Self Made Women: Carrie Simpson-Richardson On How She Started With Nothing and Created A Million Dollar Business

An Interview With Ming Zhao

Ming S. Zhao
Authority Magazine
24 min readSep 18, 2022


It will never get easier. Running a business is like working out. When you start, those five-pound dumbbells are really heavy, but you go to the gym every day and you lift them every day, and you get stronger. But the minute that starts to get easy, you have to lift 20 pound dumbbells. They’re heavy, but you’re getting stronger, so you can handle it.

Some people were born with the proverbial silver spoon in their mouth. Even then, becoming a millionaire is still quite an accomplishment. But people who start from nothing, and especially women who start from nothing, who make it to the top to become millionaires, despite the pay inequalities based on gender, the confidence gap, with nothing but grit, hustle, resilience, and “stick-to-itness”, are on a whole new level. We want to share those stories and inspire other women. In this interview series, we’re talking to “Self-Made” women leaders who started with nothing (i.e. started without investors or trust fund or capital or even people believing in them) and went on to create a million dollar business.

As a part of our series, I had the pleasure of interviewing Carrie Simpson.

Carrie founded Managed Sales Pros in Canada at the age of 40, with a newborn daughter, no job and no savings. Founded in 2014, and profitable year one, Managed Sales Pros was a million- dollar business by 2016, achieving 625% growth that year. In 2017, Carrie built a call center in Las Vegas, NV. In 2019, she sold that company to a competitor.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Before we dig in, our readers would like to get to know you a bit more. Can you tell us a bit about your “backstory” and how you grew up?

I grew up in small towns in Canada, moving to a new city with my family every 7 to 12 months — my father owned a paving and construction business, and we went where the projects were. My family life was chaotic, we lived “feast and famine” due to the seasonal nature of my father’s business. He was an alcoholic, and by 16, so was I. I left home as soon as I finished high school.

Growing up, what were your early experiences and perspectives about money? Or we could say, what was the “money consciousness” in which you were raised? Can you please give an example of what you mean?

I knew when we had money, because we only had things like cookies and treats when Dad was flush with cash. I knew we were struggling when we had to ask before we took something out of the refrigerator. In retrospect, I can see how my father’s addiction impacted my family.

My parents didn’t discuss money with me (or my siblings) at all. When I left home, I had no idea how to get phone service or power at my apartment. I didn’t have any money saved when I moved out, and it never occurred to me that I needed some. My addiction required more cash than an $8/hour waitressing job would support.

I ran in “underground” circles where everyone had cash every day. Our mantra was repeated constantly over too many shots at too many dive bars: “it’s better to live today like there’s no tomorrow, than to live tonight like there’s no money!”

My credit was ruined before I turned 20, and I rebuilt and ruined it again in my 30s before I finally went to rehab for my alcoholism. I’ve been sober for almost 20 years now.

After rehab, I had to make amends for my mistakes, including repaying all the debts I had defaulted on. My credit is perfect now, I always have six months operating capital in the bank, six months of living expenses in my personal account, and an investment goal I hit annually. I haven’t paid a bill late in 18 years, I never carry a balance on any of my credit cards, and outside of my mortgage I’m debt free.

Awesome! Let’s now jump to the primary focus of our interview. Let’s talk about what you are doing now, and how you achieved the success that you currently enjoy. Can you tell our readers about the business you’ve created?

It took me two years to get sober in outpatient rehab and 12 step programs. I lived very frugally (I had 30 dollars a week to cover all expenses outside of my rent), and my first job post-rehab was opening a gym every morning and working the 4 am to 9 am shift. With their support, I went to school to become a personal trainer and fitness coach. I taught yoga, bootcamp and kickboxing classes. I trained all over the world — with UFC fighters, in Thailand, anywhere. If I couldn’t afford the lessons I wanted or the membership to the club, I offered to sell memberships or clean the gym in exchange for classes and training.

Then, I hurt my back — badly — and since it had happened outside of work, I wasn’t eligible for any workers compensation. In Canada, wait lists are long for medical treatment. When I finally had my diagnostic x-ray, the tech looked me up and down and asked me if I might be pregnant. It turns out that my weight gain wasn’t the result of inactivity from that back injury at all — I was 22 weeks pregnant at the age of 39, unemployable in my new profession for the foreseeable future and had no savings. My partner worked for a non-profit, and while that was enough to cover some of our expenses, it wasn’t a salary we could pay a mortgage and raise kids on. I had to work.

