Rising Music Star Camilla K On The Five Things You Need To Shine In The Music Industry

An Interview With Eden Gold

Eden Gold
Authority Magazine
8 min readJun 6, 2024


Don’t listen to critics without credentials. Sometimes, don’t even listen to the ones with credentials.

As a part of our interview series with leaders, stars, and rising stars in the music industry, we had the distinct pleasure of interviewing Camilla K.

Mixing pop and melodic rap over a reggaeton beat, emerging artist and one-to-watch Camilla K has already commanded the full attention of industry insiders with her unique and flawless mastering of multi-genre pop. Camilla K’s single Pretty B*tch Gang is Out Now.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series! Before we dive in, our readers would love to learn a bit about your “origin story”. Can you tell us the story of how you grew up?

Thank you for having me! I grew up in Stockholm, Sweden to Finnish and Persian immigrant parents. I was raised by a single mom who worked super hard to be able to move me and my big sister out of the rough neighbourhood we grew up in. My mom is my inspiration, she’s a true testament of strength! I later moved to Hollywood, CA on my own for 3 years and then back to Sweden and from there I moved to London for better music opportunities.

What inspired you to pursue a career in music, and how did your journey

I always had an interest in singing and writing and as I grew older, the idea of it being possible really grew on me. So I applied for music schools in Sweden and I got so many no’s, but I never let it dishearten me. Finally a great music school accepted me, but I ended up dropping out less than 2 years later. I went on to Google music schools in Los Angeles, Miami and New York. I wanted bigger and better! When I found Musicians Institute, I was mesmerized as it’s smack in the middle of Hollywood Boulevard. So I went ahead and applied, even though people were laughing at me saying I wouldn’t amount to much. I actually got accepted! I remember screaming in my apartment at 4 am when I got the acceptance email. From then on, the more I did in my career, the more I realized that I actually had a shot at this if I just worked hard and positioned myself in the right places.

Can you tell us the most interesting story that happened to you since you began your career?

I had released my first EP, Paradisiac, which I had written and recorded at home in Stockholm with my own studio set up. I reached out to a well-known Swedish artist, Dr Alban, and I sent him the link to my EP to listen to. He responded a year later and was very impressed with my song “Girl Crush” from the EP. So he offered me a spot to perform alongside him at a live TV show in Germany. He only gave me two days to prepare for it! The TV show flew me out and I performed two songs alongside Dr Alban, for a live audience of 5000 people and it was live broadcast to 10 million people. That was the moment that fully convinced me that this is what I want to do for the rest of my life.

It has been said that sometimes our mistakes can be our greatest teachers. Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

I remember going to a studio session in East Hollywood to sing background vocals on rapper Problem’s song. As English is my 4th language, I had yet to learn a lot of the US studio lingo, so they kept repeating instructions to me and I kept missing the memo as I was constantly misunderstanding what they were asking for. That was very awkward but something I can laugh about today!

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?

When I first moved to London, I was very actively networking and while I was at Drake’s party, I came across Giggs. We initially connected because he overheard me talking about my songwriter and how he had cooked me jerk chicken at the studio haha! Giggs of course approached me to ask about my music and shortly after he was inviting me to studio sessions, introducing me to important people and bringing me along to huge events to show me the ropes in the industry out here in London. He also introduced me to the music team I work with to this day and he allowed me to use his studio to record. He’s been my best ally out here and I’ll be forever grateful for him. I can see why he’s considered a national treasure in the UK!

What are some of the most interesting or exciting projects you are working on now?

We’re currently planning the music video for Pretty Bitch Gang, I have a storyline for it which will reflect a very interesting, yet secret part of my life, so that will be super exciting!

We are very interested in diversity in the entertainment industry. Can you share three reasons with our readers about why you think it’s important to have diversity represented in music, film, and television? How can that potentially affect our culture?

I grew up in a very diverse community. Everyone was either an immigrant, or the kid of an immigrant. So I’m very familiar with the impact it can have when you bring wisdom from all corners of the world. It brings life to life! Diversity in the music business is so incredibly important, as art doesn’t come from just one type of person and thank God for that as we not only get to consume more incredible music, but it’s also so extremely important for kids to be able to relate to successful people who maybe remind them of themselves!

