Social Impact Heroes Helping Our Planet: How & Why Chirag Virani of Sparkle Innovations Decided To Change Our World

Penny Bauder
Authority Magazine
Published in
23 min readAug 9, 2020

Today’s health conscious and eco-conscious consumer is willing to go the extra mile to make sustainable choices and to avoid products that contribute to plastic pollution. As more start-ups emerge in sustainability and the circular economy space and customers become more aware about eco-friendly alternatives, sooner or later, most brands will have to offer value-added products made from sustainable raw materials. Business that would adapt to this trend early on would definitely have a head start in terms of sustaining their current customers and acquiring new customers.

As part of my series about “individuals and organizations making an important social impact”, I had the pleasure of interviewing Chirag Virani.

With over eight years of work experience in key leadership positions at a number of multi-national corporations and non-governmental organizations across the globe and an academic background from Canada, the United States, Europe, and India, Chirag co-founded Sparkle Innovations in 2018. Chirag has completed his mechanical engineering degree from McMaster University in Canada; Master in Business Administration from Ryerson University in Canada; and grad program from University of California-Berkeley in the United States.

When he was 23, Chirag launched his first fundraiser and took a gap year to put his engineering and business skills to a good use while volunteering, teaching, staying at orphanages and working with different NGOs in Kenya, Tanzania, Vietnam, South Africa, India and Costa Rica.

At Sparkle Innovations, Chirag guides the organization in the areas of product design, manufacturing and business development. With sustainable products made from plant-based ingredients, Sparkle aims to reduce plastic pollution, promote gender equality, improve menstrual health and support the circular economy.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Before we dig in, our readers would like to get to know you a bit. Can you tell us a bit how you grew up?

I have had the privilege of growing up in two different continents and visiting over 30 countries before I turned 30. I was born in the small city of Surat, Gujarat, India, where I spent the first 15 years of my life before moving to Toronto, Canada. In Canada, I spent the next 11 years of my life and completed my high school, mechanical engineering and MBA before moving back to India. Along the way, I was able to experience different cultures, visit unseen places, interact with thousands of people and explore many different dimensions of life mentally, physically and spiritually. This adventurous journey with a number of unexpected detours led me to start an NGO, United World Foundation, and a social enterprise, Sparkle Innovations, with a long-term vision of building poverty-free, healthy, gender-balanced, equitable, eco-conscious and inclusive humanity.

You are currently leading a social impact organization that is making a difference for our planet. Can you tell us a bit about what you and your organization are trying to change in our world today?

My wife, Hetal, and I founded Sparkle with an aim to provide sustainable, plastic-free and affordable feminine hygiene products to women in India and across the globe. The multi-dimensional problems we are trying to address include four main aspects:

Health Impact: Globally, it is estimated that 528 million women and girls lack basic menstrual hygiene supplies based on data collected from eight countries in Performance Monitoring for Action, 2020. Around 200 million women in India without access to sanitary pads use less hygienic alternatives such as old rags, cow patties, leafs or ash during their periods, risking infection. The majority of commercial pads available in the market contain harsh chemicals, artificial fragrances, heavy metal dyes or plastic that may cause rashes, skin irritation and allergies.

Socio-economic Impact: Millions of girls and women miss up to 50–60 days of school or work every year because they cannot afford menstrual hygiene products. Lack of access to sanitary pads is a leading reason for higher school dropout rates of adolescent girls than boys once they reach puberty. According to UNICEF, around 23% of girls in India drop out of school once they reach puberty. When adolescent girls have access to sanitary napkins, school drop-out rates decrease by 90%.

Environmental Impact: Conventional sanitary pads contain around 3.5g of petrochemical plastic with every sanitary pad releasing around 21 grams of carbon dioxide in the process. Thousands of tons of sanitary pad waste remain unchanged in the landfill for over 600–800 years after disposal. With only 1 in 6 women using sanitary pads in India, around 150,000 tons of sanitary pad waste is generated every year. If all of 350 million women in India start using sanitary pads, it would result in over 1,000,000 tons of sanitary pad waste per year.

Agricultural Impact: Worldwide, around 9.5 million hectares of banana plantation generate around 750 million tons of banana stem agro-waste. In India, around 800,000 hectors of banana plantations generate around 64 million tons of agro-waste. Farmers typically burn these discarded stems, which causes air pollution or they have to pay additional labor to remove them from their farms.