One of the jobs I had regularly but sporadically when I lived in my addiction was telemarketing.

Telemarketing companies are always hiring, so it’s easy to get a job even if you quit the last one without notice. I was pretty good at it, and I didn’t hate it the way some people seemed to. I thought maybe I could do that from home, part time, even with a baby to care for. I started calling every company in the newspaper that had a “sales help wanted” ad, asking them if they would be interested in having someone set sales appointments for their current sales team while they looked for their new hire. Finally, someone said yes! I charged 30/hour. Then 50. Then 80. Then I ran out of my own bandwidth to make calls, and had to make a decision — could I build a team of people that could also do this? Turns out, that answer was yes! We added a client, we hired another caller. And so on and so forth, but soon I was in over my head, and needed professional support to grow!

What was your vision when you started this business? What’s the WHY behind the work that you do?

My original vision was a network of stay-at-home moms who also wanted to work part time, make a full-time salary from part time work, eliminate their day care costs, their commute and their need to invest in a work wardrobe.

That worked for a little while, but once we reached about ten contractors, I reached out to the Eureka Project.

Originally, I cold called them to ask them for their business — they were looking for lead generators for their early stage start up companies. My first mentor, Gary Brownstone, invited me to join the Eureka Project, and with his support, I began to build a “real” business.

I had a vision that we could help people — people like me who had drive and skill, but who had made some mistakes or been dealt a bad hand — rebuild their lives through teaching them how to sell and giving them a job when others wouldn’t. I partnered with a Christian ministry and volunteered my time to start a call center inside of a men’s prison, hoping that we could have fully trained, high performing staff upon release. I fed them clients, I trained their original team, I gave them all of our playbooks, and I mentored their team lead. Unfortunately, the Fort Wayne project didn’t work — for a ton of reasons — but it sure cemented my “why”.

Once we moved to Las Vegas, we partnered with state-sponsored workforce development programs like JobConnect. We hired people out of sober housing, prison workforce reentry programs, homeless shelters and domestic abuse shelters.

Watching people grow, change, buy their first car, buy their first house…and then start their own business, or move on to a six figure job that offered them equity…that became our why. One of our employees came to us 90 days clean off of heroin, employment was a prerequisite of her sober living house. She went from a 12 dollar an hour call center employee who had to get up at 4 am to take the bus to get to her 7 am call center shift, to the owner of her own seven-figure business in less than five years. That’s my why. It continues to be my why. When people are ready to change, I want to be part of that catalyst.

Our vision was to make a ten-million-dollar economic impact on the state of Nevada through 200 core-value focused employees all earning at least 80% of their bonus compensation every month.

Our core values included:

“Rise Up” — like Alexander Hamilton, we are unwavering in our pursuit of personal growth — we are “nonstop!”

“Campground Rules” — we leave everything and everyone better than we found it/them, and

“Find the Joy” — the only thing we can’t teach you is to enjoy your job — if you can’t love it, you better leave it.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you began leading your company?


Early on, we completed a few small projects for a large software company in the US. Our main contact at that company left. One day, we got a phone call from her. She asked us “can you help us recruit 100 partners a month for the next year?” I asked her who she was working for. “I can’t tell you.” I asked her what the product was. “I can’t tell you.” So of course I said “Yes, sure we can!” We quoted them $600,000 — more than half of what our company had made total the previous year. We wrote them a quote and a contract, we sent it to a gmail account, and internally the mystery project was called “Operation Spaceship Gummy Bear”. We didn’t think much more of it, it was a big quote, and we were a small company.

A few months later, my sister (who was also my company President) and I were driving from the airport to a hotel in Orlando for one of the major industry events we were sponsoring. It was the biggest marketing spend I’d made in the business so far, and I had to pay for it in advance. I put the $20,000 sponsorship on my visa and just prayed we’d still be in business by the time November rolled around. I remember this day like it was yesterday. We had been upgraded to a red mustang convertible at the airport — and neither of us had ever been in one, so our hair was just flying all around and we were having a great time, and we looked ridiculous, and then Tracie’s phone rang — it was the director of Operation Spaceship Gummy Bear. We had won the contract. They had signed the deal. Their retainer was wired.

