Successful Rule Breakers: Antonio Castelan Of Fortum Digital Services On How To Succeed By Doing Things Differently

An Interview With Chad Silverstein

Chad Silverstein
Authority Magazine
12 min readNov 20, 2023


Dare to be Different: From day one, innovation and out-of-the-box thinking was our cornerstone. We love a crazy idea. Utilizing advanced analytics, a powerhouse of strategy and planning, AI, and our crystal ball, we are able to predict market dynamics and shifts that ensure our success. This bold move into uncharted territory demonstrated how innovation can not only solve existing problems but also open doors to new possibilities. Differentiating ourselves implies we are the same as other marketing companies to begin with. We are pioneering solutions for the future.

In the world of business and within every industry, there are forward-thinking leaders who go against the status quo and find success. Their courage to take risks, embrace innovation, and inspire collaboration separates them from the competition. Until 2002, Apple’s famous slogan was “Think Different”. This attitude likely helped them become one of the most successful organizations in history. This interview series aims to showcase visionary leaders and their “status quo-breaking” approach to doing business. As part of this series, I had the pleasure of interviewing Antonio Castelan.

Antonio Castelan, a visionary entrepreneur, embarked on his business journey with a deep-rooted belief in his unique potential and a commitment to making a significant impact in the real estate industry. Growing up in Houston, Texas, as a child of hardworking immigrant parents, Antonio was instilled with values of perseverance, empathy, and the importance of providing true value. His natural aptitude for understanding market gaps and harnessing technology led him to establish Fortum Digital Services, a company dedicated to revolutionizing real estate marketing through innovative strategies and genuine client care.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Our readers would love to get to know you a bit better. Can you tell us your “Origin Story”? Can you tell us the story of how you grew up?

My journey began in a modest, vibrant neighborhood in South Houston. My parents, having migrated from Puebla, Mexico, provided a nurturing yet challenging environment. They taught me the value of hard work, resilience, and the pursuit of excellence. Despite our financial struggles, my childhood was rich with lessons in humility and the importance of community. My parents’ unwavering support and belief in my potential ignited a passion in me to transcend the limitations of our circumstances. I grew up with a relentless ambition to create something impactful, something that would not only change our lives but also leave a mark on the world. This drive led me to the world of real estate, where I saw an opportunity to make a real difference through innovation and dedication.

Can you give us a glimpse into your journey into this industry and share a story about one of the most significant challenges you faced when you first started out? How did you end up resolving that challenge?

Entering the real estate industry has always been a formidable challenge. The industry, known for its complexity and competitiveness, was particularly daunting for someone 17 years old. One of the biggest hurdles was gaining credibility and trust from seasoned professionals and clients. They often viewed my age and lack of traditional experience as a disadvantage. However, I turned this challenge into an opportunity by focusing on what I could bring to the table: fresh perspectives, innovative ideas, and an unwavering commitment to providing value. My resolve paid off when I secured my first major client, who was impressed by my unique approach and the results we delivered. This experience taught me the power of resilience and the importance of believing in your vision, regardless of the obstacles.

Who has been the most significant influence in your business journey, and what is the most significant lesson or insight you have learned from them?

The most profound influence on my business journey has been my dad. He was never an entrepreneur himself, but the life lessons he implanted have been invaluable. His approach to life, emphasizing hard work, empathy, and putting others first, deeply impacted my own business philosophy. He taught me the essence of true value — that real success comes from making a positive difference in others’ lives, not just in profit margins. This lesson of selflessness and investing in relationships has been a cornerstone of how I conduct business. It’s about creating genuine connections and building a legacy of impact, lessons I carry with me in every decision I make.

Can you share a story about something specific that happened early on that you would consider a failure but ended up being a blessing in disguise or ended up being one of the most valuable lessons you had to learn on your own?

Early in my career, I faced what I initially perceived as a failure that turned out to be a pivotal learning moment. I had invested heavily in a marketing strategy that, despite my confidence, completely flopped. It was a tough pill to swallow, leading to self-doubt and financial strain. However, this experience forced me to reevaluate my approach, leading to a deeper understanding of client needs, market dynamics, and pioneering innovation. It taught me the value of adaptability and the importance of having a flexible mindset. This ‘failure’ was instrumental in shaping the more nuanced and successful strategies that Fortum Digital Services employs today, reminding me that sometimes, if not most times, our greatest lessons come from our most challenging moments.

Leading anything is hard, especially when grappling with a difficult situation where it seems that no matter what you decide, it will have a negative impact on those around you. Can you share a story about a situation you faced that required making a “hard call” or a tough decision between two paths?

