Stars Making a Social Impact: Why & How Host Percy Brown of ThePrinceofFreshAir Podcast Is Helping To Change Our World

Yitzi Weiner
Authority Magazine
Published in
11 min readJun 5, 2024

Nothing in Life worth having comes easy, so be patient. Take the mistakes and failures you will face and learn from them so you can be ready for the next opportunity. This is a marathon, not a sprint!

As a part of our series about stars who are making an important social impact, I had the pleasure of interviewing Percy Brown.

Percy Taquan Brown, a multi-faceted performer, is an Actor, Entertainer and Podcast Creator from New York City who’s carving his own path not just in front of the camera, but behind the mic as well. Born and raised in Manhattan before moving to The Bronx, he is a powerhouse of intellect and strategy. Percy honed his skills competing in Chess tournaments for six years, beginning at the age of 7. His creative passion eventually led him to pursue Acting at 13, which built his love and deep passion for performing, laying the foundation of a lifelong journey in entertainment.

His journey began when he was casted in Shakespeare’s “Much Ado About Nothing” as Don Pedro while working with Epic Theatre Remix in high school. Soon after, he also received his first on-camera role appearing in a Domestic Violence PSA with BET Networks. During that time, he merged the skills he developed from performing to learn and showcase another skill: Card Magic. For 8 years, he went on various college campuses, including his alma mater St. Bonaventure University, to perform at special events, around the streets of NYC and even for the well recognized BindleStiff Family Cirkus.

Percy got his first big opportunity in a supporting role in the film “The Incoherents” featuring Amy Carlson and Annette O’Toole. Soon after, he appeared in the award-winning documentary film “Accept The Call” as Mohammed Farah, a film based on a true story of 4 black teens from Minnesota accused of terrorism and portrayed one of the teens. His latest film, Third Week, co-produced with Dick Wolf’s company, Wolf Entertainment, is a social drama dealing with important issues faced by inner city minorities, is currently being screened in Spain before making its US debut in late 2024.

After moving to Los Angeles, in 2020, he decided to venture into Podcasting in order to create his own work and brand after appearing on multiple episodes with LA based YouTube channel Jubilee Media and garnering positive feedback and support from viewers for his opinions. Formerly named as “Controversial Topics’’, he rebranded his podcast into ThePrinceofFreshAir in 2021 when he shifted into a more comedy-centric approach. ThePrinceofFreshAir Podcast aims to create a platform where people from all walks of life can engage in meaningful and transformative conversations and speak their truth about various issues, current events and thought-provoking topics. Featuring interviews with celebrities, actors, athletes, teachers, and everyday individuals, we dive into impactful discussions on everything from breaking news and pop culture, to controversial issues. Percy’s mission is to celebrate diversity by inviting a multitude of perspectives, while also promoting a spirit of positivity and togetherness. Provided by Podcasters of Spotify and available on over 30 Platforms including IHeart Radio, Audible, Amazon Music and Spotify to name a few, each episode promises to be a thrilling ride of entertainment with something you can learn from and maybe even relate to.

Thank you so much for joining us on this interview series. Can you share with us the backstory that led you to this career path?

I’ve been acting and performing since I was 13 years old. It was all I knew and wanted to do; That slightly changed when I left to attend college at St. Bonaventure University. My first year there, I did a summer internship with our college’s local soup kitchen, “The Warming House” as well as our local vegetable farm, Canticle Farm. I not only got to experience the hard work and labor of working on a farm, but I got to meet, feed and interact with people who society would look down on. People struggling with mental illness and addiction; low income individuals, struggling veterans and the homeless. I used my magic tricks to bond with them and learn about the community we were serving, which led me to performing magic on stage on campus and even performing for magician Collins Key, America’s Got Talent season 8 Finalist Soon after, I joined my college’s radio station, 88.3 The Buzz and hosted my own show as DJ Long Walks On The Beach for a year, where I would make jokes but share positive stories that some of the guests from the soup kitchen told me. I didn’t realize it then, but eventually I found that I could use my voice in other meaningful ways outside of Acting to inspire others. So one day in May of 2020, I spontaneously picked up my phone, hopped on a call with a close friend, recorded my first episode and haven’t looked back.

