Social Impact Authors: Why & How Jenny and Greg Miller of ‘Age of Atheria’ Are Helping To Change Our World

Yitzi Weiner
Authority Magazine
Published in
25 min readSep 14, 2022

Be open to learning, become an expert in your field. Be kind and compassionate, and lead with the heart. Be genuine. Communicate and listen well. Be accountable. Be willing to evolve and learn from any mistakes, don’t let those mistakes stop you, readjust your sails and keep growing.

As part of my series about “individuals and organizations making an important social impact”, I had the pleasure of interviewing Jenny McClain Miller and Gregory John Miller.

Like a meet cute in any great romance film, Jenny and Greg Miller met at a chemistry read for two lead roles playing opposite each other. The chemistry was there on screen and in real life. After booking the job, Jenny introduced Greg to the project she had been working on and writing for the past three years, Age of Atheria. He understood it in a way that she did, as an author of the story. She shared current storylines, characters, and their why. They began working together on the project and embracing the team mentality, knowing that they can do even more together.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series! Before we dive into the main focus of our interview, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you tell us a bit about your childhood backstory?

Jenny: Hello! Thank you so much for having us, it means so much to us! I am originally from Iowa, I grew up there and spent some time on the Great Lakes in-between, we lived on Catawba Island for a short time. I moved to Los Angeles during college, and had already obtained a degree in Merchandise Marketing, and when I got to LA, I started at FIDM and obtained a degree in Product Development and followed up with an Advanced degree in International Manufacturing, then finished with a B.S. in Business Management. During my last degree, I started to work in entertainment, and got a job in casting. I loved being on set! And I knew that I always wanted to work in entertainment. When I was a little girl I would pack a five subject notebook with me on our family road trips and vacations. I would write down different stories that I was inspired by throughout our travels. I always wanted to have at least a five subject, because by the end of our trip, I would try to have at least five different concepts. The more the better I thought. I would envision the story being acted out on the big screen or grace the pages of a novel. I loved conceptualizing and ideation, even then.

After I started working in casting, I knew I wanted to start auditioning, and within a year I had received my SAG-AFTRA eligibility and worked on projects ranging from features, to shorts, music videos, and commercials. I have always had the heart of a creative but love the business side of the industry as well. I started working in production shortly after and would work on projects between acting and producing. I then had the opportunity to start writing TV series concepts, and as writing is a true love of mine, I got to work.

And now, eight years later, my husband and I are launching a project of our own — our debut novel Age of Atheria!

Greg: Of course, thank you for having us! I was born in South Jersey and grew up in a small town called Indian Mills. I grew up with two sisters Kristin and Katie (I was the middle child), along with our parents, Gene and Maria. We had a wonderful childhood, something I am very grateful for. We lived on a hill, so in the wintertime all we had to do was walk out the front door and sled all day! Our mom would make us hot chocolate, some of our friends would come over and we would play in the snow from sunup to sundown! Making igloos, having snowball fights… it was the best. In the summertime, the beach was only forty minutes away so we would do day trips to the beach and some years rent a beach house for a week. The best was our family vacations, whether to Mexico, Bahamas, Florida, California… This one trip we took to Florida, we were all excited to go to Busch Gardens. We packed up, drove about four hours from the hotel and as we started getting closer, we noticed that some of the rides weren’t going. Then, as we got even closer, we noticed that there weren’t any cars in the parking lot! Come to find out, we just drove all that way for nothing! It was very much like National Lampoons Vacation and it made so much sense because my dad was very much a Griswold and he certainly enjoyed bringing us along for his Griswold adventures as we’d call them.

But as I got older my summers began being taken up by baseball. Sports was very prevalent in my life as well growing up, I played soccer before moving to football in sixth grade, and I also played basketball and baseball. Baseball was definitely my favorite sport and the one that I excelled in the most. I eventually got a Division I scholarship to Seton Hall University where I played third base, right field and pitched. I eventually got drafted my junior year of college in the 10th round as a pitcher by the Milwaukee Brewers. Although my career was short lived, it’s something that I’m incredibly proud of because of all the hard work that it takes to perform at that level.

When you were younger, was there a book that you read that inspired you to take action or changed your life? Can you share a story about that?


