Ron Laikind of ExtremeMist: Why travel will open your eyes to others and help you experience the kindness that surrounds us”
Through my worldwide travels, I have been through hot spots throughout the world (both temperature-wise and political) and have come to realize for the most part that people are good. Meeting people from all walks of life is one of the better things that you can do. People are people. Don’t be naïve to inherent dangers but wisely visit different neighborhoods, travel the United States and experience the world. It will open your eyes to others and the kindness that surrounds us.
I had the pleasure of interviewing Ron Laikind. Ron Laikind is the inventor of ExtremeMist Personal Cooling System (PCS) and ExtremeMist Portable Sanitizing System (PSS). He has hiked the globe from the Sahara to the Gobi Desert in Mongolia, Siberia, Turkey, the Himalayas, India, Cashmere, Pakistan, Thailand, Asia, Vietnam, Cambodia, South America, Patagonia, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Yosemite and more. The author of “Drifting Through the Sands of…