Radiant Skin: Brittney Eibes Of Soulmatic Skin On 5 Things Anyone Can Do to Have Healthy, Radiant, Flawless Skin

An Interview With Athalia Monae

Athalia Monae
Authority Magazine
9 min readJul 1, 2024


Meditation & Breathwork. Guided meditations whether geared towards shadow work, relaxation, Yoga Nidra, body scan, breathwork practices, or something similar which can help calm the mind to start providing that inside/out glow.

Each day, millions strive to unlock the secrets of blemish-free, luminous skin, yet many find this goal frustratingly out of reach. In a market saturated with quick fixes and fad trends, it’s vital to cut through the noise and understand what truly works. Our skin is our largest organ and the shield between our bodies and the outside world; it deserves more than just a superficial approach. As part of this series, we had the pleasure of interviewing Brittney Eibes.

Brittney Eibes, licensed esthetician of 15 years, certified neural awareness coach, and the founder of Soulmatic Skin.​

She is extremely passionate about bridging the connections between common external skin concerns like acne and hyperpigmentation and their deep-seated root causes in the body.

Within Brittney’s services and programs, she combines her years of professional skin care experience and product development knowledge with healing modalities of inner embodiment work, neural awareness techniques, and self-acceptance.

She aims to revolutionize skincare routines, optimizing for mind-body-soul alignment in order to achieve radiant results.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series. Before we dive into our discussion about networking, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you share with us the backstory about what brought you to your specific career path?

I’ve definitely struggled with my own skin issues and outer beauty image.​

I grew up with acne and that’s why I went to school for skin care. I wanted to learn about it and help others like me. I became a licensed esthetician in 2009 and have had many different roles within the beauty industry.

Since then, I’ve worked in retail, practiced in small spa settings, and I’ve worked in the corporate spa industry for Ulta. I’ve also worked behind the scenes doing, product development research, package sourcing, sales, and education for professional skin care companies like Green Envee, ilike Organic Skin Care, & Rhonda Allison. I was even lucky enough to lead the product development projects during my time at Green Envee.

Because of my experience in the industry, I’ve had access to all of the skin care ‘tools’ and yet I continued to struggle with acne throughout my career despite having access to everything because those treatments didn’t always help during the trying times, the deeply emotional times, the stressful times. They would get me only so far and my skin care couldn’t always keep up with what was going on in my body.

I was completely disconnected from my body and my spirituality. My adrenals were shot, my heart was heavy, my hormones were out of whack, my gut health suffered and most of all I was really stressed.

During those more emotional times, my skin should have been the last thing I tried fixing, but it was always the first because that’s what I saw, and that’s what other people saw (or at least I thought). That’s what the beauty industry tells us. And I know I’m not alone. Client after client have come to me with skin issues trying to achieve perfect skin while also dealing with similar stress and emotions within the body.

The turning point for me was when I paired my skincare tools with more internal focus and embodiment work and I saw direct results in my skin. That’s when I knew it was time to finally start my dream business — Soulmatic Skin.

I’m here to disrupt the skin care industry and bring people back to their true beauty, their embodiment and their self-acceptance while aging with attitude and achieving their skin care goals to clearer, firmer looking skin.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you started your career?

The most interesting story happened recently when our small town of Rogers, AR got hit with multiple tornados in the middle of the night on May 25th, 2024. One of the streets that had some of the worst destruction was the same road my business is currently located on. Even though there were large strip malls and business that were completely destroyed. The building that my skin care studio is in was not damaged. I felt so lucky that my place of business and my home had very minor damages despite over 50 large oak trees falling all around my house. I was up and running within 2 weeks and extremely grateful for that.

But the most exciting story is looking back on this past year, I’ve hosted 3 self-care events since starting my business (2 in person and 1 virtual)!

You are a successful business leader. Which three character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success? Can you please share a story or example for each?

Three character traits that have been most instrumental for me would be my visionary outlook that’s filled with ideas and dreams to have ongoing workshops and treat skin issues with gentler products that are not damaging to the body. My second trait would be my desire and excitement to help clients while also educating and building lasting relationships with them. I’m currently working with 2 women in a 16 week, 1-on1 program and I just love helping them navigate their emotions while showing them direct skin care results in their progress photos! My third trait would have to be my dedication to always coming back to myself no matter how many times I have to refocus my attention back. I do it because I truly believe in what I offer.

Let’s now jump to the primary focus of our interview. What are your “ 5 Things Anyone Can Do to Have Healthy, Radiant, Flawless Skin”?

1 . Professional, Seasonal, Clean, and Sustainable Skincare. Re-evaluate your skin care needs seasonally and change products as needed. Preferably using custom recommendations from an esthetician you trust.

2 . Lift Tone & Sculpt. Perform a facial massage using Gua Sha, Marma Point Therapy, or even Facial Yoga to lift, tone, and sculp your skin. Regular massage is key for results so stay consistent!