There have been several notable books across my life that have inspired me — I love empowering books with journal entry options to write in. But I also really love Lord of the Rings. This series was impactful in that a story as deep into the world building was so well received, it opened my mind to the possibilities of what I could create. I love magical realism, fantasy, otherworldly places you can escape to within a good book or movie. And I got absolutely wrapped into the world of Middle Earth. I also love series and franchises, keep that story going! So this was a winner for me!

I have always been inspired by fantasy, so when the opportunity presented itself to write a TV series concept and pitch deck — I was at a time in my life when I needed to be my own superhero. I was going through a very tough time. I drove up to Northern California, just my dog Skylar and myself, to a place called Little River. I spent two weeks there creating the very beginning of Age of Atheria and Ady, our main character. She is stripped from everything she knows and loves and becomes her own superhero with powers she didn’t know she possessed. Our story is set in the future destruction of our present-day world. It highlights where humanity is headed with the choices we are making today. Fast forward many years, and society has rebuilt, and while having the chance to do better, they have chosen not to. There is still famine, poverty, violence, governments rule with an iron fist. Our story also dives in spiritually, as a Council of Light steps in and wields a prophecy, anointing individuals across the world to help humanity step closer to the Light, to live how we were created to live. Ady is anointed and must decide if this is a battle she is willing to fight. However, there is a larger battle coming, a war far greater than mankind has ever seen, a spiritual warfare that is about to unleash across the world.

I take note of all that inspires me, journeys I have had on my own, signs that have made their way to me, and our story is one that was placed on my heart. And I am so grateful to be able to write this story with my husband, with whom has elevated it to new heights with me. Take note of all that inspires you and brings you passion, its leading you to your path you were meant to be.


Absolutely. The book that really shifted my entire life and perspective was a book by James Allen called “As A Man Thinketh.” I was going through a tough transition in my life after baseball and didn’t know how to recreate myself. My identity was Greg the baseball player for almost all my life and until this book came along, I really struggled to detach from that. It’s an amazing book that really elevates the awareness of your thoughts and holds you accountable for everything that has happened in our life. It helps you learn to weed out the bad thoughts and water the positive and fruitful ones. The grass is green where we choose to water it. It really stuck with me and helped me own my choices because at the end of the day, we reap what we sew, right? I would say that this book was the one that ignited the new fire within and helped me want to reprogram my mind and restart my life as Greg the human being.

It has been said that our mistakes can be our greatest teachers. Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

Jenny: Such a great reflective question to think about the journey. My biggest mistake throughout my process as a writer, as a creator, is self-doubt. To really doubt your instinct regarding your creativity and decisions you make; I have found that usually that first initial instinct or idea is always best — and for a reason. It came to you for a reason whether to plant a seed for another set of ideas, grow a character, a storyline, in our case — add a certain societal parallel and discuss it. Even down to cover approvals, or font choices, social media stories, the list goes on and on. Don’t doubt yourself along the way, trust your art, trust your heart, and that instinct that what came to you is going to make sense. There have been times something creative comes to me or Greg, and it wasn’t for something now — but an Ace in the back pocket for later in the story, even in a later book! Of course, edit along the way and continue to work on your craft. But before you toss everything out of the creative door and start over, keep molding the clay.

I also believe waiting too long on something, to make a final decision on the direction you are going — you just have to go for it. Don’t let your nerves and worry hold you back. When you wait too long, you are sleeping on yourself, and got to keep the invigoration going and know when to say yes and stop going back to the drawing board. We went back and forth on many attributes on the cover of our book — the emotions it would evoke, as we are telling a story within the cover and every element has a reason. And we would take so long to make a choice at times because we care so deeply — but guess what? The initial decisions we wanted at first, were ultimately what we ended up with. Go with that artistic instinct, it’s within you for a reason.


I think the funniest mistake I made was thinking that I was going to drive across the country into Hollywood, share my story and inspire the world with that story on the big screen in just a matter of a few years. Little did I know, I’d be meeting my future wife and sharing a story we wrote together with the world and have two babies along the way! It’s certainly amazing how one thing leads to the next!

Can you describe how you aim to make a significant social impact with your book? Can you share with us the most interesting story that you shared in your book?