We spent over two and a half years developing plastic-free, chemical-free and affordable sanitary pads that can biodegrade in around six months of disposal. The top layer of a Sparkle pad is made from bamboo fiber, which is naturally antibacterial and super-soft. The absorbent core is made from banana fiber, which is highly effective at locking away menstrual fluid. The bottom layer of a Sparkle pad is made from corn-starch based bio plastic, which serves as a compostable alternative to plastic. Through our “Buy one, Give One” initiative, we donate a pad to a girl in need with every Sparkle purchase. With access to pads, girls can participate in school, engage socially and carry out daily activities with dignity.

Can you tell us the backstory about what inspired you to originally feel passionate about this cause?

When I was growing up, I personally witnessed many instances where periods were stigmatized. Many of my close friends were not allowed to interact with anyone while they were on their periods. My grandmother grew up in a small village in Gujarat where girls and women did not have access to sanitary pads.

Even a simple task of buying pads from a store still consists of awkwardly whispering the name of a sanitary napkin brand and then quickly putting it in a bag to hide it from the world. How can we expect young girls to freely discuss their problems about menstruation when they hesitantly lower their voices while mentioning the word ‘Periods’ or ‘Pads’?

As I worked with different NGOs and participated in outreach programs — which included medical camps, HIV counseling, teaching, feeding programs in Kenya, Tanzania, Vietnam, South Africa and India — I learned about the health as well as socio-economic problems millions of women faced during their periods due to a lack of access to sanitary pads. In many developing countries, menstruating girls and women are still considered impure or dirty.

We started Sparkle with an aim to fight social stigma surrounding periods and provide sanitary pads to underprivileged girls and women to reduce school drop-out rates, increase the number of workdays and prevent diseases.

Many of us have ideas, dreams, and passions, but never manifest it. They don’t get up and just do it. But you did. Was there an “Aha Moment” that made you decide that you were actually going to step up and do it? What was that final trigger?

For me it wasn’t one of those single “Aha” moments that come with a sudden realization of something that would change the direction of one’s life in a heartbeat. It was rather a slow, gradual process. Something was always there at the back of my head, in my sub-conscious mind, waiting for the right circumstances to reach the tipping point.

After learning about the issues faced by millions of girls and women due to a lack of access to sanitary pads, my wife and I decided to purchase conventional sanitary pads that were available in the market and simply started donating pads to girls in need. In the process, we started our NGO, United World Foundation, in 2017. As we searched for long-term and scalable solutions, we realized that simply buying sanitary pads from the market and donating them would only solve the problem temporarily. Furthermore, we also realized that while solving the problem of accessibility and availability of sanitary pads, we were being a part of creating another problem of plastic pollution as conventional pads that we were donating contained up to 90% plastic.

The fact that I come from a family of farmers became the missing piece of the puzzle. My family has banana plantations near one of the biggest banana growing belts of India.

Banana plants grow rapidly in just 9–12 months and once bananas are harvested, these plants become agro-waste. Disposing thousands of tons of agro-waste is a hassle for banana farmers. After each harvest, farmers either burn these discarded stems, which causes air pollution or they have to pay additional labor expenses to remove them from their farms. With banana fiber becoming sustainable raw material for Sparkle sanitary pads, farmers can get an opportunity to earn extra income during each harvest while supporting the circular economy.

We started developing innovative ways to transform banana stem agro-waste into sustainable raw material for making new products. We realized that banana fibers are naturally super absorbent and highly effective at locking away menstrual fluid.

At the same time, Hetal, co-founder of Sparkle, was experiencing skin issues while using uncomfortable conventional pads filled with plastic and harsh chemicals. She was looking for natural, plastic-free and affordable alternatives that do not cause skin irritation and allergies.

We started developing biodegradable sanitary pads in 2017 and co-founded Sparkle in February 2018.

Many people don’t know the steps to take to start a new organization. But you did. What are some of the things or steps you took to get your project started?

I think most people delay taking the first step toward turning their innovative ideas into reality and launching their start-ups because they think they do not have either the time or the money. And the truth is that there is always a way as long as you are willing to step out of your routine and comfort zone. It simply depends on how badly you want it and your priorities in life.