As a successful music star, you’ve likely faced challenges along the way. How do you stay motivated? How do you overcome obstacles in your career?

If I would begin to tell you the extreme challenges I have gone through, we’d be sitting here all night! As much as they brought me to my knees at certain points in my life, and I had times where I completely lost faith because of what I was going through, I think for me, figuring out my purpose and understanding that there’s a far greater reason as to why I am still here, was what kept me going. The hardships ended up propelling me closer to my dreams. Because what is life, if you don’t use it to make the absolute best of it by doing things you truly enjoy. I refused to have my dreams taken away from me. So I kept going no matter what.

What are your “5 things I wish someone told me when I first started” and why?

1 . Don’t listen to critics without credentials. Sometimes, don’t even listen to the ones with credentials.

2 . Stick to what you want to create. Don’t let people dictate the art you want to make.

3 . Courage is above all the top quality you need to succeed. Even if you have incredible talent, if you lack courage, you won’t get far.

4 . Practice, practice, practice. That’s what grows your confidence on stage and in the studio.

5 . Keep putting music out, people love to see the growth and be part of the journey. Don’t try to be perfect right out the gate.

Can you share some insights into your creative process? How do you
approach songwriting? How do you approach musical collaborations?

I usually have a rough idea in my head already and I’ll bring it to my producer and co-writer. I’m very much involved in all aspects of creating a song, I’ll even sing the melodies and sounds of the instruments that I want my producer to create. Then me and my writer AV Allure sit down and co-write. It works well because he is incredibly intuitive with what I want to express. As English is my fourth language, I sometimes need help with my expressions and rhymes and AV has been a great asset in that sense.

Your music has resonated with so many fans worldwide. What do you believe sets your music apart?

I truly believe in being authentic to yourself as an artist. So many people would tell me that my musical style wouldn’t work because it doesn’t have a solid direction. But my intention was to create multi genre music and I think it’s actually thanks to that, that so many different people are able to vibe with it. I guess a multi genre direction created a multi genre fan base!

How do you connect with your audience?

I basically respond to all my messages on social media as I truly love connecting with the fans. They are the sweetest most amazing humans on this planet. I also talk a lot to them while on stage. It’s such a fun bonding experience.

With your busy schedule and demanding performances, how do you prioritize self-care and maintain a balance between your personal life and career in the music industry?

Not only am I part of one of the most demanding industries, we also live in one of the most fast paced cities in the world! I try to be choosy and really discern what events I should attend and I’m very mindful of how I schedule my commitments. I used to go 200 mph every single day and that just landed me right in the middle of a burnout, so I learned the hard way that I have to work smarter, not always harder. I make sure to schedule in downtime at home or with friends too, that’s what basically keeps me sane.

You are a person of enormous influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

I always say “practice what you preach”. If you’re rallying for kindness, then remember to be kind. So many people are suffering from things that are invisible to others, so prioritise being kind to others. It really triggers such a chain effect as you raise others’ vibrations, and they in return raise the next person’s vibe.

Is there a person in the world, or in the US whom you would love to have
a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might just see this, especially if we tag them. :-)

I’m a total lamb and Mariah Carey is my musical godmother. I’d probably pass out if I ever got to meet her, let alone sit down for a meal!

Follow Camilla K on Instagram: @xcamillak

This was very meaningful, thank you so much! We wish you continued success!

About The Interviewer: Eden Gold, is a youth speaker, keynote speaker, founder of the online program Life After High School, and host of the Real Life Adulting Podcast. Being America’s rising force for positive change, Eden is a catalyst for change in shaping the future of education. With a lifelong mission of impacting the lives of 1 billion young adults, Eden serves as a practical guide, aiding young adults in honing their self-confidence, challenging societal conventions, and crafting a strategic roadmap towards the fulfilling lives they envision.

Do you need a dynamic speaker, or want to learn more about Eden’s programs? Click here: https://bit.ly/EdenGold



Eden Gold
Authority Magazine

Youth speaker, keynote speaker, founder of Life After High School, and host of the Real Life Adulting Podcast