Our aim is to help heal the heart of humanity. We have many storylines within our book that highlight societal, environmental, even political issues we face in our world today. And our story fictionalizes the impacts of a future destruction of the world, following a Great War, and the rebuild of societies. Our characters face resource scarcity, violence, tyrannical governmental rulings, and finally a spiritual council steps in before humanity destroys itself completely. As they cannot interfere with free will, they anoint many across the world to come together and create a new force for good. There is a spiritual warfare that has been brewing since before mankind’s existence, and a dark army called the Erlick Federation is about to be unleashed from their banishment within center earth… they have been the reason for the darkness, bloodshed, greed, power, ego, and war across the Earth. As more of this darkness falls across mankind and their poor choices, the Erlick’s power grows, even behind the gates they are banned behind.

Our goal is to showcase these parallels and create an understanding to why there is so much destruction on Earth, and through our choices the impacts they have. Whether on environmental issues, societal, taking care of the planet, taking care of each other. And when a person chooses darkness, the effects that has on our planet and the collective heart we all share. We are in a battle of Light vs Dark here, right now. Our story tells that same tale and is a battle between the two. We have the choice to be of valor, live with pillars of morality, truth, respect, kindness, compassion, empathy, and love. While there are so many that choose to live with disrespect, anger, deceit, power, greed, ego. Our story aims to instill hope and thought for being a better person and making the right choice between the two. Our individual choices impact every single one of us, although we may not feel like we are — we are a collective. Our hope is to inspire, seek knowledge, and evoke change on our own planet.


Our aim is to awaken a generation to the destructive path that humanity has been on for as long as we’ve been around. But how do we unite an entire race of beings that are spread all over the world and never cross paths with physically? Well, you write a story that can get to the masses, of course! We may not be able to make a huge impact right away, but each one of us can do our part and live in a way that we leave a positive impact on people. Maya Angelou once said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” I think we should all strive to make people feel welcomed and accepted in one another’s presence. Being authentic and allowing people the space to be their authentic selves as well is the most amazing thing. Authenticity is magnetic.

I think one of the most interesting storylines that we have in our book is really the one that’s playing behind the scenes. The dark forces that have corrupted the hearts, minds, and spirit of humanity. A force we call the Erlick Federation. This is the force that we consider having corrupted mankind and coerced humanity along this destructive path for so long. They feed off death and destruction and it’s up to our main character, Ady, to unite anointed ones from the different regions of the world in order to take on the Erlick Federation and eradicate it from our world altogether. I think we live in a time where we need to work together to eradicate the evil from our world. Our planet is being destroyed. Trees being cut down, our fresh water contaminated…we have industries just destroying ecosystems for their own financial gains, not worried about the future impacts it will have on the children and grandchildren of this world. We have to rise above and be better individually and collectively.

What was the “aha moment” or series of events that made you decide to bring your message to the greater world? Can you share a story about that?


When I first started writing this story, the world was already in peril, but I thought to myself, “Wow, what is happening in the Republic would be so horrible if it were happening in real life.” Fast forward eight years, and its at times, terrifying how much of a parallel is happening within our setting and the real world. I think that “aha moment” has been an ongoing effort to create a message that speaks out clearly that if we do not make some radical changes in our world, our story shares a possibility of future destruction. Then adding the layers of fantasy, we tell the story of how the darkness in our world is really who is provoking these horrifically negative ways. And how to get humanity back to the Light.

We always knew to keep going, to keep writing, because more and more the story would continue to come to us. We would have “aha moments” throughout the process as a new character would come to us, or they would travel to a new place. It was those moments that we knew we were on the right track.


My aha moment was when I decided to drive out to California to get my own personal message and story out to the world. As I mentioned before, I was struggling to create a new identity and with that struggle came an addiction to opiates. I had to battle my own personal demons every day for almost ten years and when Jenny brought this story to my attention, I realized I had lived this story in a certain sense. I had my own internal battle of light vs. dark which is exactly what this story is about. The light conquering the darkness.

Without sharing specific names, can you tell us a story about a particular individual who was impacted or helped by your cause?


I personally am a vegetarian, and many times go full vegan. I am passionate about the effects it has on our bodies, the planet, as well as animal advocacy. When I was younger, I had stomach issues, and we couldn’t really figure out why. I went to many Doctors for my upper and lower GI, was prescribed to take all kinds of medicine and antacids, as a teenager! I was even told once I was having an acidic reaction to garden vegetables (that felt totally wrong). I had to take matters into my own hands, and eventually started a food diary to get to the root cause. I would quickly write down what I ate and then how I would feel. Which is what led me to stop eating pork and beef, as every time I would consume those — I would feel sick. As soon as I cut that, I started feeling much better. I continued to eat chicken and turkey until I moved to Los Angeles where I had such an abundance of options of fish. I cut out all land mammals from my diet and went pescetarian for many years. I knew I was on track to finding these answers to these root causes. I finally went full vegan and I never felt better. I stopped the use of all antacids, my body toned and tightened. I started to do some more research on the impacts my diet was having on the environment, and animal rights.

