Member-only story
Rising Music Star Ethan Gold: From Avocation To Vocation; How I Turned My Hobby Into A Career
I have been doing my best to align my mission with music with my actions and way of being in the world. I also have become less shy about my politics. Especially when it comes to environmental stuff. That’s such a limited and intellectual word for what we are talking about: the biosphere. A living place for all the living things that exist, as far as we know, in the universe. I cannot think of a more important life value than that. So, while it’s not all I sing about, I do sing about the planet. My next album Earth City has about five songs that are planet-consciousness songs, in different ways. One of them, I put out an advance single and video last year, called “Never Met a World Like You”. My goal there is to make loving the living planet a non-political thing. I want to play to everyone, not…