I was driving the car. Tracie hung up the phone, she was screaming “we won we did it we got it we won!” and I started crying, and I could barely see, so I pulled off the highway and parked the car and we both got out of the car Dukes of Hazzard style and started hugging and screaming and jumping up and down. We drove to the fancy Orlando mall and we each bought ourselves something beautiful.

A few days later, our contact asked when they could come and tour our call center and begin training their team


They assumed we had a US-based call center, with on-premise agents.

We had a Canadian distributed (remote) call center, with agents that worked from their own homes.

Not willing to lose the deal, I told them they could come in two weeks, and would that be okay? I’d send them the address. Thank you.

Then we flew to Las Vegas (one of the only direct flights from where we lived), rented a private team room at Tony Hseih’s Downtown Project Sixth Street Workspace, bought ten used cubicles and ten chromebooks. We hired ten people off of Craigslist. The new client came to tour our “call center”.

When we finally sold the call center, we had expanded to our third space, an 11,000 square foot purpose-built call center on Sahara.

Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

Oh,wow. None of the lessons seemed funny at the time.

I once had a spur of the moment opportunity to present our services to Cisco. (The story has a happy ending, they became a client)

I wasn’t prepared for it to be a video call. I was in my pajamas. That was embarrassing, but not as embarrassing as the VP I was meeting with noticing that I was counting on my fingers while trying to figure out how much their project would cost.

Lesson 1: I always tell people “I don’t like to do math on the phone” now. There are no quote emergencies, nobody needs a quote in real time. Oh, and take a few financial literacy courses if you’re not a math whiz.

Lesson 2: get dressed for work every day like you’re going to meet with an important prospect. You never know who you’ll sit next to on an airplane or bump into at the grocery store. And you never know when a prospect will want a last-minute call. I don’t want to just happen to meet the CEO of a major software firm in the Delta lounge wearing my sweatpants and a t-shirt with a coffee stain on it.

We’d love to explore the traits that help you achieve your success. What were the mindset obstacles that you had to overcome in order to reach the place of earning a million dollars? Can you tell us what you did to overcome them?

At the beginning, when we first started making what I would describe as “life changing” money, but not “legacy” money, I had a real scarcity mentality, and I didn’t understand my numbers at all. I constantly worried that it would all just disappear one day, and I wanted to do everything I had ever dreamed of doing, and I wanted my family to see the world before I somehow lost it all — because in my mind, I was just waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Somehow people would figure out I didn’t know what I was doing, and the money would stop coming in, and I’d have to go back to my old life where it mattered how much fruit cost at the grocery store.

I spent money for a few years like a drunken sailor. I still had no understanding of my P&L. I outsourced my bookkeeping and my accounting and my payroll, because I truly had no idea how to manage any of that. Money came in, half the money went back out. The rest was mine, right?

My eye opening “ah ha” moment came in year five of our business — almost on the exact anniversary of our fifth year in business — we were almost a 2MM business by then, operating in two countries. My operations director came to me and told me we weren’t going to be able to cover payroll. What did I want to do?

Well, I got on the phone, and I tried to drag in receivables, and I tried to sign something new, and I tried every trick in my sales playbook to push, pull, or drag in some cash. By 6:00 PM, I was feeling completely defeated. How could I let this happen? Even if I didn’t take a paycheck, we were still going to miss our payroll. I cried in my office for a bit, and then started making plans to transfer cash from my personal account to my business account so we wouldn’t miss the payroll deadline.

It turned out that our payroll company had made a major error, two employees had submitted payroll for 725 hours each instead of 72.5 hours — but it was still too close for my comfort — we had been payroll to payroll our whole existence and that was 100% a result of my careless approach to managing money. We caught the error, but that was the end of living payroll to payroll for me. This happened in 2018. I asked someone in my entrepreneur peer group to work with me to better understand money. He met with me every week. I had to bring every bank statement and credit card statement to the meeting, and I had to account for every penny I spent. That hour a week and being held accountable changed my life and my business.

I can still hear Richie’s voice in my head anytime I go to buy anything. “Why did you buy a $500 plane ticket when you could have flown spirit for $70?” “Why did you buy new shoes when you’ve still got a balance on your credit card?”

I cut all my unnecessary personal expenses. Then I cut everything from the business that I possibly could. In 2019 I took an executive MBA program offered by the Small Business Association.

By 2019 we were the most profitable we’d ever been. Our top line had increased by 60% after two full years of zero growth, and our bottom line had increased by over 600%. I had no more debt. I had a prudent reserve. I could do a lot more with a lot less.