Once I really went in depth researching the meat, dairy, and egg industry, I vowed I couldn’t go back. It was as if a veil had been pulled from my eyes and once you see the truth of it, it was so hard for me to continue to be any type of a consumer to those industries in turn supporting the cruelty to animals. The greenhouse gas emissions that the agricultural industry has on the planet is one of the largest. And it continues to grow to suffice all who continue to be consumers of it.

Throughout my years on this particular way of life and diet, I have been asked many questions about my choices, my recipes, my why. I’m happy to share with those who ask about my experience and direct them to great resources that helped me. To my knowledge, I have personally helped guide around a dozen people going vegetarian/vegan — but I want to preface, they came to me! I am pro choosing-the-best-way-of-life-for-you but I am also very much into the planet and animal advocacy, that I love to share what I can and if it inspires another to even cut meat once or twice a week, even that is a huge impact! If we all got into a headspace that we can actually make a difference with our individual choices and by continuously doing so over and over — imagine the elevation and impact that could make across the board from the collective. Reducing single use plastics, recycling, finding ways to cut our individual carbon footprint, choosing a plant-based diet — it is not cliché to say — you really can make a difference.


When I came out to California, my cause was to inspire the world. I drove out with the intention that I was going to make an impact on people and share the secret that I found by bettering myself and stepping into this 2.0 version of me. Along the way, I reconnected with a buddy of mine from the Milwaukee Brewers who I hadn’t spoken with in some time. He wanted to come out to California and stay with Jenny and I in Santa Monica for a week. Of course I said yes, because we had grown up playing ball together since we were kids and eventually got drafted by the same team. He had also struggled with addiction and at the time still was and I really believed God had put us back in each other’s lives to help one another. Well, we reunited and it was awesome. I could tell he was still struggling with some things and I began to open up about my struggles and the journey I took with recreating who I was. I shared with him the steps I took to better myself, learning to become the best authentic version of me, and the impact it had. I told him I wrote a book and created a small clothing brand called “Authentic Awesomeness.” A brand about being better every day, mind, body and spirit. He loved it! He started getting excited about his own “Authentic Awesomeness” and learning to recreate himself and detach from being just the professional baseball player gone addict, like myself, that everyone knew him as.

Years later, he’s now clean and sober and living a life of authenticity and being true to himself. We talk often and our friendship is stronger now than it ever was when we were kids. He has also helped me immensely, and I think when you begin helping others, you learn even more about yourself along the journey. It’s a whole new perspective.

Are there three things the community/society/politicians can do to help you address the root of the problem you are trying to solve?


I wish we were speaking out and having more empathic understanding about the effects of carbon emissions, the devastating effects of deforestation and the destruction of delicate and necessary ecosystems. We aren’t concerned enough as a society. My concern is how focused some people are on their return, versus the detrimental effects caused to our planet and the beings that inhabit it. I wish so many of these topics weren’t considered partisan issues, these are issues impacting all of humanity and I wish were treated as such. I wish we could just all get on the same page and strive for a healthy planet and people.

We need clean drinking water for all. Environments and ecosystems to remain naturally intact and thriving. The end of senseless killings of sentient beings. The end of gun violence. The end of abusive power. The end of human pain and suffering. The end of war. A pro-planet mindset across the world. Green energy initiatives. Living life with Love and Light.

How do you define “Leadership”? Can you explain what you mean or give an example?

Jenny: Leadership to me is being a solid role model. Someone others can turn to who lead by example. Leaders enhance experiences. They thought provoke. They influence (hopefully for the greater good). Leaders are someone people turn to for guidance. And I believe it’s because leaders exhibit having genuine connections with others. By being an active listener and engaging in genuine conversation — not being a “response only” listener who is thinking about how they will be responding next, and not actively listening. I believe the great leaders lead with morality, positivity, and enthusiasm. I believe leaders influence from this level because they are real and raw. Speaking on their truth. Some of the greatest leaders in my opinion, are those who can garner the attention of many — not for the sake of fame or ego — but to help lead others into everlasting impact. They speak from the heart. They speak from experience. They don’t try to cut others down, but rather, bring them up.

