Rosa Kaufman Of zant On The Top 5 Trends Shaping the Future of Coaching

An Interview With Chad Silverstein

Chad Silverstein
Authority Magazine
11 min readApr 21, 2024


Specialization and niche. With the growth of the coaching industry, coaches will increasingly specialize in niche areas to attract clients with specific needs.

The world of coaching is undergoing a seismic shift, with emerging trends set to redefine its boundaries and possibilities. From digital transformation and the integration of artificial intelligence to the growing emphasis on mental health and the global rise of coaching cultures within organizations, these developments are reshaping the landscape of personal and professional growth. As we navigate through these changes, understanding the forces that drive the future of coaching becomes paramount. I had the pleasure of interviewing Rosa Kaufman.

Rosa Kaufman is a certified life coach bilingual in Spanish and English. She creates a compassionate environment for her clients, allowing them to discover their life’s purpose, which unlocks fulfillment and joy. Rosa supports those seeking a change, enhanced self-knowledge, or professional and personal growth create a happy and fulfilling life.

Thank you for joining us. To start, could you share your “origin story” with our readers? How did you begin your coaching journey, and what challenges did you face in the early days?

Upon graduating with a degree in Psychology, I became a counselor for the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice. I served in that capacity before moving to Colorado to start a family. As my sons became more independent, I began a translation and interpretation business. Most of my customers were Spanish-speaking individuals who needed assistance navigating medical appointments and understanding treatments. After seven years, I sold this business and committed to a writing career. After earning a bachelor’s degree in Journalism and a master’s degree in Communications, I returned to healthcare writing about mental health. In addition, I started an advice blog, which led me to realize that mental health has always been my passion. After working as a content creator for several years, becoming a certified life coach was the next logical and fulfilling step.

Early on, I struggled mainly because of the stigma associated with mental health. It has, however, improved in recent years. Developing holistic life coaching approaches complements traditional approaches to mental health and is customizable to suit the needs of clients seeking an all-encompassing body-mind-centered approach. I’m also excited about emerging modalities and approaches to mental health.

You are a successful business leader. Which three character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success? Can you please share a story or example for each?

When thinking about the answer to this question, authenticity, passion, and respect came to mind.

Being authentic: I’ve struggled with being true to myself and honest about my feelings and thoughts. Authenticity requires self-awareness and self-acceptance. My ability to form deeper connections with others and live a more fulfilling life improved once I began living according to my own beliefs and values. After many years of self-discovery and trial and error, I finally achieved my goal.

When I faced challenging situations, I made decisions that did not feel right. As a result, I realized I needed to be honest about my feelings, desires, and intentions and unlearn the beliefs, behaviors, and thought patterns instilled during my childhood. They were well-intentioned and did not harm me or anyone else. There was only one problem: their perspectives and viewpoints weren’t aligned with mine. Adapting new habits that align with my authentic self has enabled me to reclaim my autonomy and live a more fulfilling and authentic life.

Passion: You are driven to succeed when you are passionate about what you do. My love for my goals and interests drives me to pursue them enthusiastically and determinedly. Having a passion for what I do has allowed me to focus on my dreams and take steps towards them. Passion also builds resilience. The courage you gain from it will enable you to persevere, adapt, and overcome challenges so that you can succeed. A passionate pursuit of interests can inspire others to pursue their own with the same enthusiasm and determination.

I hold several degrees and certifications. Learning is a lifelong process for me. I’ve approached each learning experience with passion, enthusiasm, and determination. My growth and development have shaped my authentic self, and I can now live life to its fullest potential.

Respect: Respecting others’ worth, dignity, beliefs, and rights with kindness, compassion, and courtesy is the cornerstone of a healthy relationship. Learning respect has helped me foster effective communication, inclusiveness, and mutual support for others.

Can you share your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Why does that resonate with you so much?

“Feel fear and do it anyway!” This quote appeared on a deck of affirmation cards two years ago. Since it empowered me so profoundly, I still keep it on my desk. This quote has given me the courage to step outside my comfort zone and take action despite it. While achieving my goals and dreams hasn’t always been easy, confronting my fears and taking action has proved rewarding and transformative.

What are some of the most interesting or exciting projects you are working on now? How do you think that might help people?

