Rashad Hossain of Ryze Superfoods: “As a founder you’ll have to dig deep; Find things that rile you up”

Alexandra Spirer
Authority Magazine
Published in
5 min readJun 30, 2020


You have to dig deep. Being a founder, there are so many ups and downs, his and lows. You just have to keep digging deeper and deeper everyday. Find things to motivate you. Find things that rile you up. It’s different for everyone. I think that for me, a lot of what gets me going is my parents. Knowing they immigrated here from Bangladesh with little to no money, leaving their parents and friends behind, to give me a shot at a different kind of life. Knowing that, I can’t just sit around having an average life. My parents didn’t make all those sacrifices for me to be mediocre. I have to think differently, do differently, and make a more significant impact on the world around me. That’s what drives me.

I had the pleasure of interviewing Rashad Hossain. Rashad Hossain, a Harvard graduate (Class of 2016)



Alexandra Spirer
Authority Magazine

I am an entrepreneur, publicist, journalist and event producer based in Sunny Florida. My passion is writing & giving back to others.