Samantha Zink Of Zink Talent: Five Things You Need to Create a Successful Career as an Influencer Marketing Manager

An Interview With Guernslye Honoré

Guernslye Honore
Authority Magazine


Networking: Don’t underestimate the power of networking. Attend meetings, visit showrooms, and make connections in the industry. Building relationships is vital because people need to know who you are. These five elements form a strong foundation for a successful career as an influencer manager.

In the age of digital connectivity and brand storytelling, Influencer Marketing Managers are the conductors orchestrating symphonies of authentic brand narratives through influencers. But, diving into the nuances of influencer marketing is more than just linking a brand to a famous face. It’s about strategy, understanding audience demographics, and crafting genuine stories that resonate. With this ever-evolving digital landscape, what does it truly take to excel as an Influencer Marketing Manager? In this interview series, we are talking with seasoned Influencer Marketing Managers, industry experts, and brand strategists to learn their ‘Five Things You Need to Create a Successful Career as an Influencer Marketing Manager’. As a part of this series, we had the pleasure of interviewing Samantha Zink.

Samantha Zink is the visionary Talent Management Agency Founder and CEO behind Zink Talent. Samantha has been working in the world of fashion, lifestyle, and beauty PR since 2013. Prior to Zink Talent, Samantha worked with celebrity clientele, handled large campaigns, and collaborated with renowned brands and designers through various agencies in New York City. After witnessing the rapid rise of influencers, Samantha saw an opportunity and decided to forge her own path by venturing into managing influencers herself. Drawing from her accumulated seven years of experience and learning from the best in the field, Samantha launched her brand, Zink Talent, in 2018.

Today, Samantha leads a dynamic team of professionals, specializing in managing collaborations and brand deals for influencers. Her impressive portfolio includes partnerships with renowned brands such as Patrick Ta, YSL Beauty, Dior Beauty, Michael Kors, Celine, Nike, Adidas, Puma, Amazon, David Yurman, and Charlotte Tilbury.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Can you tell us the “backstory” about what brought you to this particular career path?

I began my career in 2013 in the world of fashion, lifestyle, and beauty PR in New York City. I’ve had the opportunity to work with many celebrity clients, handle big campaigns, and collaborate with well-known brands and designers.

Around 2015–2016, I noticed something interesting happening in the industry. The rise of influencers, especially on YouTube, was gaining momentum. This was a turning point, and I started working more closely with influencers for major campaigns.

But there was a catch. Many of my PR bosses and clients were old-school. They preferred traditional media outlets like Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, GQ, and People Magazine. They wanted the prestige of print and a strong online presence, making it challenging to shift towards influencer marketing.

In 2017, I hit a breaking point during New York Fashion Week while working on top shows. PR work demanded long hours, and I barely had time to sleep. I felt overworked, underpaid, and undervalued. However, I continued working with influencers which opened my eyes to the earning potential of these digital stars.

One day, I had a somewhat crazy idea on the subway: “I’m going to manage influencers.” I’m known for my impulsive nature, so when I decide to do something, I act on it without overthinking.

That very day, I got back to my office and started building my brand from scratch. I set up an email, created a website, and realized the importance of having an Instagram presence. Even though I didn’t have any clients yet, I turned to my supportive friends in the city. I treated them to lunches and organized impromptu photoshoots around New York City. Those photos became the foundation for my website and Instagram profile. Simultaneously, I began reaching out to my network of influencers, many of whom I had met during my PR work.

Over coffee meetings, I pitched my management idea to them. I assured them that exclusivity wasn’t necessary, but I could help facilitate collaborations and boost their influencer careers. It started as a side hustle, but it all began with my experience on the brand side of PR in New York City. I had seen influencers’ careers take off since 2013 and recognized their potential in 2017, so I used my industry knowledge to create something new and exciting.

Can you share with our readers the most interesting or amusing story that occurred to you in your career so far? Can you share the lesson or take away you took out of that story?

I began my journey in the influencer management world back in 2018, and things were going pretty smoothly. However, when the pandemic hit, I faced some uncertainty. Many brands canceled their partnerships due to the uncertainty of the situation and didn’t want to appear tone-deaf with their promotions.

In the early months of the lockdown, it seemed like my job might be at risk, and I worried about my income. Collaborations were scarce, and it was challenging to find brands willing to work with influencers during such a crisis.