I’m working to expand my practice to include more holistic practices. I am a certified meditation facilitator and crystal/chakra healer and am currently studying for a holistic life coaching certification.

Incorporating holistic modalities into traditional mental health approaches offers a more comprehensive and individualized approach to supporting individuals’ cognitive and emotional well-being.

Without saying any names could you share a particularly memorable success story from your coaching career?

My son was my first client, and he would be fine if I shared his story with you. His schooling was never enjoyable. Despite his academic ability, he found the school to be too structured for him. After high school, he didn’t know what career path to take, so he got a full-time job until he did. After working at a massage spa for a year, he took part-time classes at a community college because he felt he had to start somewhere. After a year and a half in college, he realized his interests gravitated toward mental health. Despite his desire to pursue a degree in Psychology, he was not interested in traditional counseling. When he asked me to help him brainstorm, we explored all the psychology degree programs available and the types of employment opportunities they offered. Knowing he was passionate about science, I focused on career choices that combined therapeutic approaches with scientific principles. Research led us to find an Experimental Psychology program with all the right ingredients. In experimental psychology, psychological studies are conducted using experimental methods. It uses scientific methods of collecting data and conducting research to study behavior. He is currently enrolled in an Experimental Psychology program in Gunnison, Colorado.

Ok, thank you for that. Let’s now jump to the primary focus of our interview about coaching. How has your approach to coaching evolved over the years, and what personal learnings have you applied to your own development?

As mentioned, I have evolved my coaching practice by incorporating a holistic approach. A few years ago, I began practicing yoga and meditation to cope with underlying challenges I was unable to cope with alone. My personal experience has shown that integrating holistic modalities into my everyday practices reduced symptoms of stress and anxiety by enhancing body-mind connections and self-awareness. As a result, it can benefit my clients as well. It is possible to gain tremendous growth and relieve emotional distress through alternative practices and resources. My focus has always been on clients, so I joined zant to spend more time with them and research the latest modalities and approaches to mental health without worrying about managing the business side.

How do you incorporate feedback into your coaching practice to continuously improve?

Simply ask for it. Customer feedback is crucial to improving the customer experience. My website and social media outlets provide channels for clients to share positive or negative experiences. I analyze and review feedback regularly and develop a plan for addressing concerns. Following up with them and letting them know what actions are being taken based on their feedback is also essential.

Can you discuss an innovation in coaching that you believe is currently underappreciated but has the potential to significantly impact the field?

The benefits of visual and remote coaching include the ability to connect clients and coaches from around the world. This leads to a greater level of accessibility and flexibility. This approach can be helpful for individuals experiencing work-life balance challenges, and it can also be beneficial for those who find it difficult to communicate in person. In addition, it can provide greater privacy than in-person meetings. The zant platform allows users to access mental health resources without worrying about high costs. It is convenient, affordable, and accessible to those who need it but can’t afford it. This is why I have chosen to partner with them. Holistic well-being coaching is also emerging to guide individuals to live a more mindful and fulfilling life by aligning their body, mind, and spirit.

In what ways can coaching address the evolving mental health needs of diverse populations in a digitally connected world?

Coaching and technology can be combined to meet diverse populations’ unique mental health needs. Coaching services can be made more accessible and convenient through digital platforms, especially for those with difficulty accessing traditional mental health services. Additionally, it is flexible enough to accommodate busy schedules and diverse lifestyles. Virtual environments may be more comfortable, safe, and supportive for diverse populations. Coaching can offer meditation, mood tracking, and relaxation techniques online. zant, for example, matches clients to their ideal coach and provides a level of privacy that is important to those who fear the stigma associated with mental illness.

How do you foresee artificial intelligence and machine learning transforming the coaching industry in the next decade?

In my opinion, it can only enhance the coaching industry by offering innovative solutions that improve effectiveness and accessibility for clients. By analyzing data based on an individual’s preferences, algorithms can identify coaches who can meet that individual’s needs. Using a virtual coaching assistant, clients can get support, guidance, feedback, and suggestions on achieving their goals. By using virtual coaching platforms, distance barriers can be eliminated and coaching services can be provided to more people.