One of the toughest decisions I’ve had to make involved choosing between two potentially lucrative projects. Both promised significant returns, but pursuing both simultaneously was not feasible due to resource constraints. I had to make a choice: play it safe with the more conventional project or take a risk with the one that was more innovative but uncertain. After much deliberation, I chose the latter, driven by my belief in its long-term potential and alignment with our company’s vision. It was a risk that paid off, leading to groundbreaking success, and opening new avenues for growth. This decision reinforced the importance of trusting your instincts and staying true to your company’s core values, even when it means making difficult choices. This particular project was daring and risky. One that if, and only, played to perfection would yield the results we were after. The careful deliberation and innovative strategies were the difference makers and really our mark.

Let’s shift our focus to the core of this interview about ‘Successful Rule Breakers’. Why did you decide to “break the rules”? Early on, did you identify a particular problem or issue in how businesses in your industry generally operated? What specifically compelled you to address this and want to do things differently? Please share how you went about implementing those changes and the impact they had.

My decision to break industry norms, standards and everything in between stemmed from a profound moment of clarity during a hospital stay. That night, as I laid reflecting on my life and career, I realized the potential of myself and my ideas. Unique insights and methodologies we had at Fortum Digital Services — our ‘crystal ball’ — we are one in a million. I saw how conventional methods in real estate were failing to fully capitalize on emerging trends and technologies. Determined to bring a radical change, I began implementing strategies that were unconventional but highly effective. We introduced AI-driven analytics, focused on creating deeper, more meaningful client relationships, and emphasized the human aspect in a technology-driven industry. This approach not only set us apart but also led to significant advancements in how real estate marketing is perceived and executed. It was a testament to the power of thinking differently and having the courage to challenge the status quo.

In the ever-changing business landscape, how exactly do you decide when to adhere to industry norms versus “breaking the rules” and forging your own way? Can you share an example?

Deciding when to adhere to industry norms and when to break them often boils down to intuition, honed by experience. While industry norms serve as reliable benchmarks, they aren’t always the optimal path for innovation and progress. In my journey with Fortum Digital Services, there have been numerous instances where following the standard procedures felt limiting. One example was our approach to client engagement. The industry norm focused heavily on quantitative metrics, but I felt something was missing. So, we incorporated a more holistic approach, emphasizing qualitative insights and personal connections. This shift not only differentiated us in the marketplace but also led to deeper, more meaningful relationships with our clients. It was a risk, deviating from the tried-and-tested path, but it paid off by creating a unique identity for our brand in a crowded market.

What guidance or insight can you offer to new entrepreneurs trying to follow existing and accepted industry norms while at the same time trying to differentiate themselves in the marketplace?

For new entrepreneurs, the balance between adhering to industry norms and carving out a unique identity is delicate. My advice is to learn the rules thoroughly first. Understand why they exist and what they achieve. This knowledge forms a solid foundation upon which you can build your unique ideas. Then, start experimenting within safe boundaries. Small, calculated risks allow you to test the waters without jeopardizing your venture. Over time, as you gain confidence and understanding of your industry, you’ll find opportunities to innovate. Remember, differentiation in the marketplace doesn’t always require grand gestures; sometimes, it’s the subtle changes and the unique values you bring that set you apart.

To make an impact, you have to champion change, get creative, and take risks. Please think back about the decisions you’ve made that have helped your business get to where it is today, and share your top 5 strategies or decisions that helped you succeed by doing things differently. If you can, please share a story or example for each.

1 . Embracing Technology Early and Innovatively: Our journey into embracing cutting-edge technologies like AI was marked by both risk and opportunity. In the initial days of Fortum Digital Services, when the digital marketing sphere was just warming up to AI, we plunged headfirst into it. A defining moment was when we used AI-driven analytics for a client in the healthcare sector. The AI tools analyzed vast datasets to uncover unmet patient needs, which we leveraged to create a highly targeted campaign. This strategy not only skyrocketed the client’s engagement rates but also positioned us as pioneers in AI application in marketing. It was a gamble that paid off, showcasing how early adoption of technology can lead to groundbreaking outcomes.

2 . Prioritizing Quality Over Quantity: A pivotal moment that exemplifies our commitment to quality came when we faced a lucrative offer from a high-profile client whose project objectives didn’t align with our value-driven approach. The project, though financially enticing, focused more on surface-level metrics rather than deeper, impactful results. After much deliberation, we decided to decline the offer. This decision, although difficult, strengthened our brand ethos and attracted clients who valued depth and authenticity. It was a testament to the long-term benefits of upholding quality and integrity in our services.

