Rising Star Katherine Ro On The Five Things You Need To Shine In The Entertainment Industry

An Interview With Eden Gold

Eden Gold
Authority Magazine
10 min readSep 19, 2024


Always be in a growth mindset, not just professionally but personally.
Embrace growth in all areas of your life, from your skill set to who you are as a person.

As a part of our series about pop culture’s rising stars, we had the distinct pleasure of interviewing Katherine Ro.

Katherine Ro is a Venezuelan-born American actress whose diverse roles across film and television have marked her as a rising talent to watch. Growing up in Miami, Florida, Katherine’s journey began in traditional theater and Latin American soap operas, laying the foundation for her evolving career. She has appeared in various projects on platforms like Amazon Prime, BET+, and Netflix, including roles in The Terminal List and Whatever It Takes. Katherine’s blend of American and Latin American influences brings a unique authenticity to her performances. Balancing her work with her personal life as a wife and mother, she remains dedicated to advocating for diverse representation in media. Katherine’s passion for storytelling and commitment to her craft continue to shape her path as she embraces new opportunities in the industry.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series! Can you tell us the story of how you grew up?

Thanks for having me! This is very exciting!

I was born in Venezuela and grew up in Miami, Florida. Growing up in Miami, some of my fondest memories involve riding bikes and skating around the neighborhood with my older brother, Jonathan, and our Russian neighbor, Igor Tretyakov. Weekends were all about scavenging garage sales as a family and spending the rest of the day soaking up the sun at the beach.

Being the only girl in our cul-de-sac, I quickly adapted to playing with the boys and embraced my role as a proud tomboy. But as I hit my teenage years, I began exploring my feminine side, and my parents enrolled me in modeling school. Those experiences shaped me into who I am today!

Can you share a story with us about what brought you to this specific career path?

My love for film and acting began long before my modeling days, but I didn’t really get the chance to explore it until then. As an 8-year-old, I would watch The Sound of Music and Grease on repeat. As I grew older, I put more energy into modeling, with the plan that once I made it big, I’d transition into acting.

Fast forward to 2020: I’m happily married to my high school sweetheart, and we have two baby boys. Unfortunately, we suffered a miscarriage from a surprise pregnancy in the middle of the pandemic. The loss and the grief of losing a baby brought up a lot of existential questions. It really emphasized my love for family and my desire to follow my true passions. That pivotal moment made me realize that life is too short to put off what truly makes you happy, so I finally decided to pursue acting wholeheartedly.

Can you tell us the most interesting story that happened to you since you began your career?

Once upon a time, I was almost a Latin soap opera star at just 15. But in more recent times, during the late 2020 quarantine era, my husband was working on a show filming in London. We lived in a stunning manor dating back to the 1700s, alongside the main cast of the film, for about six months. It was such a unique and extraordinary experience, being in that magnificent old house during such an unusual time. The setting brought us all closer together, and many lifelong friendships were formed within those walls. And that show? It was Jurassic World Dominion.

It has been said that mistakes can be our greatest teachers. Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

While I wish my mistakes were funny, they’ve definitely taught me valuable lessons and offered some important cautionary advice. First and foremost, no matter how eager you are for work, always read the entire script before agreeing to a role or signing any contracts. You might discover that the story doesn’t align with your personal values, and that’s not a regret anyone wants to have.

Second, when working on independent projects, always do your homework on the directors and producers. It’s essential to know who you’re working with, both for professional and safety reasons.

Lastly, learn to advocate for yourself when something makes you uncomfortable or crosses your personal boundaries. It can feel intimidating at first, but it’s incredibly empowering once you start asserting your worth. What you think of yourself or feel about yourself, people will unconsciously mirror back to you.

What are some of the most interesting or exciting projects you are working on now?

I just wrapped up work on The Terminal List prequel, “Dark Wolf,” starring Chris Pratt and Taylor Kitsch. While I can’t reveal my involvement just yet, I can say that working with everyone on this project has been an amazing experience. The whole team, inspired by Jack Carr’s American action thriller novels, was incredibly down-to-earth and dedicated. With many of the cast and crew having military backgrounds, the level of commitment to keeping the story authentic and grounded was truly inspiring to witness. I’m really excited to see the new season come to life and watch how its future plans unfold!

As a rising star, you’ve likely faced challenges along the way. How do you stay motivated and overcome obstacles in your career?

It’s all about finding the right balance and nurturing yourself. I once heard that as an artist, it’s important to create simply for the joy of creating, whether it’s related to the industry or not. Keeping ourselves in that creative flow with things that bring us happiness helps keep the spark alive. When the industry slows down or the right opportunities aren’t available, I focus on improving my craft and learning new skills that I can add to my resume.

I also love making handmade body products for my family and experimenting with my favorite recipes in gluten-free versions — it’s all part of that balance and self-care. And above all, I believe in surrounding myself with people who have a growth mindset. Being around individuals who are constantly working on themselves and who genuinely support and cheer you on makes all the difference when facing challenges.