It has been said that our mistakes can be our greatest teachers. Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

In the age of social media, It is very easy to compare yourself to the next person. Being a young creative, especially when I moved to LA, I was constantly measuring myself to the other actors and creatives in the business. I tried to make myself seem more important, bragged about auditions and tried to be the center of attention because I wanted to seem better than the others. I remember one time my old roommate bringing over his friend who had a recurring role on a hit TV show. I knew that he wasn’t being brash and just wanted to meet, but I immediately went into trying to big myself up so I didn’t feel like a failure. It wasn’t my proudest moment, but I can look back and laugh at that because ultimately everyone’s journey is unique to them. So it’s okay to acknowledge someone else’s success because eventually, I knew I would have my own success..

What would you advise a young person who wants to emulate your success?

It took me years to figure this out, but I would say don’t limit yourself! For most of my life, acting was my identity. I needed to be on stage or to book a role in a project to feel complete with myself. It wasn’t until I hit a low point in my career that I realized I can find other ways to express myself and to be creative. The entertainment business can be really rewarding, but it is a very competitive and unpredictable industry and you won’t always be consistently working. So, I got involved with things outside of just TV/Film projects that I never even thought of doing; voice-over work, commercials, creating my own content and projects. Let your voice and creativity out and don’t limit yourself to one specific artform. Go explore and try new things because not only will you learn new things, but you just might surprise yourself on how versatile you can be.

Is there a person that made a profound impact on your life? Can you share a story?

There’s many people who have helped me in my Acting journey who deserve credit, but this one is more on a personal note. I want to shout out two of the guests I met during my time working at my college’s soup kitchen, The Warming House; I remember meeting two guys, Damien and Bob; Damien was a former Marine who moved to the area in the early 2000’s after he was done serving and Bob was his long time friend who was a truck driver who fell on hard times. At first, I thought Damien was a wise cracking bully, always trying to ruin my magic routines I would perform before dinner service. After a few months of being there, I remember one day sitting down with them during dinner and they both opened up; Damien trained Boxing for decades and competed in local and national fights and won the Buffalo Golden Gloves competition in the 2000’s before he retired due to multiple hand injuries and becoming an addict. He was protective over Bob because people bullied him for his quiet demeanor and the health issues he had and he wanted to make sure the people working there understood the community and weren’t judging them. Everyone knew I was an Actor, but we bonded over our love for MMA and Combat sports; he would sometimes show me some boxing techniques and combinations he trained and I even taught them a couple of card tricks I learned when I first started. Damien was still a wise-cracking guy, but we gained mutual respect and I learned alot about not assuming and judging people until I got to know them.

How are you using your success to bring goodness to the world? Can you share with us the meaningful or exciting causes you’re working on right now?

A couple times a week, I love to give away food to the homeless and participate in food drives such as City Harvest. I also like to donate to Mt. Irenaeus, a Franciscan mountain community with ties to my alma mater, St. Bonaventure University. Although I host my own podcast, I really enjoy going on other platforms, big or small, to share my story and experience. I enjoy appearing on the well known Youtube Channel, Jubilee Media, because I get to participate in content that millions watch that aims to start conversations on important topics in society. Recently, I’ve been joining podcasts that deal with touchy subjects such as Mental Health, Therapy and Self Love because I want people to get to know me outside of just being an entertainer and opening up on my life and how I got to where I am today!

Can you share with us a story behind why you chose to take up this particular cause?

Growing up in foster care, I had my own tough time dealing with my identity and struggling to find out who I was as a person. It took many years of failing, hard work and achieving success along the way to get to who I am today and if it wasn’t for Although I have been able to overcome a lot of those deep issues, I know there are so many people who are in the same situation I was in and looking for guidance and inspiration. So just like the countless individuals who gave me a chance and helped me in my journey, I want to be that person for the next one or hundreds to come!

Can you share with us a story about a person who was impacted by your cause?