Both of us — the co-founders — were working full time at our previous companies and started working on Sparkle during the evenings and on the weekends until the first functioning prototype was developed successfully. We have been bootstrapping from the very beginning. With one us being a mechanical engineer and the other being a chartered accountant and a lawyer, we started developing a sanitary pad from scratch by injecting US$10,000 from our own savings in mid-2017.

We made our first sanitary napkin in the basement of our home using a rectangular homemade die and a paper lamination machine. With a limited budget, we manually chopped banana fibers with scissors before developing an automatic fiber chopping machine in-house. Without access to sophisticated lab equipment to maintain temperature and pressure, we used small pressure cookers to transform the ligno-cellulosic fiber structure of hard banana fiber into soft and absorbent pulp.

Our next challenge was to extract banana fiber economically and efficiently. We purchased banana fiber extraction machines that were available in the market. However, we soon realized that they had very low production capacity with high wastage-ratio due to an inefficient design. The operation was labor intensive with high breakage of fiber. To overcome this challenge, we developed patent-pending auto-feed machines with speed controllers, conveyor belts, brushing unit and drying unit with four times the production capacity and twice the fiber yield compared to existing machines.

Since most machines available in the market to make sanitary pads were way too expensive for any early stage start-up to afford, we developed small-scale and economically viable machines with electric heaters, temperature sensors and basic sealing and cutting functions to make our first functional prototype.

After spending over two years to develop a scalable business model, we launched Sparkle pads in the market in December 2020.

In order to spread the word about our sustainable alternative to conventional sanitary pads, I personally reached out to over 100 journalists who had covered similar stories in the past. In order to find journalists who might be genuinely interested in writing about our start-up, I searched for different key words surrounding sustainability and menstrual hygiene on Google and kept scrolling through different articles till page 20 of the search engine. I found hundreds of articles and started communicating with relevant journalists. After a few months of emailing back and forth, I was able to find many great journalists who offered to cover our story which helped us a lot, especially when we were at a very early stage of our start-up.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you began leading your company or organization?

October 2019 was one of the most eventful months for our start-up. In June 2019, our start-up shifted gears which started a chain reaction that put us on a TV show that airs in 150 countries.

During the second or third week of June 2019, I was having a casual conversation with a friend of mine about what I had been up to lately. After developing two to three versions of fully functional Sparkle pads, we were still trying to make further improvements to our design. As soon as he heard about the process of how we were transforming banana stem agro-waste into sustainable sanitary pads, he suggested that we should apply for Tech Crunch Disrupt SF 2019. While we were still debating whether or not to apply to such a big start-up event where hundreds of start-ups apply from across the globe, he looked up a few articles and told us that we had already missed the deadline.

In the evening, I came home and started searching for other start-up events where we could participate, share our ideas and network with similar start-ups in the circular economy space. As I was scrolling, I came across an update from Tech Crunch that the deadline to apply for Disrupt 2019 had been extended by one week, which meant we had around three to four days to apply. I still remember going through all the application questions that evening and pulling all-nighters to complete the application and shooting a pitch video on my cellphone as we did not have time to do a sophisticated video shoot or editing. Luckily, we were able to submit the Tech Crunch application right before the deadline.

In August 2019, we received an email saying “Congratulations! You’ve been selected as a TC Top Pick in the Health + Biotech category at TechCrunch Disrupt SF 2019! This year, we received more applications than ever, and we’re excited to …” We had been selected as one of the top five start-ups from across the globe in the Health Tech category.

In October 2019, we flew to San Francisco and pitched our start-up on the showcase stage in front of hundreds of people and interacted with a number of investors, start-ups and prominent media members. During the TC Disrupt event, we met one of the team members from the Meet The Drapers TV show who encouraged us to apply to be a part of a TV show in Silicon Valley, where the Draper family meets innovative entrepreneurs, on the hunt for the next billion dollar idea.

As we had originally planned our San Francisco trip to participate in the Disrupt event, we had booked our flights back to India right after the event as we were planning to launch Sparkle pads in India right after introducing them to the world at TC Disrupt.

We followed our instincts, reviewed the criteria for participating in Meet The Drapers and were selected as one of the top 27 start-ups to be a part of the show just ONE day before our flight to India. We changed our flights and spent a few night at my friend’s place who lived near San Jose.

On the Meet The Drapers show, we pitched our start-up to Tim Draper, the early investor in more than 30 unicorns, including Tesla, Skype, Bitcoin, and SpaceX as well as Bill Draper, Polly Draper and a VIP guest judge. We won the first round and moved on to the semi-final.