But then something interesting happened. As people spent more time at home, social media, especially Instagram, became a lifeline for staying connected and entertained. Everyone seemed to be posting content, and brands started realizing that they could still engage with their audience through influencer collaborations, even during a pandemic.

This shift was a turning point for my company. We began to see a surge in collaborations, covering everything from at-home loungewear to self-tanners. The rise of TikTok also contributed to this growth. It was a huge contrast to what many others were experiencing — job losses, financial hardships, and health concerns.

For me, this experience underscored the resilience of social media. It became clear that, even in the face of a global crisis, social media was not a risky endeavor. It was a powerful tool for connecting with people, and as long as influencers adapted, stayed engaged, and produced quality content, the opportunities remained abundant.

Now, if you’re a solo influencer, it might be a bit riskier, especially in a saturated market. Maintaining a nine-to-five job alongside your influencer gig is a necessary approach. But in my case, with a growing influencer management company, the risk was minimal, and the rewards were significant.

The pandemic taught me that people will always flock to social media, even in times of emergency. This realization not only saved my business during a crisis but also allowed it to flourish. In 2020, I made substantial gains, which enabled me to hire my first employees in 2021. It was an unexpected outcome in the midst of a challenging period, but it reshaped my career in profound ways.

Do you have a favorite “life lesson quote”? Can you share a story or example of how that was relevant to you in your life?

Absolutely, I live by a simple saying that has guided me through various aspects of life, and it’s not a famous quote but a personal motto: “All is well.” This phrase is something I find myself repeating often, and my friends know it too. They often say, “You never seem to freak out or panic.”

In moments of adversity, whether it’s in my work, relationships, or personal life, you have two choices. You can let the situation overwhelm you, negatively impact your attitude and energy, and even spiral into depression or destructive behaviors like drinking. This approach not only affects your current state but also attracts more negativity into your life.

Alternatively, you can pause, acknowledge your emotions, and tell yourself, “This is a tough situation.” Especially in my work, when something goes wrong, I remind myself that I’m running a business, and I can’t afford to be emotional, depressed, or take a day off. I can’t allow negativity and sadness to seep into my life and sabotage my work because I have too much at stake.

I give myself permission to feel those emotions but then quickly refocus with the mantra, “All is well, all will be well, and tomorrow is a new day.” Remarkably, the next day, things often start looking up. This approach applies not only to work-related challenges but also personal life difficulties. I firmly believe that with time, everything will be fine, and “this too shall pass.”

This motto isn’t borrowed from a famous figure or a self-help guru; it’s a succinct, powerful affirmation that emphasizes positivity. While life can throw challenges our way, we can’t allow a single issue to jeopardize our entire existence. I often share this wisdom with my employees, encouraging them to take the time they need to address their feelings but reminding them not to let it affect their work or relationships. Shifting one’s mindset, through practices like yoga and meditation, is essential to maintain a positive outlook even when facing adversity.

Are you working on any exciting new projects now? How do you think that will help people and your talent?

I’m currently working on my memoir that will be published by Forbes!

In my memoir, I’ll share personal stories and insights about social media, influencers, and influencer management. But I’m not stopping there. I want to expand my impact by doing speaking engagements.

My goal is to become an engaging speaker who can inspire others, not just my clients. I want to encourage people who may be hesitant to enter this space, step out of their comfort zones, or pursue their dreams. This project is about both building brand awareness and motivating and inspiring individuals to follow their passions.

What do you think makes your company stand out? Can you share a story?

What makes our company stand out is our strong commitment to our clients. We give top priority to everyone on our roster, ensuring they always have work and a steady income. For most of our clients, this is their main source of earnings, and some have even left their regular jobs because of the income they generate with us.

We deliberately keep our client list to around 60 creators right now. This choice helps our team of 10 employees effectively manage the workload without feeling overwhelmed. Our approach is rooted in taking care of people, not just chasing after profits. I believe this approach is evident in our work, our relationships, and our standing in the industry.

You are a successful business leader. Which three character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success? Can you please share a story or example for each?

