sHeroes: How Author Patrice Tanaka is helping people ‘live their purpose’ to unleash greater success, fulfillment and joy in their personal lives, workplaces and communities

Alexandra Spirer
Authority Magazine
Published in
14 min readSep 15, 2019


“Don’t ask yourself what the what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” This quote is from Howard Thurman, the African-American author, philosopher, theologian, educator and civil rights leader.

I love the idea of people “coming alive” with excitement about their life and purpose. I’m always conscious of people who have a fire in their eyes because I know they are doing what excites them and makes them come alive. There is nothing sadder than to see people riding the bus or subway train with no light in their eyes. They might just be tired. But, I’m worried that they aren’t just tired. I’m worried that…



Alexandra Spirer
Authority Magazine

I am an entrepreneur, publicist, journalist and event producer based in Sunny Florida. My passion is writing & giving back to others.