When the pandemic hit, I had two full years of frugality under my belt. I was going to be okay. If I hadn’t made those changes in 2018, my business would have failed and I may well have lost my home and everything else I had worked so hard for!

Having liquid cash gives you choices, and now I have a fiduciary who tells me when I can afford to invest that money, and when I need to keep more on hand.

What were the external obstacles that you had to overcome in reaching these milestones? And how specifically did you overcome them? (Please share a story or example.)

Running a business in the United States when you’re not an American citizen was challenging.

Every few years I needed to apply for a new work visa.

The government policies changed constantly.

How the visas get adjudicated change.

What helps you qualify one year may not help you the next. I was fortunate that my mother was a US citizen, so on the times when my entry to the US for work were denied or delayed, I could depend on her to make sure things still ran smoothly. Contingency planning for being unable to work in the call center was important, and built into our plan. When the pandemic hit, we already had a plan to pivot our business remote, as we’d experienced our leadership team being unable to get to the office already. Originally, we solved that problem with “the eye in the sky”, a massive TV with a teams instance open, and cameras that showed us the call center floor and allowed us to interact in real time with people working in the call center.

I was locked out of the US for about 90 days after my passport was “lost” by the postal system.

I was locked out again when my petition for E2 status was denied. It was eventually approved — but it was expensive and time consuming. My lawyer is fantastic, but he’s not cheap.

Was there ever a point where you wanted to give up on your journey to creating a million dollar business? How did you work through that panic point? Please share a story.

Every month for the first year, I thought about giving up and just getting a job. In fact, I had even made a deal about eight months in to running the business full time with one of my clients. I was sick of trying to figure everything out, and I agreed to just work for him as a contractor full time. He left for a week to go to a peer group event, came home, and fired me! His peer group had told him he couldn’t afford to spend the money, and he listened to them. I should thank them for that — I billed a million dollars the following year.

Then, I freaked out and wanted to quit at least once every quarter for the next few years.

I would panic, start working my rolodex, start thinking about what client I could go work for, get really anxious about money, the future, my family, and my employees. I’d often spend hours at night just wondering how I was going to get through the next day.

Then I realized, hey, this happens on a fairly regular cadence. It lasts about the same amount of time. It was pretty predictable. I spiraled out of control for about three days. I learned that I could catch that spiral early. It feels the same every time. It starts with financial anxiety. Then I’m irritated by every question someone asks me. Then I start being snarky on social media. Then I start snapping at my friends and family. Ouch.

I dug way into my therapy toolbox to solve this one, and these days I have a little pity party about twice a year, and it lasts about as long as I let it. Feelings aren’t facts, and talking to other entrepreneurs makes me realize I’m not alone in those times — we all have those days — even people who own 8 and 9 figure businesses have bad days and doubt themselves.

If I’m healthy, getting enough sleep, exercising, seeing my friends and talking to other entrepreneurs regularly, I can normally say to myself “Hey, it’s freak out day. Awesome. Okay, we don’t have time for this today. You can feel sorry for yourself tomorrow if you still want to, but today we must do the work, okay?” Then I go back to the task at hand. From three days a quarter down to less than two hours a year is pretty good!

Before I started my business, when I was early in sobriety, I had terrible anxiety attacks. They were so bad that I ended up in the emergency room, thinking I was having a heart attack or maybe a stroke. My counsellor pointed out that they always felt the same. “If this feels like the beginning of an anxiety attack, what’s more likely — that you are having an anxiety attack, or that you’re having a heart attack?” Well, the former. I learned coping skills — mindfulness, breathing exercises, ways to stop the negative spiral of self-doubt. Those same techniques work when you’re freaking out about your business. “Has there been any historical evidence that you won’t be able to handle this problem?” No? Okay, well, let’s assume it’s going to be fine and make a plan to tackle it.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?

There are so many people that helped me. My ex-husband was a phenomenal support — he quit his job when the business became profitable enough, and he’s done all the parenting, all the errand running, all the banking, all the packing and moving our houses, all the dealing with school stuff and homework and lunches and flying back and forth from our home to Las Vegas. He takes the summers off of parenting, and that was a great division of labor for us — from June to Labour Day I parent full time and he can do whatever he wants — sleep in, travel, play sports…it worked for us!

