Scott Harrison Of The Six Pack Revolution On The 5 Things You Need To Create A Highly Successful Career In The Health and Wellness Industry

An Interview With Jake Frankel

Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Authority Magazine
17 min readNov 9, 2023


To some extent you must walk the walk in this industry. No one is inspired by an overweight, unfit fitness professional, no matter how knowledgeable you are. Practice what you preach, show it’s sustainable and show you can live the best of both worlds. Remember all successful people in life and I don’t mean just financially pay attention to themselves, taking care of their whole being, physically, mentally and emotionally.

The global health and wellness market is worth more than 1.5 trillion dollars. So many people are looking to improve their physical, mental, and emotional wellness. At the same time, so many people are needed to help provide these services. What does it take to create a highly successful career in the health and wellness industry?

In this interview series called “5 Things You Need To Create A Highly Successful Career In The Health and Wellness Industry” we are talking to health and wellness professionals who can share insights and stories from their experiences.

In this particular interview, we had the distinct pleasure of interviewing Scott Harrison.

Scott Harrison is a fitness and nutrition expert, celebrity trainer, life coach, motivational speaker, black belt karate instructor and founder of acclaimed fitness programme, The Six Pack Revolution. He is a qualified level 3 personal trainer, about to pass his level 3 psychology diploma and a proud husband and dad to three children. Scott has inspired countless people through his appearances on national TV, radio, newspapers and podcasts, and has worked with numerous celebrities as a personal trainer, including presenters Rylan Clark and Sara Cox.

Scott’s life-changing programme, The Six Pack Revolution, has helped a community of tens of thousands of people across 77 countries gain confidence and achieve the best shape of their lives.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series! Before we dive in, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you tell us a bit about your ‘backstory’ and how you grew up?

I had a difficult time growing up — I was badly bullied as a kid. It started when I got glasses at seven and I was an easy target. I switched to contact lenses at 13 but the bullying got worse and the experience affected me for a long time.

I’ve been an entrepreneur since my twenties and owned a number of businesses but my journey to becoming the founder of The Six Pack Revolution all began when I was picking my kids up from school. It was as simple as me looking around the playground at all the other parents and noticing so many looked overweight, unhealthy and lacking vitality. I then realised I’d become that man! That obese, gluttonous, sweaty, greasy dad! That moment was just a simple feeling of enlightenment as my head screamed “No more!” I remember it well, it was December 2016 and the decision was made.

For my New Year’s Resolution, I decided to create a new me in every area of my life starting with my body and mind .I decided I was going to get a six pack and I blogged my journey on Facebook and very quickly began to realise that all the trials and tribulations I had gone through in my life could be used to positively impact the world by sharing my experiences and coaching others. I thought ‘What if we could support as many people as possible by keeping it really simple and getting them results that would be life changing, not only physically, but more importantly, mentally and emotionally too?’

Was there a particular person or event that inspired you to live a wellness-focused lifestyle? Can you tell us about your main motivation to go all in?

Yes it was that moment of realisation in the school playground. I knew then that I wanted to be a better role model for my children and live a healthier, happier life for my family. The alcohol was taking hold and I wanted to be a better man than that.

Most people with a wellbeing centered lifestyle have a “go-to” activity, exercise, beverage, or food that is part of their routine. What is yours and can you tell us how it helps you?

I love using the battle rope. It’s such a simple yet effective piece of equipment that builds your strength, your core and is amazing for the cardiovascular system too. Also it’s not too expensive, packs relatively small and should last pretty much forever. My go to food is definitely sashimi. I absolutely love it and luckily, it’s about as healthy as you can get as a source of protein.

To live a wellness-focused life is one thing, but how did it become your career? How did it all start?

The Six Pack Revolution was born after my New Years Resolution of deciding to get a six pack. I set to work simply running and going to the gym and then began to study and research my nutrition. After a little time, I found out what worked and then put a plan together. I decided to blog my journey on Facebook and had many join me. Others laughed at me and talked behind my back, to which my response was to work harder and harder towards the goal. I achieved my dream body and so did all the others who joined me but what I wasn’t expecting was the change in every other area of my life that came through taking on this task and reaching the finish line.

I had attracted so many amazing people to me through this programme and we all truly live by our passion to help others succeed. Everyone that now works for The Six Pack Revolution has actually come from doing the programme. This ensures that everyone has the DNA of SPR in their blood and fully understands the process that everyone is going through.

