Radiant Skin: Charis Michelsen On 5 Things Anyone Can Do to Have Healthy, Radiant, Flawless Skin

An Interview With Athalia Monae

Athalia Monae
Authority Magazine
18 min readApr 28, 2024


Get enough beauty sleep; it’s called that for a reason. The earlier you go to bed before midnight, the better quality of sleep you’ll get. If you have trouble sleeping, take the dietary supplement valerian root one-half an hour before bedtime. To prevent puffy eyes, sleep with your head elevated, and to prevent weight gain and speed healing, eat your last meal at least four hours before going to sleep. Also, never sleep with makeup on your face. Wash it off no matter how tired you’re feeling. Makeup left on the skin overnight can cause skin issues such as breakouts.

Each day, millions strive to unlock the secrets of blemish-free, luminous skin, yet many find this goal frustratingly out of reach. In a market saturated with quick fixes and fad trends, it’s vital to cut through the noise and understand what truly works. Our skin is our largest organ and the shield between our bodies and the outside world; it deserves more than just a superficial approach. As part of this series, we had the pleasure of interviewing Charis Michelsen.

Charis Michelsen is an innovative beauty author, inventor of unique makeup application techniques and a revolutionary AI personal stylist technology, a consultant for billion-dollar companies, an established actress and screenwriter for film and TV, and the creator and host of a new beauty & fashion-related TV show, as well as a Co-Editor for two luxury global magazines, EGW Global Magazine and Bella Vida Magazine. Forbes described her contributions as “commendable,” L.A. Weekly named her one of the “top 10 entrepreneurs,” and other publications have deemed her “A beauty & fashion icon and innovator,” “The Martha Stewart of makeup,” “the Thomas Edison of fashion and beauty,” and “the new face of the beauty industry.” Ms. Michelsen has ranked amongst the world’s top five makeup artists, won several awards, including a Bemy for “Makeup Influencer of the Year 2023,” and is a notable alumnus of Parsons School of Design and The New School, who deemed her a legend.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series. Before we dive into our discussion about networking, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you share with us the backstory about what brought you to your specific career path?

I never thought my destiny was to be a beauty expert. I thought I was going to be a fashion designer, but, indeed, great fashion contributes to beauty! To pursue a career in fashion, I applied to only one college, the best design school in the world, Parsons School of Design/The New School, and thank God I got in, as I didn’t have a backup plan.

My career took an unexpected turn within two weeks of moving to NYC from a small town in Oregon. I was scouted to model by a photographer for Harper’s BAZAAR Magazine while standing on the corner of Fifth Avenue and Fourteenth Street. This led to working as a model for renowned brands such as Levi’s, Pepsi, Tommy Hilfiger, Dell, and Conair, top magazines such as Mademoiselle, Paper, Glamour, Redbook, People, Hamptons, Seventeen, Surface, and Psychology Today, and starring in music videos for bands such as Type O Negative. My career took another unexpected turn when my modeling agent sent me to audition for a supporting role in a movie, which I booked. This led to the project’s producers offering me the lead in their next film, which launched my professional acting career.

While at a rock concert, actress Liv Tyler and her singer/model/manager mother Bebe Buell noticed me in the crowd, and we were introduced. Bebe was managing the careers of both Liv and Debbie Harry of the legendary band Blondie and became my career manager. She connected me with the talent agency Innovative Artists and the Celebrity Division within the modeling agency IMG. I was invited to star in a music video with Liv for her stepfather’s band and went on to work with some of the most talented people in the entertainment industry, such as Academy award-winning directors Martin Scorsese and Curtis Hanson and major stars such as Robert Downey Jr., Michael Douglas, Katie Holmes, Tobey Maguire, Radha Mitchell, and Nicolas Cage.

While on set for movies and photoshoots, I would watch what makeup artists and stylists did and noticed a connection between their work and fine art. Having a natural interest in fine art from studying at Parsons School of Design/The New School, I was inspired to get my professional makeup artist certification, which I was successful in doing. I was then offered a position as a national and international spokesperson for one of the world’s top five luxury cosmetic companies, which I accepted.