My youngest daughter grew up in hotel rooms and executive housing before that, with me dragging her on the road from trade show to trade show and to the US office and back because I wanted to nurse full time for as long as possible. April Roller, my first nanny, gave up a lot of her spare time and joined me on the road with her small kids — often there were four of us shoved in a small hotel room, and I’d run up in between sessions to breast feed my daughter. She was essential to my success. Human Milk for Human Babies was a great resource for me when I was on the road and couldn’t pump enough milk or ship it properly.

Gary Brownstone, CEO of Catchfire (formerly CEO of Eureka Project) gave me the opportunity to work with and for the Eureka Project — he was my first mentor and got me to and through my first million dollar year.

My sister came to work for me year two, and quickly became the President of the company. My mom quit her job to join us about year four. It was hard to work with family, but without them I would not be here today. I didn’t have to pretend with them. They knew what I was going to do before I did most of the time. That was helpful, even when my Mom was “managing” me to make sure I didn’t go off on a tangent over something that I really shouldn’t have been obsessing about anyhow. They taught me to let go and let other people handle things — maybe it wouldn’t be exactly what I would have done, but so long as people were acting in line with our core values, they were making the right choices.

One of my competitors was an incredible mentor to me — Tim Edwards from EBQuickstart. He gave advice freely and helped me fast track a ton of issues. When I needed to sell my call center during the pandemic, he was there, and we came to a deal that was very fair for all parties. We already trusted each other, so the transaction was fast and painless! I get a cheque from Tim every month, and I still get to send business his way, which just adds to that passive revenue stream!

My Entrepreneurs Organization peers taught me a ton. Richie taught me about money. Vincent taught me that if I continued to react instead of respond, I’d always be angry. Tom taught me patience — there are no business emergencies. Dave taught me how to make everyone feel like they are the most important person in the room. Sean taught me to moderate my actions and words when I was in group settings. John taught me that you need to let go of your comfort zone if you want to achieve anything truly great. Teresa taught me that women entrepreneurs are fearless, fierce boss ass bitches, full stop.

The SBA provided mentors, guidance and free financial literacy, and during the pandemic, the PPP funding allowed us to keep all of my employees for as long as possible. I’m grateful to that program, and to Score, and all the other volunteer-run mentor groups that just want to see small business owners thrive!

What were the most important resources, tools, affirmations, mindset strategies or practices that you used to build your business to where it is today?

We used a facilitator to help us install a strategic operating system in our business. We started with the EOS/Traction model, and then we adopted the Paterson StratOp system. Before having a system, I just ran from fire to fire. I didn’t know how to manage or coach or lead. Now I can confidently go away for the summer with my kids, knowing my team has it all under control until I get home. I don’t even need to check my email.

What do you think is the greatest challenge for women and creating wealth/abundance? What advice would you have for someone that is feeling blocked by that obstacle?

Women don’t talk about money.

We’ve been conditioned that it’s not polite. For example, some of the women I’ve hired didn’t even ask what the salary was before they accepted the job. I made it a point of helping my female leaders (we were 100% women owned and our whole executive team was female as well) find female mentors from outside of our business. It doesn’t benefit me to teach my employees how to negotiate for a better salary, but it’s an important skill and they should have someone to learn it from. Many cities have women’s business groups, women’s chambers of commerce, women’s networking groups and a ton of support systems in place. NAWBO in Nevada was an excellent resource. I encourage people to connect with any potential group that can provide education or grants or introductions to other women owned businesses. There’s so much funding available for women starting businesses. There is a ton of education available. They don’t always publicize it well, so it’s important to get connected with the people in your city that know about them — economic development corporations, for example. There is someone in every city who is focused on building the economy in that city — find them, then find the people they know, and keep calling people until you get what you need for your business!

My daughter is a big believer in positive talk and manifesting. I thought it was kind of hippie-dippie nonsense, but now I’m on board. You have to visualize having a life filled with abundance But you can’t just wish for it, you have to work for it. When I’m having money stress, I find someone to help financially — whether that’s something as simple as paying for someone’s coffee or buying the diapers of the woman in line behind me at Walgreens or donating to someone’s Patreon or Kickstarter — the act of giving reminds me of how very blessed I am, and relieves that financial stress. And it’s never failed me. Anytime I give, I get it back 10–100x.