We currently have tens of thousands of participants in 77 countries and are transforming lives in every corner of the planet and we will continue to do so. We’ve had success with chronic illness for example, ME, MS, fibromyalgia, type 1 and type 2 diabetes, psoriasis, eczema, Hashimoto’s, lipoedema, blood pressure, high cholesterol, IBS, Crohn’s, sleep apnoea, scoliosis and more.

I don’t get one day off per year but that’s ok because I love what I do, my team love what they do, we help people live and no longer just exist.

The truth is, It’s not just about getting in shape. It’s about unleashing your full potential, achieving those health and fitness goals, and feeling incredible, physically, mentally and emotionally.

Can you share a story about the biggest challenges you faced when you were first starting? How did you resolve that? What are the main lessons or takeaways from that story?

One of the hardest things I found as the programme got larger was I had to let go and delegate work to others to allow me to keep innovating and creating. Letting go of your “baby” is tough but is the only way you can grow and move forward, so the sooner you put those systems in place, the better.

I was fortunate enough to have an abundance of people that had already fallen in love with The Six Pack Revolution by doing the programme. They had truly experienced its ability to change lives so positively and were therefore extremely eager to be a part of the movement. This is why everyone who works on SPR comes from being a participant on the programme and I chose and continue to choose who I consider to be the best person for the job.

I learned that you definitely have to trust your instincts, choose wisely and also realise that if things don’t go to plan, then there is always a way over every obstacle and the winner is the one that doesn’t stop until they find it.

Can you share with us how the work you are doing is helping to make a bigger impact in the world? Can you share a story that illustrates that?

I’m extremely proud to say that we are changing and, in many cases, saving lives all over the world. Regardless of your colour, creed, culture, ability or disability, this programme will change your life forever, not just physically, but mentally and emotionally too. We have so much success with all chronic illness either being brought to a much more manageable level or into complete remission because there is no truer saying than “you are what you eat”. Also because we are live with you all day every day from before we start to after we finish, you have a real shot of success. The only catch is you have to stick to the plan for 75 days so we can rewire your body and your mind, changing your relationship with food, drink and yourself.

I have thousands of unbelievable stories but here is one just to show you just how life changing this programme is.

I had a participant who was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, due to a terrifying and violent burglary in her home where her husband nearly lost his life. It was all over the news. This horrific experience caused her to sustain a full thickness supraspinatus tear, torn rotator cuff, broken teeth and severe bruising to both knees.

Before this nightmare, Debbie ate healthily, exercised, and loved her life. This literally changed overnight. They were left sad, frightened, depressed and lonely. It was very difficult to recover until over a year later when she came across The Six Pack Revolution.

She joined right away after hearing the reputation of the programme, however due to the physical limitations of an ongoing right shoulder injury, she had to adapt most of the exercises. Then she had two MRI scans and the consultant said she needed an operation to repair the rota cuff tear, which meant giving up exercising for 6 weeks as her arm would be in a sling. Because Debbie was halfway through the programme and started to feel happy again, along with sleeping better, she didn’t want to stop because she finally felt like she was moving forward. This was the best she’d felt in a long time and nothing was going to stop her. This positive mindset was also having a ripple effect on her husband and daughter too. So, she decided to put the operation on hold, began to do press-ups again, loved the battle ropes and lo and behold, her right shoulder and arm became as strong as her left. She couldn’t believe it, her life was back. And at her next visit to the consultant, they told her that by some miracle, she no longer needed the operation!

What are some of the most interesting or exciting projects you are working on now? How do you think that might help people?

I’m so excited to announce that I’m about to launch a book, EAT YOUR WAY TO A SIX PACK published by the incredible Dorling Kindersley (DK Publishing). It is available now on pre order ready to be dispatched on December 28, just in time for new year, new you. So this book will have the rules of the programme (yes, the secret is out), 85 delicious recipes and 11 workouts that can be done at home without the need for equipment. If you follow the principles of this book for 75 days, you will never be the same again.

Whether you are overweight, unfit, heading in the wrong direction or suffering with illness, or even if you just want to take a few steps to a healthier, happier life, this book will truly be a life changing guide and helping hand. Plus we are always here as a live programme too, if you want the extra accountability, the daily support, mindset training and motivation.

You are a successful leader. Which three character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success?

