Raising Resilient Kids: John Conway Of Sparkling Bins On Strategies for Nurturing Emotional Strength in Children

An Interview With Dr. Kate Lund

Dr. Kate Lund
Authority Magazine
9 min readSep 24, 2024


Promote a Growth Mindset — My daughter Victoria is being groomed to take over our family-owned business, and I continually seek her fresh ideas on how to improve our operations. Over the past three years, she has introduced several changes that have significantly enhanced our company.

In today’s fast-paced world, children face numerous challenges that can impact their emotional well-being. Developing resilience is key to helping them navigate these obstacles and grow into emotionally strong individuals. How can parents, educators, and caregivers foster this resilience in children? As part of this interview series, we had the pleasure to interview John Conway.

John Conway is the founder and CEO of Sparkling Bins Business, the world’s largest manufacturer of trash bin cleaning systems for solid waste, recycling, and compost containers. A pioneer of the industry, having brought the concept to our nation and having helped over 800 entrepreneurs start their own trash bin cleaning business.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Before we dig in, our readers would like to ‘get to know you’. Can you tell us a bit about your background and your backstory?

At a young age, I understood the importance of working when I was just 8 years old, as my mother faced significant financial challenges while supporting our family and her extended family in Puerto Rico. She juggled three jobs to provide for us and her extended family. My mother’s determination instilled in me a strong work ethic. After spending 25 years at a Fortune 100 company, I acquired valuable experience that prepared me to pursue my lifelong dream of owning my own business.

Can you share a story with us about what brought you to your particular career path?

Having worked as a senior leader in corporate America for 25 years, I had a decision to make after the economic downfall in this country. Did I want to return to big company USA and continue to work endless hours with little control over the direction of another Fortune 500 company? Did I want to continue to spend hours and days away from my family, missing opportunities to see my children’s sports events and working through major holidays? Or was this possibly the moment to fulfill a dream I had always quietly harbored — to own my own business that would allow me to be my own boss and would put me 100% in charge of my own professional destiny? I knew the answer; I just had to find the right business. I spent my first year very hands-on, running the routes myself and meeting with HOAs and property management companies to understand how to scale this business. The result was unequaled, and Sparkling Bins would go on to become the pioneer in the garbage can cleaning business.

The need for a trash can washing business was so immense that I outgrew the pickup truck within six months. I built a much larger system using a flatbed 1-ton truck, and in just a few months, I received calls from all over the country asking if I could build other similar bin cleaning systems. It was at this moment that I realized I had descended upon a rare find — an emerging business opportunity that would become hugely successful across the United States and beyond.

My vision became a reality. Today, we own the largest residential and commercial trash and dumpster cleaning service in the USA and have become the world’s largest custom manufacturer by building the most cost-efficient and cost-effective turnkey business systems. I am forever thankful to my family for their support. What was once a dream has turned into a powerhouse… helping start over 800 businesses in 46 different states, creating hundreds of jobs nationwide, and supporting other entrepreneurs in realizing their dreams of owning their own successful independent businesses!

Can you share with our readers a bit about why you are an authority on raising resilient kids? In your opinion, what is your unique contribution to this field?

I have built strong emotional connections with my children, which are crucial for developing resilience, such as effective communication, active listening, and validating their feelings. I emphasize the importance of always thinking outside of the box and foster a belief in their ability to learn and grow from their mistakes.

Do you have a favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Do you have a story about how that was relevant in your life or your work?

I have consistently fostered an environment that provides the necessary tools and feedback to help those around me succeed. I have always hired and surrounded myself with individuals who are more knowledgeable than I am. I welcome constructive feedback and maintain open lines of communication with my employees and peers. This approach helps me grow and become a better individual.

Ok, thank you for all that. Now let’s move to the main focus of our interview. How can parents handle situations when a child faces failure or disappointment? What strategies can parents use to help a child bounce back?

Failure and disappointment are inevitable parts of life, especially during childhood and adolescence. When children face these challenges, parents play a crucial role in helping them navigate their emotions and recover effectively. To support their children, parents can employ several key strategies that foster resilience, promote growth, and encourage a positive outlook. it is important for parents to foster a sense of autonomy in their children. Encouraging them to set realistic goals and make their own choices helps build confidence and resilience. When children realize they have the power to navigate their path, even after setbacks, they feel empowered to try again. Parents can support this autonomy by celebrating small victories and reinforcing the notion that making mistakes is a normal part of growth.

What role does parental modeling of resilience play in the development of emotional strength in children? Can you share an example of a resilient parenting moment that you experienced directly or that you have come across in the course of your work?

Firstly, parental modeling of resilience involves demonstrating how to handle stress and setbacks. When parents encounter difficulties such as a job loss, a health issue, or interpersonal conflicts, they have an opportunity to model healthy coping mechanisms.