3 . Stimulate Circulation & Target Detoxification. Using the Abhyanga self-massage techniques or dry brushing to stimulate circulation and promote your body’s natural detoxification system. Circulation health is important to keep in mind because our circulation decreases and blood flow reduces by 40% between ages 20–70 years old. Improving blood circulation means more nutrients & oxygen delivered to muscles and skin; enhancing production of collagen and elastin. Also, bacteria cannot live in an oxygenated state so we want to deliver fresh oxygen to the skin through stimulating circulation.

4 . Meditation & Breathwork. Guided meditations whether geared towards shadow work, relaxation, Yoga Nidra, body scan, breathwork practices, or something similar which can help calm the mind to start providing that inside/out glow.

5 . Mindfulness to Support the Nervous System. Start becoming more aware of what state/s your nervous system is currently in and how it can fluctuate throughout the day. Allow it to be without trying to change anything. By doing this you start to create spaciousness for the nervous system to start balancing itself. When we can get out of our heads and into our bodies, we can start to find more harmony, ease, and flow as well. When our nervous systems are balanced, our hormones tend to balance more easily. All of this creates a direct result to radiant skin! If you would like to dive deeper into your specific nervous system, I’d be honored to help guide your neural awareness journey.

What are the most common misconceptions about daily skincare routines that prevent people from achieving radiant skin?

A big misconception is that just because a product is marketed to you, doesn’t mean it’s for you. The power of marketing has a lot of people using way too many products, not enough products, telling you to go too gentle and never targeting your actual concern, or recommending you use harsh ingredients way too often. I see a lot of impaired skin barriers creating more sensitive, reactive, and damaged skin because of product marketing coming at you all the time and it’s confusing as to what’s best for your skin. Another common issue that I hear a lot is people buying products that sound good from marketing and ads but then they aren’t sure if it’s for them, how to use it, or when to use it. The product ends up sitting in their drawers going to waste.

So, remember, a product might say it’s for acne but is it really for your acne or skin specifically? Does that bottle know what your stress levels are? Or what your hormones are like, or how your gut health is? It doesn’t take into consideration the time you’re willing to put into your routines or what other products you’re using. If there is anything that you gain from this interview, I hope you find the value of getting the opinion of an esthetician. All estheticians that I’ve met, including myself, really care about our clients and invest in guiding them to results that also match their lifestyle.

Could you share your insights on how diet and nutrition directly affect skin health, and perhaps suggest some superfoods for skin radiance?

Absolutely! I love this topic. Diet and nutrition can absolutely be a trigger for good skin health or poor skin health; although it doesn’t always have the same affect person to person. I’d like to preface this by saying my general belief is to eat what’s best for you and your body and believe working with an Ayurvedic Practitioner, Naturopathic Doctor, Nutritionist, or someone who specializes in nutrition can help find the foods best for your body.

Here are common diet recommendations for any skin type. Eat with the season if possible and try to keep a diverse diet to help increase the microbes for the health of your gut microbiome. Using Vitamin C internally and topically help to fight free radical damage. It’s also a precursor to collagen formation; so, eating superfoods high in Vitamin C is always recommended. Beta carotene, or Vitamin A, internally can help slow down cell turnover which is one of the root causes of acne and it can also help with aging. Lastly, there are 3 amino acids that are great for collagen and elastic production including glycine, proline, and lysine. These three amino acids work even better when combined with Vitamin C.

How do you recommend individuals tailor their skincare routine to address the unique needs of their skin type and environment?

First, work with an esthetician that you trust for a truly customized experience. If you aren’t sure where to start, then start simple. Include consistent, self- facial massage for any skin condition. Re-evaluate your skin needs seasonally. When concerns do pop-up, don’t skip looking inwards. How is your nervous system doing? What are you currently experience? What emotions are you going through? Once you start to balance the internal pieces, that is when your true radiance shines through!

What advances in skincare science or new ingredients are you most excited about that promise to enhance skin health and radiance?

I’m currently obsessed with the skin microbiome so probiotic skin care ingredients are my go-to for all skin conditions. Especially for acne and aging.

Can you describe a holistic approach to skincare that encompasses not just topical treatments but also lifestyle and wellness practices?

One holistic approach that encompasses your skin care, lifestyle, grounds you, and is an embodiment practice would have to be an Ayurvedic practice called the Abhyanga massage or self-massage. I offer a free tutorial of an Abhyanga massage when you join our free 30 Day Self-Care Massage Challenge.

You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

The movement that I’ve already started with my beauty business is to help connect people to their inner beauty through their nervous systems so that they can experience more self-acceptance, compassion, joy and bliss while also helping them to balance their skin.

How can our readers further follow you online?

You can follow me on Instagram & TikTok @soulmaticskin and you can book a virtual consultation, email consultation, in-person facial, or 4-month online program from my website: soulmaticskin.com.

Thank you for the time you spent sharing these fantastic insights. We wish you only continued success in your great work!

About the Interviewer: Athalia Monae is a product creator, published author, entrepreneur, advocate for Feed Our Starving Children, contributing writer for Entrepreneur Media, and founder of Pouches By Alahta.



Athalia Monae
Authority Magazine

Product creator, author, entrepreneur, Feed Our Starving Children advocate, Writer for Entrepreneur Media, & founder of Pouches By Alahta.