So this is one of my favorite episodes I ever did. While working at a gym in LA, I became friends with a fellow gym enthusiastic named Kelsey. After a few months of getting to know each other and her showing support for the podcast, I decided to invite her on to talk about her story because it was something shocking to learn and I thought it would be such a memorable discussion that many could relate to since she never publicly opened up about her life. She talked about being diagnosed with Lupus suddenly as a teenager, her constant battle living with the disease, how working out was something she used to keep strong and how she stays motivated despite the daily side effects of her condition. She didn’t think her story mattered, but she was surprised to hear it was the highest viewed episode of the year and how many people reached out to commend her bravery for telling her story!

Are there three things or are there things that individuals, society, or the government can do to support you in this effort?

I used to think I wasn’t making an impact, but my time working at The Warming House showed me that even the smallest gesture of kindness can help someone.I think our government can create more programs aimed to help people in need. A Lot of people feel neglected and hopeless without proper resources to change their circumstances, so more governmental programs for access to Food, Drug Treatment and Housing is much needed, especially with more people struggling to provide basic essentials. Also, if you listen or never got a chance to check out ThePrinceofFreshAir Podcast, tune in and share with your community because the episodes are not just for me, but for others out there who want to hear people they can relate to and for the guests who want to empower people who are going through their own tough times in life!

What are your “5 things I wish someone told me when I first started”

  1. In the Entertainment Industry, you will hear more No’s than Yes’s. Embrace the grind and keep working because one of those Yes’s can be life changing, so don’t give up on yourself.
  2. Get a side hustle or day job. Until you make it, it’s an expensive career to maintain with Headshots, Classes, Acting Websites and your Actors Portfolio. Save as much as you can!
  3. Don’t get complacent! No matter how many jobs you book or you get representation from a Talent Agency or Manager, the work on your part doesn’t stop. Stay sharp, prepared and professional!
  4. Learn to say NO! If you’re not comfortable with a role or doing something, don’t be afraid to negotiate or even pass on the opportunity. There is a lot more work so you don’t have to take every offer!
  5. Nothing in Life worth having comes easy, so be patient. Take the mistakes and failures you will face and learn from them so you can be ready for the next opportunity. This is a marathon, not a sprint!

You’re a person of enormous influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger.

Performing is my passion, but I want to create my own business similar to The Warming House. I would love to open a public Soup Kitchen that people struggling or even just down on their luck can come to so they not only can have a hot meal, but hopefully build a sense of togetherness and a community. An inclusive environment for all, I want people to have somewhere to go where there’s no judgment and they can meet without feeling dismissed.

Can you please give us your favorite life lesson quote? And can you explain how that was relevant in your life?

My favorite quote is a quote you will hear after every episode of my podcast: “A Helping Hand is a Better Hand”. Inspired by my time working at the soup kitchen, my purpose of performing, podcasting and acting is not only aimed to provide entertainment, but to use my platform to inspire and motivate others to go out there and make their own journey. As a kid, I struggled with low self esteem and had anger issues, but with the help of many people along the way, I changed for the better and found my purpose. Everyday is a new set of challenges and I look forward to overcoming it!

We are blessed that some very prominent names in Business, VC funding, Sports, and Entertainment read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US with whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch, and why? He or she might just see this if we tag them.

I’m being greedy so I can’t just pick one. I would love to meet the “Fastest Man Alive” Usain Bolt and Dwayne Johnson. I appreciate Dwayne’s passion to help others and would love to challenge him for the electrifying man nickname haha. I have been a huge fan of Usain Bolt since I was a teenager and it would be cool to learn some behind the scenes of his career. Plus, maybe I can be the one to beat him in a race?!

Thank you so much for these amazing insights. This was so inspiring, and we wish you continued success!

Remember, “A Helping Hand is a Better Hand.” Thank you for this awesome opportunity. AND SCENE!



Yitzi Weiner
Authority Magazine

A “Positive” Influencer, Founder & Editor of Authority Magazine, CEO of Thought Leader Incubator