We are very interested in diversity in the entertainment industry. Can you share three reasons with our readers about why you think it’s important to have diversity represented in film and television? How can that potentially affect our culture?

Realism, representation, and accuracy come to mind. Diversity is an essential part of our modern world, so it’s crucial that film and television reflect the world we actually live in. American media is the most influential in the world, and people often believe what they see on their screens.

As a person who was born outside the US and has been lucky enough to travel a lot outside the US, I’m always heart broken when I see foreign or exotic places outside of the US depicted as solely 3rd world or underdeveloped countries. Representation truly matters. It helps people see themselves and others in a more nuanced and authentic light.

Lastly, accuracy is vital in breaking down stereotypes. As a Venezuelan who grew up in America, I’d love to see more diverse characters who share the same universal storylines as any other American, rather than the clichés often tied to their ethnicity. When we showcase diverse stories authentically, it broadens perspectives, fosters empathy, and slowly but surely helps reshape cultural narratives.

What are your “5 things I wish someone told me when I first started” and why?

  1. Educate yourself on the ins and outs of your career and your industry.
    Having a solid understanding of not just your role but the bigger picture of how the industry works will give you sharper, more effective tools to navigate your career.
  2. What works for someone else might not work for you.
    Everyone’s path is unique. Some people live in LA, some move to LA, and others don’t have access to LA at all. You don’t have to follow someone else’s path to find your own success.
  3. No one is self-made.
    Anyone who has made it in the industry got there because of someone else’s belief in them. Someone had to open a door, say yes, and give them a shot. Success is a collective effort.
  4. Networking is not about strategizing; it’s about community.
    It’s about how you and others can better serve your niche community and support each other, not just about making connections for personal gain.
  5. Always be in a growth mindset, not just professionally but personally.
    Embrace growth in all areas of your life, from your skill set to who you are as a person.

Which tips would you recommend to your colleagues in your industry to help them to thrive and not “burn out”?

  • I once read a quote that said, “Nothing in nature blooms all year round, why should you?” It was a powerful reminder for me to curb my workaholic tendencies and embrace the need for rest and downtime — guilt-free.
  • Before you decide to quit, for whatever reason, take a break first. Give yourself the time you need to reset, whether that’s a few months or even years.
  • Always strive to find a balance with things that bring you joy and make you feel valued outside of the industry. It’s essential to nurture your sense of self-worth beyond your work.

You are a person of enormous influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

I wouldn’t say I have enormous influence, but I do believe we all have the power to make an impact with what we put out into the world. I strive to surround myself with positivity so I can pass it on to those around me, hoping they’ll spread it too. It’s like “pay it forward,” but beyond just your car — it’s about making kindness and positivity a part of our everyday interactions, no matter where we are.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?

It would be impossible to narrow it down to one person, but I will try to not turn this into a premature Oscar speech. My entire family has always believed in me and my creative passions, and I am learning that this is unique. Not once did my parents tell me, “Well, you might want to have a backup career.”

My coaches and mentors have also been instrumental, guiding me with their direction and invaluable knowledge that has shaped my growth. I’m grateful for my friends, both in and out of the industry — the kind who are genuinely happy for your success, even when they’re still waiting for their own moment. And, of course, my husband and my boys, who let me play different roles and roll with the punches, supporting me every step of the way so I can continue pursuing my passion.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

“The most important things in life are not things, it’s people.”

In the summer of 2023, I was briefly diagnosed with a rare, one-in-a-million type of cancer. After months of visits to specialists and countless tests, I was thankfully cleared after three months. It turned out to be one of the best summers of my life because that experience forced me to slow down and truly put things into perspective. It made me more intentional with my time and how I live my life. For me, everything comes down to my family and the people I love — they are my top priority. My passions come second, and everything else is a distant third.

Is there a person in the world, or in the US whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might just see this, especially if we tag them. :-)

YES! Kellie Gerardi, a female astronaut — need I say more? She’s made breaking glass ceilings for women her full-time hobby, and that’s incredibly inspiring to me. Her achievements and fearless pursuit of space exploration motivate me to reach for the stars in my own way.

How can our readers follow you online?

I like to hang out on Instagram! My Instagram has become a live diary of our travels, family moments, and career adventures. We’ve built a wonderful community of friends where we share endless humor and inside jokes. You can follow along at @thekatherinero.

This was very meaningful, thank you so much! We wish you continued success! Thank you for your time, this was a great way to spend it!

About The Interviewer: Eden Gold, is a youth speaker, keynote speaker, founder of the online program Life After High School, and host of the Real Life Adulting Podcast. Being America’s rising force for positive change, Eden is a catalyst for change in shaping the future of education. With a lifelong mission of impacting the lives of 1 billion young adults, Eden serves as a practical guide, aiding young adults in honing their self-confidence, challenging societal conventions, and crafting a strategic roadmap towards the fulfilling lives they envision.

Do you need a dynamic speaker, or want to learn more about Eden’s programs? Click here: https://bit.ly/EdenGold.



Eden Gold
Authority Magazine

Youth speaker, keynote speaker, founder of Life After High School, and host of the Real Life Adulting Podcast