinol works best for you. If you have the resources, work with a professional, like a dermatologist and/or licensed esthetician to help you!

4 . Experiment and Adjust: perfecting your skincare routine can take some time, but it’s important to continue experimenting and adjusting to get it right. Pay attention to how your skin reacts to any changes and products so you can find the ideal balance.

5 . Be Consistent: If you aren’t consistent with your skincare routine, you won’t achieve your desired results. It’s like going to the gym once a month, you won’t likely see results. Once you figure out the products and routine that work for you, keep it up! Your skin will thank you!

What are the most common misconceptions about daily skincare routines that prevent people from achieving radiant skin?

I think many people underestimate the time it takes to get things right for your skin. Skincare is a journey, and you won’t see results overnight from one product or treatment. Be patient and give products time to work. Many people also latch onto trendy products and treatments that may not be right for their skin type or concerns. It’s important to understand that everything does not work for everybody, and you should use what works best for you versus what is the most popular.

Could you share your insights on how diet and nutrition directly affect skin health, and perhaps suggest some superfoods for skin radiance?

Diet and nutrition play a vital role in skin health. The foods we consume provide essential nutrients that directly impact the appearance, texture, and overall condition of our skin. For instance, a diet rich in antioxidants, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals can promote skin hydration, elasticity, and collagen production while reducing inflammation and protecting against oxidative damage. Conversely, a poor diet high in processed foods, sugar, and unhealthy fats can contribute to skin issues such as acne, dullness, and premature aging. Therefore, maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet is crucial for achieving and maintaining optimal skin health. Some of my favorite superfoods to incorporate are avocado, berries, walnuts, spinach and green tea.

How do you recommend individuals tailor their skincare routine to address the unique needs of their skin type and environment?

If you are able, work with a dermatologist and/or esthetician to help you understand your skin and figure out what works best for you. If you don’t have a professional for advice, do your research to find out what works best for your specific skin type and concerns. The experimentation stage can make some people feel a little anxious, especially if you encounter unexpected reactions or breakouts, but it’s all part of the journey to find your ideal routine.

What advances in skincare science or new ingredients are you most excited about that promise to enhance skin health and radiance?

It’s exciting to see nature and science make advances one is in the realm of peptides, which are short chains of amino acids that can signal skin cells to produce more collagen, resulting in improved firmness and elasticity. New formulations and combinations of peptides are continually being explored for their potential to address various signs of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles.

Another is microbiome-friendly ingredients, which has highlighted the crucial role of the skin microbiome — the community of microorganisms living on the skin’s surface — in maintaining skin health. New skincare formulations incorporate prebiotics, probiotics, and post-biotics to support a healthy skin microbiome, which can help improve skin barrier function, reduce inflammation, and promote a balanced complexion. And I love sharing education on the power of adaptogens- they are botanical extracts that help the body adapt to stressors, both internal and external. In skincare, adaptogens are being utilized for their ability to soothe and protect the skin from environmental stressors like pollution and UV radiation, while also helping to balance oil production and promote overall skin resilience.

Can you describe a holistic approach to skincare that encompasses not just topical treatments but also lifestyle and wellness practices?

Having healthy skin is all about balance in every aspect of your life. You should aim to eat well, get enough sleep, drink plenty of water and never skip on sun protection.

You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

If I were to start a movement, it would focus on promoting empathy and compassion in all aspects of life. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, while compassion is the desire to alleviate their suffering. By fostering empathy and compassion, we can create a more connected and caring world where people support and uplift one another, regardless of differences.

This movement would encourage individuals to actively listen to each other, seek to understand different perspectives and respond with kindness and understanding to treat others the way you want to be treated.

Through initiatives such as community volunteer programs and educational campaigns, this movement would aim to create positive change at both the individual and societal levels. By nurturing empathy and compassion, we can build bridges of understanding, foster inclusivity, and create a more equitable and compassionate world for all.

How can our readers further follow you online?

You can visit www.asthetikskincare.com and follow @asthetik.skincare on Instagram!

Thank you for the time you spent sharing these fantastic insights. We wish you only continued success in your great work!

About the Interviewer: Athalia Monae is a product creator, published author, entrepreneur, advocate for Feed Our Starving Children, contributing writer for Entrepreneur Media, and founder of Pouches By Alahta.



Athalia Monae
Authority Magazine

Product creator, author, entrepreneur, Feed Our Starving Children advocate, Writer for Entrepreneur Media, & founder of Pouches By Alahta.