Scott McIntosh Of Cell Phone Seat: Five Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Became A CEO

An Interview With Jake Frankel

Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Authority Magazine
6 min readJun 18, 2024


Prioritize your well-being. When you’re in good health, you work more efficiently and effectively. Remember, that next email or phone call can wait until you’re fully recharged.

In this particular interview, we had the distinct pleasure of interviewing Scott McIntosh.

Scott McIntosh is a seasoned entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in creating and scaling businesses. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a Master’s degree in Business and Sustainability from Lipscomb University. Prior to his entrepreneurial ventures, Scott served as a United States Naval Officer for eight years, receiving an honorable discharge to pursue his passion for entrepreneurship.

In his latest venture, Scott is dedicated to promoting safer driving practices through his invention, the Cell Phone Seat. This universal cell phone holder is designed to provide a hands-free driving experience without obstructing the windshield, dashboard, vents, or cup holder. Scott’s innovative solution aims to address the common issue of phone placement while driving, offering a simple, secure, and efficient alternative to existing cell phone holders.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series! Before we dive in, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you tell us the story about what brought you to this specific career path?

Interestingly, I never set out to be an inventor; I’ve always been more of a creative soul, dabbling in advertising and marketing. The spark for my invention came unexpectedly while driving in my neighborhood. Like many, I’d toss my cell phone into the cup holder, where it would frustratingly bounce around, making it hard to glance at maps. One day, after my phone got stuck in some sticky residue in the cup holder from my son’s squeeze pack, the idea struck me: there must be a better way to secure the phone near the cup holder without actually blocking it. That moment of annoyance ignited a journey of creativity and persistence. I followed this path, not knowing where it would lead, but finding that the right people and resources seemed to appear just when I needed them, guiding me through the intricacies of packaging, retail, and beyond.

Can you share one of the major challenges you encountered when first leading the company? What lesson did you learn from that?

A: The journey hasn’t been without its hurdles. One of the most significant challenges has been dealing with counterfeit products. The issue became particularly pronounced after our product went viral on TikTok. This exposure was a double-edged sword; it brought immense popularity, but also attracted counterfeiters who produced cheap knockoffs. These counterfeits not only diverted customers but also damaged our brand’s reputation when these inferior products inevitably failed. Navigating this challenge taught me the critical importance of protecting your intellectual property and being vigilant in monitoring and addressing infringements. It was a tough lesson in the darker side of success and showed the need for proactive legal and brand protection strategies.

What are some of the factors that you believe led to your eventual success?

Our journey to success has been a testament to trying everything under the sun. From attending industry conferences to personally pitching our product to stores, and even reaching out to high-profile individuals like Mark Cuban, we left no stone unturned. Our breakthrough came when we embraced TikTok as a platform. Initially, we hired an agency that didn’t yield results, but this experience pushed us to explore TikTok further. Then, a video created by a talented individual named Kaitlyn went viral, propelling our product into the spotlight. This success on TikTok was further amplified when we became one of the first products to be featured on TikTok Shop, which, combined with our popular videos, led to a period of explosive growth.

What advice would you give to your colleagues to help them thrive and not “burn out”?

The key to thriving without burning out, in my experience, is to surround yourself with a supportive team. Look for people who are not only experts in their respective fields but also share your passion for the product and are enjoyable to work with. This approach not only lightens your load but also fosters a positive, collaborative environment that can drive innovation and growth.

None of us can achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person you are grateful to who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story?

There are countless individuals I’m thankful for, but if I had to highlight one, it would be my old boss, Jim Aylward. I remember meeting him for lunch one day, showing him a sample of my product. He saw its potential immediately and not only became an investor but also a partner in this venture. His belief in the product and his guidance have been instrumental in bringing us to where we are today.

What are Five Things you Wish Someone Told you before you became a CEO?

  1. Master QuickBooks! It’s a tool commonly used by CPA’s and bookkeepers, so learning it early on will prepare you for when you need to collaborate with these professionals.
  2. 2. Cultivate kindness. Every interaction counts, from your employees to the Uber driver. The person you strike up a conversation with at Starbucks might just be the connection you need to elevate your business or could even become a cherished friend.
  3. Embrace the art of listening more and speaking less.
  4. Prioritize your well-being. When you’re in good health, you work more efficiently and effectively. Remember, that next email or phone call can wait until you’re fully recharged.
  5. Always put family first. Be present for them even amidst your busy schedule. Time is something you can never reclaim, so make the most of it with your loved ones.

What are some of the goals you still have and are working to accomplish, both personally and professionally?

On a personal level, I’m striving to regain balance in my life, focusing on my health, family, and mental well-being. The past few years have been a whirlwind, and it’s time to prioritize self-care. Professionally, my goal is to make our product more sustainable. We’re exploring plant-based plastics to address the limitations of our current model and to make a positive environmental impact.

What do you hope to leave as your lasting legacy?

Above all, I hope to leave behind a legacy of happy memories for my son. The moments we share and the values I instill in him are what truly matter to me.

If you could start a movement that would enhance people’s lives in some way, what would it be?

I’d like to start a movement that encourages people to be more present in the moment. We often get caught up in regrets about the past or anxieties about the future, missing the beauty of the here and now. Additionally, I want to promote safer riving by encouraging people to put their phones down and focus on the road, at least until we have self-driving cars!

How can our readers follow you on social media?


Cell Phone Seat: Hands Free Cell Phone Cup Holder Made Easy

Cell Phone Seat | LinkedIn