  1. Empathy: I deeply value empathy in my leadership style. It’s not just about me; it’s about my employees who have been with me since the beginning. They’re like family, and I take care of them in every way I can. I listen to their ideas, ensure they have financial stability, and strive to keep them happy and fulfilled. The same goes for my clients. I prioritize their needs, work on goal-oriented partnerships, and maintain open and constant communication. This sense of empathy permeates our entire organization.
  2. Confidence: Confidence is another trait I embody. I don’t doubt myself; I act on my ideas and dreams without hesitation. Whether it’s making quick decisions or charting a new course, I approach everything with confidence. This self-assuredness has been crucial in building my agency from scratch. It’s also helped me navigate challenges with clients and earn their respect through my unwavering confidence in my abilities.
  3. Positivity: My optimism and positivity are a cornerstone of my character. I’ve always maintained a positive outlook and see the silver lining in every situation. This optimism is especially valuable in the competitive landscapes of LA and New York. It sets me apart from other business owners who might exude negativity and create unwelcoming environments. My positivity extends to my interactions with my team, making me approachable and friendly.

These character traits, empathy, confidence, and positivity, have played pivotal roles in my journey as a successful business leader. They guide my decision-making, shape my relationships, and inspire my team to excel.

Ok. Thank you for all that. Let’s now jump to the main core of our interview. Can you share 3 things that most excite you about the influencer marketing industry today?

  1. A New Wave of Creators: Back in 2017 and 2018, there was a limited group of influencers dominating the scene, making it challenging for newcomers to grow on platforms like Instagram. However, with the emergence of TikTok and the post-pandemic landscape, there’s a fresh wave of opportunities for creators worldwide. Growing on Instagram, especially through Reels, has become more accessible. It’s thrilling to work with these new creators and witness the endless possibilities they bring to the table.
  2. Ever-Evolving Trends: The constant evolution of trends in influencer marketing keeps the industry exciting and dynamic. Every few months or so, new trends emerge, pushing influencers to stay ahead of the curve. This ever-changing landscape ensures that the content produced remains fresh and engaging. As someone deeply involved in this field, I find the ongoing trend cycle makes my work more enjoyable and challenging in a positive way.
  3. Permanence of the Industry: One of the most thrilling aspects of the influencer marketing industry is its enduring nature. It’s not a fleeting trend; it’s here to stay. With new updates and platforms continually emerging, there will always be a need for marketing through social media influencers. This longevity offers a sense of stability and excitement as we watch the industry evolve and adapt to the ever-changing digital landscape.

Can you share 3 things that most concern you about the influencer marketing industry? If you had the ability to implement 3 ways to reform or improve the industry, what would you suggest? Please share stories or examples if possible.

My three significant concerns in the influencer marketing industry are:

  1. Creators’ Mental Health: The pressures and challenges of the industry can take a toll on creators’ mental health. Many influencers experience periods where they struggle to maintain their growth, engagement, and relevance. The constant comparison to other creators, brand partnerships, and audience expectations can lead to anxiety, depression, overthinking, and a sense of inadequacy. It’s crucial to prioritize creators’ mental well-being and provide support systems to help them navigate these challenges.
  2. Stagnation and Risk for Solo Creators: The industry is highly competitive and ever-evolving. Solo creators face the risk of stagnation if they don’t adapt to changing trends and audience preferences. Staying the same and not continuously evolving can result in a loss of relevance and opportunities. Creators should recognize the importance of staying updated and relevant to maintain their status in the industry.
  3. Perception vs. Reality on Social Media: Social media platforms often present a curated and idealized version of people’s lives, leading to unrealistic expectations and self-esteem issues among users. People may feel pressured to emulate the lifestyles and appearances of influencers they follow, even though much of what is shown is carefully curated and edited. It’s essential to remind users, especially younger generations, that social media is not an accurate reflection of reality, and everyone is unique in their own way.

To address these concerns and reform the industry, here are three suggested improvements:

  1. Mental Health Support: Implement initiatives and resources for creators to support their mental health. This includes promoting self-care, stress management, and healthy work-life balance. Additionally, fostering a culture of openness and destigmatizing discussions around mental health can encourage influencers to seek help when needed.
  2. Continuous Education and Training: Offer educational programs and resources to help creators stay updated with industry trends and best practices. Encourage them to embrace change, experiment with new content formats, and diversify their skills to remain relevant in the ever-evolving influencer landscape.
  3. Promote Authenticity and Self-Love: Emphasize the importance of authenticity and self-acceptance on social media platforms. Encourage influencers to showcase their real selves and share genuine moments rather than striving for perfection. Highlight the beauty of diversity and uniqueness, reinforcing the idea that there is no one-size-fits-all definition of success or beauty on social media.

What do you look for when choosing influencers to sign?

