Social Impact Authors: How & Why Author Emily Morrison Is Helping To Change Our World

Yitzi Weiner
Authority Magazine
Published in
16 min readNov 2, 2022


While I’m trying to slow down and focus on the small, I still think it’s important to Dream Big. Anything is possible in life once you visualize it and not try to fit into the box that is in front of you. Each big goal starts with small steps, and just because it’s never been done before doesn’t mean you can’t be the first one to do it. When I was starting Elysian, people asked me why anyone would buy clothing from me or why does the world need any more poetry books. I had learned this advice to dream big by the time I started on both journeys, but I think of all the directions I could have taken earlier in my life if I had known that I could be or do anything I dreamed of, regardless of my background or degrees.

As part of my series about “authors who are making an important social impact”, I had the pleasure of interviewing



Yitzi Weiner
Authority Magazine

A “Positive” Influencer, Founder & Editor of Authority Magazine, CEO of Thought Leader Incubator