During and after speaking on behalf of the luxury cosmetic company at events, attendees would ask me, “What should I do to look my best?” Not initially having all the answers, I went to work to answer this question for everyone, so all could look and feel their best. Thankfully, I succeeded! I created what I call the Universal Beauty Standard System™, which is a science-based system that prescribes to each individual what they can do to maximize their physical appeal. I used my system to create the world’s most comprehensive beauty books, which I self-illustrated and which include techniques I invented, titled Hollywood Beauty: The Art of Star Makeup and Grooming for Men: Dirty to Polished. My books can be viewed from my website, charismichelsen.com and include much information about how to care for the skin, as makeup always looks better on healthy skin. Through my books, an individual should no longer feel compelled to copy the beauty looks of their favorite stars, as they can now look like their own celebrity. Former president of Universal Pictures Thom Mount, who independently produced films such as Natural Born Killers, kindly wrote that my books will “have meaning and value in society and will stand alongside the work of other authors who understand their subjects at an extraordinary cellular level; think Julia Child’s [Mastering] The Art of French Cooking.”

I met Thom while starring in a film he produced, and during one of our conversations, he discovered I had written a screenplay and asked to read it. He loved it and wanted to develop a project with me, which we did. I’m now commissioned to write feature-length screenplays, have created and developed TV projects, one of which is fashion & beauty-related, which I’ll host and which is connected to a legendary Hollywood establishment, and am producing an important movie with an A-list Executive Producer.

Feeling compelled to use the Universal Beauty Standard System™ to answer the age-old question “What should I wear?” for all, I wrote additional books, so each person would know how to use fashion products to maximize their appearance. Realizing the need to make the information quicker to access, I created an algorithm from my fashion books and am building an artificial intelligence (AI) personal stylist. My AI Stylist helps one choose personally ideal fashion and beauty products and styles one better than a celebrity stylist without making stylists obsolete, due to a built-in feature. My AI Stylist will also help fashion and beauty vendors reduce returns, so they can retain more revenue.

It was extremely important to me to find science-based answers for all to look and feel their best, which include how to be healthy inside and out, so all could be their most confident and lead their most fulfilling life.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you started your career?

I’ve had so many interesting stories on my journey. The most interesting to me, overall, is how I continue to be blessed with excellent opportunities and end up in the right places at the right times, with the right people. A very recent example of this is when I was asked to attend a meeting to be a Co-Editor for a magazine. The meeting included a photoshoot, for the cover of the magazine. The intended cover model hadn’t shown up by the time I arrived, and I was asked if I would be open to having my picture taken. I love photoshoots, so I agreed. The pictures that we took were for fun, and we didn’t take many of them. The cover model eventually arrived and my meeting to be involved in the publication as a Co-Editor ensued. Later, I learned that I would be featured on the cover of the magazine and the Editor-in-Chief asked me to do an interview for my feature. Incredible! I live my life in gratitude. I’ve learned that all challenges, even if they seem overwhelming, can be conquered, and you will always have great days again.

You are a successful business leader. Which three character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success? Can you please share a story or example for each?

1. Never give up on yourself. So often tragedies and setbacks befall us, which can discourage us. As can individuals who don’t have our best interest in mind and are belittling. No matter how many difficulties come your way, or naysayers step into your path, never give up on yourself or your true, positive purpose. I had someone once tell me, while I was writing my books, in a belittling manner, that I would never finish them. I finished them. No matter what obstacles you face, keep running towards the finish line. I’m cheering you on.

2. Create your own vehicles for success that are tailored to your talents. While I’ve been very fortunate to land leading or supporting acting roles in over twenty movies, my work on-screen has been semi-limited because it fell within the vision of others. Combining my on-camera and screenwriting skill sets with my love for fashion and beauty and sharing exciting and helpful information with others, I created a TV show, which I’ll be directing and hosting, that incorporates all. Decide what your strengths are and imagine how you might best utilize them to benefit yourself and others.

3. Fully own your personal choices and beliefs. You’ll become a natural influencer, and others will become curious about how you decided they were right for you. Nearly every time I’ve stood up for or lived out what was important for me, which might veer from “the norm,” I’ve been tested and have experienced push back. A case in point is me being a vegetarian during my entire childhood and early adulthood until I changed my diet to be fully plant-based in 2007. I changed my diet due to discovering facts such as consuming dairy can cause osteoporosis, kidney stones, and skin issues, and eggs can increase inflammation in the body, which is a cause of disease. People used to tell me as a child that not consuming animal protein would lead to death, and I’ve faced regular instances of ostracism and verbal attacks for not eating like the majority. While I never attack others for their diet choices, my different choices act as a natural mirror, causing others to reflect on what they could change, and change is difficult for most. At a recent gathering of childhood friends, one made the comment that they should have eaten like me growing up, as my diet has helped my overall health and slowed my aging. A newer friend recently commented regarding her immunity issues, that she should eat like me as I have a “fruit and veggie firewall against illness,” and many others, without my prompting, have excitedly reported to me that they’re working on changing their diet to become more plant-based simply because I continue to eat the way I do.