After the shooting of the TV show was completed, we flew back to India and launched Sparkle pads in December 2019. In just a few months we sold over 100,000 pads.

When I look back, this entire journey still feels like a dream.

Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson or take away you learned from that?

As a mechanical engineer, I have always been curious to study how the devises we use in our daily lives actually work. My wife often find things around the house that she knows have been opened up and put back together by me while doing some sort of experiment.

As the idea of developing a sustainable sanitary pad was evolving in my mind, even before we knew we were going to build a company around it, I was conducting some background research on the products and raw materials. I had done my homework online and carefully studied the basic anatomy of a sanitary pad and specific functions of different layers. I understood that the top hydrophilic layer is designed to provide comfort and pull fluid away from the skin to keep it dry and clean. The absorbent core acquires and distributes the fluid and has a high absorption and retention capacity. And the bottom layer is a leak-proof film that keeps the fluid inside.

As I moved on from theoretical studies to practical experiments, I needed some sanitary pads to fully understand the mechanism of how the devise functions in real life. Being a guy, I had never held a sanitary pad or any menstrual hygiene product in my hand in my life, ever. I opened my wife’s drawers and took out two or three types of sanitary pads and sat down on our bed to dissect them one by one. With four disassembled sanitary pads in front of me, as I was ripping up the fifth one, my wife opened the bedroom door and looked at me with so many questions in her eyes.

I could clearly see her eyes going, “Oh boy, what is he up to now.” All that came out of her mouth was “Ummmm?” and before she asked any questions or made any assumptions, “Wait, let me explain” just slipped out of my mouth.

We still laugh about this when we remember the first time she caught me going through her sanitary pad collection when I was trying to figure out the technical aspects of the product.

I think the lesson here is that you must be willing to go outside your comfort zone and not feel embarrassed or shy about learning new things. (And discuss things with your wife before tearing up her sanitary pads to avoid any awkward moments.)

None of us can be successful without some help along the way. Did you have mentors or cheerleaders who helped you to succeed? Can you tell us a story about their influence?

Sparkle would not have been possible without the support of my childhood friend, my wife and co-founder of Sparkle, Hetal Virani.

I met Hetal in kindergarten when we were both 5 years old. We went to the same school until grade 9. We have seen each other grow-up and go through many ups and downs in life. When we decided to start Sparkle, we found something we were both passionate about. With over eight years of experience, Hetal is responsible for day-to-day planning, implementing and managing all finance and operations related activities of the company. Her passion for promoting equal opportunities for women and expertise as a chartered accountant and cost accountant allows us to manufacture superior quality Sparkle pads while keeping the overhead costs as low as possible. She has successfully developed the ‘Buy One, Give One’ program at Sparkle through which a pad is donated to a girl in need with every Sparkle purchase.

Starting from the very early product development stage when we were trying to design a sanitary pad from scratch to donating over 100,000 sanitary pads to migrant workers, daily wage earners and contractual laborers impacted by COVID-19 in India, she has been an integral part of our journey at every step.

Are there three things the community, society, or politicians can do to help you address the root of the problem you are trying to solve?

We firmly believe that no girl or woman should miss an opportunity to reach her full potential at school or work because of a lack of access to sanitary pads. This is not a girls’ or women’s issue — it’s a human rights issue. Due to a lack of access to sanitary napkins, many girls remain at home during menstruation which is a leading reason for higher school dropout rates of adolescent girls than boys once they reach puberty. A lack of education results in vicious cycle of illiteracy, unemployment and poverty.

There are certainly a number of things that individuals, community, society and politicians can do to address the root causes of the problem we are trying to solve:

Breaking the stigma surrounding menstruation

Menstruation is still highly stigmatized in many parts of the world, especially in low- and middle-income countries. Social and cultural barriers prevent young girls from getting information and education about how to effectively manage their periods.

Schools, colleges and local community centers should organize events and awareness seminars to normalize periods so that girls can learn to treat menstruation as a normal and healthy part of life. Conscious individuals, NGOs or other organizations should collaborate with local doctors or gynecologists to educate underprivileged girls, especially in rural communities, about health problems such as UTIs, reproductive diseases, breast cancer, ovarian cancer and mental health issues.