I think through my life I have always gone the extra mile and over delivered and when you do that, you are always remembered positively.

My work ethic is paramount, and I never stop because I don’t want to, not because I can’t.

I’m honest, sometimes to a fault, because some people do not like the truth, however you will always know where you stand with me and this saves wasting time on things that hold us back. Also I think when you do a job that you truly love and your drive is getting people what they need and want rather than the money, then the rewards for you come in so many different forms regardless

Can you please share a story or example for each?

  1. I am never late unless circumstances prevail. I am always enthusiastic and passionate, which I believe comes across in all of my live speaking, zooms and life coaching.
  2. If you take the easy road, you will get a harder life and if you take the hard road, you will get an easier life. We are supposed to struggle because that’s where we learn. Sitting in a jacuzzi drinking champagne and playing on the beach with the kids is great and we should do it often, but we learn nothing. So getting up in the morning, having a purpose and working hard towards all that you are capable of is non negotiable and neither is looking after yourself physically, nutritionally, mentally and emotionally. The truth is all of these practices support and feed each other. Life is like a high kick… you may have to stretch yourself and take some pain, but the reward is that you reach much higher.
  3. On my programme I’m often known as the Sergeant Major with love. If you want help, I’m there for you literally every moment my eyes are open, however I will tell you the truth and let you know when you are making excuses and, as a result, not reaching your potential. This approach can of course rub the odd person up the wrong way because I guess some people aren’t ready to face the truth. I’m pleased to say though that is a tiny fraction and most are ready to listen and take a good look at themselves and finally move forward.

OK, thank you for all of that. Let’s now shift to the main focus of our interview. Let’s begin with a basic definition of terms so that all of us are on the same page. Wellness is an incredibly broad topic. How would you define the term “Wellness”? Can you explain what you mean?

For me, the term “Wellness” is a state of being that encompasses physical, mental, and emotional strength, power and resilience. It involves maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle through practices such as regular exercise, balanced nutrition, personal development and positive mindfulness. Learning also to focus on what we want, instead of what we don’t want and not allowing trivial things that do not matter to hold us back. To truly live, instead of just exist.

As an expert, this might be intuitive to you, but it will be instructive to expressly articulate this. Can you please share a few reasons with our readers about why focusing on our wellness should be a priority in our lives?

Everything you have, everything you are and everything you are to become is reliant on your health. This must be your number one priority, for if you lose that, you lose everything.
Your ability to understand, to innovate and to succeed will be vastly improved if you are “well”. The first road to wellness is to eat better and to exercise. Remember your mind is a part of your body too and every cell is fed by what goes into our mouths through our digestive system and distributed around your body. The world is riddled with anxiety and most of it stems through poisoning ourselves for decades with the likes of alcohol, fat, sugar, caffeine, smoking, drugs, salt and so on. With poor nutrition, comes a poor mindset that struggles to handle the things we are built to handle like stress, grief , mourning and upset. This leads us to anxiety and depression and then come the anti depressants that sweep the issue under the carpet. Let me tell you, the best anti depressant in the world is to eat properly and exercise and its ripple effect will be to build you back up to find you again.

When we are dealt a blow or things aren’t quite going well, we as human beings have a tendency to go into self destruction. For example, we will often hit the bottle to drown our sorrows or focus on all the negativity, wallowing in our self-created hell hole.

This, however, is the completely wrong move! To get drunk or take part in more misery will of course only serve to weaken us further at the time we need to be at our strongest.

When we have taken a hit, the last thing we should do is weaken our foundations even more. We must cover up and come out punching.. we must dig deep and find out what we are truly made of. We must make our bodies and minds even stronger, not weaker. Anything else would be crazy right? When we approach the obstacle course of life from this perspective and mentality, then we can use life’s obstacles as a reason to fight and not an excuse to fall, then we win.

What are your “5 Things You Need To Create A Highly Successful Career In The Health and Wellness Industry”?