What are your “5 Things Anyone Can Do to Have Healthy, Radiant, Flawless Skin”?

1. Consume only that which promotes good health.

We’re in control of what we consume, and what we consume can create better health or destroy our health. Think of consuming healthy items like adding money to your bank account or increasing the value of your stock, and consuming unhealthy items like a financial loss. Each time you eat pesticide-free/organic fruit, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, especially those that are raw, you do more for your skin than a beauty product ever could. Researchers have found that pesticide-free/organic food is more nutrient-rich than genetically modified (GMO) food, and they have also found that pesticides used on food pollute the water and environment, cause allergies, cancer, lung issues, and kill creatures beneficial to the ecosystem. Deep-fried foods and heavily processed foods also detract from having good health, as does smoking, which is the second biggest factor in damaging your skin after the sun. Bypass drinking heavily caffeinated beverages and alcohol, as they can dehydrate you, which can contribute to dark under-eye circles, and see an allergist for food sensitives, if you have breakouts, as they can be the culprit causing them. Also, drink plenty of clean water to detoxify your body and minimize your cane sugar and artificial sugar intake, particularly in beverages. Make it a habit to read the ingredient lists of the food you consume, to ensure you’re not buying food with added sugar, as excessive sugar consumption can cause major health issues. If you must use a sweetener, choose healthier sweeteners such as honey, agave, monk fruit, 100% fruit juice, or stevia. By following these suggestions, you can regulate your hormones more effectively, which can reduce hormonal breakouts and maximize your overall health, both internally and externally.

2. Protect your skin from aging quickly by wearing sunscreen.

Getting a little sun is healthy, but it’s responsible for at least eighty percent of premature aging, so it’s important to wear sunscreen. Apply sunscreen to any skin that’s exposed at least one-half an hour before getting any sun exposure. Choose one hundred percent mineral sunscreen over chemical sunscreen with an SPF of fifteen or higher.

3. Exercise to reduce stress, detoxify the body, and increase circulation.

Inactivity causes your muscles to atrophy; your bones to become weak, and it can affect your balance; speed up the aging process, and affect how you feel and your attitude. Doing aerobic exercise for twenty to thirty minutes a day can relieve stress, get your circulation going, detoxify your body, which can help your skin look its best, and increase your serotonin production, which contributes to creating feelings of well-being, and helps fight depression. Check with your doctor before beginning any new exercise regimen. It’s best to exercise with clean skin, and rinse your skin after exercising to remove sweat and bacteria. You don’t have to make a production of getting exercise or spend a lot of money on a gym membership to get fit. You can turn on your favorite music, or listen to it on a headset, and dance, jog in place, or run up and down stairs for twenty to thirty minutes. Or you can park your car ten to fifteen minutes away from your destination, and walk there and back, or take a long walk around a neighborhood. For optimal health, exercise at least three days a week.

4. You are what you don’t eliminate. Ensure your elimination is regular by drinking plenty of water and eating plenty of fiber-filled plant-based foods, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, and beans. The following is a good rule to ensure you’re drinking enough water:

STEP 1: Divide your body weight in half. For example, if you’re one hundred and fifty pounds, a halving of your weight would equal seventy-five pounds.

STEP 2: Replace the measurement of pounds with ounces. For example, seventy-five pounds would then equal seventy-five ounces. This number in ounces is the amount of water you should consume per day.

Start your day by drinking a glass of water and go to bed with a glass of water next to your bed. If you wake up during the night, take a sip. It may help lower your blood pressure and assist in elimination when you wake up in the morning.

5. Get enough beauty sleep; it’s called that for a reason. The earlier you go to bed before midnight, the better quality of sleep you’ll get. If you have trouble sleeping, take the dietary supplement valerian root one-half an hour before bedtime. To prevent puffy eyes, sleep with your head elevated, and to prevent weight gain and speed healing, eat your last meal at least four hours before going to sleep. Also, never sleep with makeup on your face. Wash it off no matter how tired you’re feeling. Makeup left on the skin overnight can cause skin issues such as breakouts.

What are the most common misconceptions about daily skincare routines that prevent people from achieving radiant skin?

