Sally Gimon Of Infinite Wealth Strategies On The Book That Changed Her Life

An Interview With Sara Connell

Sara Connell
Authority Magazine
7 min readMay 4, 2022


Trust myself, and don’t let others shake my confidence.

Books have the power to shape, influence, and change our lives. Why is that so? What goes into a book that can shape lives? To address this we are interviewing people who can share a story about a book that changed their life, and why. As a part of our series, I had the pleasure of interviewing Sally Gimon.

Sally Marie Gimon is a licensed life insurance agent for 19 years and specializes in Infinite Banking. She helps clients become debt free in ⅓ of the time and then ensure their money when making investments.

She holds a weekly mastermind for her Real Estate group that reaches over 800 investors and hosts Money Secrets weekly on Win Win Women TV.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Before we dig in, our readers would like to get to know you a bit more. Can you tell us a bit about your “backstory” and how you grew up?

I am military brat; my dad was a pharmacist in the Public Heath Service. My mom was from Donegal County Ireland, and we traveled every summer to Indian Reservations, coal towns, or to Ireland. My birthday is in August and each year has been memorable! I have 2 brothers and 7 nieces & nephews.

Let’s talk about what you are doing now, and how you achieved the success that you currently enjoy. Can you tell our readers a bit about the work you are doing?

I first found out about Infinite Banking in 1989 as a Junior at University of Maryland on a football Saturday. I was a Resident Assistant and rushed a resident to the hospital to get her stomach pumped. She told me she had a fake heal in her Doc Martins with a business card and 2 quarters. Her handler showed up in 45 minutes in a 3-piece suite and told me to forget about what I was studying get into insurance and learn Infinite Banking!

In 2019 I became a full-time real estate investor, and my mentor had a guest speaker on Infinite Banking. I started my first policy in November 2019 and teaching a weekly mastermind in 2020.

I used my policy to purchase a bank owned property in Nash County, NC and sold it at auction for $64,000 all tax-free back into my Infinite Banking policy.

You are a successful leader. Which three character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success? Can you please share a story or example for each?

  1. Listening, I have 18 agents under me, and each has a different story.
  2. Open communication to my agents and my clients.
  3. Keep my word, even if I have to work an 18 hour day, I am on the East Coast and have an agent in HI.

What’s the WHY behind the work that you do? Please share a story about this if you can.

November 2021, had an article that 80% of Americans have more than $90,000 in debt and are not saving for retirement. Infinite Banking solves both problems.

My mom got very sick in October 2019, her hospital bill was $179,000 for November 2019 and thank God my parents had Tricare for Life and it was paid for. It shook me, I know I would be bankrupt if I didn’t change things fast for me, and then for others too.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?

Jay Tenebaum, my mentor in Notes, brought in the guest speaker, and offered the $20,000 property. He has only changed my life for the better. He hates being recognized, and uses a fake name on Facebook, but he deserves the credit.

Awesome! Let’s now jump to the primary focus of our interview. I’m an author and I believe that books have the power to change lives. Can you please tell our readers about “The Book That Changed Your Life”? Can you share a story about how it impacted you?

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, by Joseph Murphy has impacted my life!

I read this book by accident! March 14, 2022, I checked out a trilogy Ultimate Success, to reread Think and Grow Rich, from Phoenix Public Library. Covid struck and I was bored and started reading The Power of Your Subconscious Mind! The concepts in this book have changed my life only for the better! My Great Auntie Kitty taught me the concept of cat naps! I use cat naps to have my subconscious mind figure things out!

My friend’s father passed away in November 2021 and left 5 acre of land that was paid for. I “slept” on it and came up with construction plan for 5 senior duplexes, and how to pay for it. I put together a presentation, he sent it to his 5 sisters. April 20, 2022 we hired a company to clear the brush according to the architect I found!

My background is Notes and Banked owned properties, not ground up construction!

I was doing my first Keynote Speech on International Women’s Day, March 8, 2022. I “slept on the order of the slides, the “Jokes” I wanted to add, and how it well it would be received. The speech went great!

I worked out a solution for a business partnership that went sour.

What was the moment or series of events that made you decide that you wanted to take a specific course of action based on the inspiration from the book? Can you share a story about that?

I bought a bank owned property in Nash County, NC July 2021 with my Infinite Banking policy. It went to auction August 28, 2021 and was told no one was at the live auction. I arranged to sell the 4 bedroom 1 bath house to a wholesaler and called my attorney to set up the paperwork. He told me it was going through “Upset Bid” process! It is an unique North Carolina rule. I went to Charlotte, NC for Christmas, my brother and family live there. For 2 weeks I went to 3 different counties to check out “Upset Bids”, on January 3, 2022 I slept on it and figured out a new investing strategy, planned my move from Phoenix to Charlotte, talked to 2 key people, researched for the right attorney, I had to interview 9 of them! As of April 27, 2022 I have 9 deals working!

Can you articulate why you think books in particular have the power to create movements, revolutions, and true change?

My mom taught us her love for books. She grew up very poor in Donegal, Ireland and read a book about the Flying Doctors in Australia, she was working her way around the world when she met my dad in Bethel, AK. She also severed parsnips and Brussel sprouts every Thanksgiving because she read they were American staples!

Books open my imagination, give me ideas of places I will visit, and eat. I am always learning new things. I believe the 6 inches between our ears is the most expensive property!

A book has many aspects, of course. For example, you have the writing style, the narrative tense, the topic, the genre, the design, the cover, the size, etc. In your opinion, what are the main, essential ingredients needed to create a book that can change lives?

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind is an older book with examples that might be a bit dated, but they make sense. I found the writing style very easy to read and reread it twice, and listen to it on my daily walks.

The copy I had, had the ideas of each chapter at the end, I typed them out and read it every night before I go to sleep and decide on 1 thought to work on that night.

What are your “5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Started My Career” and why?

  1. I am responsible for everything in my life.
  2. Trust myself, and don’t let others shake my confidence.
  3. Write my goals down and read it twice a day.
  4. Always be working on my mindset.
  5. I can pivot, when something like Covid happens, I still succeed.

The world, of course, needs progress in many areas. What movement do you hope someone (or you!) starts next? Can you explain why that is so important?

I teach Infinite Banking; the secret of the rich is for everyone! November 2019 said that 80% of Americans have more than $90,000 in debt and are not saving 10% for retirement. Infinite Banking solves both problems.

How can our readers further follow your work online?

Thank you so much for taking the time to share with us and our readers. We know that it will make a tremendous difference and impact thousands of lives. We are excited to connect further and we wish you so much joy in your next success.



Sara Connell
Authority Magazine

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