Currently, my criteria for signing influencers have evolved, and it tends to change depending on trends and market dynamics. Presently, I’m focused on TikTok influencers. I’m looking for individuals with a significant following on TikTok, and it doesn’t matter if they’re male or female. What matters most are high and consistent views, as well as substantial engagement rates. Additionally, I seek influencers who create captivating content that aligns with brands I work with.

This strategy might evolve in the coming weeks or months, but for now, I’m actively seeking to sign a few macro TikTok influencers who meet these criteria. The key is to find influencers whose content can be effectively marketed to brands, meaning it goes beyond casual topics like dating and falls into lifestyle niches, such as beauty or fashion. They need to have a unique angle or niche that makes them appealing to both their audience and potential brand partnerships.

Can you share a campaign that didn’t work out as expected and the lessons learned?

While many of the campaigns we’ve organized have run smoothly, there have been instances along the way where brands faced challenges. Some of these brands ended up overspending their budgets or misallocating their funds, which eventually led to financial difficulties, and in some cases, even bankruptcy.

These experiences have reinforced the importance of careful budget planning and financial management in influencer marketing campaigns. It’s crucial for brands to set realistic budgets and allocate resources effectively to ensure the success and sustainability of their marketing efforts.

These challenges have also highlighted the need for clear communication and collaboration between agencies and brands. It’s essential to establish a transparent and accountable partnership to prevent financial setbacks and ensure the long-term success of influencer campaigns.

Can you please share with our readers the “Five Things You Need to Create a Successful Career as an Influencer Manager”

  1. Continuous Education: Overeducate yourself in the realm of influencers, social media, entrepreneurship, and business ownership. I achieved this by immersing myself in books, podcasts, and YouTube content. Learning from others’ experiences and gaining knowledge equipped me with the essential insights needed when I started my business.
  2. Strong Pitching Skills: Writing is a fundamental aspect of influencer management. You’ll be crafting persuasive pitches for your clients regularly. Being a proficient writer and having the ability to draft compelling pitches is indispensable in this industry.
  3. Building a Brand Contact Database: Develop a comprehensive database of brand contacts. Research and compile a list of brands currently running influencer campaigns. This database is essential for targeted pitching and campaign organization.
  4. Client Acquisition: Gaining clients is vital. If you’re starting out, it’s crucial to leverage your network and pitch your services to influencers. Offer them opportunities without requiring exclusivity, especially if you’re building your credibility in the field. This approach allowed me to gradually establish myself as a trustworthy influencer manager.
  5. Networking: Don’t underestimate the power of networking. Attend meetings, visit showrooms, and make connections in the industry. Building relationships is vital because people need to know who you are. These five elements form a strong foundation for a successful career as an influencer manager.

How do you measure the ROI of an influencer marketing campaign?

Measuring the ROI of an influencer marketing campaign primarily revolves around tracking engagement and sales. Sales can be monitored through various methods, such as unique discount codes or Amazon storefront analytics. To gauge engagement, we rely on backend analytics, often backed up with screenshots, which influencers can readily provide. These metrics collectively help us assess the campaign’s success and make data-driven decisions for future endeavors.

How do you manage and maintain relationships with influencers?

Maintaining and nurturing relationships with our influencers is a key aspect of our approach. We prioritize direct communication through text group chats with all 60 of our clients. We’ve intentionally shifted away from traditional email communication to foster a more personal and familial connection. Our goal is to be their trusted friend in addition to their manager.

Beyond digital interactions, we take our clients out for lunches regularly and host events to spend quality time together. We also believe in celebrating their personal milestones, such as birthdays, reaching follower milestones, or significant life events like weddings. This approach reinforces the idea that we’re not just maintaining relationships, but rather, we’re building a close-knit community where we grow and support each other, transcending the typical manager-client dynamic.

If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the greatest amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger.

The movement I’m deeply passionate about is the empowerment of female founders supporting one another without a spirit of competition. I firmly believe that when women come together, support each other, and collaborate, incredible things can happen.

I’ve observed instances like Ariana Grande promoting Hailey Bieber’s products, and Hailey returning the favor in the past. These acts of mutual support among successful women are inspiring. My vision is to see more of these collaborations and connections among female founders, fostering a sense of camaraderie rather than competition.

How can our readers further follow your work online?



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Thank you for your time, and your excellent insights! We wish you continued success.



Guernslye Honore
Authority Magazine

Guernslye Honoré, affectionately known as "Gee-Gee", is an amalgamation of creativity, vision, and endless enthusiasm.