It’s a misconception that skincare products are only for women, as everyone should have a daily skincare routine. Historically, society has stigmatized men for their use of skincare products, labeling them as “feminine.” It doesn’t make one more of a man to have skin issues or be uneducated. Thankfully, things are changing and cosmetic products have been created that specifically target men. While more feminine cosmetic product packaging may deter some men from using skincare products, skincare products aren’t gender specific, so any sex can use them as long as they suit one’s individual skincare needs. Everyone should wash their face with a gentle facial cleanser when they get up, after a workout, and before bed, and all sexes should wear sunscreen on any exposed skin during daylight hours to protect the skin.

Another common misconception about daily skincare routines is that products aren’t effective unless they’re expensive or are all from the same brand. While it’s true that a product’s price can vary due to ingredients used, it’s also true that the marketing of that product may drive up the price. If you’re on a budget, you don’t have to sacrifice your skincare routine. Look for affordable products made for sensitive skin, as most people have sensitive skin, or you can use white, granulated sugar mixed with a little water, as a cleanser, lukewarm water splashed onto your skin ten times as a toner, and a small drop of food grade coconut oil rubbed between your palms and pressed onto your skin as a moisturizer. Some brands may have one great product, such as a serum, in their line, but may not have a great cleanser or moisturizer. It’s false that a brand’s serum, or other product, won’t be as effective unless you use their cleanser, moisturizer, or other products from their line together. Skincare products can be mixed and matched based upon one’s skincare needs, and a skincare routine can be simple and utilize only those products one’s skin needs that day.

Could you share your insights on how diet and nutrition directly affect skin health, and perhaps suggest some superfoods for skin radiance?

Hippocrates, the ancient Greek physician, is quoted as saying “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food,” which embraces the idea that what we consume is linked to our health and well-being, as it can either heal us or create illness. Choose to only ingest what heals you. Foods, such as green leafy vegetables like spinach, collard greens, along with other green vegetables such as broccoli and Brussels sprouts, are rich in vitamin K, which can improve blood circulation and reduce inflammation in the body and skin. Spirulina is another great food that’s anti-inflammatory and aids in skin health by promoting a healthy gut and slowing aging. Sea moss, or Irish moss, as it’s also called, is rich in vitamins and minerals and also has anti-inflammatory properties, which aid in glowing skin. Easily get all your skin superfoods daily by adding them to a smoothie. In a blender, combine the mentioned superfoods, and any others of your choice, such as fresh or frozen organic spinach, with a frozen banana and any other frozen fruit of your choice. Add a serving of plant-based protein powder, a little stevia or honey to taste, and liquid, such as plant-based milk, coconut water, filtered water, or your favorite healthy juice, without added sugar, and blend. Also, mitigate or eliminate your consumption of poisons that age your skin, such as alcohol. If others are drinking, opt for a sparkling water with lime or lemon, and a splash of juice, if you desire more flavor.

How do you recommend individuals tailor their skincare routine to address the unique needs of their skin type and environment?

Skin can change daily, and the fluctuations can be more pronounced when the environment changes, so it’s a good idea to have a few extra skincare products or skin-friendly ingredients on hand that can address your skin’s present needs. Everyone should own a product that helps exfoliate the skin, which should be used one to three times a week, which can brighten dull-looking skin and smooth the appearance of aged skin or breakouts, such as one that contains AHA acid, which helps keep skin smooth and youthful-looking, and BHA acid/salicylic acid, which helps fight acne/skin congestion. If you don’t own a product that contains these ingredients, you can rub fresh fruit juice or fruit flesh on your skin. Wait fifteen minutes and rinse it off with lukewarm water. Or, you can use white table sugar mixed with a little water or skin toner to gently exfoliate your skin. To brighten the skin, apply lemon juice to the skin, wait fifteen minutes, then rinse it off with lukewarm water, or try Kiehl’s Clearly Corrective Dark Spot Solution (kiehls.com). If you’re having an acne emergency, try Multi-Therapeutic Tincture by Dr. David Orentreich (orentreich.com) or use skincare products that contain sulfur. To create your own acne-fighting mask, mix a little aloe vera gel with a tiny drop of vitamin C powder, which will liquify. Add raw honey to the mix, to soothe the skin and fight bacteria. Apply the mixture to the skin, wait fifteen minutes, and rinse it off with lukewarm water. When skin is dry, apply a little plant-sourced squalane oil to the skin over any treatment products or mix it with a little moisturizer, and apply to the skin. For a skin hydrating mask, mix squalene oil with fresh avocado, wear it for fifteen minutes, and rinse it off with lukewarm water. If skin is irritated, apply Pepto Bismol to the skin, wait fifteen minutes, and rinse it off with lukewarm water. You can also look for skincare products that contain skin-soothing ingredients such as calendula, aloe vera, or chamomile, or apply cooked, cooled oatmeal to the skin, wait fifteen minutes, then rinse it off with lukewarm water. For excessively oily skin, apply Milk of Magnesia to the skin, wait fifteen minutes, and rinse it off with lukewarm water. For younger-looking skin and to help sun-damaged or scarred skin, try products that contain Retin-A or retinol. Products that contain Retin-A or retinol can be drying, so mix them with a hydrating product before applying or skip a day or two in-between applications.