I believe leadership can come in many forms and ages. We all have the ability to become one. From a group of children to a team of colleagues, to speaking on a stage about something you’re passionate about and influencing or educating others, to friendships and any interpersonal relationships. Lead by example and do right by others. The adage of treating others how you want to be treated.

Be open to learning, become an expert in your field. Be kind and compassionate, and lead with the heart. Be genuine. Communicate and listen well. Be accountable. Be willing to evolve and learn from any mistakes, don’t let those mistakes stop you, readjust your sails and keep growing.


I totally agree with Jenny about leadership being a solid role model. I think a leader is someone who brings out the best in others. Someone who brings out more than that person even knew was inside of them. A leader pushes people outside of their comfort zone for the betterment of their own being. Sometimes it takes an outside perspective to see the potential, see what the next and better version of someone already looks like, and inspire them to get there; give them the tools and coach the mindset. But a true leader does not lead with ego, or excessive pride, looking to create a bunch of followers… A true leader wants to create other leaders who can help inspire and motivate a whole other group of people.

What are your “5 things I wish someone told me when I first started” and why. Please share a story or example for each.


If I may, I would love to share five things someone did tell me when I first started, and how they have been so impactful for me.

  1. Start, just start. Even when you do not know where to begin, just begin. We could spend our whole lives worried about the what if’s or trying to learn everything about a certain topic and master it before we begin. You just have to start. I am so glad I just started on the project, because if I had not, it would still just be a whisper on my heart. And it is finally seeing the light of day and making its debut into the world! I am grateful that I had just started.
  2. Do one thing and do it well. I think this can be subjective, but this person was giving advice to a specific product, and which I love that advice for a tangible product launch — I took it into the book world as well. I focused heavily on world-building. I took a lot of time to get to know the world our characters were living in. How their governments operated, how the world looked, smelled, felt, how living there really would feel. When we got to Atheria, there was freedom to create from the ground up — so floating islands, because why not?! My point is we focused on the structure of the world and built from there with the hopes we did it well!
  3. Look to your resources. Those could be people, like-minded friends, mentors. They could be books and research. But look to your outlets to find the answer. I am research minded — I go overboard in learning all I can about a topic. But it helps, especially when you are trying to build a world and series.
  4. Don’t give in to self-doubt. You are an artist, a creator, and you are bound to get artist self-doubt. The mornings of writing, “This was a great chapter,” to, “This is absolutely awful, who will read this?” It is that doubt creeping up inside your mind, but you have to keep following your heart as your guide, navigate through the mind and use it for good to execute what was placed on your heart.
  5. Just keep going. And be dedicated. The difference between those with dreams/visions and those who complete them is execution on the goals that accomplish the vision. If you continue to be of action, you can and will achieve anything you put your mind to. There were many times I took a break from the writing over the years, as life took other courses, but I always came back to it. This story beckoned at my heart to complete it. I would miss events or nights out with friends in LA to stay up working all night on it. And then I would shelf it for a few weeks, maybe even a few months as I worked on other projects. But I never gave up. It may take years, but just keep going.


I would say first to enjoy the ride, the process, the journey and live as much in the moment as you possibly can. Secondly, not to ever give up. It’s ok to have moments of doubt, but it’s those who persevere through that doubt, that conquer any obstacles. Along the same lines here, my third would be that obstacles are opportunities to become better. Obstacles aren’t some immovable force. It’s an opportunity for us get creative and find a way over, under, around, or through it. Fourth would be that there is no failure, only feedback. Failure only happens when we’ve quit on ourselves. Otherwise, everything is feedback that can be used to make us better and help us overcome whatever comes next. Last, and certainly not least, to get comfortable with being uncomfortable! Living in the comfort zone doesn’t allow us to grow… It’s beyond the comfort zone and into that area of uncertainty that we get to see what we are made of and that allows us the space to learn, grow, and develop into something we never knew we could be.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

Jenny: One of my favorite life lesson quotes actually comes from my father. We are originally from Iowa, and I grew up in the country, on a 400-acre farm. Over the years we had herds of registered black angus, horses, conservation set-asides for wildlife in the area, a ton of timber, and farmland. My Dad was a commercial airline Captain, until recently retiring, and when he would come home from trips, he would change out of one uniform and into another. From his Captain’s Epaulets into denim and a flannel and he would personally farm our crops of corn and beans. I’d always ask him, “How do you go from flying a three or five day trip to and from Amsterdam, Brussels, Narita, or Cape Town, or wherever in the world and come home and plant corn in the spring and harvest in the fall on your days off? How do you not get overwhelmed with how much you have to do?” His answer was always, “I just keep going, four rows at a time.”