Educating consumers about the entire product lifecycle

Besides educating young girls and women about how to effectively use menstrual hygiene products, awareness seminars about how to properly dispose used sanitary pads in healthy and eco-friendly ways should also be conducted to ensure that pathogens and bacteria from bodily fluids as well as plastic from sanitary pads do not harm the surrounding ecosystem.

In India, every year, around 12 billion non-biodegradable sanitary pads eventually end up in landfills, oceans or lead to blockage of drains.

In urban areas, women dispose of used sanitary pads in a waste bin. In rural areas, women bury them in a pit or dispose of them in ponds or rivers. In public areas such as schools, offices or municipal toilets, where women may not have access to waste disposal bins, they flush the used sanitary pad in the toilet. Since non-biodegradable sanitary pads do not decompose for a long time, they lead to the clogging of toilets or sewerage systems.

Due to unorganized ways of municipal solid waste management and lack of infrastructure for organized segregation, collection, disposal and transportation networks in the cities and villages, these soiled pads eventually end up in a landfill.

Incinerating conventional pads that contain plastic and harsh chemicals releases toxic fumes into the environment. Sanitary pads that end up in landfills remain unchanged for around 600–800 years after disposal. They get picked up by birds and animals and pollute the land and water. Partially degraded Poly Propylene (PP) or Poly Ethylene (PE) from the sanitary pad top layer, bottom layer or plastic wrappers can be carried by wind and rain into drainage networks or rivers that then flow into the sea.

Once in the ocean, plastic decomposes very slowly, breaking down in to tiny pieces known as micro plastics that can be incredibly damaging to sea life. Microscopic plastic particles get transferred through multiple layers of the food chain, which could even end up on your plate.

As a smart consumer, you should ask yourself the following questions before making informed purchasing decisions:

  • Is the material used to make your products relatively in its natural form, or has it been synthesized in a lab from combinations of elements that do not exist in nature?
  • How long does it take for the material to actually break down?
  • Are there any contaminants or toxic substances left behind during the degradation process?

How would you articulate how a business can become more profitable by being more sustainable and more environmentally conscious? Can you share a story or example?

Today’s health conscious and eco-conscious consumer is willing to go the extra mile to make sustainable choices and to avoid products that contribute to plastic pollution. As more start-ups emerge in sustainability and the circular economy space and customers become more aware about eco-friendly alternatives, sooner or later, most brands will have to offer value-added products made from sustainable raw materials. Business that would adapt to this trend early on would definitely have a head start in terms of sustaining their current customers and acquiring new customers.

In addition to using sustainable ingredients to develop innovative products, it is equally important to educate customers about how their choices are beneficial for the environment in the long run so they can make informed purchasing decisions. Once customers see your core values and recognize genuine efforts by your brand toward making the world a better place, they would proudly become your brand ambassadors and help you spread the word.

When we were working on developing our first prototypes of Sparkle pads, we experimented with many different ingredients such as cellulose-based fibrous materials (including banana fiber, bamboo, jute, wheat straw, bagasse etc.) as well as naturally absorbent bio-polymers (which is a sustainable alternative to synthetic crude oil derivative Sodium Polyacrylate that is used by almost all the conventional period brands to enhance absorbency). Similarly, we experimented with other natural and biodegradable materials for the top hydrophilic sheet as well as leak-proof bottom barrier sheet in order to make a pad that does not contain any plastic. Conventional pads contain up to 90% plastic with the top sheet made from Poly Propylene (PP) and bottom sheet made from Poly Ethylene (PE).

Instead of persuading our potential customers to purchase our products, we focus on equipping them with sufficient information that can help them evaluate available alternatives on their own for making educated purchase decisions.

As a result, in just a few months after we launched out first product, we sold over 100,000 pads.

What are your “5 things I wish someone told me when I first started” and why. Please share a story or example for each.

I believe that every start-up has to find its own unique path. Although the journeys of different start-ups may vary, there are a few common lessons that might apply to most of them.