Women can be perfectionists — but there is no perfect time to start a business. There is no perfect business plan. Start where you are, use what you have. You don’t need fancy software, you don’t need expensive tools. What part of your plan can you begin executing on now? Can’t decide what you want to do? Look around you. What do other people hate doing? Do that. Nobody dreams of being a telemarketer when they grow up, but telemarketing is why I’m where I am now — and it cost me absolutely nothing to start my business. I found something people need that they hated doing, and I got really good at doing it for them.

Oh, and start investing now. I don’t care how old you are or how much money you have — stop buying lattes and put your money to work for you. Stop going for lunch, stop getting your nails done, stop doing anything that isn’t going to make you rich. Visit the FIRE community on Reddit for motivation. Find every spare five dollars you have and put it to work for you. Make sure you have an emergency fund, but after that — get that money into the market. It adds up. I don’t have a car, for example — I don’t want the car payment or the insurance cost — that’s up to 1000 a month I can invest, and I started late in life, so I have to find every spare penny I have and get it into my retirement fund!

Great! Here is the main question of our interview. What are your “5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Started” and why? (Please share a story or example for each.)

  1. It will never get easier. Running a business is like working out. When you start, those five-pound dumbbells are really heavy, but you go to the gym every day and you lift them every day, and you get stronger. But the minute that starts to get easy, you have to lift 20 pound dumbbells. They’re heavy, but you’re getting stronger, so you can handle it
  2. Financial literacy is more important than a great idea or a world-changing product. You’ll definitely run out of money before you’ll run out of ideas.
  3. Don’t worry about people stealing your ideas. They can’t steal execution. If you’re always trying to be like your competitors, you’re going to miss opportunities to truly differentiate and innovate — keep your eyes on your own mat, the only person you need to be better than is the person you were yesterday.
  4. Spend money on experts as soon as possible. You need a good lawyer, a great accountant, and a business coach. Invest in yourself first, then in your business. The smarter you are, the better your company will be. I once lost $50,000 because I didn’t understand the contract I was signing.
  5. Your marriage/family is more important than your business. Entrepreneurship is not kind to relationships. Make time for the people that matter — unless you’re a surgeon there are very few things that can’t wait until tomorrow morning. Your kids will be grown before you know it. I missed a ton of both my kids lives and birthdays and every wedding anniversary for years, and I’m on my third marriage. I now keep all my work on my laptop, and I have a child lock on my phone that locks me out after 2 hours of app usage or 9PM, whichever comes first. I can’t make up for the time I didn’t spend with my kids — but I can be better for them now. I always answer my mom’s phone calls.

We are sure that you are not done. What comes next? What’s your next big goal and why? What plan have you put in place to achieve it? Why is it a stretch for you? What will achieving it represent for you and for others?

This quarter I’m participating in the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses program, and with their assistance I’m building a whole new business plan — and it’s a really, really big idea. So big that I have no idea how I’m going to do it, but I’m going to do it anyhow. They literally told us take your idea, and throw it out, and think bigger. Do that ten more times. Now you’re there. I can’t really tell you what I’m doing yet — I don’t know how I get from A to B, but I know that I’m going to be building on the strengths I already have, using some of the skills and people and resources I already have access to. There are a lot of unknowns. Having some money in the bank and a recurring passive revenue stream gives me the freedom to daydream a bit. What I’m building now is going to take me way out of my comfort zone.

I think there is an enormous opportunity right now to help small business owners get access to the talent they need to grow their businesses, and also a huge opportunity to allow people to work where and how they want to. Right at that intersection is my new opportunity — how can I make sales and marketing more affordable for small business owners while providing higher levels of income and more flexibility for the people that are supporting them? We have a whole generation of people coming into the work force who want to dictate where and how they work, and they don’t want the day-to-day nonsense that comes with working for someone — but they also want security, benefits, health insurance and opportunities to advance. It’s not just about hybrid work — it’s about feeling valued and respected, and making a fair wage that isn’t funding your boss’s yacht or vacation home in the Hamptons. It’s going to be a wild ride, and it might not even work, but I’m 100% in to trying!

How can our readers further follow your work online?

I’m on Linkedin at

You can visit my website at

My consulting practice is here:

Thank you so much for taking the time to share with us and our readers. We know that it will make a tremendous difference and impact thousands of lives. We are excited to connect further, and we wish you so much joy in your next success.



Ming S. Zhao
Authority Magazine

Co-founder and CEO of PROVEN Skincare. Ming is an entrepreneur, business strategist, investor and podcast host.