What role do you believe ethical considerations and privacy concerns will play in the future of coaching, especially with the increased use of digital platforms?

Coaches and developers must maintain confidentiality, transparency, accountability, and an unbiased approach to maintain trust in the coaching relationship.

Could you list and briefly explain “Top 5 Trends Shaping the Future of Coaching” based on your experiences and insights?

1 . Coaching will become more accessible and affordable. As coaching becomes more accessible and affordable, it will become more popular. The use of life coaching in conjunction with traditional therapy can provide comprehensive support for clients with complex mental health issues.

2 . Virtual Therapy. Virtual sessions allow coaches to reach clients anywhere in the world using a range of digital platforms. Coaches and clients benefit from the flexibility and accessibility of virtual coaching. Moreover, it provides a safe environment for clients who fear stigma, with demanding work schedules, and individuals who want to focus on goal setting and achievement.

3 . Specialization and niche. With the growth of the coaching industry, coaches will increasingly specialize in niche areas to attract clients with specific needs.

4 . Diversity and inclusion. Diverse backgrounds and identities will continue to become more important in coaching practices. To serve clients from diverse cultural, racial, socioeconomic, and sexual orientation backgrounds, more life coaches will need to integrate culturally sensitive approaches and methodologies.

5 . Awareness and Focus on Mental Health. The importance of acknowledging mental health is becoming more widely recognized. Efforts are being made to reduce stigma, educate on signs and symptoms, and prioritize mental health, early prevention, and access to care.

How do you envision the integration of coaching within organizational cultures changing the landscape of leadership and employee development?

In many ways, it can significantly impact employee development and leadership. Leadership coaches can help employees unlock their full potential by providing guidance and support. Coaching sessions can promote growth, identify strengths and weaknesses, set goals, and provide feedback. Organizational cultures that foster growth lead to improved performance and job satisfaction. Coaching facilitates communication between leaders and employees to build trust and teamwork. The business environment and employees’ professional goals and aspirations are constantly changing. A coach can help individuals develop the skills to deal with uncertainty, transition, and change. Career coaching can promote continuous learning, growth, and development in organizations. A coaching program can also ensure that leadership and employee development contribute to the organization’s success.

What do you see as the biggest challenge facing the coaching industry today, and how might we overcome it?

Credibility and trust are essential to gaining clients and attracting enough people for group sessions. Traditional therapy with a licensed mental health professional is still believed to be the most effective treatment method. There is also the issue of cost. Unlike therapy sessions, coaching services are not covered by insurance. Educating individuals about what constitutes effective coaching is essential, but they might need more to recognize its potential. People without medical insurance or those seeking guidance instead of mental health treatment can benefit from the development of more affordable platforms, such as zant.

What is one long-term goal you have for your coaching practice, and how are you working towards it?

My goal is to continue to develop my brand and stay up-to-date with industry trends while providing engaging content and resources for my clients. Additionally, I want to assess my practice regularly for areas for improvement. My commitment to personal development will allow me to grow my practice over time. Finally, I want to promote cultural competency and inclusivity by creating a respectful and safe environment tailored to each client’s specific needs and preferences.

How can our readers continue to follow your work?

You can schedule an appointment via the Zant app or by email at In addition to my website, you can find me on Facebook @talaverallc and Instagram @talaverallc_life_coaching.

Thank you for offering such valuable insights into the future of coaching. We look forward to seeing your work continue to reach new heights, and we wish you continued success.

It was my pleasure, thank you!

About the Interviewer: Chad Silverstein, a seasoned entrepreneur with over two decades of experience as the Founder and CEO of multiple companies. He launched Choice Recovery, Inc., a healthcare collection agency, while going to The Ohio State University, His team earned national recognition, twice being ranked as the #1 business to work for in Central Ohio. In 2018, Chad launched [re]start, a career development platform connecting thousands of individuals in collections with meaningful employment opportunities, He sold Choice Recovery on his 25th anniversary and in 2023, sold the majority interest in [re]start so he can focus his transition to Built to Lead as an Executive Leadership Coach. Learn more at



Chad Silverstein
Authority Magazine

Chad Silverstein: 25-years experience as a CEO & Founder, sharing entrepreneurial insights & empowering the next generation of leaders.