What advances in skincare science or new ingredients are you most excited about that promise to enhance skin health and radiance?

Some of the most promising treatments to enhance skin health and radiance include stem cells or exosomes. Celebrity aesthetician Christine Reed, who works directly with scientists, couples micro-needling with a cutting-edge exosome treatment that uses safe, ethically sourced human umbilical-chord exosomes, which are far more effective than adult human stem cells, to radically reduce scarring, the appearance of aged skin, and restore hair loss. Her treatment should be called “the fountain of youth,” as it’s the closest thing anyone’s found to it so far. Another skin artist worth mentioning, who can radically improve the skin’s appearance, is Ilona Malygin, owner of Luna Skin Solution (lunaskinsolution.com), who specializes in paramedical body art, such as scar camouflage. Ilona masterfully and painstakingly mixes skin-matching pigments for her treatments to disguise lighter-colored skin areas, which not only creates a profound visual change for her clients’ bodies but can also have a positive effect on their minds, as removing the appearance of pale surgical scars, scars from accidents, scars from burns, or vitiligo, can be life-altering and personally elevating.

Can you describe a holistic approach to skincare that encompasses not just topical treatments but also lifestyle and wellness practices?

I agree with how a world-renowned clinic, studied by medical professionals from across the globe for its monumental success in helping people heal from illness, uses an acronym to help people gain great health and as a diagnostic tool for when one is ill. The acronym is NEWSTART. For a person to be healthy, they must have good nutrition, which is the “N” in the acronym. To get maximum nutrition, the mentioned clinic has its patients eat a 100% plant-based diet. The “E” stands for exercise. If you can’t get to the gym, do some form of exercise regularly, whether it’s aerobics or dancing at home, or simply walking. The mentioned clinic mandates its patients walk in-between appointments, as they’ve found walking heals the body. “W” stands for water. Drinking enough clean, purified water helps to rid your body of unhealthy toxins. The “S” is for sunshine. Get a little sun each day without overdoing it. The first “T” in the acronym stands for temperance. Be temperate in all things. The “A” is for air. Get fresh air every day. Get outside to take a walk or sleep with a window open. The “R” is for rest. It’s important to get enough quality sleep each night so your body can restore itself. If you have trouble sleeping, take the non-habit-forming over-the-counter dietary supplement valerian root thirty minutes before bedtime. And the last “T” is for trust in a higher power. If you’re ill, ask yourself which area(s) of the acronym you’re lacking in, and you’ll know what adjustments you need to make to achieve optimal health, which of course plays a major role in having great skin.

You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

I would encourage people to cease copying the physical appearance of stars and celebrate their own unique beauty, as if they’re a celebrity. The tools I created enable all to do this successfully. If a “be your own celebrity” movement could catch fire, the disappointment and low self-esteem people suffer from not successfully living up to the impossible standard of looking like someone else would disappear. Let’s take this healthy and positive body image movement viral and ensure it’s a permanent standard!

How can our readers further follow you online?

Readers can find me on Instagram at @charismichelsen_official, and my other social channels through my website at charismichelsen.com.

Thank you for the time you spent sharing these fantastic insights. We wish you only continued success in your great work!

About the Interviewer: Athalia Monae is a product creator, published author, entrepreneur, advocate for Feed Our Starving Children, contributing writer for Entrepreneur Media, and founder of Pouches By Alahta.



Athalia Monae
Authority Magazine

Product creator, author, entrepreneur, Feed Our Starving Children advocate, Writer for Entrepreneur Media, & founder of Pouches By Alahta.