3 . Cultivating a Culture of Continuous Learning: Our commitment to continual learning was crucial during the pandemic. When the crisis hit, we had to quickly shift gears and rethink our strategies. Our team, already steeped in a culture of learning and adaptability, rose to the challenge. We developed new digital solutions for clients struggling with the sudden shift to online platforms. This agility not only helped us weather the storm but also cemented our reputation as a versatile and resilient agency. It was a clear illustration of how a learning-driven culture is an invaluable asset in times of uncertainty.

4 . Dare to be Different: From day one, innovation and out-of-the-box thinking was our cornerstone. We love a crazy idea. Utilizing advanced analytics, a powerhouse of strategy and planning, AI, and our crystal ball, we are able to predict market dynamics and shifts that ensure our success. This bold move into uncharted territory demonstrated how innovation can not only solve existing problems but also open doors to new possibilities. Differentiating ourselves implies we are the same as other marketing companies to begin with. We are pioneering solutions for the future.

5 . Focusing on Sustainable Growth: Our approach to growth has been measured and strategic. A key decision that reflects this was when we had an opportunity to expand rapidly by merging with another agency. After careful evaluation, we chose not to proceed as it would have diluted our core values and strained our resources. This decision, though slowing our growth pace, ensured that we maintained the quality of our work and the well-being of our team. It highlighted the importance of sustainable growth — expanding not just for the sake of size but with a clear vision and adherence to core values.

As a leader, how do you rally others to align with your vision? Also, how do you identify those who may not be fully committed or even silently sabotaging or undermining your efforts? What steps do you take to address these situations?

Aligning a team with a vision requires clear communication, transparency, and, importantly, leading by example. To rally others, I share not only the ‘what’ but the ‘why’ behind our goals. When team members understand the purpose and the impact of their work, they’re more likely to commit fully. Identifying those who are not aligned or may be undermining efforts is a challenge. I look for signs in their engagement levels, their contributions to team discussions, and their overall attitude. Addressing these situations involves open, honest conversations. I seek to understand their perspectives and, if necessary, realign their roles to match their strengths and interests. In some cases, tough decisions have to be made for the greater good of the team and the company.

Imagine we’re sitting down together two years from now, looking back at your company’s last 24 months. What specific accomplishments would have to happen for you to be happy with your progress?

Reflecting on the last two years, several specific accomplishments come to mind for me to feel truly satisfied with our progress. Firstly, the dinner party with my closest support system — it’s a symbol of gratitude and shared success. Secondly, the act of buying those flowers represents a personal tradition of acknowledging milestones. Professionally, expanding Fortum Digital Services into three countries across three continents is a significant goal. Achieving this would not only mark our global footprint but also validate our strategies and the impact we’re making in the real estate industry. These accomplishments are not just milestones; they symbolize the growth, the relationships, and the global influence we aspire to have.

You are a person of enormous influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

If I were to inspire a movement, it would be focused on cultivating global empathy and understanding. In a world increasingly divided by opinions and beliefs, fostering a culture of empathy can bridge gaps and create a more harmonious society. This movement would encourage people to step into others’ shoes, to understand diverse perspectives, and to act with kindness and consideration. Such a shift in mindset could have far-reaching effects, from resolving conflicts to creating more inclusive communities. The power of empathy, when harnessed collectively, can lead to profound changes in how we interact with each other and address global challenges.

How can our readers continue to follow you or your company online?

Readers who wish to stay updated with our journey at Fortum Digital Services can follow us on various social media platforms such as on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and through our website: We regularly share insights, updates, and stories about our work, our challenges, and our successes. Following us online is not just about staying informed; it’s about being part of a community that values innovation, empathy, and transformative change in the real estate industry. We welcome everyone to join our digital family and be part of our ongoing journey.

Thank you so much for sharing all of these insights. We wish you continued success and good health!

Thank you, to you as well.

About the Interviewer: Chad Silverstein is a successful entrepreneur with more than two decades of experience as a successful founder and CEO. He started his first company, Choice Recovery, Inc. a third-party collection agency, out of his apartment while going to The Ohio State University. He grew the business nationwide and represented more than 10,000 clients before he sold the company on his 25th anniversary. Chad’s second venture [re]start, a career development platform that helps people find new jobs, launched in 2013 as a division inside his agency. [re]start was a catalyst to Chad’s team becoming an industry outlier after connecting thousands of people sent to collections with new career opportunities so they could afford to pay their bills and get out of debt. His team was nationally recognized for their social impact, while twice being ranked the #1 business to work for in Central Ohio. Chad sold [re]start in 2023 and is now a writer and thought leader for Authority Magazine’s Entrepreneur and Sports Editorials. He also offers an exclusive executive leadership program inside his online community at Authentic Authority.



Chad Silverstein
Authority Magazine

Chad Silverstein: 25-years experience as a CEO & Founder, sharing entrepreneurial insights & empowering the next generation of leaders.