  1. I think it’s really important that you have genuine passion for improving people’s wellbeing and a dedication to your own health is crucial. You must walk the walk when you talk the talk. Your ability and enthusiasm to show that it can be done and will inspire and motivate others. I turned my life around at the age of 42 (now 50). I wasn’t this ripped guy from my teens. So I proved to the world that anything is possible and that it all starts with you. I also showed everyone that it really doesn’t take long at all and you can feed and nourish yourself to fat loss and impeccable health, instead of starving and malnourishing yourself.
  2. You must acquire a strong educational foundation and expertise in a specific area of health and wellness, such as nutrition, fitness, mental health, or holistic medicine. Or you must surround yourself with a team that have the qualifications necessary to know what they are doing and therefore instil confidence in people. If they do not trust you, they will not believe you and as a result will not follow you. Especially if you are going to do something different from the usual narrative, you must be confident in your work, your ability and your knowledge of the message you are trying to portray. Stay updated with the latest research and trends too, even if it’s simply to debunk them, however, if you do that you’d better have the reasons for doing so too. I tend to go against the usual rhetoric you hear on social media, but that’s ok because there is no one on the planet that can back it up like The Six Pack Revolution. With tens of thousands of results in the form of before and after photographs and written reviews from not only regular people aged 18–81 from different backgrounds, creeds, colours, cultures, abilities, disabilities but an abundance of celebrities and medical professionals too. All the evidence is there, way more than anywhere else. It’s actually not rocket science, we simply eat how the human body should be fed, which is a balanced plate of food, balanced throughout the day with hydration and tons of support and motivation. It’s genius is in its simplicity.
  3. Always tell the truth. It’s very important people know where they stand with you. Humans like structure, routine and guidance. They don’t like to be left with too many choices or to their own devices and that’s why they have come to you for help. Lay the foundations first and explain that even if you say something they do not like, that it is said with love and the pure intention to help them reach their goal in the most efficient, effective, strong, powerful and resilient way possible so that they truly become the best version of themselves they can possibly be. Tell them you will be straight with them and that you will not be vague so they know exactly what needs to be done, because a life changing result is not just going to fall into your lap and nor should it. You have to go and get it and when you have to fight for something, you respect it much more. Then going forward when you respect what you have achieved, then what you have achieved will respect you back. This is called setting the tone so everyone is on the same page.
  4. Do not fear lack or competition and do not waste energy or get distracted because of what other people are doing. There is enough for everyone and your focus must be on your business and your passion or you will miss your purpose. When asked for advice, give it honestly and help as many people as you can including those in the same industry as you. Do not try and bring others down, remove all thoughts of jealousy and “raise yourself so high that no negativity can reach you”. If your competitors are doing things better than you, do not be angry, be grateful for they are showing you how to improve.
  5. To some extent you must walk the walk in this industry. No one is inspired by an overweight, unfit fitness professional, no matter how knowledgeable you are. Practice what you preach, show it’s sustainable and show you can live the best of both worlds. Remember all successful people in life and I don’t mean just financially pay attention to themselves, taking care of their whole being, physically, mentally and emotionally.

You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would promote the most wellness to the greatest amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

Well, the ultimate dream would be that it was compulsory that you had to complete one wave of The Six Pack Revolution in your lifetime. However, if that was just not realistic then second place would be that my programme was recommended by all health services and professionals to anyone suffering with chronic illness, whether that is physically or mentally. I’m proud to say that medical professionals all over the world do recommend this to their patients already. I would also like to start a movement to get people to stop allowing things that don’t exist to hold them back and things from the past to debilitate them. I would try to put a very simple spin on why all the things they worry about are extremely trivial, in the hope that they would find them as such and then overcome the obstacles.

We are blessed that some very prominent names in Business, VC funding, Sports, and Entertainment read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US with whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch, and why? He or she might just see this if we tag them.

I would love to have lunch with Terence Trent D’Arby, otherwise known as Sananda Maitreya. The words in the songs he writes speaks of a man who is deep, been through unique and tough situations and has an intelligence that inspires me. He has also spoken about his interest in fitness and a healthy lifestyle in interviews and has discussed the importance of physical wellbeing and maintaining a healthy mindset. He has emphasized the significance of health and mindfulness in his life and I’m simply just a huge fan of him, his voice and his music, especially the early years. I would love to probe into his mind and absorb any wisdom he would be happy to share.

How can our readers further follow your work online?


Facebook/Instagram/ Tik Tok : @thesixpackrevolution

X : @6packrevolution

Instagram : @iamscottharrison

Tik Tok : @scottharrison_

This was very inspiring. Thank you so much for the time you spent with this. We wish you continued success and good health!

Thank you, it’s been a pleasure, stay healthy and much love to you all!