This life lesson and quote has applied to so many different sectors of my own life, outside of my dad farming in Iowa. It’s really breaking down your objective and what needs to be accomplished, coming up with a game plan, being of action; focusing your intention of completing the big picture goal with bite size pieces. And being disciplined to keep going. While knowing that 180 acres of farmland could feel overwhelming to plant and harvest, but if you keep cultivating four rows at a time, you will succeed in completing it if you just keep going.

Many times working on this book, or working on any goal of mine, whenever I start to feel a little overwhelmed or perhaps I can’t see a finish line. I take a deep breath and remind myself to keep going, four rows at time. Break it down, work on what I can today, be prepared for tomorrow, and just keep being of action. And know, I will eventually get it done with dedication, executing my plans, and never giving up.

So, thank you to my Dad for always giving the best Dad advice, and for these life lessons that have always and will aways stick with me.


My favorite life lessons quote is the Japanese Proverb, “Fall down seven times stand up eight.” It has many meanings in my life, the main one being that no matter how many times you fall, have the courage to stand up one more time. I’ve fallen down many times in my life, even to the point of not wanting to get back up because I just didn’t know how or didn’t have a why. But it is the will to keep on going even when you feel like there’s nothing left to give that really defines who you are. When your back is against the wall, are you going to curl up into a ball or fight your way out?! I’ll choose to fight my way out, and if I get knocked down along the way, I’ll get back up and keep fighting.

Is there a person in the world, or in the US with whom you would like to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might just see this, especially if we tag them. :-)


I would be having a private brunch with a few fellow environmentalists! I would invite Jane Goodall, Meryl Streep, Cate Blanchett, James Cameron, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Nikki Reed. What a table right? I would love to talk environmental issues, I would love to discuss plan implementation, how to continue their already established efforts, and potentially finding more ways or expansion together. Being seated with many of the greats in their field in the industry — I would love to discuss how we can further integrate speaking about environmentalism in our stories as creators, how to use this massive platform of the world of entertainment for the greater good. To continue to strive to make individual efforts to make that everlasting impact. As creators, we have a responsibility to our readers, our viewers, to really stand behind content that not just takes you on a journey and experience, but hopefully sends a positive message — or if it is a story based in destruction, like ours, how can we create a message within that really elevates the collective mindset?


Well, after having breakfast or lunch with Jenny and all her peeps, I’d definitely be hanging out with Keanu Reeves, Brad Pitt, Michael Jordan, and Leo DiCaprio as well. I love how active Leo is when it comes to climate change and the environment. Brad has conquered alcohol and other substances and just so happens to be one of my favorite actors. He just seems like a cool guy to hang with for a bit. Michael Jordan, I’d love to sit down and talk about his mindset and how he prepared for championship games. What was his process for getting into “The zone?” MJ is probably my favorite athlete of all time. Finally, Keanu Reeves. He has faced many adversities in his life, losing a daughter, his sister battling cancer for ten years in which he put his career on hold to be her primary caretaker; He’s so selfless and seems like the most humble, down to earth human on this planet. He’s a true bada** on film and in real life.

How can our readers further follow your work online?

You can find us at to purchase a copy of our book, for events, and other fun info! Find us at the #AgeofAtheria hashtag! You can follow us on social media at @JennyMcClainMiller and @GregoryJohnMiller where we do live at fives, giveaways, and love to connect with you all!

This was very meaningful, thank you so much. We wish you only continued success on your great work!

Thank you so much! This has also been very meaningful for us as well! Thank you for being a part of our journey and debut launch of our book with this article! It is so awesome to speak out about social impact with you! Take care and all the best!



Authority Magazine
Authority Magazine

Published in Authority Magazine

In-depth Interviews with Authorities in Business, Pop Culture, Wellness, Social Impact, and Tech. We use interviews to draw out stories that are both empowering and actionable.

Yitzi Weiner
Yitzi Weiner

Written by Yitzi Weiner

A “Positive” Influencer, Founder & Editor of Authority Magazine, CEO of Thought Leader Incubator

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