  1. Having a clear vision, especially in the beginning, is very important. It goes without saying that you have to believe in your idea before anyone else does. And you must have a clear vision with strategic, measurable and quantifiable milestones that will help you turn your vision into a reality. Because as soon as you start your journey, everyone you meet or seek approval from will have their own opinion about your vision. You must understand that everyone will not share the same vision, passion or drive as you. Staying positive, protecting your vision and moving forward will be one of the biggest challenges at the early stage.
  2. It’s okay to make a mistake. You must get comfortable with failure because that is where all the lessons are. The only way to be 100% sure that you never fail is to not think outside the box at all, in which case you fail by default as you are not innovating enough. The real trick to becoming a successful entrepreneur is to fail better and fail forward. When you try something new, failure is almost always inevitable. This is the part where the real journey begins. The successful and unsuccessful entrepreneurs choose their separate paths at the very moment of failure. You can either choose to give up or you can learn the lesson, grow and move on.
  3. You can’t do everything alone — you need a well-balanced team. No matter how smart or talented you think you are, you will not be able to handle every single aspect of your business efficiently on your own. You may do well in some areas where you are skilled at, but you will also need to perform well in many other aspects in order to succeed — such as finance, strategy, marketing, tech, PR, sales, distribution and much more. It’s always a good idea to start building a well-balanced team with diverse backgrounds from the beginning. You may feel that at the very early stage you cannot afford to hire new team members, but there are many ways to cut down that cost and still get your work done. If you cannot afford to hire in-house experts, you can look for individuals who can help you on your projects on a freelance basis.
  4. Don’t forget to celebrate small victories. On this long and eventful entrepreneurial journey, once in a while you will be rewarded by small victories. And they will taste a lot sweeter than the hardships you may have faced along the way. To make sure you and your team do not lose momentum and experience occasional burnouts, it is very important to celebrate every single one of those small victories. As an entrepreneur, you must realize that no one is going to give you a trophy for all your efforts and hard work. Celebrating these small wins provides a positive reinforcement you and your team periodically need.
  5. Don’t hesitate to ask for help. Another effective tactic that is very useful is simply asking your close friends or family members for help when you get stuck. As Steve Jobs said in one of his interviews, “I’ve never found anybody that didn’t want to help me if I asked them for help. Most people never ask.” We all know someone who might know someone who is an expert in something we need help with.

If you could tell other young people one thing about why they should consider making a positive impact on our environment or society, like you, what would you tell them?

I strongly believe that if everyone would take at least one small positive action or make one conscious choice every day, we can make this world a better place. A society is simply made up of a group of people who are just like you and me. If individuals do not take responsible actions, nothing will ever change on its own. It doesn’t have to be a grand gesture or a life-altering commitment where you have to dedicate your entire life toward a cause. Even small day-to-day actions can make a big difference. For example, choosing to use less single-use plastic, properly segregating your waste so that the recyclable items can be recycled and get a second life rather than ending up in landfills, donating old clothes or shoes you do not need to nearby NGOs to ensure that they can be reused by someone in need. You don’t always have to donate money or things to be able to make a difference. Sometimes you can make a bigger difference by donating your time and energy.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

“Armed with an understanding of how many challenges humanity has overcome so far, you’re inspired to do whatever you can to help solve today’s problems and prevent tomorrow’s.”

- Bill Gates

I believe this quote is not only applicable to the challenges we face as humanity, but it is also relevant at an individual or a business level. As we go through different stages of our personal transformations or entrepreneurial journey, we must look for the lessons in mistakes we make and apply that knowledge to build the foundation for growth. Nobody knows all the answers to all the questions. The important thing is to take the first step, learn from failures and keep on going.

Is there a person in the world, or in the US with whom you would like to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might just see this, especially if we tag them. :-)

Mr. Bill Gates.

If I were to describe my long-term goal, which includes a strategic plan for the next 40 years, I aim to focus on my professional career for the next 10 to 15 years before diverting all my time and energy toward charitable initiatives. I have already established the ground work of launching a start-up with an aim to take it public and starting an NGO to better understand some of the global challenges I aim to address in the long run and take necessary actions with the available resources I have today.

I would love to learn from Mr. Gates’ experience and lessons he has learned from his journey as a successful philanthropist to address some of the biggest problems we face. I am 32 years old and I believe I can still work for 40 more years to do what I can to make this world a better place. With a long-term plan and a clear strategic growth plan, I believe a lot can be achieved in four decades.

How can our readers follow you online?

Personal LinkedIn:


Sparkle Social Media:

This was very meaningful, thank you so much. We wish you only continued success on your great work!



Penny Bauder
Authority Magazine

Environmental scientist-turned-entrepreneur, Founder of Green Kid Crafts