For example, if a parent maintains a positive outlook and seeks solutions during challenging times, they are providing a live example for their child. Observing such behavior teaches children that difficulties can be faced head-on and managed effectively, rather than avoided or succumbed to, thereby instilling a sense of agency and self-efficacy within them.

When I lost my corporate job after 25 years, my children expected me to be upset about my layoff. However, I explained to them that this life-changing event would help me grow as a person and motivate me to seek a new path in life.

What approaches do you recommend to foster a growth mindset in children, encouraging them to see challenge as opportunities to learn?

A growth mindset, a concept popularized by many psychologists, is the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. This perspective is particularly crucial in education, as it encourages children to embrace challenges and view failures as stepping stones to success. To cultivate this mindset in children, several approaches can be implemented, including promoting a culture of effort, teaching resilience, providing constructive feedback, and encouraging reflection on personal growth.

How can parents balance providing support with allowing their children to experience and overcome difficulties on their own?

Parenting is a complex journey filled with joys and challenges, especially when it comes to raising children who are confident and independent. One of the key dilemmas parents face is how to provide the right amount of support while also allowing their children to experience difficulties and develop resilience. Striking this balance is crucial for a child’s personal growth and emotional development.

What self-care practices would you recommend for parents to maintain their own resilience while going through the everyday challenges of raising children?

Setting realistic expectations and allowing for imperfection is vital in the parenting journey. It is essential to recognize that perfection is unattainable and that mistakes are part of learning, both for parents and children. By adopting a growth mindset and celebrating small victories, parents can foster resilience in themselves and their children, creating an environment that values effort over perfection.

Can you please share “5 Strategies To Raise Children With Resilience and Emotional Strength”?

1. Encourage Open Communication — My daughter Victoria is a member of our family-run business. I have consistently encouraged her to question our processes and procedures. I urge her not to accept the status quo, but instead to always seek ways to work smarter, not harder.

2. Foster Problem-Solving Skills — I have consistently encouraged my children to view every challenge as an opportunity and to seek solutions for potential problems. Recently, my youngest son, who is the second in command at his job, faced a situation with missing inventory. I urged him to propose solutions to his manager to help resolve the issue.

3. Promote a Growth Mindset — My daughter Victoria is being groomed to take over our family-owned business, and I continually seek her fresh ideas on how to improve our operations. Over the past three years, she has introduced several changes that have significantly enhanced our company.

4. Encourage Independence and Responsibility — As a liberal father, I have consistently encouraged my children to embrace independence from a young age and to take responsibility for their actions.

5. Encourage Independence — I have always promoted independence, which has helped my children to prepares for future relationships. Being independent at an early stage helps them become more likely to communicate their needs more effectively. They have learned to rely on themselves while also recognizing the importance of collaboration and seeking support when necessary.

How can mindfulness and emotional regulation techniques be incorporated into daily routines to support children’s emotional resilience?

The ability to manage one’s emotions effectively, can also be supported through daily practices. By encouraging children to articulate their feelings, will help nurture emotional intelligence and enable children to develop appropriate coping mechanisms.

Are there any specific tools or resources (books, apps, courses) you recommend for individuals looking to improve in this area?

By incorporating mindfulness and emotional regulation techniques into daily routines can significantly bolster children’s emotional resilience. By practicing mindfulness through simple activities and teaching emotional awareness, we prepare children to face life’s challenges with confidence and composure.

Wonderful. We are nearly done. Is there a person in the world, or in the US, with whom you would like to have a private breakfast or lunch, and why? He or she might just see this, especially if we tag them. :-)

Elon Musk’s relentless pursuit of ambitious goals, such as colonizing Mars and transitioning the world to sustainable energy, reveals a mindset that is both inspirational and provocative. Over breakfast or lunch, I would be eager to discuss the underlying philosophies that drive his ventures. How does he balance the weight of failure with unprecedented success? What insights can he share about the role of risk-taking in innovation? Engaging in such dialogue would not only be intellectually stimulating but also serve as a blueprint for aspiring entrepreneurs like myself. Additionally, Musk’s unconventional thinking often challenges traditional boundaries, pushing society to rethink what is possible.

How can our readers further follow your work online?

Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/Sparklingbinsbusiness/

LinkedIn — https://www.linkedin.com/company/sparkling-bins/

Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/sparklingbinsbusiness/

This was very meaningful, thank you so much. We wish you only continued success on your great work!

About the Interviewer: Dr. Kate Lund is a licensed clinical psychologist, podcast host, best-selling author and Tedx Speaker. The power of resilience in extraordinary circumstances kept her thriving as a child. Dr. Lund now helps entrepreneurs, executives, parents, and athletes to see the possibility on the other side of struggle and move towards potential. Her goal is to help each person she works with to overcome their unique challenges and thrive within their own unique context.



Dr. Kate Lund
Authority Magazine

Dr. Lund is a licensed clinical psychologist, podcast host, best-selling author, Tedx Speaker and expert about the power of resilience.